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6.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This second installment of the Bewitching Mystery series focuses on the murder of a popular teenage girl who may have been hiding a seedy secret or two. Maggie delves into the case, while also developing her newfound powers and going on her first N.I.G.H.T.S. investigation.

After the slow-moving first seventy to eighty pages that was mostly background information on the town, the shop, characters and a recap of the last book, the story actually moved onto the main mystery in this book. I found the mystery very intriguing and well-done (I could easily envision it on TV, heck, I wouldn't be surprised if I had seen a similar story-line), and the author shed more light on Marcus, which was nice, but was also detrimental to other secondary characters, namely Felicity (a.k.a. Liss, which the first time Maggie mentioned that nickname I forgot for a minute who she was referring too. That probably should have been clarified more, I may have read the first book less than a month ago, but I can't remember everything and it's not like it's Melissa/Liss which I would have picked up on immediately. :P). So less Felicity, and also Steff and Tom, surprisingly enough. Any interaction Maggie had with Tom was strained, sometimes strange, and there was a bit at the end I didn't buy in regards to the two of them. Maggie herself was exactly the same as in the first book, except a bit dumber but I'll come to that a moment, so that disappointed me. It's not as if I expect her to grow every book, but a little development here and there or something new we didn't know about her wouldn't hurt. Although her development of her 'powers' has been nicely and realistically done, and the only problem I had was a scene at the end that seemed more magic than magick. Now we come to Maggie doing a couple of stupid things I never thought she'd be dumb enough to do, one of which led to her 'showdown' with the murderer. In that instance, she really had no need to do what she did to get him/her arrested or for any reason. It just seemed a contrivance to put her in the murderer's path. Overall, after the first fourth or so of the book, it was a decent yet flawed read, and I am going to pick up the next in the series with the hope that any minor problems I had will have been just a fluke.
Just Let Go (Harbor Pointe #2)
Just Let Go (Harbor Pointe #2)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
For Quinn Collins, buying the flower shop in downtown Harbor Pointe fulfills a childhood dream, but also gives her the chance to stick it to her mom, who owned the store before skipping town twenty years ago and never looking back. Completing much-needed renovations, however, while also competing for a prestigious flower competition with her mother as the head judge, soon has Quinn in over her head. Not that she’d ever ask for help.

Luckily, she may not need to. Quinn’s father and his meddling friends find the perfect solution in notorious Olympic skier Grady Benson, who had only planned on passing through the old-fashioned lakeside town. But when a heated confrontation leads to property damage, helping Quinn as a community-service sentence seems like the quickest way out—and the best way to avoid more negative press.

Quinn finds Grady reckless and entitled; he thinks she’s uptight and too regimented. Yet as the two begin to hammer and saw, Quinn sees glimpses of the vulnerability behind the bravado, and Grady learns from her passion and determination, qualities he seems to have lost along the way. But when a well-intentioned omission has devastating consequences, Grady finds himself cast out of town—and Quinn’s life—possibly forever. Forced to face the hurt holding her back, Quinn must finally let go or risk missing out on the adventure of a lifetime.

My Thoughts: What do an Olympian skier, a flower shop and a small town have in common? a storyline for a wonderful novel "Just Let Go". When Olympian skier Grady Benson comes to town no one knows the trials he has been going through, but like most people, they assume he lives and acts a certain way. With the help of a judge, a teenage boy and Quin, all help him realze what he's been missing in life. Sometimes God does put people in our lives to either help us or four us to help them. This s a story about not judging a book by its cover. Learning to take time to get to know someone. We all have a life, a past; burdens we carry with us and sometimes we have to learn to let it all go and move on with the future. That is the theme of this novel. Well written, and hard to put down. The reader can easily identify with the characters. The characters in the novel all work well and interweave in the storyline that compliments the narrative.

