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Amy Christmas (170 KP) rated The Cruel Prince in Books

Dec 24, 2017 (Updated Dec 24, 2017)  
The Cruel Prince
The Cruel Prince
Holly Black | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
Expansive and immersive world (3 more)
Doesn't constantly focus on love
Lies, deceit and betrayal
MC is human
Use of clichés for quick character building (2 more)
Abrupt climax
Unfulfilling ending
Can't wait for more
I received this for free for an honest review.

In The Cruel Prince we follow Jude a human in a fearie world along with her twin sister Taryn and her fearie sister Vivienne. Vivo is the son of the high kings general Madoc who had Vivi stolen from him by his ex-wife who he murdered in front of them.
Jude has grown up in this fearie world and has adapted to it's customs and seeks favour among one of the royal family courts by way of a knighthood. All in an effort to amass power to protect herself from people like Prince Cardan who bully and attack her.
We watch Jude struggle as she goes way in over her head and may be a little to bold and blunt when it comes to standing up to royalty and in some cases bending a knee to it.

I loved this book, there were times it had me grinding my teeth and sitting there talking to myself asking questions and complaining about people dying.
However I have to take marks away for Blacks use of clichés with some of the characters like Cardan and his cruel group for a quick character build. I understand that sometimes clichés are needed but Black could have made the characters more unique in their backstories.
The story is a good first book in a new series as it builds the world well and how the politics work. I do feel as though the climax was too short and could have been expanded on in an extra chapter as things seemed a little too rushed. The epilogue as well left me feeling a little underwhelmed after reading the last chapter, which left me wanting more.

Overall a good read if you enjoy YA fantasy, I've read better, but it's still good and I will be following up on this series.
Prophecy (Prophecy #1)
Prophecy (Prophecy #1)
Lea Kirk | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Prophecy (Prophecy #1) by Lea Kirk
Prophecy is the first book in the Prophecy series, and we start off with Alex as she is thrown into a cell after aliens have invaded earth. She has no idea what has happened to her family or friends, but is determined to do what she can. The first time she meets Gryf, she lays one on him and gives him a black eye. Gryf takes it, not only because it goes against in him to 'attack' a woman, but also because he believes it is deserved. He feels an immense amount of guilt in allowing the earth to be attacked. These two have to work together if there is to be any chance of survival.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! Alex and Gryf are fantastic together. They have a slow-burn romance with some steamy moments, but not too many. As Alex rightly says 'it can be hard getting private time in a refugee camp'. Okay, so I'm paraphrasing, but you know what I mean! Alex is a straight-talking, no-nonsense character who does her best no matter what the situation. Gryf is the honourable Captain who will do anything to protect those who can't protect themselves. He even lumps Alex into that category until she proves otherwise. So many characters in this book, and I loved all of them! Well, apart from the baddies ;) Graig has to be a favourite of mine, and Dante, and Nick, and Ora, and... oh you get the idea! Really pleased to hear that Nick will be getting his own book, and the extra chapter with Graig was sheer perfection.

This story was very well written, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. The pace was smooth, the action was exciting, and the romance was wonderful. I have no hesitation in recommending this book, and I look forward to reading more in this series, and by this author.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Haley Mathiot (9 KP) rated The Heights in Books

