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Histoire de Melody Nelson by Serge Gainsbourg
Histoire de Melody Nelson by Serge Gainsbourg
1971 | World
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I became popular in France prior to becoming popular anywhere else; for whatever reason they just adopted me. I didn’t speak any French, I didn’t tailor that in any way, but they said I was a bit like Serge and then I got into him as a consequence. The French are a weird culture, I’m really blessed that I’m popular there but I also think… fuck, it is quite uncool there. They’re the only nation in the world that clap on the one and the three, everyone else claps on the two and the four, so there’s something inherently corrupt about their understanding of music. They’re better at pastry than they are at music. Serge Gainsbourg understood how shit French music was, and he turned it around."

A Spy Among Friends: Philby and the Great Betrayal
A Spy Among Friends: Philby and the Great Betrayal
Ben Macintyre | 2015 | Biography, History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you're looking for a non-fiction book that reads like fiction, this is definitely a must-read.
Kim Philby is infamous, he was responsible for compromising countless agents/missions from the 1930s to the 1960s. He's the inspiration behind a lot of spy fiction, one of the biggest ones being Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. The book has a few main sources, Philby himself in his strange memoir written after he fled to Moscow, Nicholas Elliot, a friend and co-worker from MI-6, and James Angleton, also a friend from the CIA. Of course, hindsight is 20/20, but there were so many signs of treachery, it's hard to believe that it took 30 years to finally get a confession from him.
And, I mean, come on, the dude decided on giving himself the nickname of Kim, like the character in Rudyard Kipling's novel.
Unfiltered: No Shame, No Regrets, Just Me
Unfiltered: No Shame, No Regrets, Just Me
Lily Collins | 2017 | Biography
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unfiltered is Lily Collins’ honest, heartfelt letter to her fans, inspired by all of the times that they shared their stories with her and her desire to show that no one is alone.

A lot of her stories stem from her past relationships and how she learned from them. She discusses self-worth, battling addictions, and being strong enough to do what is best for you. It is genuine and likely resonates with a lot of people.

 Her relationships with her parents are detailed, from her best friend bond with her mother to her more distant one with her father. Personally, I relate to her stories about her mother because mine is also my best friend - despite the fact that we don’t always get along. I know, just as Lily knows, that our mothers will always be there for us no matter what.

She even includes some letters that you can use to express how you feel to someone else, tell yourself that you are worth it, or tailor to suit what you want to say.

I have always loved Lily Collins (it doesn’t hurt that she played Clary and we share a birthday) so I was highly anticipating reading this book. It’s a pretty short book, so it won’t take very long to read but it has a few really poignant moments.
A Spell of Good Things
A Spell of Good Things
Ayobami Adebayo | 2023 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Spell of Good Things by Ayòbámi Adébáyò is a book that looks unflinchingly at the have’s and have not’s in Nigeria. The two main characters come from two very different backgrounds.

Eniola is a boy who looks like a man. His schoolteacher father loses his job due to a shakeup in the education system, and falls into a deep depression. This leaves Eniola working as an errand boy for the local tailor, collecting newspapers and begging (much against his will). He wants so much more for his life, though…

Wuraola is from a wealthy family. Her parents are proud of her succeeding in her aim to be a doctor - and now they expect her to marry. And Kunle is the son of friends that they favour. But he’s volatile in private (to say the least).

We follow the stories of Eniola and Wuraola and the differences in their lives are stark. Eniola goes to school hungry, he’s beaten by the teachers because his parents pay their school fees late (if at all). And finally, he thinks he has found a way out of his poverty - when in fact it’s something far worse.

Wuraola’s life is difficult in a different way: she has a well-paid, well-respected job, but the Nigerian health system is overstretched, underfunded and doesn’t have enough doctors. But she believes in doing her duty, so she works hard, and says yes when Kunle proposes.

Wuraola’s and Eniola’s lives are on a collision course though.

I inhaled this book. It’s gritty and doesn’t hold back in any way. It’s an insight into lives I’ve never experienced and so powerfully told. The themes of domestic abuse, poverty, access to education and political corruption make for a heartbreaking read.
The Snowman (2017)
The Snowman (2017)
2017 | Crime, Drama, Horror
“We’re trudging through the slush”.
Unlike its animated namesake, “The Snowman” is not a good film. Frustratingly it has all the right ingredients:

A story by bestselling Nordic writer Jo Nesbø;
Gorgeously photogenic snowy scenes of Oslo and Bergen;
A stellar cast (Michael Fassbender (“Alien: Covenant“); Rebecca Ferguson (“Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation“); J.K. Simmons (“Whiplash“); Toby Jones (“Dad’s Army“); Chloe Sevigny (“Love and Friendship“); Charlotte Gainsbourg (“Independence Day: Resurgence“, very sexy as Fassbender’s ex-squeeze) and even Val Kilmer (“Top Gun”, whose mother – interesting fact – is actually Swedish).
That sinking feeling when you realise you’ve been drinking all night and its too late for bed before work.

