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Networking Thoughtfully: The 30 Minute Read That Could Change Your Life
Networking Thoughtfully: The 30 Minute Read That Could Change Your Life
M. Wheadon | 2017 | Business & Finance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Really Useful
Are you the kind of person that struggles with networking? Do you have to strain to come up with satisfactory conversation starters? Is making business deals with other people something you find challenging? Then Networking Thoughtfully is exactly what you need. This short book by Martin Wheadon is a guide for people who need to build relationships but do not know where to start. With simple points, Wheadon takes readers through a step-by-step process to help achieve positive results.

With over thirty thoughts, the reader is taken through clever ideas to boost their confidence and communication skills. The advice is written clearly, accompanied with examples to help get the most of the author's guidance. The tone of the writing is almost conversational, resulting in the sense that the author understands your anxieties and is talking from personal experience.

Although written with business gain at the forefront, Networking Thoughtfully can also be used to aid personal development. Learning how to start conversations and come up with ways to introduce yourself is beneficial when meeting new people regardless of the circumstances.

The book itself is set out neatly making it easy to follow. It is also easy to dip in and out, reading only the parts relevant to yourself, though if you wish to read it cover to cover it will only take half an hour.

Whether you are new to networking or want to improve your skills, Networking Thoughtfully is an excellent book to read. You are guaranteed to learn something new and develop techniques that benefit both your business and yourself.
Darkest Hour Before Dawn (THIRDS #9)
Darkest Hour Before Dawn (THIRDS #9)
Charlie Cochet | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Darkest Hour Before Dawn (THIRDS #9) by Charlie Cochet
Darkest Hour Before Dawn is the last book (so far) in the THIRDS series, and you do need to read the other books in the series to get the complete picture. It is in previous books that we have learned about the Hobbs family, about Hudson's relationship with Nina, and how Therians view the whole being marked phenomenon.

Now, I will admit to being torn going into this book. I like Hudson - the sexy, nerdy doctor who has helped Dex and Sloane without question. Okay, so maybe with some questions, but he still helped. BUT you then get the Hudson that is constantly pulling Seb to him, only to push him away again. I understand the story of how it happened, and I understand the guilt behind it. I also understand the bonding that is there between mates. What I don't understand is how Seb could carry on wanting Hudson with how he was behaving. Nina had it right with what she said to Hudson, but it was a few years too late in my opinion. I will also admit to getting slightly fed up with the 'poor me' Hudson routine.

On the whole though, this book manages to tie up some loose ends whilst leaving you with plenty of questions going forward. With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, I found the pacing very smooth, with peaks of action in amongst the talking. This book is still a welcome addition to the series, and definitely recommended by me.

* Verified Purchase ~ April 2017 *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Vanishing Point (Nikki Boyd Files #4)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is my second Nikki Boyd novel and I loved it every bit as much as the last one I read. Ms. Harris is a talented author who knows what to bring to her readers. She blends the heart pounding suspense, the breathtaking twists and the epic chills that make up a perfect suspense novel. The characters she throws into the story really bring it to life, making it play out more like a movie on the big screen than simply a thrilling novel.

Nikki, Garrett and Jordan come together in a wonderfully researched, well thought out novel. This is the back story of Nikki's sister Sarah and what happened to her. Each page turn truly captivated me, wrapping me up in the investigation and the shivering suspense that goes on behind the lines of duty. Throw in to the mix a little romance between two characters, God's unending glory and it rounds it out beautifully.

Ms. Harris takes a topic that isn't easily handled, the disappearance of a loved one, and creates a carefully woven, intricately pieced novel. This book is beyond 5 star worthy, and is one that will be at the top of my recommendation list for many months to come. This book will take you on a highest of high roller coaster ride, twist your gut, squeeze your heart, and the sudden stop at the end.....well, just grab a copy of this book now to see what I'm talking about.
*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell Books and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*

ArecRain (8 KP) rated I Heart Geeks in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
I Heart Geeks
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for a review.

