Giving Voice: Mobile Communication, Disability, and Inequality
Mobile technologies are often hailed as a way to "give voice to the voiceless." Behind the praise,...

Mrs.: A Novel
"Mrs. could be the next Big Little Lies."--Entertainment Weekly In the well-heeled milieu of New...
Drink Like a Bartender
Discover insider secrets and insight from bartenders all over the country on how to properly order,...

Pure and Beautiful Vegan Cooking
Get back to the roots of healthy eating with style and whole food. Forget the long list of...

Five on Brexit Island
Enid Blyton's books are beloved the world over and The Famous Five have been the perennial favourite...

25 Women: Essays on Their Art
Newsweek calls him "exhilarating and deeply engaging." Time Out New York calls him "smart,...

Jack Robinson on Show: Portraits 1958-72
When Jack Robinson died in 1997, few people knew that the very private artist, who lived in a tiny...

The Complete Peanuts 1973-1974: Volume 12
Charles M. Schulz and Billie Jean King
The 12th volume of Peanuts features a number of tennis strips and several extended sequences...

Victorian Fairy Tales
'The Queen and the bat had been talking a good deal that afternoon...' The Victorian fascination...

Computational Models of Referring: A Study in Cognitive Science
To communicate, speakers need to make it clear what they are talking about. The act of referring,...