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6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I liked this, it had a lot of good things going for it...but...there were a few things that bothered me.

I liked the characters, apart from the flashbacks of Craig obviously. I liked how Abel was so caring of his younger sister and hated himself for what had happened to her under his watch. I liked the camaraderie between all the club staff. I liked Devlin's insistence with his feelings for Abel.

However, I didn't really like the threesome--I knew it was done for a good reason but I can't say I enjoyed reading about Abel hooking up with someone who wasn't Devlin. I didn't like the use of no condoms--Okay, they're likely to be tested regularly working at a gay club but really? I also didn't really like how all the main characters used "babe" when talking to each other, it made them all sound alike and I couldn't really see Devlin using it.

I'll admit I'm intrigued where this is going to go next as I can't see Devlin quitting his pursuit of Abel after the club night and I really liked their relationships progression. I'll keep my eye out for it.
His Girl Friday (1940)
His Girl Friday (1940)
1940 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"His Girl Friday is funny because it’s… In that way that I think In Bruges and JCVD are just perfect, it is perfect. It is beyond perfect. It is transcendently flawless for like the first 45 minutes, and then it kind of goes off into crazy town. But you still stay with it, and the tone completely changes and it gets really weird and dark, but I guess that’s what happens in some of those movies. But it’s the perfect distillation of that kind of fast-talking, thin-line-between-love-and-hate style relationship. It would definitely be the kind of movie that, if somebody was trying to get into movies from the ’30s and ’40s and wanted that kind of patter and that kind of style, I would definitely point them in that direction. The Women is my favorite film, but it’s kind of a lot to take in, and I would understand if it scared people off a little bit. Whereas if you watch the first 20 minutes of His Girl Friday, you’re in. It’s like a starter course for that kind of film."


Patrick Wilson recommended Die Hard (1988) in Movies (curated)

Die Hard (1988)
Die Hard (1988)
1988 | Action

"""Next, I’ll go Die Hard. You have to understand, my son, who’s nine years old, is constantly asking me, “What’s your favorite movie? What’s your favorite action movie?” Every day. So, it’s hard to say to your nine-year-old, “Well, son, actually, I love watching The Magnificent Seven.” And I do, I love The Magnificent Seven. But he wants a movie that he can look forward to and see, something he can relate to, and I think, ultimately when I start talking about great action movies, you know, it’s Die Hard. Die Hard is a top five favorite film. Great villain, the right amount of humor and strength and, you know, sadism. [laughs] And Bruce Willis is fantastic. And again, the scenes with Bonnie Bedelia, you really get it. The estranged husband, conflicted home, and yet he really cares about her. It’s not just some cookie-cutter thing, like, “This is my wife; I’m doing this for you, baby!” They have major marital problems, but he’s there, and all of a sudden, he’s in the midst of it. It’s certainly the best out of the ‘80s, I think, one of the best action movies."""


Cee-Lo Green recommended Raw Power by The Stooges in Music (curated)

Raw Power by The Stooges
Raw Power by The Stooges
1973 | Punk, Rock
8.4 (9 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Iggy reminds me a lot of me. And it's all in that name; it's all in the title of that album. It’s raw power, you know? I like the funk that David Bowie was able to get behind Iggy. Believe it or not, I first saw an image of Iggy Pop at church, and they were talking about secret messages and backward masking - and they had [a picture of] Iggy Pop looking crazy. I didn't get into it until later, but I think how I was introduced to it was 'I Wanna Be Your Dog'. And what I like about Iggy is it's just genuine raunch. And the album seems like it’s all done in one take. 'Let's do that one, leave it, just try something else'. With his energy on stage, it seems as if the studio was just destroyed after that album - or at least you'd like to believe that. I just read an interview with him in which he said he wrote a lot of it in Hyde Park sitting under a tree wearing pyjama's too, which gave it a cool twist as well. I just love 'Search And Destroy' and 'I Need Somebody' as well."


Cee-Lo Green recommended Dummy by Portishead in Music (curated)

Dummy by Portishead
Dummy by Portishead
1994 | Rock
9.3 (6 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It's everything that I love about music. It's hip hop, trip hop, acid jazz, alternative... I don’t want to call it R n B, but there's some soul in there. Very dark and tortured sounding soul, but soul nonetheless. It's fusion, is what it is. What I liked most about rock music, besides the music I make, is when I don't understand what they're talking about. Geoff Barrow... See, I've never seen Geoff Barrow. I don't know how he looks, although he probably doesn't look like he's supposed to be making this kind of music. I heard stories about it, how they’d record certain stuff to wax and then sample it. Just going through a lot of shit to make the record. It's just so grand, and you think of the artist - who gave them the blank cheque to go to that extreme!? Someone could have easily rapped on all of that stuff. It sounds almost like Wu Tang production, something RZA did. I can hear rhyming over it, but Beth Gibbons has this pixie-kind of vocal, with that ethereal and enchanted kind of thing. It's awesome."