The good thing about anthologies is that if you don’t like the story you are reading, you can move on to the next one. Unfortunately, I found myself doing that a lot with this anthology. I requested it because it showcases a culture I am apart of. I go to cons, I read comics books, and play video games. I even have a twitch account where I stream.

But this just wasn’t what I was looking for. Out of all the stories, I only enjoyed a couple. I felt that many of the characters and situations were cliché and stereotypical. While I understand that those type of people and situations exist, I felt that each story was a repeat of the others. When I say “those people” and “those situations”, I am talking about the anti-social, socially awkward people who are sensitive and easily hurt.

I understand, I get it. Those people need representation, too. But these weren’t the people I wanted to read about. I wanted to read about the happy, friendly, quirky people you can’t help but love. The people who are unapologetic in their love of all things nerdy regardless of what that includes. Most of the protagonists in their stories were fragile and delicate. It seems that every protagonists I read about has been hurt before and is resolved to not love again.

It’s an old tired trope. I wish I would have enjoyed it more. I loathe writing negative reviews, but reading this anthology just frustrated me.
Good Will Hunting (1997)
Good Will Hunting (1997)
1997 | Drama
Them Apples (0 more)
My favorite Robin Williams Film, and that is saying something...
This is another Modern Classic about potential and brains, but also about where you come from and how you adapt. Here's an anecdote about finding the right studio: Matt Damon and Ben Affleck found a clever way to choose the right studio for their script: the story goes that on page sixty of the script, they wrote a completely out-of-nowhere sex scene between Will and Chuckie. They took it to every major studio, and nobody even mentioned the scene. When they met with Harvey Weinstein at Miramax, he said, "I only have one really big note on the script. About page sixty, the two leads, both straight men, have a sex scene. What the hell is that?" Damon and Affleck explained that they put that scene specifically in there, to show them who actually read the script, and who didn't. As Weinstein was the only person who brought it up, Miramax was the studio chosen to produce the film.

Also for those of you out there who think just because something is done in school it's not good: When Matt Damon was in his fifth year at Harvard, he was in a playwriting class. The culmination of it was to write a one-act play, and he just started writing a movie, which, with the help of Ben Affleck, became this movie.

"But the question is whether or not you're perfect for each other." were they talking about Ben and Matt?

I guess Ben liked Them Apples, LOL, just kidding.... and here's another Alternate Movie Poster.
Everything Sucks - Season 1
Everything Sucks - Season 1
2018 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
It's a dramedy that takes place in the 90s. I'm talking so 90's it hurts. Three high school freshmen in Boring, Oregan start off their first year of high school in a big way. Hopefully they wont embarrass themselves.

I absolutely fell in love with this show. First of all, it is funny and feels more like a comedy. Nevertheless, the characters are complex and the situations are interesting and emotional.

The young actors, Peyton Kennedy, Jahi Winston, and Rio Mangini especially, do some great work. I think it's great that they actually look like young high school kids. Nonetheless, the are able to bring the emotion.

The show has themes of relationships, self-discovery, growing up, and how the 90s influenced that. There are some very positive representations of discovering sexuality. Not only as a young adult, but some of the older adults recently out of long term relationships also learn what it is to love and trust again.

Finally, one of the big plot points is the making of a movie in the kids AV club. It's actually really impressive when you see just how intensive a process that was not even 20 years ago.

All in all, the characters are the ones that sell the show. The show often ends on cliff hangers making you wanting to come back. My wife and I watched it through twice in one week. It's only 10 episodes and every single one of them is well worth it.

Also, shout out to the 90s tunes. Most of which are still songs on pretty much any of my playlists.
The Victim (2012)
The Victim (2012)
2012 | Drama, Mystery
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I didn't fall asleep :) (0 more)
Horrible acting (4 more)
Boring plot
Long talking scenes that add nothing
No likable characters
Was this still worth £1?
So I paid £1 for this on blu ray from Poundland. You can't argue with that price even if you are going to just watch it once.

