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Fifty Shades of Grey
Fifty Shades of Grey
E.L. James | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
6.6 (103 Ratings)
Book Rating
I didn't intend to read this book, as I'd largely heard snark about it. A dear friend recommended it, though, so I finally gave it a read.

The writing definitely needs polish and a good editor--I couldn't possibly give it more than 3 stars due to that alone. The sexy is there, though, and that's the whole purpose of the book. It does follow most of the traditional romance tropes, which explains most of its acceptance, but the addition of spicier sex seems to be what has everyone talking. (I'd call it spicy more than truly kinky.)

The entire plot takes place in just three weeks, which isn't bad in the romance world. That doesn't leave much time for character growth, but there is a little. That brings the book up a star from where I'd put most romance novels.

If you want some light, sexy summer reading and don't mind the fact that this is so very obviously a self-published first novel, go for it. Some people will want to read it just because of all the uproar, I imagine. If you're looking for literature or true erotica, pass this one up.
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

Upon finishing this novel, I definitely reiterate the idea that Victor Constant is the Jack Reacher of 18th-century France. His methods are a little unorthodox, but he gets the job done no matter what, and that's what really matters, right?

Well, of course not, because where would be the fun in that?

After all, this IS 18th-century France we're talking about, so playing by the rules, doing everything by the book, and bending to the whims and wishes of the aristocracy is all part of the game. But that's a game Victor doesn't have time for because there's a murderer on the loose!

Once Victor and Voltaire met, this book was set for me. I love the idea of having Voltaire involved in something like this, considering all we really know happened with him, and it was interesting to read his theories on the crime alongside that of Victor's.

I will definitely be checking out the next one in this series, as I think Victor Constant is a force to be reckoned with.

4.5 stars
Wayne's World (1992)
Wayne's World (1992)
1992 | Comedy
A fun movie (3 more)
Great music
Perfect duo with Wayne and garth
Great cast
A true classic
This is a fantastic movie which is still relevant today.

Contains the famous bohemium rhapsody scene in the car at the beginning of the movie and just shows how fun the movie is going to be.

The duo of Wayne and Garth works well, you can't have 1 without the other. It has a great cast overall. Tia Carrere (Cassandra) is a fantastic singer and personally does the best cover of the ballroom blitz at the end. Quite gorgeous too.

You have a young Rob Lowe who never seems to age, Lara Flynn Boyle cast perfectly as the phsycho ex girlfriend and Kurt Fuller as the producer.

The pacing is fantastic, there is not 1 boring scene in the movie and I have to give it a 10 because I cannot find a fault in my opinion. Characters talking to the camera is fun (I love breaking the 4th wall), the pop culture references like a suprise terminator reference, the 1 liners and even Garth's dancing is fun.
The Dinosaur Project (2012)
The Dinosaur Project (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
5.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I stuck with it (1 more)
I've seen worse CGI and acting
Forgettable movie (2 more)
Not enough dinosaurs
Blair witch project meets Jurassic park?
Yet another £1 movie I discovered and I have to say it is not worth it. That is 1 hour and 20 mins I will never get back.

The front of the blu ray case says 'the best Dino film since Jurassic park". That is laughable. It might as well have been a monster movie because I did not see that many dinosaurs. Maybe 3 different types?

This is a found footage movie. This genre has been, I feel, exhausted. It is no longer fresh and unique. It felt a lot like Blair witch project with them trying to build a suspense but that was not there. A fear of the unknown which meant there was no action.

The acting isnt horrible and neither is the CGI. Only good things about it I guess. But the characters were forgettable and their relationships were not believable.

It is badly paced with a lot of slow talking scenes while doing a lot of travelling. It is a predictable movie with an obvious betrayal and and ending.
2014 | Card Game
Super simple.... if you've played hearts or spades, you can play diamonds. (1 more)
designs on the cars are kinda art deco and well done.
This is a the card game everyone can play, with just a small twist for strategy.
This is a very simple trick taking game, deal out the cards, someone leads and everyone follows suit if they can... the winner gets a special action based on the suit, and you also get the action of you throw off suit (you don't have any of them) The goal of the game is to get the diamonds into your vault, as those are the only ones you get points for.... once everyone has delt once, you count up the gems in your vault, biggest score wins. The depth of the game comes in deciding which cards to keep and which ones to pass and when to play them. This game is great for groups looking to catch up andtalk aout work and kids and family isues ,and yet still have something to do while talking or partaking in an adult beverage. Sightly deeper than spades or hearts, but not by much, and that's a good things for some groups.
Rogue Lawyer
Rogue Lawyer
John Grisham | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Character Study that Left Me Cold
This book introduces us to Sebastian Rudd, a lawyer who handles the clients no one else wants to take on. We’re talking about an older teen accused of a horrible crime and convicted by the people of his town. Or a mobster on death row. With enemies from the ranks of the police and the clients he hasn’t been able to get off, can Sebastian navigate his life?