This Is Spinal Tap (1984)
This Is Spinal Tap (1984)
1984 | Comedy

"Along with Airplane, An American Werewolf in London, and Raising Arizona, this film is one that I can silently mouth along with every single line of. I don’t know if Reiner, Guest, McKean, and Shearer could have ever known back in 1984 quite how far-reaching the influence of this movie would be. As a British director who made his start in TV comedy, I can vouch for the fact that this film is one of the key texts for every single UK comedy writer, actor, and director of my generation. The fact that it was performed by American actors doing killer English accents just makes that all the more impressive and ironic. So I cannot overestimate its position as an unassailable comedy classic. Along with Monty Python’s Life of Brian (also on Criterion) and Mike Leigh’s 1976 TV movie Nuts in May, it really became one of those movies that create strong bonds in creative partnerships. You either liked Spinal Tap or you were not worth talking to; it became that simple. And quite right too. It’s eighty-four minutes of comedy heaven."


Noel Gallagher recommended Joshua Tree by U2 in Music (curated)

Joshua Tree by U2
Joshua Tree by U2
1987 | Rock

"I just love the songs on this. I’m not into the whole religious aspect of the band but I’ve been a fan since I saw them on Top Of The Pops doing ‘Fire’. The reason that I picked this over Achtung Baby - which is one of my favourite U2 albums from my favourite period of U2 – is that it’s just a massive album for me. When I get time to have a quiet moment on my own, I could sit and play all the songs off this on an acoustic guitar for ages. They’re just great. You don’t like it? I don’t give a fuck! Everyone that I’ve ever known – EVER KNOWN – apart from my wife – hates them. Me and my wife love them. It wasn’t the reason we got married… But everyone else I have ever met from my earliest memory in Manchester to right now talking to you has gone, 'They are fucking shit. They are what’s wrong with music.' For me it’s about the songwriting. If I could write a song like ‘Running To Stand Still’ and ‘Nobody’s Home’ by Pink Floyd then I could die happy with never writing another song again."

A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985)
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985)
1985 | Horror
There are a whole bunch of reasons to love this sequel to one of the most iconic horrors of all time.
From the get go, it deserves respect for trying something different. It doesn't just rinse and repeat the events of the original, with the whole possession plot being an inspired direction to take.
Mark Patton as lead character Jesse is an absolute riot to watch. He will go from suave ladies man, to high pitched screaming and sweaty scream queen in an instant. The homo-erotic undertones are hilariously brilliant, and make for a breath of fresh air in a genre, from an era, that was usually awash in a sea of boobs.
The supporting characters are all pretty likable as well, giving the audience an entertaining cast to watch when the big bad isn't on screen. Talking of which, Robert Englund's Freddy Krueger is pretty damn intimidating in this one, and is the subject of some all timer shots for the franchise.
The practical effects, especially in Jesse's transformation scene are quite something as well.

All in all, Freddy's Revenge is an over the top and enjoyable sequel and deserves more love than it gets!

Darren Fisher (2447 KP) Aug 10, 2021

Spot on review. An underrated classic.


Tommy Wiseau recommended Casablanca (1942) in Movies (curated)

Casablanca (1942)
Casablanca (1942)
1942 | Drama, Romance, War

"Casablanca. You see, Casablanca remind me what we have within The Room, some of the phrases. For example, I say, “Oh, you make my day,” or, “You are tearing me apart,” or whatever. I’m talking about the other movie as well, just paraphrasing some of those phrases. You see, The Room, people never give us credit, okay? And now everything turn around because people now, and especially the critic, which can be very tough as you probably… Including your company. But, again, let me explain something here. Hopefully you guys print this. Please don’t misquote me, but it’s nothing wrong to criticize anyone, included film, play, whatever. But it is wrong when people started doing not just a critique but get into sort of hatred mode. You know what I’m saying? So I think it’s very important to understand the structure what I present, related to The Room now, I presented 14 years ago, based on my vision, which people did not expect it, this kind of vision, because it was, basically, it was different cookie cutter from Hollywood. I said this many times, but as you know, I’ve been ignored but fans embrace that."


Andy Gill recommended Good Times by Chic in Music (curated)

Good Times by Chic
Good Times by Chic
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I love the production, how they orchestrated those grooves. And Bernard Edwards was a genius bass player, how he came up with that riff that's so often copied. Again, it was just their interpretation of black American funk music. Those guys were supposed to produce the fourth [Gang Of Four] album. And I'd met with him, Bernard Edwards; by the time we'd got to the fourth album, he had died at that point. But I'd met with Nile Rodgers a couple of times, talking about doing a Gang Of Four record. And while that process was going on, Bowie's Let's Dance came out. So not unreasonably they asked for an extra per cent or something, you know, because their stock had just gone up a lot, which I thought was to be expected. But my manager said, ""Oh, we can't do that"", and I feel fairly confident that he was taking a backhander from the people who did do it in the end. I think Hard could have been great. As it was, there were some great songs on that album, but the production doesn't quite get it right."