The tone confused me a lot at first. I wasn't sure what it was supposed to be. The lighting felt terrible and the plot was terrible.

Michael Beihn was pretty much the only good part. He's a great actor but not a good director sadly. Mostly the acting was just horrible.

None of the characters were particularly likable. Despite all this, I felt there was going to be a lot more to the story than I was led to believe at the beginning so I stuck with it expecting some kind of twist. Sadly the whole thing isn't like this and just has a predictable ending.

It is badly paced with boring scenes that go on far too long and a sex scene that feels too out of place. It is a movie that tries to rely on hot girls and sex (not much might I add) with flashbacks to tell a lot of the story. This does not work and takes away whatever suspense there was.

The movie was too predictable with no surprises. I wouldn't waste your time with it to be honest. You can't even laugh at it but for £1 I can't really argue. Somehow it ain't even worth that but at least I watched it so you don't have to.
Andrew Sean Greer | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Less is a good name for this book, because that's how I found it. Less than the love story it is purported to be. Less interesting than people say it is. Less funny than reviews would have me believe. Less than I was expecting. It's a Pulitzer Prize winner, apparently? Maybe I just don't "get" contemporary fiction. Because unless it's YA, I very, VERY rarely like it. I didn't like Arthur Less. None of his misadventures were that funny.

The book was a little meta; Arthur is told that the book he's writing isn't that interesting because his protagonist, a middle aged gay white man, isn't interesting and no one cares about him. Which is exactly how I feel about Arthur Less. He's a middle aged gay white man with the means to travel the world, and a boyfriend who would have married him if he'd only, I don't know, asked. But he just floats through his life a little melancholy and woe is me. And not in the like actually depressed kind of way. Just - meh.

Arthur is BORING. Arthur is privileged, and boring, and annoying as all hell. This book just makes me want to avoid Pulitzer Prize winners. Who awards these prizes, and WHY? Also why does everybody rave about books like this?

Blargh. Don't bother with this book. People who say it made them laugh out loud don't know what they're talking about, or perhaps haven't read actually funny books. They should read something by Ellen, or Trevor Noah, or Tiffany Haddish. THEY'RE ACTUALLY FUNNY.

You can find all my reviews at
Show all 3 comments.

Dracoria Malfoy (690 KP) Jul 29, 2018

Oh wow. I've actually been planning on reading this book ever since I found out about the Pulitzer winners. I'm still going to read it, but I'll be a little more cautious about it now.


ClareR (5784 KP) Aug 2, 2018

Oh dear - I’m glad I only bought it as the Kindle daily deal!! I won’t feel so bad if I have to ditch it (like I’d ever do that ?).

Dead Simple (Roy Grace book 1)
Dead Simple (Roy Grace book 1)
Peter James | 2006 | Crime
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can’t put this book down (2 more)
Familiar area
Good series
Contains spoilers, click to show
This first book of the Roy grace series is brilliant. I was instantly hooked, I couldn’t put this book down it was so good

What drew me to these books is the location they are set in. Visually the area is so well described which is great for Imagening the area, the people the story...

I needed to know weather Michael would escape! Would Davey finally admit he’s been talking to someone on a walk or talkie.

I love this the story is focused on different point of veiws rather than one person. You get to experience roys life, Michaels life and Daveys life.

Michael the joker his friends decide to play a big prank on his that goes horrible wrong for everyone. They all get into and accident only on friend survived, the only one that knows Micheal location who is due to get married. He doesn’t let the police know of his friendly location who
Is trapped under ground in a coffin.

You get to experience how Micheal feels, what he thinks, desperate for the guy that has the other end of the walkie talkie to save him and find his location before time runs out!

I love that we have a story background of Roy grace, his wife just left one day and he’s never seen or Heard from her since. Is she dead or alive, did she just up and leave with no note. What happened to sandy!? I need to know and this is what gets you hooked. Sandy where are too? What happened ? I hope we find out in one of the books.