Courage to Stand: Mastering Trial Strategies and Techniques in the Courtroom
#1 National Bestseller on Amazon in SEVEN categories, including Liability Insurance, Law Office...
court law nonfiction non fiction non-fiction courtroom
Cybermetric Techniques to Evaluate Organizations Using Web-Based Data
Enrique Orduna-Malea and Adolfo Alonso-Arroyo
Cybermetric Techniques to Evaluate Organizations Using Web-Based Data proposes a complete and...

Solution Techniques for Elementary Partial Differential Equations
Solution Techniques for Elementary Partial Differential Equations, Third Edition remains a top...

Black Belt Krav Maga: Elite Techniques of the World's Most Powerful Combat System
Darren Levine, Ryan Hoover and John Whitman
LEARN TO COUNTER AND CONTROL THE MOST DANGEROUS SITUATIONS As the official defensive tactics system...

Complete Book of Chinese Knotting: A Compendium of Techniques and Variations
Make intricate and beautiful Chinese knots with this traditional Chinese craft book. Chinese...

Complete Guide to Dressmaking: All the Essential Techniques and Skills You Need
A beautifully presented technique-resource, this is a guide for dressmakers new to the craft and for...

Handbook of Sewing Stitches: An Illustrated Guide to Techniques and Materials
Beginners will find easy-to-follow instruction in basic skills, guided by clear photographs and...

Soldered Alchemy: 24 Jewelry Projects Using New Soft-Solder Techniques
Wire wrapping and soft soldering come together for jewelry-making magic! For too long, solder has...

Ultimate Quilting Bible: A Complete Reference with Step-by-Step Techniques
Quilting is a hugely popular pastime, with many people all over the world producing beautiful quilts...