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On Our Street: Our First Talk About Poverty by Jillian Roberts; Jaime Casap is a book that talks about poverty, homeless, refugee, and all the difference between people in they basic way of loving. The story is easy to use with kids to show them how they are lucky to live the way of live they have, to make them aware of social issues and to explain to them how we can all play a part to make others lives better.

A direct and clear way to talk about the issues of poverty, I like how it's framed as questions with the answers, nice photographs from around the world illustate the points well.

I received this ARC from Orca Book Publishers via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts
The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts
Gary Chapman | 2015 | Mind, Body & Spiritual
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
It explains how to love others in a way they understand. (0 more)
I haven't got a single bad note about this book. (0 more)
Helping Love Last.
Five Languages you probably don't realize are real. Talking in love languages is amazing. He does such a great job explaining them. How to learn to talk in the other persons love language as well as your own. It is helping me save my relationship with my boyfriend. It helped my parents learn to better show love to the other person. Well written.
Geraldine "Gerry" Porter is concerned when her friend Linda disappears from a craft show. She's even more concerned when Linda turns up in the middle of the night near the scene of a murder and refuses to talk about what happened to her. I loved the characters, except for Linda. Just could not stand her. The plot was decent if slow at the beginning.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

tonidavis (353 KP) rated Kiss Me First in TV

Mar 22, 2018  
Kiss Me First
Kiss Me First
2018 | Animation, Drama, Thriller
Premise (1 more)
One to Watch
I was lucky enough to win tickets to this show launch screening and i have to say I'm so grateful to have gone. If your familer with the book you will know normal the characters interact a majority of the time on social network sites however it was the creatively of the production team to change this into the gaming world and it works well. Im normally a stickler for book to screen adaption but this book to screen adaption the difference and choosing to use gaming works in someways i think it actual aids in the premise and story and to get across the dimensions the digital world. It hard to talk about without giving the plot away but the story starts just as Lelia has lost her mum and all about her using the Gaming world to excape real world problems. This is an interesting show and has a great premise its interesting to see avatar characters used in subtle ways to show people humanity rather than using them to show great fight scenes .

The character are all very real and relate-able without a doubt my favorite so far is Jonty Lelia new lodger who is so down to earth funny and lovable. Honestly if your looking for something new and a bit different give this show a shot.
This Is Us  - Season 1
This Is Us - Season 1
2016 | Drama
There are about a million reasons why this show was the number one break out drama of the 2016-17 TV season. It's relatable on many levels for those of us in our 30's, as well as for our parents. We can see ourselves and our society in the characters we're watching on TV. It's given families a chance to reconnect, to talk about how we look back on the same time period and have such different views of what happened based on the roles we played in our own families.

Arlie (10 KP) rated RuPaul's Drag Race in TV

Jun 21, 2018  
RuPaul&#039;s Drag Race
RuPaul's Drag Race
2009 | Comedy, Drama, Game Show, Reality-TV
Competition, challenges, heartfelt moments, comedy (0 more)
language (0 more)
Yas Queen!
I've enjoyed watching RuPaul's Drag Race since the first episode. Each season of Drag Race has added new challenges and even more drama to the show. Personally I'm not that happy with drama on competition shows but it's difficult not to have it when it comes to any type of performer. (Speaking as an A.S. and B.A. degree holder for theatre and costume design, there's always drama in theatre. lol) The language is the only thing about the show that I really dislike, but it's not a game changer for me but it might be for others.
My favorite episode of every season is always The Snatch Game, watching the Queens pull out their celebrity impersonations, there are always a few that should have listened better to Mama Ru. Then again that's every episode when she goes around to talk to them about what they are doing for that maxi challenge.
I highly recommend this show to people who enjoy reality t.v., competition shows, and of course Drag Queens.
Start With This
Start With This
Books, Education
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Start with this is a podcast by the creators of ‘Welcome to Nightvale, Jeffery Cranor & Joseph Fink. Each episode is on a chosen topic to help with either writing stories or recording podcasts. Each episode is split into two parts; in part one the hosts talk about the subject, giving the listener information how the subject would work and then, in the second half they set out two tasks, the first takes the form of reading material or audio which uses the episodes subject and then the second task is use the subject in a short piece of written/audio work. The listeners can then post their work on the Start With This site ( although this is a patron page with a $5 moth charge to use. As well as the web site there is a Facebook page.
As the hosts write record and produce ‘Welcome to Nightvale’ as well as other shows they have experience in the subject matter and use that experience in the show. You can also tell that they are used to working together as the show flows well as they talk.
I have only recently found this podcast and only listen to a few episodes but I have found it entertaining and useful. Each episode is only about half an hour long so the listener is not bogged down with too much information and all the assignments seem easy enough (if you choose to do them) but the show doesn’t get tied up with the listener taking part meaning it is ok and useful if you only want to listen to the show. I use Stitcher to listen to podcasts and all the back episodes are still currently available

