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Duty, Honor, Sacrifice (Toronto's Elite #2)
Duty, Honor, Sacrifice (Toronto's Elite #2)
Angela S. Stone | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Duty, Honor, Sacrifice (Toronto's Elite #2) by Angela S. Stone
Duty, Honor, Sacrifice is the second book in the Toronto's Elite series, and whilst we focus on a different pair, the characters from book one also play a big part in it. It is for this reason that I would recommend that you read this as a series, rather than standalones.

Chris and Logan have had an on-again/off-again relationship for approximately three years, and both of them want more, but neither of them are prepared to say anything. Mixed up with this is the job that they do, with Logan currently searching for someone involved with child porn/kidnapping. They get pulled onto another case though, with Jaden appearing to be targeted by a media leak within the department. This means that they work more closely with Jaden and Cam than they have previously, learning more about those two and themselves at the same time.

Whilst I thoroughly enjoyed this book and found it to be a brilliant carry on from book one, there were parts where I was a bit confused. This was simply because the story is told from both the main males' perspectives, and sometimes it wasn't clear just who was talking. It was "he said, he moved, he thought," whereas a name might have been a bit more helpful at times. I must point out that I received an ARC of this, so I'm sure that this will be picked up and sorted before the book is released.

On the whole, this is an exciting, action-packed book that I can highly recommend. Looking forward to book three now.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sons of Thunder (Brothers in Arms Collection)
Sons of Thunder (Brothers in Arms Collection)
Susan May Warren | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Romance
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved the concept of Sons of Thunder. It had great potential and I’ve seen tons of five-star reviews for it. Sadly it didn’t meet my expectations.

I had a hard time reading it for a few reasons. One was the writing. It had a sort of funny style. It was as if short dramatic phrases were placed at the end of a paragraph, but the phrases were not dramatic in any way, nor were the necessary. It made the whole thing feel awkward. It was also hard to follow and I got confused a lot.

The second was the romance. I immediately saw and understood how Markos looked at Sofia. But their relationship jumped around from courteous to in-love to friends to not-talking, and I couldn’t understand where they actually stood or how they saw each other. It was like a whole first chunk of their relationship was missing from the book. There was no connection to the characters.

Third, I didn’t like the Chicago club stuff at all. It turned me off right away.

As I mentioned above I didn’t finish Sons of Thunder. There was nothing compelling me to continue, there wasn’t any plot, and the characters were beginning to aggravate me and I didn’t connect with them. I skipped to the very last page just to see what happened, and was not surprised to see that exactly what I thought would happen, did happen.

I was very disappointed by Sons of Thunder, especially considering all the five star reviews on Goodreads and Amazon. I really wish I had loved it, but I must share my 100% honest opinion. Please know that I and the few other readers who didn’t like it are the minority by a landslide. I hope you’ll consider other reviews before you make a decision.
Wildwood (Wildwood Chronicles, #1)
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I first started reading this book, I tried really hard not to compare it to Jim Henson's Labyrinth. Girl doesn't pay attention to her baby brother, he gets kidnapped, and she has to go into a dangerous, magical world to save him. But I figured I'd give it a chance.

...and then the talking coyotes in red jackets tried to light a fire.

All I could think of was the Fire Gang scene from Labyrinth. Coyote-bird monsters who play with fire. I dare you to tell me those things aren't half-coyotes!

To the book's credit, it gets better. Once you get past the premise, it really does become its own story.

You've got to question what kind of parent doesn't get suspicious when their 1-year-old doesn't make a sound all night, though. Prue's able to just slip out by wrapping up some blankets to look like a baby, and telling her parents that Mac is "really tired". So they don't go to kiss him goodnight? They don't check on him at some point before the morning? These have to be the worst parents ever. Which I guess kind of fits in with what you learn about them later, but it seemed weird when I first read it.

Going into this book, I'd heard that it was a somewhat tedious read. I didn't feel that at all. Sure, it occasionally slowed down when you had to switch between Prue and Curtis, but mainly it was a lot of exposition.

Anyway, if you can get past the parts that feel like you're reading a Labyrinth/Narnia hybrid, it's not a bad book. I look forward to the sequel, which I've heard good things about.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
While at the beginning I wasn't too sure I would like Thor -- he was too arrogant and jerky -- and then I wasn't too sure about Gen -- can you say prickly? -- I ended up liking them and their story all the same. Actually the plot and mystery is what really kept me reading. I liked that it was harder to figure out whodunnit than the others in this series, but I did have it narrowed down to two suspects and ended up picking the right one (go me!). Although I'm still not sure exactly why they did it, but then again, when you're a serial killer, do you really need a reason?

