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10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
2016 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Surprisingly Entertaining
Contains spoilers, click to show
THIS REVIEW MAY CONTAIN MILD SPOILERS, but honestly nothing more than I’d already gathered from Twitter and talk /reviews on various other forms of social media. Still, you have been warned. Read no further than the following first paragraph if you don’t want to risk mild spoilage.

10 Cloverfield Lane was surprisingly entertaining. I’m not really a huge fan of movies shot in an enclosed space because, in general, how often does that work out well? (Remember the Ashley Judd movie about bugs? Mmhmm.) However, it worked, and worked well in this. Part of this, no doubt, belongs to the fact that John Goodman put on a freaking amazing performance. That man just OWNED this movie. You knew something wasn’t right with him. It was obvious he had some crazy going on. The way he was able to yo-yo between affable and scary, though, was fantastic and kept you guessing as to just how crazy his crazy was. Everything was nailed, from the look in his eyes to the flexing of his hands when he was struggling to keep himself under control. Top-notch!

The other two, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr, also brought good performances to the table and perfectly complimented Goodman’s acting. Winstead, who has one of those “I knowwww’re…you were in something I’ve seen!” faces (she’s actually got quite the list of acting credits to her name), did a great job as a solid female lead. She sold her confusion, wariness, intelligence and strength to you with all the skill of Joel Olsteen convincing christians that their tithes were actually going to go for good works. Considering the man has a multi-million dollar mansion and people still buy that line – that should tell you something! Great job by Winstead. She didn’t shine like Goodman did, but she never faltered either.

This movie quite literally had me on the edge of my seat leaning forward, tips of my fingers near my ears at one point because I was expecting bad loudness. Trachtenburg delivered. From the absurd to the affable family moments, and from the crazy-scary to the Cloverfield freakouts, the only weak part of the film really seemed to be the fact that the ending they gave it wasn’t really necessary. It would have been just as strong if they’d ended it before it went full Cloverfield. It might have even been stronger. It felt like Trachtenburg gave in to ever-present “Action! ACTION! WE NEED ACTION!” push that seems to present in Hollywood now, even if its unnecessary, and then wanted to put everything in a basket with a pretty bow. But ending it right before it went BOO! would have left people walking from the theatres, feeling vaguely disturbed, and talking only about the fantastic performances by the three actors.

Overall, great job by all involved and it was definitely worth the price of the tickets, beer, popcorn, and mnms!
The Dark Net
The Dark Net
Benjamin Percy | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Thriller
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really think that the synopsis for this book is not up to scratch! Although, yes, the synopsis is what initially drew me to this book, after reading it I can say that the book is <i><b>WAY</b></i> better than the synopsis would make you believe!

This book tackles the subject of good and evil, with references to demons and black magic… which I didn’t get at all from the synopsis! I was expecting this to have a much deeper involvement with the dark net, what’s on it and how it’s used. While yes, there is that to the book, it’s not necessarily it’s main focus.

To begin with, this lack of talk about the dark net actually made me hesitant about the book. I was expecting something so much different to what I was reading, I felt really disappointed. But, that feeling didn’t last for long. This is so unlike anything I’ve ever read before and that made everything about this book really exciting. Not to mention, this is a super clever book! It uses real life scenarios that we can all relate to, or at least know about, and explains it with a black magic twist.

For example, when talking about demon possession, it explains how small demons can take over and that causes a man to plow a lorry through a busy crowd, or a school shooting – a one off awful occasion in history. But when a big, strong demon comes along, it can posses not only a person, but a nation. It uses examples of the Holocaust and the Rwandan Genocide, which I thought was really smart!

Characters in this book were excellent, but there were quite a lot of them that we needed to get to know. Juniper was by far my favourite of the bunch, Sarin coming in at a close second. I loved that there was a strong, bad-ass female character who wasn’t irritating (Lela, I’m looking at you!).

As for the story, I will say that it feels a bit all over the place at times. It’s not difficult to wrap your head around but there are a lot of things pulled in to the story at different times and this sometimes got a bit manic. This is classed as a horror novel, and for me, there definitely were some creepy bits. The hounds especially made my skin crawl.

Overall, I ended up really loving this novel. It was short and sweet (although it almost took me a whole 7 days to read), and it was exciting, creepy and fast-paced! A great novel for anyone who likes a darker thriller. Lots of gruesome deaths and bad-ass characters.

