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Ana Lily Amirpour recommended Repo Man (1984) in Movies (curated)

Repo Man (1984)
Repo Man (1984)
1984 | Comedy, Sci-Fi
7.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The first time I saw this film I thought there’s no way Tarantino wasn’t influenced in some way by Repo Man when he was making Pulp Fiction. This type of genre mash-up, a film that has unapologetic fun and is blissfully self-aware, is the kind of vibe I am always pulled to as a filmmaker. It's also insane that he made the film—as a student, for no money. The Criterion packaging for this one, with the comic inside, is one of my favorites. I showed it to the distributors when I was packaging A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night."

The Hateful Eight (2015)
The Hateful Eight (2015)
2015 | Action, Western
Tarantino has accomplished something I have always thought impossible, created a bad Samuel L. Jackson film. It’s unfortunate, but despite all of the hype and build up for the release of Tarantino’s latest film, I was unable to enjoy the experience no matter how hard I tried.

Film is supposed to transport the audience to another place and time. The fact that the plot of “The Hateful Eight” mostly unfolds during a blizzard in a small cabin makes it a film which relies heavily on the development of its characters and the relationships between them. If this is done well, the audience can become entranced by the story.

But it is a very disappointing lack of character depth that makes the story fall flat. Many people will sit back completely prepared to let Tarantino take them on yet another adventure filled with gore, creativity, and depth. Yet, for many, that moment will never come.

The film starts out with an artistic introduction and some beautiful scenery, but then continues along at a slugs pace. The underdeveloped characters’ recite choppy and unconvincing lines. Samuel L. Jackson delivers his classic sharp tongued speech in the fashion which usually builds up to one of his great freak out moments. But this time, the buildup leads to nothing.
The plot, while attempting to catch the audience by surprise, waits too long and fails at this task as well. Sure, there is some gore of course. However, nothing like the infamous cringe-worthy scenes of Tarantino’s past work.

Personally, I was never fully consumed, and was left trying to enjoy the film out of a feeling of necessity. But no matter how much of a cinematic master Tarantino has proven to be over the years, it is undeniable that this just isn’t his best work.

I give “The Hateful Eight” 2.75 stars. But I really, really did, want to give it five.
Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Inglourious Basterds (2009)
2009 | War
At the risk of sounding cliché, this was rigorously badass. Has a couple holes but honestly this is still as tightly constructed as this story could possibly be. Just as personal preference I would have liked some more Basterd Nazi killing but there isn't a single wasted line of dialogue in all its still magnetically elongated digressions. Speaking of which, it's been nearly six years to the day that I first saw this film and I still remember so many little, seemingly insignificant lines of dialogue (for instance, how much Landa loves milk and pastries). Saying every performance is an idiosyncratic knockout would be redundant, it's Tarantino after all but it needs underlining here as well: Pitt's wondrously imitatable drawl, Waltz's schoolboy-esque glee in fucking with people, the way Laurent reacts as if she'd just imbibed a pound of broken glass after her nerve-wracking conversation with Landa, so on and so forth. The last half hour ranks among some of the finest Tarantino you'll ever see - the blistering retaliation(s) in the theater, the numerous sharp story surprises that hit like a pot of boiling water to the face, the unfiltered confrontational nature which some find to be a - er - controversial choice today? (Fuck you if you're one of them, by the way). Imagine seeing this and still thinking 𝘖𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘜𝘱𝘰𝘯 𝘢 𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦... 𝘪𝘯 𝘏𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘺𝘸𝘰𝘰𝘥 is better.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
The look and style is exquisite. (1 more)
DiCaprio and Pitt together on the screen, oozing style and confidence.
Pacing is glacial and will not please some. (0 more)
Glorious to look at, Tarantino’s love letter to 60’s Hollywood.
Saggy and overlong in places, this feels like Tarantino needed reining in at times. As such this feels like a slightly flawed masterpiece.... Tarantino’s Mona Lisa with a few accidental smudges. But its a movie that oozes style in recreating Hollywood in the late 60's.