And while these elements congeal in the snow together quite well as vignettes, the whole film jerks from vignette to vignette in a most unsatisfactory way. I haven’t read the book (which might be much better) but the inclusion in the (terrible!) trailers of key scenes that never made the final cut (where was the fire for example?, the fish? the man trap?) implied to me that the director (Tomas Alfredson, “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy”) and screenwriting team – Peter Straughan (also “Tinker, Tailor”), Hossein Amini (“The Two Faces of January“) and Søren Sveistrup (TV’s “The Killing”) – either didn’t have (or didn’t agree on) the direction they wanted the film to go in.
Film Title: The Snowman
Arve Stop (J.K. Simmons) and Katrine (Rebecca Ferguson) having a “Weinstein moment” at the hotel.

Nesbø (and indeed most crime writers these days) litter their work with damaged cops…. you have to question whether the detective application form has a mandatory check-box with “alcoholic and borderline psycho” on it!. This film is no exception. Fassbender plays Nesbø’s master sleuth Harry Hole: an alcoholic insomniac well off the rails between homicide cases. “If only Oslo had a higher murder rate” bemoans his boss (Ronan Vibert). He joins forces with newby officer Katrine Bratt (Rebecca Ferguson), who has her fair share of mental demons to fight, in investigating a series of missing person/murder cases. The duo unearth a link between the cases – all happen when the snow starts to fall and to particular types of women, with the protagonist leaving a snowman at the scene.
One of the cuter snowmen… they get worse… much worse.

The plot is highly formulaic – I guessed who the killer was within about 20 minutes. But what makes this movie stand out, for all the wrong reasons, is that it has one of the most stupid, vacuous, flaccid, inane, ridiculous … (add 50 other thesaurus entries)… endings imaginable. My mouth actually gaped in astonishment!
There are also a surprisingly large number of loose ends you ponder after the film ends: why the “Snowman”‘s fixation with Harry?; what was with the “Vetlesen cleaner” subplot? How is Star Trek transportation possible in Norway? (But wait… “Telemark”… “Teleport”…. coincidence????? 🙂

On the plus side, there is some lovely Norwegian drone cinematography – (by Australian Dion Beebe (“Edge of Tomorrow“) – that immediately made me put “travel by winter train from Oslo to Bergen” on my life-map. The music by Marco Beltrami (“Logan“) is also effective and suitably Hitchcockian.
If you like your films gory, this one is definitely for you, with some pretty graphic content that (for those who like to cover their eyes) is cut to so quickly by editors Thelma Schoonmaker (“The Wolf of Wall Street“) and Claire Simpson (“Far From The Madding Crowd“) that your hands won’t have time to leave your lap! I remember this being a feature of a previous Nesbø adaptation (the much better “Headhunters” from 2011) but here it goes into overdrive.
One of my favourite actresses – Rebecca Ferguson, curiously playing much “younger” in this film than she appears in her previous hits.

Overall this was a rather disappointing effort that was heading for a FFf rating. But just because of that ending I’m knocking a whole extra Fad off!
John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017)
John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017)
2017 | Action, Crime, Thriller
Well wasn't this a fun and violent movie. John Wick always seems to bring the pain or the death, wherever he goes. Everyone just has to make him upset. First they kill his puppy, then they steal his car and now they want him death because he kill this guys sister. Which by the way he made him do.

I don't think anyone in this organization is very smart. Since they all know he is the best assassin out there. Also doing the smallest thing to him sets him off. This organization does seem like a rather large network across the world. It seems everyone is a hitman. But being part of this organization does have a lot of perks. Tailor on hand, weapons expert, library full of blueprints and desert. The only thing they don't have is fun gadgets and cars, but maybe that would be too James Bond.

I am really glad they decided to keep his dog alive this time. It would have been very sad to see another one go. Although a dog without a name would be hard to feel bad for. Hopefully in Chapter 3 he gives him a name.