The only thing that really bothered me was everyone's outlook on Gen. She's a frickin' Mary-Sue when it goes to someone else's point-of-view or if they're talking about her when she's not around, so I really got sick of hearing how sensual she is, how perfect, how tall and slim, how her smile is perfect -- gag me. When it was through her eyes, everything was fine and I liked her, but really, I can only take so much of hearing about what utter perfection she is. At one point, a local musician said something to the affect that she's Key West's 'jewel' (or gem, something like that) and it was like come on, give me a break. Talk about overkill. There was nothing in the book to even get the impression that she's that well known about the island.

Anyway, aside from my rant, I liked it and thought that the mystery aspect was the best part of the book and it kept me guessing and hooked until the end.
The Birds (1963)
The Birds (1963)
1963 | Classics, Horror, Mystery
Hitchcock at his best
1960 saw the release of Psycho, Hitchcock's signature work, but Psycho is not the only film that people think of when talking about his work. The Birds, made three years later, has a warm place in film fans hearts and a much larger fan base than people seem to think.

I know more people who dislike Psycho compared to those who like The Birds and I feel that this is most defiantly Alfred Hitchcock at his best. Rear Window and Vertigo are also up there but this film offers the right blend of shocks and a disturbing sense of dread, that makes it accessible by many, whilst still being fun to watch.

The birds have turned. Nature is taking her wrath upon man for a brief moment, but the sheer scale of the idea that nature could turn on us is a primally frightening concept. I do feel that this was the vain in which M. Night Shyamalan's dismal The Happening was attempting to tap into decades later, but Hitchcock got this right first time, for all time.

The effects are dated but their impact is still strong, as the ideas are so pronounced that there's little need to show anything. The acting is decent and the direction, though not as perfect as many would argue for Hitch, still doing the job well. This is a timeless and more accessible Hitchcock classic than Psycho, yet often dismissed and I wonder why?

Both films are clear genre pieces and are still being drawn from today. This is a textbook thriller with a natural twist and a dire tone. But the image of the crow massing on telegraph poles is a simple as it it frighting, just because it happens every day…
Do you want a book that will suck you in, sweep you off your feet, and knock you down, then pick you up and do it all over again through the book? Then look no further than this best selling author's new book, American Omens. It's fantastically phenomenal, and one that you absolutely do not want to miss.

Now, that said, I'll be honest and tell you that had I come across this book in the bookstore and read the blurb first, I probably wouldn't have picked it up. I'm not be on the furturistic style stories. They just don't appeal to me. But, after reading this one, I would have been missing out on something so incredible. 

This book is powerful. It's about coming into your Faith and understanding what that big little word means. The plot line is one that may get to some. Much like we are starting to see today, this book about people being sought out for their different feelings, or beliefs, will really move you. The characters of the book are chiseled perfectly. I could feel their pain, their suffering, their emotions, as if they were my own. I love that! 

This book is definitely getting 4.5 stars from me. I sat down, started reading it at 6:30 pm and was done by 11:00 pm. I just could not put it down. Each page turn convicted me with something new, each turn of the page brought me closer to an ending I wasn't sure I wanted to reach. But, it was worth it in the end! Grab it now and see what I'm talking about.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Waterbrook & Multnomah and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Absolution: A Leine Basso Thriller
Absolution: A Leine Basso Thriller
D.V. Berkom | 2019 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Great Series
Once again, DV Berkom provides us with a treat with her latest installment in the Leine Basso series. You would assume that things would be getting a bit stale and boring by now but you would be wrong.

Leine finds herself in a life and death struggle with her nemesis, Salome, a particularly nasty terrorist and assassin (are there any other kinds!) who is after Leine and those she holds most dear. Leine has to use all her skills honed when she herself was an assassin but also those gained whilst working for an organisation called SHEN who rescue victims of human trafficking.

What we are provided with in this book is action, adventure and a thrill-a-minute. What we are not provided with is loads of bad language, gratuitous violence and graphic descriptions of death ... don't get me wrong, there is violence but nothing that you would not expect in a book dealing with assassins, terrorism and trafficking; the author just doesn't go over the top, in fact she doesn't need to as she just lets her writing and the story do the talking.