<i>Thanks to BookBridgr and Hodder & Stoughton for sending me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.</i>
Savage Reckoning
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Also read my review here:


Firstly I’d like to thank Netgalley and Random House Publishing Group - Alibi for the opportunity to read this in an exchange for an honest review.

<b><i>With a badge pinned to her chest, she didn’t give a shit what the town or God thought of her. She was the law.</b></i>

I was not expecting to love this as much as I do! Honestly, I started the first few pages and thought <b>”oh God, this is going to be bad,”</b> but I persevered because I feel I’ve given up on a lot of reads lately and I’m so glad I continued with it. As soon as we met Step and Kenny talking about anal sex, I knew I was going to love this novel, <i>(that sounds all kinds of wong).</i>

Step and Kenny are closeout kings… in other words they’re hitmen. But they’re not all evil and malicious, they got feelin’s too, <b><i>"Well, now I'm just all kinds of hurt. Neither girls has plied their horny ways on me."</b></i> No but in all seriousness, they’ve got some sort of morals, and these morals are what lead us into the rollercoaster ride of a story this is.

Our MC Dani Savage (ridiculously cheesy cool name) is the only deputy that takes her job seriously around Baptist Flats and so when she hears stories of a bunch of missing girls from in and around her area she can’t let it go and has to do something to console the many broken and distraught mothers. A bit of a fuckup closeout jobs leads Dani to Step and Kenny where they enlist each other's help to get to the bottom of the mystery of the missing girls.

This is by no means a sophisticated, thought provoking novel, it's just pure grit, humour with a couple of inciteful anecdotes, <b><i>"Each woman's got a different 'forget-shit' trigger, Kenny. A man's whole goddamn purpose in life is to figure out that trigger and pull it",</b></i> mashed together to make an excellent, fun and exciting read. Each character, no matter how small or large their role in the story, was developed brilliantly and although there were some obvious parts of the plot it didn’t even matter because you’re having too much fun reading it to care about the fact you can guess what happens next.

Genuinely one of the funniest novels I’ve read in such a long time even if it does deal with some pretty gruesome stuff. Anyone bored of meaningful, eye-opening type thrillers? Well pick this one up as your next book to help loosen you up a bit. I’m definitely going to be on the lookout for more from Kenny and Step!
Singin&#039; in the Rain (1952)
Singin' in the Rain (1952)
1952 | Classics, Comedy, Musical
Hollywood star Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly) has to figure out how to save his first "talking picture" film after a negative early screening.

Acting: 10
I was amazed by the versatility of the actors/actresses in the film. To be able to hit lines passionately AND dance and sing through huge musical numbers has to take some serious skill, skill I couldn't even begin to possess. The performances of Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor, and Debbie Reynold transcend time, holding strong an amazing 65 years later!

Reynolds was my favorite as (Kathy Selden). Her charm and humor are effortless and natural. Not only did she hold her own in her every scene, but she made every scene outstanding. I can't believe I am just now learning to appreciate this woman's greatness. I suppose that's what my Movies 365 quest is all about.

Beginning: 9
I suppose I should chime in here as this received my lowest score. Singin' In the Rain gets off to a very solid start as it grabs my attention right from the beginning. It's intriguing and I wasn't quite sure where they were going after the first ten minutes. Did I really enjoy the first ten minutes of the film? Absolutely. Does it compare to some of the best starts in film history. Sadly, not quite, but not far off either. Consider it a minor boo-boo that didn't even require a band-aid.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10

Genre: 10
Compared to other musicals out there, you can't even mention the genre without thinking Singin' In the Rain. The musical numbers are extravagant and phenomenal. What's more, the film doesn't rely just on the music to succeed as the scripted dialogue is every bit as strong. La La Land astounded me. This film blew me away.

Memorability: 10

Pace: 10
Sometimes this can be hard to manage in a musical whether there's too much singing and not enough dialogue scenes or vice versa. This film does an excellent job of seamlessly blending the two. Every song had its purpose and each number is active and fun, keeping you engaged throughout the film. It never got slow at any point.

Plot: 10
The story was an evolving creation. You think something is going to happen then the film takes an entirely different turn. Just when you think you have it all figured out, they throw another surprise in. The plot is clever, intriguing, and unique. I have yet to see anything like it.