Wow so much blood and bullets. I don't think though the entire movie there was 5 minutes where someone didn't get shot. Except when he killed 3 guys with a pencil (that was awesome). Violence has to be done just right to make it watchable for 2 hours and they did just that. I really liked the scenes done in the mirror maze. I am sure it took a lot of hard work to shoot that just right.

Well if you haven't seen Chapter 1, shame on you. Go see it now. Then see Chapter 2 immediately. If you have seen Chapter 1 good for you, you probably have seen Chapter 2. If not because you don't trust sequels, which I am sometimes in the same boat. This is not a bad one. Go see it and let me know what you think. And as always, enjoy the show.
Red Sparrow (2018)
Red Sparrow (2018)
2018 | Mystery, Thriller
A Sexy spy thriller that would have been better without the SEXY
The new Jennifer Lawrence spy thriller RED SPARROW is being advertised as a "sexy" thriller, and if you watch the trailers for it, you would think it was a Jason Bourne/Mission Impossible-type of action thriller - with "sexy" action - and you would be misled and disappointed.

For, RED SPARROW, is a sexy, intelligent, inner-workings, "out-smart-the-other-guy" type of spy thriller in more of the mode of a John LeCarre novel (like TINKER, TAILOR, SOLIDER, SPY). It does have some action and some GRAPHIC torture scenes, but I would not classify it as an action film, so those looking for that will be bored.

RED SPARROW follows the tale of Bolshoi Ballet Prima Ballerina, Dominika Egorova (Jennifer Lawrence) who, after an accident ends her ballet career, is drawn into the deadly world of International Intelligence by her Uncle and must her her body as well as her mind to survive.

This is billed - and shot - as a "sexy" thriller with "SEXY" being the primary driving force - and that is too bad, for I found the sex and nudity to be gratuitous and didn't really drive the narrative forward. When the film stopped focusing on this aspect and focused on the mystery - and misdirection - at hand and Dominika's ability to outsmart and outhink those around her, that the film really catches it's footing and is quite good.

Unfortunately, you have to sit through the first 1/2 of this film - the training portion - and that is filled with gratuitous sex and sexual conquest and using your sex to disarm the enemy. It's an unfortunate choice that almost took me out of the movie, so when the (really) good second half of the film came about, I was surprised by it.

But if you can get through that, you'll be rewarded by a pretty good, pretty smart, pretty INTELLIGENT thriller.

Letter Grade: B (C for the 1st half, A for the 2nd half)

7 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
When Katie Met Cassidy
When Katie Met Cassidy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was one of my Book of the Month picks this month, so I got it a little early. It's a very quick read, and a sweet story. Basically, it's lesbian romance fluff. We need more fluff with non-heterosexual romances, so this is great stuff!

The book touches on gender issues - Cassidy is a woman, and seems happy to be so, but abhors feminine clothing and instead dresses solely in men's suits. (The scene with her fabulously gay tailor was an absolute delight!) She flashes back a little onto her childhood when she wasn't allowed to wear the clothing she felt best in. She also has a few conversations with Katie about gender roles. Katie is much more traditionally feminine, wearing dresses and heels and long hair.

I'm a little torn on whether I dislike the use of the trope "straight woman turned gay after breakup" or like the point that Katie isn't sure she likes women, but she knows she likes Cassidy. Cassidy's gender is secondary to her personality. And it's not like Katie decided to go hit on women after her fiance cheated on her; she got practically dragged to the lesbian bar by Cassidy, who saw how much she was hurting and decided to help her.

I enjoyed seeing that Cassidy has casual sex partners, many of them former sex partners, who are still good friends with her. Granted, she has lots of one-night stands who are upset with her since she's quite the player, but there are several women who she's been involved with before the book opens, who are close friends of hers and care about her future. I wish we saw more relationships like this in heterosexual romantic fiction instead of only in GLBT fiction! These kinds of relationships do exist in heterosexual groups, but it seems like romantic fiction is always divided between "heterosexual monogamy" and "everything else." I did read an exception in Next Year, For Sure, but I greatly disliked the ending.

I really loved this book. It was sweet, and light-hearted, and a pleasant breath of fresh air from a lot of what I've been reading recently!

You can find all my reviews at
Arcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection
Arcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection
Brandon Sanderson | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>My thanks to the publisher for providing me with a review copy in exchange for an honest review</i>

Arcanum Unbounded is an anthology of classic and epic proportions from a true Fantasy genius which was full to the brim of Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere universe. The book followed characters we all know and love and plenty of new characters to fall for – Dusk, I’m looking at you.

