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Westworld - Season 2
Westworld - Season 2
2018 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
A Step Down
I have seen a bunch of articles online talking about how bad Westworld Season 2 is and how this show has went off of a cliff amongst many other over-exaggerations.
Westworld Season 2 is in absolutely no way a bad series of television. Sure, it isn't as good as the first season, but what you need to remember is that Season 1 of Westworld is one of the best series of TV ever broadcast.
In my opinion, Season 2 was never going to be as good as it's predecessor and that's okay. It's still intriguing, exciting and well made and without spoiling too much, I thought that the way this series ended was pretty bold and rather refreshing.
The first half of the season has it's ups and down and (SPOILERS from the end of Season 1,) the presence of Sir Anthony Hopkins is sorely missed. However, there are moments of brilliance in every episode of this series, it's just unfortunate that they are sometimes surrounded by convoluted padding.
Overall, yeah it's not as good as series 1, but you know what? I still felt like it was a pretty great season of television and I am looking forward to what this show has to offer in the future.
Four Funerals and Maybe a Wedding
Four Funerals and Maybe a Wedding
Rhys Bowen | 2018 | Mystery
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Is It the Summer of Weddings for Lady Georgianna?
Lady Georgianna, Georgie to her friends, is finally planning her wedding to Darcy O’Mara. However, before they get married, they need to figure out where they are going to live. The answer comes from an unlikely place, and soon Georgie is out to the country to get their new home ready for them. She isn’t surprised when she arrives to find the house is running on a minimal staff, but the staff that is there is extremely surprising. Something is definitely up, but can Georgie figure out what is going on? Will she finally get married?

As is typical for the series, the book started off a little slowly for me, giving us updates on the various people in Georgie’s life and talking about the wedding plans. There was also a recycled sub-plot in this section that annoyed me. However, once the action moves to Georgie’s potential new house, things really picked up. I was intrigued by what she was facing and couldn’t wait to see how it all was resolved. There is some great character growth for Georgie and another series regular here; overall, the cast is great like always. I was very satisfied with how this book ended.
Education, Social Networking
8.4 (60 Ratings)
App Rating
Lessons (0 more)
Connection with microphone lost a lot (0 more)
Learn a new language in a way that sticks
If you want to learn a new language, the Duolingo app should be your first stop. With simple lesson plans, from the alphabet to names, places and parts of speech, it guides you step by step on your journey. You can hear the language spoke, get the chance to practice spelling and when the microphone works you can practice speaking it. It keeps referring back to previous lesson plans, which helps you to transfer your learning to your ong term memory. It's also fun, you can join a club and get talking with others learning the same language, you can practice what your learing in your club too

The app works well, despite the microphone problem which isn't an issue for learing the language. Simple, easy to use and follow lesson plan. A good community and loads of languages available. Evem a couple of fictionale ones, like Klingon.

Whether you want to master a language, or just learn a few phrases for holiday, this app is the first step to immersing yourself in a language. Forget the rosetta stone, this will have you speaking and reading another language in no time.
Show all 4 comments.

Rebecca Starkey (19 KP) Dec 4, 2018

Can you get it on Android?


Rachel Maria Berney (114 KP) Dec 4, 2018

Yep, I use it on the pixel 2


James Koppert (2698 KP) rated Lil Pump by Lil Pump in Music

Oct 19, 2019 (Updated Nov 9, 2019)  
Lil Pump by Lil Pump
Lil Pump by Lil Pump
2017 | Hip-hop, Rap, Rhythm And Blues
1.0 (3 Ratings)
Album Rating
The 25875337th time he says Ouu is great (0 more)
The second it begins (0 more)
This is bad, not in usual Hip Hop terms as in "I just spat a bad ass rhyme", no, this is bad as in wack.

Lil Pump has rose to meteoritic fame and wealth and the reason why? His stuff speaks to kids of that age where swearing and talking about drugs upsets mummy and daddy.

This is mumble rap. I'm not hating on mumble rap, Some artists are artists. Pump however shouts a line, then says Ouu and then repeats the formula the entire album Ouu.

So we've established he can't rap, lyrically it's just offensive. Now I have a lot of horribly misogynistic hip hop but somehow this feels worse because there is no artistic element. Lil Pump shouts things like "I f##ked your daughter" Ouu, yeah, that is the base level, women are nothing but botches to abide and drugs are new and clever according to Pump. It really is playground level.

What about the beats? Ok anyone knows my output knows I sometimes play with distortion but Pump takes it up so it distorts and the base blows and I bet he giggles like a toddler and goes "that's great Ouu".

Utterly terrible
Sebastian's Wolves (Among Wolves #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*Disclaimer* I received this book from Reading Alley in return for a fair and honest review.

The title of this book tells you the start of the tale. Sebastian is a wolf who leaves his pack to be with his mate, Tim. 8 years down the line and tragedy happens, Tim dies. Sebastian has to deal with this and, for me, this is where the story picked up.