With excellent characters - and I am particularly pleased to see the return of Jinn, the little streetwise girl Leine saved from being murdered in "Dark Return" - suspense from start to finish and an exciting story, this book grabbed me by the "short and curlies" and refused to let go until the last letter.

I want to thank DV Berkom for providing me with a copy in return for an honest review and for writing another fantastic book which I have no hesitation in recommending this and the rest of the series to anyone but particularly those of you who love a strong, female lead character who has a sensitive and loving side but who is not afraid to kick some rear ends!
Notes on a Nervous Planet
Notes on a Nervous Planet
Matt Haig | 2018 | Health & Fitness, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Science & Mathematics
9.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let’s just start off with the compulsory statement: I would read absolutely anything written by Matt Haig. I’ll link my reviews of his other books at the end of this post.

Notes is a follow-on book to Reasons to Stay Alive, and focuses on her the world is effecting your mental health. It’s in quite small chapters so it’s really easy to get along with and read in short bursts rather than being a book you need a large amount of free time to read.

I really loved Haig’s commentary on the roles of social media towards your mental health. He points out how social media can both help and hinder people’s mental health, and how social media is full of the best parts of people, not every part.

The thing I love about his writing is that he’s straight-talking. He says it as it is throughout the book, and definitely puts a strong point forward about exactly what can make a large difference to your mental health.

I’m happy that in Notes, Haig points out that there is no difference between mental and physical health in their effects, making a brilliant argument on why mental health should be taken more seriously by everyone.

When this book came in the post I told myself I was going to savour it, because I was so excited to get a new book by Matt Haig that I didn’t want to rush it. So in the end I read it in two days instead of one!

Notes on a Nervous Planet is definitely necessary reading for everyone, whether you have mental health struggles or not. It gives many ways to stop letting the world into your head and not wasting your energy worrying. It’s made me glad I read it.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Au Pair in Books

Apr 4, 2019  
The Au Pair
The Au Pair
Emma Rous | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a book that everyone seemed to be talking about on Goodreads, so I picked it up. I'm glad I did. It was an engaging, quick read that kept me interested and guessing. The story alternates between the present-day, told by Seraphine and the past, leading up to the twins birth, as told by Laura, the young au pair. We learn that the Mayes family has a history of sadness and tragedy--especially when it comes to twins. However, Rous is very good as slowly unfurling her plot, letting us carefully uncover exactly what happened not only with Seraphine, Danny, and their older brother Edwin, but with their mother, Ruth, and with Laura.

The book is certainly weird and intriguing early on. It's very readable and certainly creepy at times. I did wonder why Seraphine didn't just take a DNA test from the beginning: at least then she'd know if Edwin and Danny were her brothers! There was a lot of hand-wringing and angst. Which, okay, I can understand if you believe you don't belong in your family, but it was a little much at times. There were a few cliches and predictable moments, but the plot was also really interesting and just dramatic enough to draw me in and keep me flipping the pages. I was fascinated to see how things would all turn out. And while Seraphine could irritate me at times, I overall liked both Laura and Seraphine as narrators and characters.

Overall, this was a good read--fast and twisty. I probably could have used a notepad to draw out the family dynamics by the end: there are some fun twists and turns there. It's a good book to embrace and enjoy the craziness and drama. It can be a little melodramatic, but overall a fun read. 3.5 stars.
Chat Love
Chat Love
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let me start by saying that this was a cute little love story, that I read quickly. I give it such a low rating mainly because it was pretty predictable and I figured out what was going to happen 1/3 of the way into the book.

Lucia is from an Italian family. Being 28 and single means she is practically an old maid. She has a couple of serious boyfriends, but she has never found THE ONE. One of her co-workers has recently found the man of her dreams on an online dating site called Chat Love. When her married younger sister announces that she is pregnant, the pressure is really on then. After pressure from her friends, Lucia decides to join Chat Love and try something new. Her dates are very interesting, to say the least. But you never know where you will find love.

As I stated before, this was a quick and fun read. The story is cute, but very predictable. The dates that she goes on are always dinner dates, there is no variety to them. The main character Lucia is an Italian bombshell from the way she is described by her dates and her peers. She is loved by all, but can't seem to find love. She goes on several dates in the book that range from good to just plain weird. She even had a stalker for a brief moment. In the end, she ends up with the guy she would have least expected, but the reader knew from the start. There is a part in the book, where I wanted to jump through the pages and smack Lucia for not knowing she was talking to the man she wanted online the whole time.

I will try another title by Justine Faeth.