Her Majesty's Pleasure: How Horseracing Enthrals the Queen
Winner of Horse Racing Book of the Year in the presitigious British Sports Book Awards in 2013. In...

On the Heels of the 12.39 from Wigan
Andrew Mellor's Cheese Butties and the 12.39 to Wigan has become something of a talking point, not...

Always Already Podcast, a critical theory podcast
Tune in to the Always Already Podcast for indulgent conversations about critical theory (in the...

Oxford Textbook of Communication in Oncology and Palliative Care
David W. Kissane, Phyllis N. Butow, Carma L. Bylund and Susie Wilkinson
Written by an international team of authors the Oxford Textbook of Communication in Oncology and...

e-squared: Nine Do-it-yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality
E-Squared is the sensational word of mouth SMASH that has gone on to become an international...

100 Foods You Should be Eating: How to Source, Prepare and Cook Healthy Ingredients
This book has been written with one thing in mind: to make us think differently about the food we...

Food and Freedom: How the Slow Food Movement is Creating Change Around the World Through Gastronomy
Inspiring the global fight to revolutionize the way food is grown, distributed, and eaten. In the...
International Law Theories: An Inquiry into Different Ways of Thinking
Two fish are swimming in a pond. 'Do you know what?' the fish asks his friend. 'No, tell me.' 'I was...

The Fundamentals of Interior Design
Simon Dodsworth and Stephen Anderson
The second edition of The Fundamentals of Interior Design provides a thorough introduction to the...