Read my full review at One Mann's Movies here -
From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
1996 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
From Dusk Till Dawn is a good enough Tarantino/Rodriguez style crime caper for the first hour, carried by its cast and polar opposite characters. On one side of the coin, there's the wholesome Fuller family, played by Harvey Keitel, Juliette Lewis, and Ernest Liu. These characters are the good guys if you will, with just enough development given to be on their team. The other side of the coin serves us the Gecko brothers, played by George Clooney and Quentin Tarantino, two criminals who take the Fullers hostage on their way to Mexico. These two are fucking deplorable, Richie (Tarantino) being a dangerous psychopath with no regard for human life, and Seth (Clooney) just being an arrogant asshat who flits between condemning his brothers behaviour and encouraging it. They're so damn unlikable, but when the five characters are together, it provides us with an electric dynamic, one where they end up depending on eachother to survive.
Other than that, it's good enough. Sure it's stylish, but it's not a scratch on Pulp Fiction or Desperado in what's it's trying to be.

But then the twist kicks in, and Christ does this movie ascend to near greatness. When the Fullers and Geckos arrive in Mexico and head to The Titty Twister bar, shit hits the fan pretty quick, and it goes from good enough crime movie, to all out sticky gross gore filled vampire horror show in seconds. The mix of practical effects and CG is wonderfully balanced, and the aesthetic is hugely reminiscent of Evil Dead II. It's no surprise to see Greg Nicotero among the credits.
This second half is just a whole boat of fun, and is the reason why FDTD is rightly considered a cult classic. Tarantinos screenplay is great (casually ignoring the fact he wrote himself into a scene where he could have Salma Hayeks toes in his mouth) and the addition of actors such as Hayek, Danny Trejo, Cheech Marin, Tom Savini, and Fred Williamson for this tongue-in-cheek, splatter fest of a third act is the cherry on top.

From Dusk Till Dawn is a blast for sure. Its stumbles here and there, but is another fine entry in the Robert Rodriguez catalogue.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
All style, too much substance
I'm a big Tarantino fan and I really wanted to like this film, but I'm afraid like The Hateful Eight before it, I just found it far too rambling and long winded.

Don't get me wrong, I get what he was trying to do here with the classic Hollywood era, I just think it has been poorly executed. Instead of going for 'all style, no substance', Tarantino appears to have gone for all style and too much substance. Visually this film looks stunning, the set design and the costumes look amazing. The cast are brilliant, there's some great supporting faces in this and truly marvellous turns from Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio. Honestly it's these two that kept my attention for the nearly 3 hour run time. The ideas are good and the dialogue is good, the problem is that there's just way too much of it. Every scene has been dragged out way past the point of enjoyment, and there are so many pointless scenes in this that could easily have been cut out without affecting the barely there plot. He could've at least replaced some of these dragged out scenes with more of a main plot, especially as the only thing interesting about this film was the small bits with the Mansons in it.

I'm starting to wonder if Tarantino is becoming a bit complacent. He's known for his dialogue, but this is just too much. Its worrying when a 3 hour film gets interesting 15 minutes towards the end, which is the only time we see any in depth violence. Had this film been cut by at least an hour, it would've actually been very good. It's just a shame it had to ramble on for so long.

I've marked this higher than I probably should, but only because there is a lot to appreciate in this film and some wonderful performances, it just should've been in a much shorter runtime. I havent seen The Hateful Eight since it was on at the cinema as I can't bear to put myself through it again, and I'm afraid to say it's the same for this.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
Leonardo DiCaprio (3 more)
Brad Pitt
Margot Robbie
Al Pacino
Too long (0 more)
Just finished watching brilliant movie great performance's from the cast overall as I already knew alot about the history of the Manson family and Sharon Tate murders that shook America in 69. Loved the music score. Both leoando DiCaprio and brad Pitt are excellent as the washed up actor and his stunt double who are the heart and soul of the movie. Margot Robbie plays Sharon Tate the actress who would become victim to the family. the film is good but not my favourite Tarantino film that's still pulp fiction but it's good film the only thing too long but that's okay.