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Flight (The Crescent Chronicles, #1)
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
2.5 stars.

This book has been taunting me on Amazon since its release. The cover really grabbed my attention but with how many books I already had to read I just ignored it for a long time. However, yesterday, I remembered the gift card I got for my birthday and decided to buy it.

I don't know what it was but I didn't easily gel with the story. It started fairly good but then with the use of a lot of talking between the characters and not much description--which strangely for me, considering i'm not normally a fan of lots of description, I actually wanted--and I feel it wasn't as good as I was expecting. I guess by the cover that I was expecting something quite sexy and it just wasn't. Not for me, anyway.

At the same time I kinda want to smack Allie. For many reasons. One: her not wanting to get involved with anyone but then giving into him so easily despite all her protests. Two: her acceptance of Levi and his friends so easily was just strange. Surely you'd run off screaming? And three: her behaviour at the end. Okay, it wasn't unfounded. He didn't explain himself before doing what he did but at the same time, she didn't want to hear anything he had to say, so what was he supposed to do?

Not sure yet if I'll be continuing the series or not.
ABEL 3: Shattered (Phoenix Club, #3)
ABEL 3: Shattered (Phoenix Club, #3)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

So I finished this a little before midnight last night. Once again I was caught up in the emotions of Abel and Devlin and really felt their pain. It seemed so cruel that the actions of one man could ruin their entire relationship.

In relation to Kaplan, I'll admit that I softened towards him just not enough for me to enjoy reading the various sex scenes between him and Abel (In fact, I skipped some altogether). It just seemed wrong to me. But he's a nicer guy than I first thought. And I'm intrigued by the thought of something happening (again) between him and Max.

As for Cole and Gabe it always seemed kinda obvious that they would get together properly instead of just hooking up every now and then. They're good for each other.

Back to Abel and Devlin. I'm glad that they finally ended up talking to each other, without someone running off in despair, and got everything out in the open. As everyone kept pointing out throughout: they are great for each other and so in love

And I must confess that, although I could barely see through my tears, I really liked the ending. It was different but so good. I was waiting for an unhappy, throw my kindle at the wall, ending but it all turned around so quickly and nicely and I was wearing a big smile by the end.
The Miseducation of Evie Epworth
The Miseducation of Evie Epworth
Matson Taylor | 2020 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Miseducation of Evie Epworth came along at just the right time for me. Another lockdown was looming, things weren’t looking wholly optimistic, and along came Evie, hurtling down a country lane in a red MG. Actually, this has to be one of the most laugh-out-loud, followed-by-a-gasp openings I’ve ever read. And it didn’t stop there. Evie is a breath of much needed fresh air. She reminded me of the hope that you have as a young person, embarking on your grown up life as you leave formal education.

The dreaded Christine (soon to be Evie’s stepmother) makes such a good baddie (or a baddie you love to hate!). She’s a pleasure to hate, to be honest - but I’m afraid I did feel sorry for her - she just wanted a way out of the life she’d been given. Mrs Scott-Pam, Evie’s beloved next door neighbour, and her estranged daughter, Caroline, are just the people to help Evie out of her predicament - and the rest of the cast of colourful characters are just perfect.

I’m so glad there will be more of Evie in the future, and I can’t wait to read more.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this book, and to Matson Taylor for reading along, commenting, answering our questions and generally talking with us about all things Evie related. I really did have the best time 😊
The Seventh Seal (Det Sjunde inseglet) (1957)
The Seventh Seal (Det Sjunde inseglet) (1957)
1957 | Action, International, Classics
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The next one, I think we got to go to Bergman. We go to go to Seventh Seal. Seventh Seal just knocked me dead. On many levels, it’s such a simple film. You’ve got Mary and Joseph, the young people with their little traveling theater, and then you’ve got the knight. I think it was the way he dealt with the Middle Ages and intrigued me with Death there at playing chess. Those were images that just stuck in my head. It was funny. When I was doing Parnassus, I went back and looked at it, because I was trying to remind myself what Mary and Joseph and their little traveling theater was like. I had forgotten so much detail. That was just a really important film, and Max von Sydow was something… The first time I had seen basically a non-American actor at work. He looked different. He behaved differently. Because, you know, I grew up with Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Doris Day, Rock Hudson — shiny teeth and beautifully combed hair and all of that nonsense. Something profound was going on in that movie without pointing fingers at anything. It just did it. The squire — that was Gunnar Björnstrand, I think — was just a great character, the cynic in the midst of it all. I remember when he was talking, when he was in this church, and all the frescoes are there, and it’s just profound filmmaking."