Resolution: 10

Overall: 99
I went into this film wondering what all the hype was about and, after watching, I can say it's not hype. Not by a long shot, not by any means. Singin' In the Rain is amazing today and it's going to be wonderful thirty years from now. It gets all the little things perfectly right like the classic scene where Don is having a conversation about the film as they're walking past different set pieces. Timeless.
The Mummy (2017)
The Mummy (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
The Mummy was a completely awesome movie! Filled with perfectly timed comedy, a strong female heroine, a somewhat sinister Mummy, and great lines! I’m talking, of course, about the 1999 version of The Mummy. The one starring Brendan Fraser and the wonderful Rachel Weisz.

The remake tried to be a great movie and slid in somewhere around “mediocre at best”. As one might expect, this was Tom Cruise playing Tom Cruise. (Does the man ever actually try to play someone other than himself? Serious question.) Sofia Boutella is blandly proficient as the scantily clad mummy who couldn’t ooze menace or evil if her life depended on it. Given that we’re supposed to accept that this chick killed her baby half-brother and her father, you’d think there’d be something in the way of evil there. Instead she just comes across as your typical vengeful, wanton female. Annabelle Wallis was about as good as Boutella was. And I did not buy Crowe’s Jekyll/Hyde at all.

Why was there a wet white t-shirt scene in The Mummy? Did not a single person making it go “You know, maybe we should have her put on a different color shirt?” Because it’s not like the wet white t-shirt is a blatant aim to give guys something to beat off to or anything. Between Boutella’s outfit and the “Lookit! Boobies!” of that particular scene, it was obvious that the film crew wasn’t exactly confident of their success in the movie being popular on it’s premise or the actors’ abilities alone.

Now, I do give them credit for the hiring of Sofia Boutella. She looked right for the role. However, why did we have to do the contrast of the evil foreign female against the stereotypical white female again. (Blonde hair, blue eyes, etc. etc. You really can’t get more white.) This is, admittedly, more predominant in my mind since seeing the criticism that Wonder Woman got for the very minor role African Americans played in the film. I couldn’t help but think “Really, how hard would it have been to hire an African American female for Jenny’s role?” And then it would have avoided the white girls vs the other girls thing. But, yeah, no, that’s too difficult a concept for the people making the casting decisions to understand.

(On a lighter note: A blonde-haired, blue-eyed Jenny meant every time she was on screen, I kept expecting Forest Gump to yell for her from off screen.)

The action was fine, with nothing new thrown in. Some of the scenes are recognizable from the better The Mummy. The dialogue was acceptable, but nothing to write home about.

Do yourself a favor and just watch The Mummy movie from 1999. It’s by far the better film experience. This one wasn’t bad, but it certainly wasn’t very good.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Elizas in Books

Apr 12, 2018  
The Elizas
The Elizas
Sara Shepard | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fun book-within-a-book psychological thriller
Eliza Fontaine heads to Palm Springs and finds herself at the bottom of the hotel pool. Eliza can't swim, and her family assumes this was yet another one of Eliza's failed suicide attempts, as she has a history of winding up at the bottom of swimming pools. But Eliza swears this time was different; yes, she was drinking that evening, but she's sure someone pushed her, even if she can't remember exactly how she wound up at the pool or even the hotel bar. The sole witness is the man who rescued her, so Eliza tracks him down. But as they attempt to figure out what happened, Eliza only grows more confused. She's about to get her first novel published, and it seems as if events from the novel are intertwining with her life. She thought her novel was fiction, but now she's bewildered, feeling followed, and wondering if she's finally losing her mind for good.

This was an odd little book and not at all what I was expecting. That's not necessarily a bad thing, though, and the more I think about it, the more I should have realized that Sara Shepard is quite masterful at playing with our minds. This is actually almost two books in one: we get the novel itself; as well excerpts from The Dots, Eliza's debut novel, which is set to be published a few weeks after she's found in the pool. As we get deeper and deeper into The Dots, we're left to wonder how much its protagonist, Dot, is like Eliza--where does Eliza end and Dot begin?

It's really quite an ingenious setup and it's quite fun. I actually really liked the excerpts more at times. The novel revolves around the confusing question of identity, as Eliza struggles to figure out who she is and what she remembers about her life and past. My only struggle was that Eliza does a lot of thinking (aka talking or narrating) and I lost interest at some points when she talked on a bit. Still, most of the time, this was a pretty suspenseful book; it's certainly "trippy" and often confusing, as you work to puzzle out things alongside Eliza. I definitely didn't have everything figured out immediately, though I worked most things out as I went along.

