Lectures from Gnostic Teachings
Free lectures about spirituality, psychology, philosophy, science, art, gnosis, religion, kabbalah,...

Neuroimaging: A Teaching File
Mauricio Castillo and Matthew Omojola
With 100 illustrated cases in print and an eBook containing the 100 print cases plus another200...

Teaching History Creatively
Fresh and innovative, Teaching History Creatively will foster creativity in both learners and...
The Law of Light: The Secret Teachings of Jesus
Lars Muhl has had a lifelong burning interest in Jesus, not only as an archetype, saviour,...

Teaching the I Ching (Book of Changes)
Tze-Ki Hon and Geoffrey Redmond
Chinese traditional culture cannot be understood without some familiarity with the I Ching, yet it...

Creative Piano Teaching Podcast
Teacher, presenter and blogger Tim Topham shares all of his piano teaching resources, guides,...