Apr 27, 2018  
The Heights
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Heights—a contemporary imagining of Wuthering Heights
by Brian James
Genre: YA Fiction, Romance
Rating: 4, DNF
Ah. Again. A high rated book that I did not finish. “Haley what is wrong with you?” Haley stop talking to yourself.
Let me start with the positive: This book is all about the characters. James has taken characters that were only mildly relatable in Wuthering Heights and made them so realistic that you feel everything they feel. This is a mark of a good writer… but also a very painful book. The viewpoint alternates between Henry and Cathy, but it’s not distracting. It’s so easy to get inside their heads and live their lives. Almost too easy.
The negative: It was too painful to finish. I know what’s going to happen because I know the story of Wuthering Heights… and I don’t think I want to live through that. Because I know if I read it, it will feel 110% real. And I don’t think I could handle that.
This book has taken me two days to read… and each time I could only get a little bit farther before I had to stop because I was so angry at the characters for being stupid and prideful and selfish and mean and hateful, that I threw the book across the room. Twice.
I guess this sad love story is just not my kind of love story. Let’s hope I’m not jinxing myself (Haley you know you don’t believe in such things). If you love sad romance stories or love Wuthering Heights, you’ll love this—because this one hurt. I’ll save it for a rainy day when I need to force myself to break down and cry…
Content: Henry has a dirty mouth, but it’s not overdone. No sexual content, and all romance is appropriate
Recommendation: Anyone who wants a good cry… ages 13+
Cover: I know I usually don’t say anything about the cover… but really they could have done better. Henry (Heathcliff) is supposed to be dark skinned with dark hair. The guy on the cover looks nothing like him.
*angry and sad Haley now goes to the corner and pouts and finds a lighter romance to cheer herself up*
Queens of Geek
Queens of Geek
Jen Wilde | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
THIS BOOK WAS GREAT. It was a fun, quick read, but it involved three BFFs, one of which is autistic with social anxiety, and her friends know this and are incredibly supportive. The second girl is openly bisexual. The third friend, the boy, is Hispanic. The three of them take an epic trip to a big Comicon in LA; the bisexual girl (Charlie) co-starred in a zombie movie, and is a popular Youtuber, so when she's invited to the Con she drags her two BFFs with her. Once there, she meets an idol of hers, another Youtuber, and discovers that her idol has a crush on her! So while dealing with her douchebag ex (her co-star from the movie), the other Youtuber asks Charlie out, and the two girls start a romance.

Meanwhile, the autistic girl (Taylor) and the Hispanic boy (Jamie) have loved each other for ages but been too afraid to admit how they feel. Largely left on their own, because Charlie's manager couldn't get them VIP passes, they explore the Con, geeking out over things and meeting another autistic woman, a comic book artist who gives Taylor some amazing advice about being afraid but doing things anyway.

I really really loved this book. I loved seeing autistic characters treated by their peers as just regular people with quirks, like everyone has. Taylor's friends support her when her brain freaks out, and make allowances for her needs, but don't treat her like she's disabled or fragile. I loved seeing how tight the bonds of friendship were between the three teens, and how excited for each other they were, even when good things happening meant less time to spend with each other.

This was just a really lovely, feel-good book with lots of minority representation, by an autistic author who knows what she's talking about. This is one more book off my Autism Reading List, and my pick for a book about friendship from the Litsy Booked 2018 Challenge.

You can find all my reviews, and the full Autism Reading List, at
Sing, Unburied, Sing
Sing, Unburied, Sing
Jesmyn Ward | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I know, I'm late to the party. This book made a big splash back in September - everyone was talking about it, and it won the National Book Award. My library, however, did not have enough copies to go around, and I was late putting a hold on it, so the hold I put on it in January finally came around to my turn!

In Sing, Unburied, Sing, Jesmyn Ward returns to the same neighborhood in Mississippi that Salvage the Bones was written about. (Two of the siblings from Salvage the Bones show up in a scene in Sing.) The story is told from three different viewpoints: Jojo, a thirteen-year-old boy and the main character of the novel, Leonie, his drug-addicted mother, and Richie, the ghost of a boy Jojo's grandfather met in prison.

This book covers so much that it's difficult to categorize - between discrimination and outright bigotry, bi-racial romance and children, drug addiction, poverty, prison life - deep south gothic, I suppose, would be the best description. Sing really only takes place over a couple of days, but it feels much longer, because Jojo's grandfather tells stories of his time in prison decades prior, Leonie reminisces about high school, and there's just this sense of timelessness over the entire novel.

It's not an easy book. These are hard issues to grapple with, and too many people have to live with these issues. Poverty, bigotry, addiction - these things disproportionately affect the black community, and white people are to blame for the imbalance.

I'm not sure how I feel about the ghost aspect of the book; on one hand I feel like people will see the ghost and decide the book is fantasy - that they don't really need to care about the problems the family faces. On the other hand, the ghost allows us to see even more bigotry and inhumanity targeted at black people. So it serves a purpose.

