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The Night Eats The World (2018)
The Night Eats The World (2018)
2018 | Horror
7.2 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This film is what I call a marmite movie, you will either love it or hate it. I happen to love it.
Based on the novel by Pit Agarmen our focus of the story is Sam (a superb Anders Danielsen Lie) who arrives at a party hosted by his ex girlfriend at the flat they used to share. Sam falls asleep in his old room and when he awakens the next morning the flat is trashed and there are zombies everywhere.
This film is no gore fest but kudos to make up department because these zombies look fabolous, this film is more of a study or how one man could surivie in solitiude and loneliness for a long time.
Trapped in an aprtment block Sam is able to stock pile supplies but while he wont starve to death will his own mind be able to cope with the horror around him?
Notable mention for Denis Lavant who plays the zombie Sam traps in the lift who he keeps talking too.
A French film but filmed in English with a strong main character.


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Made in Scotland: My Grand Adventures in a Wee Country
Made in Scotland: My Grand Adventures in a Wee Country
Billy Connolly | 2019 | Biography
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Had me laughing almost from page one, Great story telling technique, down to earth (0 more)
Great and Insightful
First let me say that i think Billy Connolly is a genius. I know a lot of people know him as a comedian, but he is so much more. I have seen him act, sing, make people laugh and write fantastic books, this is one of them. I love how it starts with someone asking a question and it just develops from there. His way of writing makes it feel like you are just sitting somewhere in a cafe and talking to a friend. Its warm and welcoming and very down to earth. I have seen the tv programme that accompanies this book and if you have , then you definitely need to read this as well. From being at school to working in ship builders, from one night gigs to sell out shows. Everyone who reads this will see that no matter where Billy Connolly lives in the world, his heart will always live in Scotland. A fantastic book :)
Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood
Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood
Trevor Noah | 2017 | Biography
9.2 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really enjoyed this book. On top of loving Trevor Noah and thinking he his hilarious, I think his personality just pours out of this book in a way other memoirs don't. There are definitely some parts of the book that you can just hear him talking in your head and I love that. I do wish I listened to it because I've heard great things about the audiobook, but I'm afraid it wouldn't have been able to keep my attention to finish it. I'm glad I read it, also, because learning the words and seeing how different words are spelled is something I'm super interested in.

ANYWAYS! I loved this book. I love Trevor Noah. I love how different his story is. I wish I could sit down and talk to him for hours about all the things he's experienced because it doesn't feel like this book is enough. I definitely recommend if you're a fan of his or if you just need a good read, this is one! I really hope he continues writing.
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