Alex Kapranos recommended Dandruff by Ivor Cutler in Music (curated)

Dandruff by Ivor Cutler
Dandruff by Ivor Cutler
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"There’s no performer like Ivor Cutler. This record is a mixture of songs and poetry and stories and the lines between them all aren’t particularly distinct. There’s also a lady who I think was his girlfriend or lover at the time, but she has a couple of short poems on it. The only thing I can think that would be similar would be if you had Philip Larkin and Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band on a record together. It manages to capture those two extremes. It’s also a misleading record because when you first listen to it you think its daft nonsense, and it’s not, it’s extremely astute observation that is succinctly delivered. There’s one piece that talks about sex: "I used to lie in bed with women I loved and have sex. With this woman, I lie in bed and have love, whatever we do is love. Even sex." You have that next to a song about a ludicrous fantasy story about someone saving a sparrow from a taxi driver’s boots. The imagery is wonderful and it’s truly absurd but the absurdity can distract you from how observant it really is. It also has a distinct melancholy running through it as well. Even a song like 'I Believe In Bugs' and the last line "I will feel the bugs wriggle as they eat me away" – it’s funny and it’s absurd but he’s talking about mortality and the absurdity of existence. And very Scottish as well!"


Beth Orton recommended Solid Air by John Martyn in Music (curated)

Solid Air by John Martyn
Solid Air by John Martyn
1973 | Folk, Rock, Singer-Songwriter
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I first heard him at about 16, and listening to him was like just doing really good drugs, it was like smoking [laughs]... I felt very moved by his music and when I did, it felt like it was just for me, because it seemed like no-one had ever heard of him. No-one really knew of him that well until - I'd often put his record on and blow people's minds with it. I'm not sure what I meant by it being ""personal"" - it sounds like a good way of not talking about it! - I don't want to repeat myself, but listening to it, I never get bored. If we want to get into the sound of a record, there's some pretty innovative sounds in there, in a way. I think it was quite an adventurous record, really, for a supposed folk singer and I find his songs very moving. The first song I ever sang was 'Don't Want To Know ‘Bout Evil', I did a version with William Orbit, and then one of the first gigs I ever did was supporting John Martyn. I think it was at Queen Elizabeth Hall - I was so happy, and running around with bottles of champagne and was like ""no! He's not drinking them!"" He was pretty grumpy, but it seemed to me had different states of mind - this time, he was in a different place."

Richard D. James Album by Aphex Twin
Richard D. James Album by Aphex Twin
1996 | Electronic, Pop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I've been a fan of his since the start, when I heard ‘Didgeridoo'... At our age it was an interesting time, because it was the start of dance culture as we know it, but also I was young enough when I first heard it that I didn't differentiate between hearing a Mary Chain song or hearing an Orb song or a KLF song or a Loop song. I guess of all the bands or musicians that I heard around that first wave of electronic music, I think Richard James is the guy that's continued and kept a high standard and evolved what he did. I mean, that Richard D James record, if you went and listened to half of the brand new IDM vomit they'd be shitty copies of that. What makes his music is so special is that as well as being amazing at concocting interesting sounds and rhythms, he's also musically always doing something brilliant. The piano songs on the Drukqs album are unbelievable. Talking about that, it's completely irrelevant to this, but the most annoyed I've ever got at a music review is the review of Drukqs in Uncut where the journalist said there's no point in making solo piano music because you'd never do anything as good as Satie or Chopin. Well let's just fucking go home then! But anyway. To be able to marry the playfulness with the beauty and the melancholic element, that's just incredible."


Alan Tudyk recommended Sexy Beast (2000) in Movies (curated)

Sexy Beast (2000)
Sexy Beast (2000)
2000 | Comedy, Drama, Mystery
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"And then, I’m going to go with Sexy Beast, a little off of the comedy. Why I love that movie so much is that Ray Winstone is such a badass. I’m a big fan of Nil by Mouth as well, and I knew him from Nil by Mouth. It starts out, he’s with his friends, and [speaking in a British accent] they’re all talking, out there at the restaurant, and he’s like, “Yeah, I’ll get the chicken thing.” “What chicken thing?” And then the friend comes in like, “Ah sh**, just leave it outside.” And they go, “We have something to tell you. Don’s coming.” And then you see him basically sh** his pants, like, “Don? Don’s coming? What’s Don coming for? No, no, God, not Don!” And I’m watching like, “Holy sh**! Who would Ray Winstone be afraid of? This better not be the Ben Kingsley role. This better not be that f***ing little Ghandi motherf***er coming in, scaring Ray Winstone.” And right after the first scene with him, he’s just riding in the car silently; he’s just quiet. Then he gets out of the car and goes, “I’ve got to change my shirt. I’m sweating like a f***ing ****!” [laughs] Oh my God! And he’s so good in it. And it was ultimately a love story, a love story. It was all about his love for his ex-porn actress wife. So f***ing awesome."