I'm not sure I like this book. But I'm glad I read it. And that's pretty much going to be my recommendation; it's not a fun read, but it's an important one.

You can find all my reviews at
Warcraft (2016)
Warcraft (2016)
2016 | Action, Fantasy
To begin, I am not really up on the plot of the game in which this movie is based, though I do understand that this is a prequel and that the tone is reasonably accurate to the that of the long enduring PC game.

But derivative is the word. The game was designed to allow its players to interact with each over and across the internet and essentially play in scenarios which span the fantasy genre, itself drawing from such classics as Lord Of the Rings, Dungeons and Dragons and every medieval or ancient myth imaginable.

As a game, this sounds like fun, taking on roles and pretending to be mythological characters, wielding swords and magic, but since this was already taken wholesale from the genre, including films, what was the point?

Essentially, what we have is an epic mash up of films which have already made there mark whilst offering little if anything new worth talking about. The plot twists are predicable if not hammy, the characterisations are dull and cliched and in the end there is little to offer but a brand name and endless special effects.

The movie does pick up a bit in the third act but even this is let down with a finale of world building and sequel teasing, with the plot left wide open and several plot lines ready to go if there was ever to be a Warcraft 2. The problem is that there is little to tantalise unless you are already a die hard fan. The writing is poor, effective for driving the plot along at some pace but it is mundane, predictable and lacking any real intrigue or interest. It simply goes through the motions as does almost everything and everyone else in the film as a whole.

I want to say that it could have been better, but I can not. I think that Jones and his team have probably done a reasonable job of adapting this game but that is what it is, a derivative PC game and hardly suitable for a movie of this scale.

When will they learn?
Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
2017 | Sci-Fi
Visually beautiful and a wonderfully woven story. (0 more)
The key to the future is finally unearthed.
I must admit, my hopes where not high. Since 2012 I have witnessed Ridley Scott wiping his arse on his past glory with the ever worsening Alien Prequels. I hated Prometheus and the less said about Alien Covenant the better. Not only that but did Blade Runner really need a sequel? I was of the strong belief that it did not. The original was a beautifully told, self contained flick with a strong start, middle and end. Throw in to the mix the fact that generally a movie sequel that appears a few decades after the original is rarely as good as what came before. I'm talking about you Indiana Jones, Dumb and Dumber and so on..
Taking that all into account I sat down to watch Blade Runner 2049 with the most open mind I could muster and as the end credits rolled the only thought in my sci-fi frazzled head was "holy shit what a movie"..
I loved it. Not just liked it. Not just found it to be ok (which was about all I had hoped for). I fucking loved it. My wife found it slow and eventually wandered off for a bath but I loved it. I loved the visuals that burst forth from the screen and penetrated my brain through my eyeballs. The story was equally as compelling as the original. Ryan Gosling was great. Harrison Ford was great. The nods to the original all great and never sickly nostalgic.
I can honestly say that I have never been so happy to be wrong. Although there is a 30+ year gap between both films I didn't feel that the special effects (although stunning here) did anything to spoil those of the original. Hopefully this movie has taught me to be more open minded but somehow I imagine I will always be this cynical old bastard that those who know me have come to love or loathe.
If you haven't seen this film yet, or if like me you're expecting the worst, my advice would be "stop being an arse and enjoy the spectacle and dare I say masterpiece? That Blade Runner 2049 truly is".
When You Are Near
When You Are Near
Tracie Peterson | 2019 | Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (2 more)
Writing Style
Those that know me, know I love to read Historical novels, so it will come as no surprise at all that I love this novel. It’s my first Peterson novel in a long time, and I was excited to see what she had in store for her readers with this one. Let me tell, I was taken on a whirl wind ride with this one and I loved every minute of it! Those that know me, also know that I love to be around horses and ride them (though it’s been a while since I’ve ridden one!), so I definitely enjoyed this book for that aspect alone.

I adored Lizzy’s character. She’s beautifully chiseled and I loved that she was a trick rider in this story! I haven’t read a book like this one, about women trick rider’s, so it made Lizzy’s story that much more fun for me. I felt a connection with Lizzy, having lost my mother a few years back, and I dealt with my own pain and struggles much like Lizzy did. Watching her blossom from that pain and struggle, seeing her connection with her horse, seeing how she realized that love is what she truly needs to get through it all, was a fantastic experience!