I have to say that the relationship between Tim and Sebastian didn't really do much for me. It seemed too inbalanced with Sebastian doing most of the loving. This didn't really sit well with me as I already viewed Sebastian as an alpha male. Once he meets up with his new pack then he really starts to come into his own. And then Eshan is the cherry on the icing on the cake.

This book has nice parts and not so nice parts - so don't read this if you're expecting or wanting something that is light and fluffy. We're talking murder, abuse and rape (although not in graphic detail).

Sebastian's Wolves is a well-written, steady-paced novel full of action that I thoroughly enjoyed and would recommend to anyone who enjoys some M/M action with a paranormal twist.
Frankly in Love (Frankly in Love, #1)
Frankly in Love (Frankly in Love, #1)
David Yoon | 2019
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thanks to and Penguin Random House Audio for letting me listen and review this book. I was curious about this book since everyone was talking about it so I decided to check it out and I'm glad I listened to the audio because I don't think I would have done as well reading it. It was a little challenging for me to finish it even with the audio as it was.
I liked the story idea and premise to the story with the fake dating trope and the insight into Korean culture and family and culture issues and differences. It was a good portrayal of YA/teen years and crushes and romances and other things. There were a few things that caught me off guard, but for the most part, it seemed to be pretty straight forward.
This isn't my usual reading genre, but I thought it was alright although my biggest things were 1-it seemed a bit long, which is one of the reasons why audio helped and 2 - the language - there was so much profanity and language that I didn't enjoy, so that's my two cents on that.
If you like romance, fake dating tropes and such then you'll probably like this.
Fifty Shades Freed (2018)
Fifty Shades Freed (2018)
2018 | Drama
The chemistry between the leads is non existent. (1 more)
Misses important parts from the books so feels rushed.
It's alright.
I am one of those that actually enjoyed the books. Take THEM scenes away and I kind of love the story. Despite not being written great, I still looked forward to the films like everyone else.
This one is alright and I'll watch it again but it's so forced. Jamie Doran seems to have the same 3 Expressions in this film, he doesn't use his limited dialogue to the best he could have done it's just monotone and said because it's an actor saying his lines not the character talking like it should be.
Some forced comedy, which was probably forced from lack of enthusiasm from the cast and the deviation from the books. In the books theres some genuinely sweet, funny moments which in the films just feel wrong.
Dakota Johnson gets a bit more range in this and tries but honestly i think the fault lies with poor direction.
Scenes that are so important to the plot are cut short and really important story lines have been completely cut out the franchise which is why i much prefer the books.

Lee KM Pallatina (951 KP) Nov 7, 2019

Read online somewhere that the two didn't feel comfortable with the sex scenes and that they felt forced.
It probably didn't help that portions of the plot was rewrote whilst filming.
1st was ok, second felt forced didn't bother with the 3rd.


Elli H Burton (1288 KP) Nov 7, 2019

It really does annoy me because they could have made a fantastic film. It should have been sweet, raunchy, sexy, funny and full of twists and turns. Instead we saw actors in it for the pay cheque not bringing a worldwide best selling book to the screens.

Do You Like Trains?
Do You Like Trains?
Ann Tarpley Fancesco | 2020 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is interesting in the way the cover art. It a curious cover in a way that makes me want to pick it up and read it. I know from the title of the book what it about. The author does a wonderfully good job bringing in the reader.

I was curious about what the two animals were going about it. Though it looks like one friend is trying to explain about trains to a new friend. This seems apparent. In a way, he keeps it up to convince the friend of the raccoon. In a way that is not mean or annoying.

The picture is done well. They are cute and enjoyable. I could see the squire talk and express this love of trains. The way it ends makes me think he loves talking about trains. If you love trains he might want to teach his new friend all about them.

Parents and children will love this book “Do You Like Trains?”. It is good for teaching and learning about trains. It good train lovers and children that love trains. Children will love this book in the sense that it doe have some rhyming. Parents can read this to their children. Grandparents could read this to their grandchildren.
30 Minutes or Less (2011)
30 Minutes or Less (2011)
2011 | Action, Comedy
If you enjoyed Ruben Fleischer’s debut feature Zombieland then you’re truly going to love this, and it will take you significantly less time than 30 minutes to realise it! Switching from the horror genre to a crime fueled escaped featuring two friends.

Nick (Eisenberg) and Chet (Aziz Ansari) who have practically destroyed each others lives but stayed friends for so long that to split now would seem futile.

That though is only a small part of the plot which centres around the pair needing to find $100,000 in less than a day or face the consequences of Nick being blown to bits!

Featuring a cast of talented actors lead by fans favourite Danny McBride who’s at his white trash talking best and he leads the plot to off his father in order to get his hands on the inheritance. Aided by quiet side kick and at times voice of reason Travis (Blades of Glory’s Nick Swardson) the pair share a number of hilarious conversations drifting from the task at hand.

There are certainly laughs a plenty, with the friendships of both parties strained to the max, but that makes for an all the more enjoyable ride. If you liked Pineapple Express then this will be right up your street.