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Good Me, Bad Me
Good Me, Bad Me
Ali Land | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
Milly is 15 years old. She has just been placed with a foster family because she has just turned her mother in to the police. Why would a 15 year old need to turn their parent in to the police? Her mother is a serial killer who kills children. Milly is afraid that she may turn out just like her mother. Does she have it in her to be good, or is she bad like her mother? How much of our make up is nature and how much is nurture?

Thank you to Flatiron Books and Ali Land for an advanced reader's copy of this book.

I was so excited to read this book. I couldn't wait. The description alone is enough to get you intrigued. While reading the book, I kept waiting for something to happen. Something big, something major!!! It never happened. Milly did a few little things to "test" her limits on the side of good or bad, but nothing I don't think a typical teenager who was being bullied would have done in her same situation.

After turning in her mother to the police, Milly is sent to live with a foster family. The father is her psychiatrist, the mother is in need of one, and the daughter is jealous and a bully from the time Milly moves in. Milly tells the story as if she is talking to her mother. It covers a span of a few months, while Milly is waiting to give her testimony in her mother's trial. Overall it's a good story. I don't think I would put it in a category of psychological thriller, because it didn't leave me on the edge of my seat and there wasn't a major WOW moment.

This is a debut novel from author Ali Land, and I will see what her next book will be.

You can see all my reviews at

Amy Louise Davison (118 KP) rated The Umbrella Academy in TV

Mar 4, 2019 (Updated Mar 4, 2019)  
The Umbrella Academy
The Umbrella Academy
2018 | Action, Fantasy
The characters of Klaus and Five (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
I loved the first season of this show. Especially the characters of Klaus and Five. Five is meant to be 58 (due to getting trapped in the future for 45years) and when coming back from the future returns to his 13 year old body. His siblings are all 30 years old so technically he is 28 years older. The actor who plays Five is only 15 in real life but is absolutely brilliant in his role. It must have been daunting for him to act among much older actors and have to act so much older than his actual age but he did it remarkably. He is so believable and witty.

Klaus is eccentric and loveable, tormented and sad. I was willing him on in the season to be okay and stay sober. The actor portraying Klaus (Robert Sheehan) is Irish in real life - his American accent in this show is flawless. Remarkable.

Varnya, although she may be the centre of the show in some ways is in my opinion very unlikeable. I do not know if that was on purpose or not but I found her boring and whiny and a little annoying!

Allison, Diego, Luther and Ben are all good characters, rounded and likeable.

The show does not spoon feed you information either. Pogo is never explained... Why is he an intelligent, talking monkey? It is assumed Hargreeves made him like this but it is never touched upon.

It is never explained why Five kept his name and the others did not but it suits his character. Delores is never thrown in Five's face by any of his siblings which is unusual but brilliant. The Umbrella Academy doesn't take the route you usually suspect most of the time.

I recommend this season to everyone, young and old. There is humour, drama, sadness, violence, mystery, sci-fi themes, super powers, magic briefcases and a hell of a lot of doughnuts.
Secret Lady (Ladies in Time, #3)
Secret Lady (Ladies in Time, #3)
Beth Trissel | 2019 | Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
not sure this is one for me
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Evie is staying with her grandmother, and she hears whispers from the closet in her room. Then, in a blink of an eye, things changed and she was right back in the middle of the American Civil War. Specifically, a week before the whole valley her grandmother's house sits in is razed to the ground. A certain solider steals her heart, but there are things keeping them apart, again, and this time, Jack might not make it.

I read this, I finished this, I'm still not sure it was the book for me though!

It's a good book, don't get me wrong, but I don't know if it was THIS book, or the author's style, or what didn't work for me, I really don't. So forgive me, if this review is short. I struggle the hardest to write these sorts of reviews.

I liked that both Evie and Jack have a voice, and those voices are very distinct. Not just in the difference between the male and the female voice, but in the TIME difference too. Evie is very much the modern woman, and Jack very much a man of the 1860's with all their rules, and words, and ways of talking. Made me chuckle in a couple of places.

It is CLEAN, just some kissing between Jack and Evie. It's also, for being set around that time, relatively free from on-screen violence. It IS there, but nothing graphic or explained in any great detail.

I liked the twist that Jack and Evie had been together before, and this was the house's doing to bring them back together.

I just *insert heavy sigh* found it an okay read, and I can't even voice why. And for that, I'm sorry. Someone will LOVE this book, unfortunately, that someone is not me.