Overall, this is a quick read (I read the entire thing during during two consecutive plane rides), and the book-within-a-book setup is fun and adds to the suspense. This isn't a read for those who love intricate, deeply plotted thrillers, but it's enjoyable and compelling and perfect for YA fans looking for a psychological thriller. 3.5 stars.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review; more at
Flight of a Starling
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
* I received a copy of this book from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

After reading Paper Butterflies by Lisa Heathfield last year I knew that I needed to read her latest book out. Lisa is UKYA author and I don’t think she gets enough credit for her work. This is another book that delivers a believable story with such rawness and emotion.

<img src=""; width="200"height="200"alt="description"/>

Our story follows Rita and Lo, two sisters that are travelers and the trapeze act in their circus that moves around England on a regular basis. Life is how it has always been for the girls, set up their tent, do a few shows and move on to the next village – they haven’t known any other life and don’t really question it. They travel with another family and it’s presumed the girls will marry the boys of the other family and carry on the legacy of the circus. One evening when they explore the local area they start talking to some of the locals and sparks start to ignite between Lo and ‘a flattie'(a term for non traveler folk). With Lo slowly falling in love she starts to question her life,her role and existence in the circus – with wanting her freedom she finds cracks starting to appear and her life crumbling around her.

‘Flight of a Starling’ didn’t fail to deliver, I knew from past works that this was going to be an emotional, gritty and raw read. Heathfield has a great writing style that manages to evoke emotions – even from me who has a heart of stone. The story is told in dual perspective, swapping from Rita to Lo with just the right sized chapters. The first half of this book is rather slow what with it building a picture of what it was like to be in a travelling community and their traditions and beliefs. I loved learning about the performances that the girls were involved in such as the trapeze and their big costumes.

I must admit that I wasn’t too keen on the romance side of the book, It was lacking emotion and connection between the characters, I wanted the warm fuzziness that you get from reading about a couple that first meet, the excitement of it…which didn’t happen and it’s sad as it has such a big part of the story.

The second half of the book takes a change in pace, it was amazing and what really made the story for me. My heart was in my mouth and I could feel the blood pulsing around my body with anxiety. I was scared for the characters,I was hoping for a silver lining but Heathfield never shies away from her writing and sucker punches you in the gut.

I recommend if you want something gritty yet believable.

I rated this book 4 out of 5 stars
Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire
Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire
Kurt Andersen | 2017 | History & Politics
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Why do I have a feeling that the guy who wrote this just went on a rant and decided to put that whole rant into one giant ass book?

Don't get me wrong. This book has a couple of points, especially when he discusses religion and the Salem witch trails. However, when he starts getting into the more modern points of fantasy, either I didn't see it at all, or he was basically really poking fun at what the whole point of fantasy really is.

The title of the book is Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire. If he's going to use the word "Haywire" in a title, he better show pretty clear examples of why America is being flushed down the toilet. Poking fun at people cosplaying, playing video games, and being able to have fun at Disneyland or Disney World is not a point to say why America seems to be failing as a society. In fact, I can make a counterargument by saying that flights of fantasy in those contexts are actually forming the culture, not destroying it. Because of the evolution of entertainment (such as film, video games, etc.), it's easier to envision fantasy stories come to life. Before that, we had books, and no one was poking fun at books throughout this entire giant essay. Not only is that missing the forest for the trees, but it makes the argument of people being shown too much fantasy through visual mass media is a very shallow take on the topic of fantasy.

Also, the premise of the book talks about how people are arguing that Trump is ruining America because of his bullshit (and they're not wrong). I expected the book to discuss politics more in depth as a way to add onto the fantasyland argument. The book doesn't even do that, not even at the end when it "comes full circle" back to the Trump argument. If anything, the book kinda let it slide that it was for Trump and his radical ideas rather than finding flaws in them as people would expect. Look, if the book ended up explaining why Trump was trying to escape the Fantasyland argument, I'm all for reading that to make my own points. However, by just simply saying that Trump is being more realistic without any real reason, that also makes this essay a shallow writing. People want to read on why Trump has realistic views or not. If the point of this essay is talking about how fantastic ideas are plaguing a great nation, why not add that into the mix?