I truly enjoyed this story and Courtney Walsh's writing.
Her Pretty Face
Her Pretty Face
Robyn Harding | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Compulsively readable with some great twists & turns
Frances is struggling. She feels overweight and socially inept, struggling to keep up with the beautiful, wealthy mothers at the fancy private school, Forrester Academy, that her son Marcus attends. That struggle is made even harder by an incident with Marcus and a classmate, Abbey Dumas, that sets the other moms against her. Even worse, no one knows about a horrible event in Frances' past that haunts her: not even her husband, Jason, and Marcus. But she feels rescued when she forges a friendship with a beautiful mother, Kate Randolph. She's funny, irreverent, and almost seems to recognize a kind of darkness in Frances. Suddenly, life at Forrester--and life in general--seems bearable. Meanwhile Kate's teenage daughter Daisy feels as if her mother has stopped loving her. Every few years her parents uproot her and younger brother to move yet again. What is the purpose of trying at school--in life--she wonders? Then a startling discovery comes to light, changing everything for Frances, Kate, and Daisy.

The format of this novel makes it an incredibly quick read: we get present-day events told by Frances and Daisy, interspersed with snippets told by a young boy named DJ, whose older sister, Courtney was murdered by a man named Shane Nelson in the 1990s. I found this to be a fascinating thriller: it keeps you wondering the entire time, with some very interesting and unexpected turns. I always appreciate a novel with some twists that I'm not expecting. I especially enjoyed how Daisy grew on me--her character was really well-done and while, at first, she seemed out of place in the story, by the end, she was my favorite, and I couldn't imagine the book without her.

In many ways this is a more character-driven book than a straight-up mystery. While, as mentioned, there's definitely some unexpected moments, there was no explosive ending, which I thought might happen for a while. In the end, though, I think that was appropriate--you become somewhat attached to these characters and Harding does a good job of bringing you into their (often twisted) worlds.

Overall, I enjoyed this one. It was compulsively readable, with some great twists and turns and interesting characters. I've had THE PARTY on my Kindle for a while--this has definitely motivated me to push it up higher in my TBR pile.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!)
Somebody's Daughter
Somebody's Daughter
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So this is a very timely book--as it seems like sexting and its repercussions is everywhere right now--and its horrifying to see how quickly one bad decision can affect the course of so many kids' lives. Unfortunately, this one fell flat for me. I actually really liked Zoe--and even her twin, though she wasn't as prominently featured--but the book was told from Emma's perspective, and she drove me crazy.

It's made clear from the beginning that Zoe's incident parallels something Emma herself did as a teen or young woman. But, of course, we can't just be told what that is. Heaven forbid. Instead, there are constant allusions to whatever happened, or Emma mentioning it (to herself, since it's a secret) and agonizing whether she should tell Zoe or her husband, or blah blah blah. We go over half the book before finding out what really happened and by then I was way too annoyed to care.

Not to mention, Emma's husband, Bobby, is a total jerk. The guy turns on his teenage daughter when she needs him and then spends the majority of the book being a total a** to his wife and kids. I had zero sympathy for him and honestly wished either Emma or the kids would just kick him to the curb. Most of the book is Bobby sniping at Emma (or his fifteen-year-old daughter, who has just been through a huge trauma!), or Emma endlessly worrying about Bobby and the state of things. Ugh. Rinse and repeat. I found myself sort of skimming waiting to see if more was going to happen. (It really didn't.)

It's a shame, because there was real potential with Zoe's character, and the message of the book--about the dangers of sexting--is a good one, I think.

“There’s a monster out there,” she says. “It can be anyone pushing a button and ruining my life. I can’t see them, but they’re out there, and I’m terrified.”

Alas, the book was just too melodramatic and repetitive for me. I couldn't handle how long it took to reveal Emma's past, especially after all the build-up to said revelation. The rehashed bickering between Emma and Bobby is just way too much (and I couldn't stand Bobby whatsoever). I felt so bad for those poor kids. And, of course, to end it all, we have a predictable ending that you could see coming a mile away. I should have abandoned this one, but I kept holding out hope it would surprise me. It did not. 2 stars.
Eighth Grade (2018)
Eighth Grade (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Generational Movie
Eighth Grade left a long impact on me after viewing and I think it has a lot to do with how real it is. There were so many moments where I cringed as if I was watching this happen to someone I knew. For a lot of people, myself included, middle school sucks and it’s not getting any easier the more social media has emerged. Eighth Grade in no way romanticizes things, but instead opts to identify fully with the struggle of young Kayla (Elsie Fisher) and her quest fit in while maintaining some kind of self-identity.