Emma Watson recommended The Vagina Monologues in Books (curated)

The Vagina Monologues
The Vagina Monologues
Eve Ensler | 2001
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"This book isn’t strictly just a book – it’s a play that became a political movement that became a world-wide phenomenon. Just say the title The Vagina Monologues and, even now, twenty years after Eve Ensler first performed her ground-breaking show, the words feel radical…I’m so interested to see which monologues we all like best, and which ones still shock us. Has the world moved on in twenty years, or are there still aspects of women’s sexuality we can’t talk about, through our own fears or because others try to stop us? Do we think art can change the world?"

Why Not Me?
Why Not Me?
Mindy Kaling | 2015 | Biography, Humor & Comedy
7.4 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Full disclosure - I'm not really familiar with Mindy Kaling. I know she's got a show and she's funny. And Ive seen her on random talk shows here and there, but I've never actually watched one thing she has acted in. But she's funny, and her books get lots of stars, so I thought - why not get to know her?

It's written more like journal entries than a biography, and tell the most random stories with the most random thoughts interspersed. She goes off topic A LOT. But I kinda feel like that's how my brain works too, so I could totally follow. I like this girl's style! She's does talk a lot about her struggles to fit it - and I think that's something we can all relate too.

I think I'll be checking out some more of Mindy's books - and probably a few TV shows? Movies perhaps? Its interesting to get to know a celebrity through a book - I might just try it again sometime.
Late Night (2019)
Late Night (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama
Late Night is a well-written comedy about a non-white female hired to add diversity to the writing staff of a late night talk show. Katherine Newbury (Emma Thompson showing the comic skills developed during her university days as Hugh Laurie's girlfriend) is a older sophisticated woman who hosts a show whose audience is dying off, literally in some cases and figuratively. If things do not improve, she will no longer be host of her eponymous talk show. So, in an unexpected but obvious hiring decision, Molly Patel is hired to join the writing staff. At first, seen as an interloper with little comedy or writing experience, Molly uses her Mindy Kaling charm to win over her co-workers and her boss. As Katherine starts to see a way to take advantage of her uniqueness and the youth of Molly, she challenges the status quo of late night.
The movie is charming. The characters are developed and not cardboard cutouts of caricatures thanks to the writing, Max Casella, Reid Scott, Denis O'Hare, Hugh Dancy, Amy Ryan, and John Lithgow have backstories and motivations. However, the movie never really goes after the boys' club landscape that late night television inhabits nor does it go after the concept of diversity hires. It simply turns Molly into some sprite who sprinkles enthusiasm into the mundane lives of the people she encounters. Late Night also begins the campaign for John Lithgow as this year's Best Supporting Actor, Not for this role as the mentor for Molly's transformation to strong woman and devoted husband of Katherine who learns the meaning of karma, but for his role later this year as Roger Ailes.