The book is divided up into “systems” with a neat little explanation as to the layout of each system; which is then related to a specific setting from the Cosmere – Elantris, Mistborn, Threnody, First of the Sun and a previously unnamed and unpublished Stormlight Archive novella.

Oodles of Cosmere.

I don’t want to go into too much detail about the individual shorts for those of you who have not read any the related systems books – (you have to!) – but each story gave a wonderful insight into the characters points of view and their unique history.

My favorites of this anthology would have to be The Emperor’s Soul, Sixth of the Dusk and Edgedancer. They each brought a little something special to this book – Emperor’s Soul took me right back to Elantris, the first ever Sanderson book I read and still my favorite to this day; Sixth of the Dusk had this overwhelming silence to it even when the characters involved were speaking (though this was few and far between in fairness) and this silence across the characters when Brandon’s characters usually talk so much was brilliantly done.

Edgedancer was a book in The Stormlight Archive system, though I’m slightly ashamed to admit I haven’t read all of The Stormlight Archive books yet, but I have them and this gave spoilers into The Words of Radiance (book 2 of the series so far) these spoilers are not really spoilers to me, maybe once I’ve read Radiance it will make a difference but my first read through made no spoilery difference to me.

Each individual short in the system was preceded by a little spoiler warning if there would be one, or a note stating where in the story arc it falls and was then followed by a sweet little Postscript from Brandon – each one tailor made for its preceding event; the best postscript was for The Hope of Elantris but I won’t give anything away, you had to read it.

Overall, Arcanum Unbounded is a perfect book to dive into Brandon Sanderson’s work as few of the stories in it actually need to be read before the main story – Mistborn: A Secret History, The Hope of Elantris, Edgedancer for definite. If you’re looking for a new fantasy author to sink your teeth into Brandon Sanderson is your man.
Battle of the Sexes (2016)
Battle of the Sexes (2016)
2016 | Biography, Comedy, Sport
1972: Billie Jean King (played brilliantly by Emma Stone) just became the Grand Slam Champion of the Women’s Tennis Association. She had challenged the inequity of pay between the Men’s and Women’s Tennis Tour. Once she learns that the tournament for the Lawn Tennis Association is paying Women one eighth of the Men’s purse. She goes up against Jack Kramer (Bill Pullman at his misogynistic best). Billie, with her Manager, Gladys Heldman (Sarah Silverman in spectacular form echoing a more subdued version of Bobbie Fleckman) leave the LTA and start their own Women’s Tour. Which became the Virginia Slims tournament.

Around the same time, Bobby (Steve Carell, playing Riggs like a manic Pagliacci) the once Pro Slam Champion who now works in a nondescript office at his father-in-law’s business. Bobby, the dreamer, is a gambler figuratively and literally. The man who’s inner child has taken the reins on the run. He is the clown who needs constant attention, and the showman who could sell the Golden Gate. Carell, gives an exceptional performance, riling us up with cringe-worthy moments and showing us the man that is so certain of his abilities that he forgets the fable of the tortoise and the hare.

We are brought into relationships that these two athletes have with their families and loved ones. Of what they went through before the epic, world famous Battle of the Sexes in the Houston Astrodome. The film serves us a picture of the time where women had recently began the feminine movement and Women’s Liberation. The entire feel of the movie is set solidly in the seventies, the sexism rampant and accepted as the status quo. Misogyny is socially acceptable and Riggs and friends epitomize the attitude.

There is also the story of Billie Jean, realizing an attraction to a woman she meets before the starting her tour. Marilyn (Andrea Riseborough was magnetic), the hairdresser that was instantly drawn to Billie. We also get the treat of seeing the magnificent Alan Cumming as Ted, the charming designer of the women’s fantastic tennis outfits. Wallace Langham as Henry, the tailor.

The story is built up to the historic Battle of the Sexes at the Astrodome. We see the work that Billie does in preparation. Daily drills and practice games. Bobby’s confidence in his ability to deliver a win that mirrored the decimation of Margaret Court (Jessica McNamee) who at the time was the top female tennis player in the world.

The directing duo of Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris (Little Miss Sunshine) delivers us a well balanced, heartfelt film with a stellar cast. The soundtrack brings us into the early seventies and the costuming is quantum leap back to the time where polyester leisure suits and colorful shirts were the height of fashion. This is a love story of Billie Jean King and Tennis