Acting: 10
After watching this movie, it left no doubt in my mind that Elsie Fisher has an amazing career ahead of her in acting if she so chooses. It wouldn’t have surprised me in the slightest if she had been up for an Academy Award. She makes this movie feel very real and personal. You can feel her awkwardness and how it impacts the situations she’s in. She captures the essence of teenage angst: Having the need to fit in and impress at the same time. It makes you cringe and laugh all at once.

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10
While there are a number of other characters in the movie that make it great, Eighth Grade is nothing without our star Kayla. Rooting for her character is really what drives the movie overall. She reminds you of what it was like to find yourself and how it good it feels to not have to pretend to be something you’re not for the sake of the approval of others. She’s a bit strange, but in an endearing, funny kind of way.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10

Genre: 10

Memorability: 10

Pace: 10
Never gets old or suffers from “filler” scenes like a good number of dramas tend to do. It gets right to the chase showing you exactly what it wants to you to see before moving on to the next moment. The beauty of this movie is I was always intrigued from scene to the next and I think it’s due in large part to the fact that I was always invested in Kayla’s well-being.

Plot: 10

Resolution: 10

Overall: 100
Eighth Grade snuck up on me in 2018 and I’m so glad it did. I loved it in more ways than one and I think it’s a generational movie that should be on a number of all-time lists for years to come. Beautiful, inspiring movie.

Andy K (10821 KP) May 13, 2019

Loved this movie as well.

She's Got a Way (Echo Lake, #3)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gabi O'Brien has spent nearly her entire life at Briarwood Academy, an elite all-girls private school. She grew up there, went away to college, and then returned as a "housemother"-- living in a dorm with a group of girls who need Gabi 24/7. But when four of Gabi's girls get into major trouble, the only thing standing between them and expulsion is a four-week stay at Camp Echo. Camp Echo used to be a boy's camp for foster and needy kids, but was recently bought by Briarwood. Upon arrival, Gabi and her girls find only two employees left: its founder, the elderly Oliver, and its young handyman, Luke. The two are charged with a to-do list a mile long from Briarwood to get the camp in shape and have no interest in the plight of a group of snobby rich girls. Gabi, meanwhile, wasn't planning to spend her summer playing camp counselor and immediately finds herself in over her head, trying to care for her charges in the middle of the wilderness. Further, she realizes she's immediately attracted to Luke. The two are both fiercely independent individuals held back by their pasts. Can they get over these pasts and work together to save the four wayward girls, who desperately need them?

This novel contains the typical romance silliness with a somewhat crazy plot, but it's fun and enjoyable. It came at the perfect point in my reading schedule, where I needed a break from thrillers and intense fiction where all the characters hate each other. Some of it should be silly, but really Gabi and Luke (and the four girls) are endearing. There are certainly moments where Gabi's indecisiveness, fear, and bickering with Luke grow old; you find yourself needing her to just grow up a bit and control her own destiny a bit more. Still, the book is fun, even poking fun at romance novels with it's tongue-in-check rom/com allusions.

Luke and Gabi's building romance is enjoyable to watch, with added drama thrown in from their four teenage charges. As I said, Gabi can be a bit frustrating, but you can't help but feel for her plight (would you want to be trapped with four angry teens in the woods?), and Luke is rather charming. The novel does an excellent job of speaking to how the past can strongly influence one person's character, as well capturing the angst that comes with class differences (think Briarwood versus foster care). It gives the romance an added depth and surprising heart.

All in all, a fun, quick read. 3.5 stars.
The Sun is Also a Star
The Sun is Also a Star
Nicola Yoon | 2016 | Children
8.5 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
Natasha is a Jamaica-born teenager who believes more in science than true love. She and her family are also about to be deported back to Jamaica. Daniel, the son of Korean-born parents, is a dutiful son who dreams of becoming a poet. Daniel loves words and the idea of fate. When he meets Natasha, he's convinced she's his. His fate, his true love. Natasha isn't so sure, but she can't help but admit that this handsome, intelligent boy is something special.

What follows is an amazing story of two young people: most of it occurring across the day they meet. Told from the alternating perspectives of Natasha and Daniel, but interspersed with bits and pieces of history, facts, and small insights into the people with whom they come into contact on their one magical day, this is a beautiful, lovely, and touching story. Daniel readily admits in the novel that he's a cheesy guy, and yes, the story may be a bit cheesy at points, but boy, it draws you in immediately, and it's just... great. I really loved Yoon's first book, [b:Everything, Everything|18692431|Everything, Everything|Nicola Yoon||26540216], and I think this one may be even better. How does she do it?

