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Leah, daughter of the cheesemaker has had a hard life living with a violent father. Leah marries Judah and finds protection and care. But the land is controlled by Antiochus IV, who is descended from one of Alexander the Great's generals. When he issues a decree that all Jews are to comply with Syrian laws, the devout Jews chance it all to follow the law of Moses.

Judah's father Mattathias decides to move his family from Jerusalem Modein to flee the punishment for defying the decree. By defying the decree, it begins a war that will cost many their lives. Before his death, Mattathias commands Judah to continue the war, otherwise, the Jewish lineage and their lands would be annihilated. Leah wants peace and wrestles with her husband's decision to be the commander of the army. Will there ever be peace?
This is the incredible chronicle of the Maccabees, told through the wife of Judah, who learns what courage and sacrifice are all about.

The author Angela Hunt has done an incredible amount of research and has produced a powerful history lesson entwined with her own creative writing. The author has a way of captivating the reader's attention while teaching us historical content. I like the way the author writes her novels through the eyes of people that were actually there, teaching us history through their eyes.

This is an excellent read, especially for those who love history.

 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Oh my goodness! What an amazing book & knowing that it is all true just makes it that much more fascinating. This family is amazing & their story could inspire anyone to want to give it all they've got.
 As a teacher who is continually put under more & more pressure to get my students to pass a test, this book was heart warming. It speaks to the true heart of teaching & learning. The theme of the book is to set a high ceiling for anyone & let their passions direct them. If & when this is done, you will marvel at the results. This is sooooo true!! I've been privileged enough to see this within in my own classroom. It just leaves me wondering what kind of "genius" all this emphasis on "high stakes" testing is stifling within our society at this very moment... What a shame!
Ok, so this was a very cute book but that being said I don't feel that it would be something I personally will read to my 7 yr old. The age is 7 and up, but honestly I don't feel most of the subjects in this book need to be told to my 7 yr old. It is a very very cute story.. and it has given me some amazing idea's for homeschooling topics. The story itself is very good. I enjoyed the writing and the characters. I will also love teaching my kids about the different types of bugs, bats, and I am going to look into making a small organic garden with warrior bugs. I think that sounds really neat. Overall very good book and I recommend it to parents with maybe 10 and up kids. :)
The Berenstain Bears Love One Another
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Review: The Berenstain Bears Love One Another In “The Berenstain Bears Love One Another” the plot is good. This book teaches you how to love one another. Mike get it done nicely. It the picture tell the story. The concept is to show love and help out and show the love to your family and others in your neighborhood.
Bother and Sister are taught what Love One another means by Mama bear. They Brother and Sister Bear bother show it though performs it throughout the book. Find out what they do and how they help by reading the book.
It great for children and young readers. Parents can use this book as a teaching tool if they choose. It great for young children as and good book to learn how to read.
The Berenstain Bears Love One Another
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Review: The Berenstain Bears Love One Another In “The Berenstain Bears Love One Another” the plot is good. This book teaches you how to love one another. Mike get it done nicely. It the picture tell the story. The concept is to show love and help out and show the love to your family and others in your neighborhood.
Bother and Sister are taught what Love One another means by Mama bear. They Brother and Sister Bear bother show it though performs it throughout the book. Find out what they do and how they help by reading the book.
It great for children and young readers. Parents can use this book as a teaching tool if they choose. It great for young children as and good book to learn how to read.
Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (1993)
Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (1993)
1993 | Action, Drama
8.5 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Movie telling the life story of Bruce Lee can be a little bland and hagiographical but has energy, sincerity, and a big fight sequence every fifteen minutes or so, which is all you really want where Lee is concerned. Bruce Lee is kicked out of Hong Kong (for fighting), loses his job in San Francisco (for fighting), starts his own successful business (teaching fighting) and starts a new career (fighting in the movies). Did I mention there are a lot of fights in the movie?

You would be forgiven for taking much of this film with a pinch of salt, but Jason Scott Lee is very engaging, as is Lauren Holly, and its heart is certainly in the right place. Really good fight choreography too. Best not taken too seriously, but very watchable if kung fu movies are your thing.
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (2015)
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (2015)
2015 | Comedy, Horror
Rather forgettable.
There are certain funny scenes in this movie but altogether for a movie about the zombie apocalypse it is rather mediocre.

I have a bone to pick about the scene where one of the younger characters makes out with an adult woman and this was set up under the pretense that she was teaching him to be more confident. However if this was an adult man kissing a 16/17 year old girl we would be canceling this movie. I don't think that's OK.

A lot of this movie is just shock value humor but certain scenes land better than others.

The characters aren't very relatable, they're your general stereotypes of people: the shy nerd, the awkward guy and the overly confident party animal.

All in all I'd say the movie was very forgettable.
This book was given to me by a friend, a substitue teacher at the school I teach at. He is working on his teaching degree & came across this book in the course of his studies. He was so impressed with it that he purchased several copies & gave them to teachers at the school.
I enjoyed this book a great deal. It was easy to read for being a book on brain science. It was written in a very non-high brow way. The book explained the theory of brain plasticity & how the "changeability" of the brain impacts our lives. There were sections on relationships, addiction, learning, strokes, & the part I found the most interesting the development of the Fast ForWord program which we use at the school.
If you are curious about the brain & how it is able to change & heal or harm itself this is a must read!
Patch Adams (1998)
Patch Adams (1998)
1998 | Comedy, Drama
Laughter can help cure
This a true story about Hunter "Patch" Adams who wants nothing more than to help people. He attends medical school and is disliked by most professors becuase of his attitude towards medicine. He takes an unconventional method in using humor to help the people t heal. Of course there are a few who belive in him and even some of the medical staff. However the teaching professors disagree and try their best to stop him from becoming a dr. He fights and graduates and ending up opening a institute called the Gesundheit Institute which treats a more form of holistic care and treats all patients big and small.

This a very Dark Comedy with an sand and great ending. Only the Late great Robin Willliams (RIP) could have player this character and shown what type of person this character is.

Adam Levine recommended track Longview by Green Day in Dookie by Green Day in Music (curated)

Dookie by Green Day
Dookie by Green Day
1994 | Punk, Rock

Longview by Green Day

(0 Ratings)


"""When I was in high school, I was a little rebellious,"" Levine said. ""I wanted to play music. I didn't want to do the things they were teaching me. I picked up a guitar and that was it. The second I picked up a guitar, I never really put it down again. I fell so madly in love with it, it's all I did. It consumed my every thought, and I'd have friends over that didn't even play instruments and I would just put instruments in their hands."" "I remember hearing Green Day for the first time and being kind of blown away,"" Levine continued. ""When I heard 'Longview' on the radio, I was just kind of enamored by it. I was like, 'Wow, what's this?' It was very accessible, melodic rock and roll music, but it was a little pissed-off and obnoxious."