If you love novels that are beautifully written, filled with rich Historical detail, and filled with characters that come to life, then you need not look any further than Peterson’s new novel. She has tremendous talent and fills her books with hope, understanding and love, along with some powerful messages for her readers. This book is fast paced, and before I knew it, it was over, so I’m highly anxious to get book 2 in this series, as I am not yet done with these trick riders and their stunning horses! Grab this 4 star novel now and see what I’m talking about! You won’t be sorry.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Wonder Park (2019)
Wonder Park (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Kind of inoffensive? (1 more)
Animation is fine
The plot (2 more)
The concept
The execution
Horrible Park
Contains spoilers, click to show
I have five kids. So I've seen a ton of kids' movies. Some are good, some are bad, and some are meh. "Wonder Park" falls completely and stubbornly into the bottom range of Meh. It's not so bad that you hate yourself for watching it, but it isn't even interesting enough to hold your attention for the 80-minute runtime.

"Wonder Park" is about an imaginary amusement park called Wonderland (they never explain the discrepancy in name versus the name of the movie) invented by a young girl. She talks about the park, she draws pictures of it, she makes models of it, and she creates new rides with the help of her mom.

Unfortunately, in a real downer of a plotline, her mom gets sick with an unnamed illness and has to go away to see specialists somewhere. This makes the girl depressed, which makes her stop using her imagination, which makes her stop caring about Wonderland.

Then, in a situation that makes no sense, she hops off of a bus on the way to Math Camp, takes off on her own through the woods, and stumbles onto a real-life version of Wonderland run by real talking animals. Except there's a problem: Wonderland is being destroyed by a big black cloud and a sea of stuffed monkeys.

The girl eventually realizes (duh!) that the black cloud is basically her sadness, and to save the park she has to learn to use her imagination again. So she does. Then she leaves the park, goes back home, and her mom is magically better from the illness and everyone presumably lives happily ever after.

It's a neat concept (kid creates amusement park!) with bad execution, a terrible story, and too much depression for a kids' movie. Plus it wraps up too neatly. And it isn't funny. And I literally almost fell asleep watching it.

If you have to see a family movie, you can do a lot better than this one. I wouldn't even recommend renting it from Redbox. It is that bland and inoffensive.

Sam (74 KP) rated Elizabeth is Missing in Books

Mar 27, 2019  
Elizabeth is Missing
Elizabeth is Missing
Emma Healey | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
From the start, it’s quite obvious that Elizabeth isn’t actually missing, and Maud is just struggling to understand and remember what has actually happened to Elizabeth. The title leads you to think that the whole book is about Elizabeth, but really the novel focuses a lot on Maud’s childhood in post-war England.

Even though Maud is confused over what is happening in the present, she has a good memory for the past, and especially the events surrounding her sister, Sukey, going missing.

I really loved Maud and it was horrible to see how confused she was. It was even worse to watch all the people who couldn’t understand what was happening, including the police who just laughed every time she went to report Elizabeth as missing.

In Maud’s past, there was a mad old woman who everyone ignored and Maud was scared of. Scarily, I think this old woman foreshadows Maud’s life. People looked at the mad old woman in the same way that people looked at Maud as she became more and more confused, and it is quite sad to see that attitudes haven’t changed at all from the 1940s.

The plot isn’t linear, and it jumps around a lot to follow Maud’s confusion, but I really liked this. I was actually getting inside the mind of Maud, and really seeing how her brain worked, even when she was really confused.

At the end, you get to see that every little thing Maud has said has meant something. Everyone around her has discounted everything she has to say because of her dementia, but you realise that even though she was confused, she knew what she was talking about. She didn’t always get the right words out for what she wanted to say, but she still managed to solve a mystery that everyone other than Maud had forgotten about.

I loved this book. It’s really amazing and is one of the most interesting books I’ve ever read. I’m over the moon that the BBC have bought the rights to it, and I really hope they go through and make an adaptation, because it will be groundbreaking.