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Leave Only Footprints
Leave Only Footprints
Conor Knighton | 2020 | Natural World
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Left Me with Mixed Reactions
When Conor Knighton’s fiancée left him, he wasn’t sure quite what to do until he saw a promotion talking about the National Park’s 100th anniversary. Soon, he was making plans to visit all of the official National Parks in 2016, reporting on some of them for CBS Sunday Morning. After experiencing sunrise on New Year’s Day in Acadia, he crisscrossed the country numerous times in his quest to experience all of them.

When I first heard about this book, I was intrigued. I’ve long wanted to visit all of the parks myself, not that I’ve done much more than think about it. When this book focuses on the parks and some of their history, it is fascinating. The writing is excellent, and it is easy to feel you are right next to him as he experiences the parks. However, at times he gets distracted trying to push an agenda on us, and when that happens, the parks get shafted. A few of the parks he barely describes, focusing instead on the bad he feels needs to be fixed or pointing out the bad in the past that has been fixed. Even when I agreed with his point, I found this frustrating because it’s not what I wanted to read about when I picked up the book. He definitely made me want to visit several of the parks as soon as I can. His brief stories about his life and his stories about the people he met along the way were fun and fascinating. There are two inserts of pictures from his journey; I would have loved more, but I enjoyed what we got. I wish the book had focused more on the parks themselves. Then it would have been fantastic.
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