This essay was a real hit and miss for me. For something that's as thick as War and Peace, I expected this essay to have as juicy material as War and Peace, but it doesn't. It's just a 500 year rant on how "stupid" society can be, and that lost me as I finished the book.
Undisclosed (Nights Series #7)
Undisclosed (Nights Series #7)
A.M. Salinger | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
And Sparks Fly!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

When informed she does not own the land her most lucrative club, Le Secret, sits on, Eveline makes a deal with the devil to escort Lincoln while he is in Tokyo. But Lincoln affects Eveline in ways she never knew were possible and quickly finds herself head over heels in lust. Then that email comes, and Eveline runs and Lincoln race to undo the damage he may have caused: to Eveline, and to his heart.

SO!! This is book 7 in the Nights Series, but you don't need to have read books one through six first. You don't NEED to. But personally, I would recommend that you do. Cos, you know, they are rather awesome! BUT you should know that the other 6 books are all male/male pairings and this is a male/female pairing. I'm not picky, but I know some readers prefer to stick to one or the other.

I think Eveline pops up on most of the others books, and I'm so glad she gets her own story! Didn't expect her to, since the others are all gay erotica, but so pleased!

Eveline is a own boss, and although she will *sometimes* escort, she is extremely selective in her bed partners. When she discovers that the previous owners of the land her club sits on swindled her, she storms off to Lincoln's office to demand he sell it to her.


I talking Bonfire Night, Fourth of July and New Years Eve all condensed into Lincoln's office and I expected the pair of them to spontaneously combust! I mean, I'm sitting there, eating my lunch, and the office scene pops up. And I'm like WHOA!!! This is gonna be hot Hot HOT!!!

And I was not disappointed. Not for the heat level, and for how quickly they both came to the realization that they need each other.

What I AM slightly disappointed about (but it doesn't effect my star rating, I just need to mention it!) was that while there was a scene in Eveline's "special" room at the club, it was tame. And I wanted them to return to the room at some point and for Lincoln to show Eveline the other end of the whip that she usually wields. That would have been the icing on the very hot cake! Maybe they will get another book, and the return visit will be in there, who knows!

Cam and Gabe; Ethan and Joe; and Wade and Rhys all pop up here, if only for a little bit, but it was nice that they did.

So, landing itself firmly on the "fan yourself, its a hot one" shelf I made just for these books...

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Army Ranger’s Surprise is part of the At-Ease Ranch series by Donna Michaels, but according to the blurb it can be read as a standalone. I have not read any other titles in this series and I can agree that this read pretty well as a standalone. There is some reference as well as interaction with previous characters and I only felt a little lacking in knowing Leo’s past actions getting him to the point he was currently.

Leo Reed is a restless former soldier dealing with PTSD. With the help of his friends he was finally able to get therapy to deal with his tragic past. He still has trouble feeling worthy enough to fit in and make his friends proud, he has trouble accepting that they don’t need to carry him through life. When he agrees to keep an eye on his grandmother while his Mom is out of town helping his sister, he quickly realizes he has an even better motivation to visit Grams, in the form of neighbor Kaydee Wagner. He is attracted to Kaydee but getting involved means talking about the past and he knows if she ever finds out about his past she would leave him faster than anything.

Kaydee Wagner gave up her home to move with her grandfather into a duplex in the small town of his choosing. She promised her parents she would take good care of him until they could get back home in 2 years, after her father’s time was up in the army. Restless is Kaydee’s middle name, rarely staying in one place very long, but she knows she needs to do this for her family. And having Leo Reed visit his grandmother every week just adds to the appeal. He helped them move into the house and she was enamored from the word Hi. But getting involved means getting out of her comfort zone, could she actually be able to be someone’s girlfriend. She was horrible at it, but for Leo she would give it a good shot. But she can tell he is holding back, can she get him to let go?

Leo and Kaydee both suffer from a restless energy inside them and it will take a lot for them to let go of that feeling and be free to stay together. When they find themselves in an unexpected situation they both realize they need to let that edge go so they both can move forward in life. I enjoyed Grandma Ava and Grandpa Nate as secondary characters. As well as Fiona and all the At-Ease boys and the girls that love them. Even Lula Belle the cow has a good storyline haha. I’m glad I ended up receiving an advance copy of this novel, I will definitely be looking up the other titles to add those to my bookshelf. Any opinions expressed are my own; no expectation for review was ever expressed or required.