A good 3 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Empress of All Seasons
Empress of All Seasons
Emiko Jean | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (2 more)
Japanese mythology
Old, tired tropes (0 more)
I am so torn on this book. I'm really tired of the trope of "batch of girls competing to win a dude" that seems to be so popular lately. But this is an Asian take on the trope, so I don't want to come down too hard on it for that. I attended a panel at the last Baltimore Book Festival about old tropes being resurrected by minority authors, and I agree that just because a trope might seem old and played out, putting a new spin on it with minority characters and themes deserves its own time. That is definitely valid. But they were talking about tropes like vampires and zombies and retold classics like Pride and Prejudice and Alice in Wonderland. I'm not sure the trope of "girls competing to win a dude" deserves more time in any form. (To be fair, I kind of equally hate guys competing to win the hand of the princess. No one should be obligated to marry someone just because they won an arbitrary competition. There are all kinds of consent issues there.)

Despite that, I really enjoyed this book. I loved the characters, the variety of yõkai, the bits of myth interspersed throughout the book. I do question Akira being trained to be a master of shuriken in a matter of days - like, really? And I wish instead of summarizing a ton in the epilogue, she'd just written a sequel, because I think there's enough material to do it. You'd think, with so much I didn't like about the book, that my overall opinion would be negative - but it's not. Even with all of those bad points, this book was enthralling and kept me reading right to the end.

Empress of all Seasons is a great Japanese-inspired fantasy that relies a little too much on old tropes. Set your inner critic to the side and just enjoy the ride, because the story is fantastic.

You can find all my reviews at
A Court of Thorns and Roses
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Sarah J. Maas | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (107 Ratings)
Book Rating
My first 10 star rating in nearly 7 years!
Lets be honest, im not a die hard fantasy reader. I didnt like lord of the rings, i didnt like harry potter, i dont like game of thrones.. i could go on. I have pretty much decided that if a huge majority of people are raving about something i will most likely hate it.
Why i picked up this book then? Well, i recently joined a few bookclubs and this author was what everyone talked about, everyone had these inside jokes that i had no idea what they were talking about... i guess that ticked me off enough times to buckle and give this book a try... AND OH AM I HAPPY THAT I DID.
Im not going to go into details about the book and potentially spoil it.. however i will say a few things.
Firstly, after a few chapters in brace yourself.. there is no "down time" to this book, no filler. I literally had to.. HAD TO, put the book down to process because it was so good.
I can not speak for this authors writing in any other novel because this series is my first of hers.. but the writing is beautiful and intricate. Do not expect to speed read wont happen.
everytime i thought i knew what was going to happen next.. I WAS SOOO WRONG. (And im actually pretty good a guessing.)
The characters are so well thoughtout and i love each one of them as i should for what they are. The main characters of a book are usually the only ones you get to know, but we see into the past, future and present of each one of these beautiful souls.
So i guess what im saying is.. i went into this book ticked off lol and very much expecting to DNF ing it. And i came out the other side in love.. ...
The Ghost of Mavis
The Ghost of Mavis
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Ghost of Mavis had me intuited by wanting to know what it was about. Was it a mother that died with a young girl. There a mystery to it that you are pondering from the minute you start reading.

Mavis shows up at the Pearly gates in a wedding dress. Why and what reason. Mary Lynn Plaisance write the story well. This is her first book, that I have read. She leaves you guessing and pondering about a little girl. Who is this little girl and what is she waiting for? All we know at the beginning Mavis as died and is at the age of 88. What her angels tell her is, that she miss her lick and was to marry again.

Mavis is confused but are we as well? She also wonders why she wears a wedding dress. She wants to go back to earth to be born into a rich family. When she goes to ask, her angels she's going back to earth on a mission. To do that she will go back as a ghost and her angel Anna will help her until she finds this James Windsor.

You start to wonder what life is after death. Where do we go? Is it a belief that we reincarnate back to our family or do we stay in haven. That you will have to decide. Mary does a splendid job with this and talking about the afterlife. I would suggest if you enjoy paranormal fan or even a little mystery fan this is a good book to read. I recommend it to read.

The book is well written and few mistakes. I believe a may have caught one mistake in the entire book. It was probably one that got the word misplaced not even spell wrong when editing, it wonderful. I hope to read more by Mary Lynn Plaisance.
Jemima J
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jemima Jones is overweight. She is aware of this fact and she's okay with it. She loves models and magazines and frequently cuts out their pictures and tapes them to her wall. Currently she writes the Top Tips for the Kilburn Herald in London. She would like to right features, like her friend Geraldine, but right now, she enjoys "proofing" the copy. She has a crush on another colleague, Ben Williams and occasionally, the three hang out. Ben is crushing on Geraldine, while Jemima is crushing on him. After an internet seminar given by the newspaper, the trio decides to check it out what all the internet hype is about for themselves. When they find a chat room called Cafe LA, Jemima becomes JJ and her world is flipped upside down.

