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Sticky Fingers by The Rolling Stones
Sticky Fingers by The Rolling Stones
1971 | Blues, Country, Rock

"I'd been into music for as long as I can remember, from being four years old. My dad bought me a record player when I was 11, and I went out and bought three albums: I had those Beatles double albums, the red and the blue, '62-'66 and '66-'70, I bought those, and I also bought Sticky Fingers by the Rolling Stones. That was the first Stones album that I bought. I actually wore it out, and parts of it became unplayable, even with halfpenny pieces on top of the stylus. For me, the Stones, when they pulled away from the Beatles' influence and became their own thing, it started with Beggars Banquet. It's those four albums - Beggars Banquet, Let It Bleed, Exile and Sticky Fingers, I think are the greatest years of the Rolling Stones as an individual, this is what we do, we're not following the Beatles any more. And they did it with such glory that I could easily have chosen [another] one of those four albums for the same reason. Once again we seem to be talking about unsung heroes, one of the great things about those Stones albums is the brilliant engineering by Glyn Johns; I think Andy Johns was involved as well, but the engineering on those records is just awesome, awesome, awesome."

Amélie (2001)
Amélie (2001)
2001 | Comedy, Drama, International
Rich cinematic comfort food, not only am I wholly befuddled by this - but shocked at how many people don't hate it. By most means this shouldn't work let alone as remarkably as it does: it exudes any and all of the qualities that defined late 90s/early 00s Miramax-style cinema which sort of began with 𝘈𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘉𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘺 and plateaued with 𝘉𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘴 where everyone was randomly obsessed with people doing 'adorkable' quirky things for little to no reason (i.e. painting the same Renoir piece once a year for 20 years, looking under photo booths for torn up pictures that you then put together into an extensive photo album collection [??]) and ubiquitous, fast-talking overnarration that just explains a lot of excess details that only exist to be eccentric. I myself will most certainly cop to having a huge warm spot for that sort of film - for the most part - as now we've sort of crescendoed back into the 'monotonous, stock Wikipedia article' type of film. At any rate, this was just so wonderful. An ode to the good in life with pretty much spotless dialogue, scenes that snap together like puzzle pieces, and a deservedly iconic aesthetic - the way better version of 𝘗𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘵 𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥. Audrey Tatou deserved *so* much better than slumming it in 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘢 𝘝𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘪 𝘊𝘰𝘥𝘦 after this.
Final Destination 2 (2003)
Final Destination 2 (2003)
2003 | Horror
The deaths up the ante to such ludicrously satisfying levels - the double-whammy of the pipe forehead impaling and the dude getting sliced to pieces by the barbed wire fence less than a minute apart from one another is so righteous - but the talking stuff between them is pure radio static, empty space in comparison to the first one which had weaker + less deaths but actually semi-intriguing writing. This opens with the potential to be a cross-examination of the different ways in which we all react to death, but instead we get junk acting and shit characters doing a lesser repeat of the first film with absolutely zero emotional weight. But really who cares, Tony Todd comes back and that lady got her head cut off by an elevator. Watching these practical effect dummies get tossed around in hilariously explosive vehicle wrecks, blowing up, getting smashed, burning, and getting skewered is a blast even with the occasional spurt of CGI blood from time to time. Rory the cokehead is the clear MVP here, his sincerely funny (and... get this, not forced) comedic relief along with the deeply comedic barbeque ending is the only time this movie even attempts to have any fun outside of the no-joke genius domino-effect deaths even when Ellis' direction is as dull as always.

Darren Fisher (2454 KP) rated Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy) by Brian Eno in Music

Dec 18, 2020 (Updated Jan 15, 2021)  
Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy) by Brian Eno
Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy) by Brian Eno
1974 | Rock
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Rating
Eno On Peak
In the 80's I got into Brian Eno via Talking Heads (with the excellent Remain in Light alvum) and David Bowie (Low, Heroes and Lodger), rather than through early Roxy Music.
My first introduction to Eno's solo work was the compilation More Blank Than Frank in 1986, which after listening to, was enough to convince me that I really needed to check out more of his work. I found Taking Tiger Mountain on cassette in the bargain bins at Our Price (I think). No inlay card but it was going cheap. Taking a punt I got it home and was instantly blown away. Musically upbeat for most of its duration, the lyrics told dark, humorous and downright weird tales about espionage, Limbourg Asylum and the rape of a woman by a crazed machine. There's also a lot of references to China (as the album title suggests).
So obssessed by this album I once recycled my smashed up electric guitar body in to a 'skinning up' table (with coaster bed legs so you could push it from person to person). The main centrepiece of this 'table' was a big mound of wax which I attempted to mould into my own Tiger Mountain... Damn the drugs were good back then hahaha 😎✌

Album Highlights:
Burning Airlines Give You So Much More
Third Uncle
The True Wheel
Getting Doug with High
Getting Doug with High
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Cool celebrity guests (2 more)
Very educational
They're smoking weed man!!! Its awesome
Best show EVER!!!!!!
I was cruising through the amazballs app Tubi Tv when I came across this little gem... Mind you, I do smoke a shit ton of weed myself... And it is legal now in my whole country, so fuck it... Lol.
Doug Benson is someone I've seen on talk shows and heard on podcasts a few times, but I never knew much about him.
This little piece of click bait lured me in with the chance of seeing one of my favorite writer/directors Kevin Smith getting blazed up with Doug and Brian Poshien... Or however you spell it... And it didn't let me down.
He and his guests get just obliterated off some of the sweetest strains of bud made available by whatever weed store they happen to propagate. And they always tell you what the pot is like. Effects... Length of buzz... That sort of pertenate information stoners like myself want to know.
Plus its a chance to see Jeff Ross, Natasha Leggerio and Anthony Jeselnyk HIGH AS GIRAFFE BALLS.
Overall its 45 minutes that is filled with talking, coughing and laughter... Very reminiscent of nights spent in my mom's kitchen with my friends, sitting around the table smoking our heads off and laughing til the sun came up.
Ah the memor... Wait.... What????


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