The book is really more of a character study with several cases taking the foreground at various points. It reads like these stories were originally published separately and brought together for this book, although I haven’t researched to know if that is true or not. The ending definitely leaves things open for more books. My issue is that I had a hard time liking many of the characters and found myself actively rooting for Sebastian to lose some of his cases. The fact that all the cops were over the top corrupt didn’t help any at all. Plus Sebastian came across as a knock off of Michael Connelly’s Mickey Haller character, and that certainly didn’t help matters at all since I love Mickey.
Aliens: The Female War
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The third book in Dark Horse's spin-off series of novels and comics to include Billie and Wilks, this also throws Ripley into the mix, and finishes the story first began in [b:Aliens: Earth Hive|343281|Aliens Earth Hive|Steve Perry||333628] and continued in [b:Aliens: Nightmare Asylum|20873|Aliens Nightmare Asylum|Steve Perry||22061]. Wheres the 1979 film 'Alien' had a single Alien stalking the crew of the Nostromo after they picked up the transmission, with the 1986 film 'Aliens' then introducing the concept of the Alien Queen, this extrapolates even further than that with the introduction of an Alien Queen Mother providing the deus ex machina for the plot.

Talking of the plot: this is maybe a bit slower than those previous two novels, with more emphasis on character development (I know, I know: is such a thing even possible in these types of books?).

As before, not going to set the literary world alight nor win any awards, but an enjoyable enough quick diversion for a day or two.
The Wind in the Willows
The Wind in the Willows
Kenneth Grahame | 1908 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
The language is beautiful (0 more)
Perhaps a little slow (0 more)
I was pleasantly surprised by this book
I was surprised by this book. I did a bit of a skim read to begin with because I intend to use some of the books content as part of an essay that I'm writing for children's literature. My skim read put me off reading it for a few days. When I did start reading it I was enthralled by Grahame's use of language and imagery. I have to say that his use of language to describe the countryside and the changing seasons is perhaps some of the most beautiful language I have ever read. He captures the scenery so perfectly that you can almost touch it.
The characters were good, toad in particular. It is clear to see that Grahame was talking about hysteria in the character of toad. Written in the early 20th century, the novel is typical of its slower pace when compared to modern literature for children. The humour and sentiment may be enough to grip even the 21st century child. As an adult though, this is a delightful little book that should never be skimmed.
Villains (2019)
Villains (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama, Horror
Should've called ahead...
393. Villains. I think we got the wrong house! The stars of 'It' and 'It Follows' team up to play a couple of fun lovin criminals, Mickey and Jules, trying to make their way to Florida, to sell seashells by the seashore, that's not a joke. After robbing a gas station, they, uh, run out of gas and decide to break into the only house around, and that was a bad choice. The house looks normal enough, grab a scooby snack from the closet, maybe outdated a bit, in the middle of exploring the owners of the house come on in. And their reaction to the unwanted guests isn't exactly what you'd expect. Do George and Gloria, homeowners, have something to hide, like the fact that they're psychopaths? Hmm maybe. Bill Skarsgard was great as Mickey, the charming slightly stupid guy. Jeffrey Donovon, of Burn Notice fame, Stanley knows what I'm talking about, and Kyra Sedgwick are freaking great as the seemingly normal yet psychotic next door neighbors! I wasn't too satisfied with the ending, however it definitely is a fun movie to watch! Filmbufftim on FB.
Midway (2019)
Midway (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, History
I'm a bit conflicted about this film. I thought the actors were great, I was attached to them and their story and that made this film enjoyable and heart wrenching at the same time. I wasn't in love with the scope of the timeline, I feel like it was a lot to remember - not that you have to remember the dates, but part of you feels kind of guilty if you don't, or is that just me? The hard part about that though is that none of it feels unnecessary. I feel like you get a well-rounded look at how we got to that point and all the events that led up to it. Obviously you could include so much more but then we'd be talking about a 6-hour movie and that'd be ridiculous.

I loved this cast. Luke Evans, Nick Jonas, Woody Harrelson, Mandy Moore, Dennis Quaid, Darren Criss, everyone was phenomenal and they played their parts well. Do I think I'll ever watch this film again? Hmmm, probably not. But I'm glad I spent the time to watch it and learn a little bit more too. It's definitely a great story.