JJ meets Brad in the chatroom and after talking for a while, they exchange photos. Brad is a hunk and JJ is smoking hot, but Jemima is not and before she agrees to meet Brad in person, she has to lose about 100 pounds. With this goal Jemima sets out to join a gym and get a personal trainer and the weight falls off. Armed with a new body and a new attitude, JJ is off to LA to meet Brad. Is he going to be the man in the pictures? Will they fall madly in love and will she finally get the man of her dreams?

Many women can relate to Jemima J. She is self conscious about herself and how the world perceives her. I could see myself in her shoes. I was afraid for her when she went to meet a man on the other side of the world that she had met on the internet. I wanted Ben to see her as more than a friend. I wanted her roommates to not be such idiots. Jemima is a character that you can understand and root for.
Murder, D.C.
Murder, D.C.
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sully Carter is a journalist in Washington, D.C. When he starts to investigate the murder of Billy Ellison, the son of a prominent African American family in the area, he finds out a lot more information then he had planned to. With so many questions about this death and curious circumstances about talking to the family about it, Sully is determined to get to the truth, even if his own life may hang in the balance because of it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Viking for the opportunity to read and review this book. This is the first book I have read by Neely Tucker and I look forward to more that he has. I enjoy reading books in and around Washington DC as I have lived in this area most of my life.

This book had a very interesting story line and a few twists and turns along the way. Billy Ellison is gay and his family is very well known throughout the DC area. His family wants him to follow in his father's footsteps and become a lawyer, but this isn't something he is interested in. He enjoys exploring his family's rich and illustrious past in Washington, but then he discovers something very disturbing. After his death, Sully Carter, picks up where Billy left off and tries to find out what in the research could have gotten him killed. As Sully gets closer to the truth, his life is on the brink of ending as well.

In the book, Sully works for "The Paper" not sure which that would be, but I'm assuming its the Washington Post, the largest in the area. Sully is a character who you can love or hate, really. He didn't grow on me too much. The story overall had a good plot, but there were parts of it that my eyes read but my brain did not digest.

Overall the book is good and if given the opportunity, I will read more books by Neely Tucker.
Julie Murphy | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Willowdean Dickerson aka Dumplin' is a high school student who is trying to navigate her way through life after the death of her aunt, who was a big part of her life. She is also trying to find her way through a job with her crush, ups and downs with her best friend and pageant season. Will is fat, and she has not problem admitting that. But when one of the best looking guys in town is working with her and shows an interest, she's not sure how to take it. Why does he like her and how can they avoid everyone else thinking the same thing?

I could totally relate to Dumplin'. I remember high school fondly and crushes and everything. It's the worst and best time in a young girls life and its also the time that makes quite an impact on your life. Will loves the way that Bo uses her full first name. When he kisses her one night after work and continues to kiss her, she is confused about why he is showing an interest. He is well known in their small town and she's sure that if they are seen together, the whole town will be talking. But how can she avoid him?

To top it off, Dumplin's mom is in charge of the pageant and this is the last thing Dumplin' would ever do, but this year she decides to enter. Even though she thinks she has no chance of winning, why not? She inspires other unlikely contestants to join as well. This will definitely be the first for the Miss Teen Blue Bonnet Pageant. Will one of these unlikely girls be able to pull off the win?

This book is great for girls of all ages and sizes to read. It's an inspiration to go for what you believe in no matter what others think.
The Bride Test
The Bride Test
Helen Hoang | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received The Bride Test on Saturday, a few days before today's (May 7th) release date, through Book of the Month. I've been really excited about this one, because it's another adult romance with an autistic main character, like the first book, The Kiss Quotient. (The author is also autistic.) There's actually a lot of #ownvoices representation here; Hoang has an author's note at the end talking about how much of Esme's personality and struggles are based on her own mother, who immigrated from Vietnam as a refugee at the end of the Vietnam war. I love that in writing the book, Hoang grew closer to her mother as she learned about her history. Definitely don't miss the author's note at the end of this book, if you read it!

I have mixed feelings about this one, but unfortunately the part I really have mixed feelings about is very spoilery, so I can't talk about it without ruining major plot points! Overall, I did really like the book, and Khai showed a lot of the same traits my husband does. The first book's autistic character is female, so it was nice to see a character so similar to my husband this time. The characters from The Kiss Quotient do make a token appearance in The Bride Test, and I'm hoping Hoang will finally write Quan's story next! There is an untitled third book in the series due out in 2020, so I'm crossing fingers for Quan!

I absolutely adored Esme in this book. She is hardworking and strong-willed, and knows what she's worth. I wish she'd been a little more honest with Khai, but I can understand being too afraid to be fully honest with someone who could have such control over your future. I did really enjoy this sequel, and I can't wait to hear what the plot will be for the third book.

You can read all my reviews at