Daniel and Natasha spring to life in front of you, as you frantically flip pages, wondering what will become of these two people. The bit players in their life take on a life all of their own, thanks to the little insight you receive via their own chapters. I am just awed at how well this woman writes teenage characters - spirited, real, flawed, lovely characters. I read the second half of this book in one sitting, because I just had to see how it ended, and find out the fate of Natasha and Daniel.

Indeed, the racial and immigration plotlines of this novel could not seem more timely, what with the Presidential Election and the current tumult America is undergoing. I wish this book was required reading of every citizen.

<i>"If people who were actually born here had to prove they were worthy enough to live in America, this would be a much less populated country." ~ Natasha</i>

This is not just a potential love story; this is a book that will make you think and make you cry. It's a love story of teens, it's an ode to New York City, and it's a tribute to both science and poetry. I highly recommend it.
The Broken Girls
The Broken Girls
Simone St. James | 2018 | Horror, Thriller
8.5 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Captivating, ghostly thriller
Idlewild Hall has been abandoned since 1979. Until then, it was a boarding school of last resort, where parents sent the daughters they'd sooner rather forget. Now someone is looking to restore it, bringing back all of journalist Fiona Sheridan's memories of her teenage sister, Deb. Deb was murdered and her body left in the fields of Idlewild. A rich teen--her sister's boyfriend--named Tim Christopher was charged with Deb's murder. But it never seemed quite right to Fiona. So, she decides to write a story about the restoration, but encounters more than she bargained for as she begins to uncover years of long-buried secrets.

This is a wonderful, captivating book that drew me in immediately. I've never read anything by Simone St. James, so this was a welcome surprise. The novel alternates between two time periods: 1950 and 2014. In 1950, we hear from four girls attending Idlewild Hall--Katie, CeCe, Sonia, and Roberta. One of the girls soon goes missing and her disappearance ties to 2014, where Fiona is both searching for more information about her sister's death and, eventually, more knowledge about the missing Idlewild student. It's incredibly well-done and extremely suspenseful, drawing you quickly into the narrative and the two separate but related worlds.

The book plays on the boarding school mystique and offers up more supernatural elements than I was expecting, but they somehow work here. The novel is creepy and not one I always wanted to be reading alone in the dark! Like some of my favorites, Jennifer McMahon and Carol Goodman, St. James has a flair for the eerie and the ghostly, and it works well in this context. The boarding school stands stark and haunting in the book-terrifying at times-and you feel the fear ooze across the pages from the various characters.

Indeed, St. James does a great job capturing her characters, whom practically come to life before your very eyes. The group from boarding school are excellent--each different in their own way--and Fiona is an excellent, complicated character as well. While the two eras stood alone, I enjoyed how the stories intermingled and slowly tangled together, making the book quite fascinating and a real page-turner. This one wasn't what I expected; at times, it could be quite heartbreaking and touching.

Overall, this is an incredibly well-done thriller. It's quite captivating with lovely characters. A great discovery. I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review. More at
Between the Lines
Between the Lines
Jodi Picoult | 2012 | Contemporary, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was given Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult & Samantha Van Leer by the PR company in England who is promoting it in exchange for an honest review.

The book is written by the best selling author Jodi Picoult and her teenage daughter Samantha Van Leer. The idea for this book was actually Van Leer's, and what a fantastic idea it was!

What happens after you close a book? What happens to the characters in the book? What if they actually had their own lives which went on after a book was closed?

Oliver is a character in a children's fairy tale. However, he wonders if there's something more out there. He wants to escape into the Otherworld which is the reader's world. He is sick of being stuck in a fairy tale doing the same things over and over with the same people.

Delilah is a 15 year old girl who just doesn't fit in. She daydreams about falling in love with her prince charming. However, her prince charming is a character in a children's fairy tale.

To sum up the plot, Delilah and Oliver try to find a way to get Oliver out of his fairy tale book. You are shown the struggles of which they try to do this. Will Delilah ever get to be with her prince?

I loved this book. Everything about it was great. The plot was well thought out and very original. I actually felt like I was part of the story. What also makes it great is it kind of feels like you are getting two stories for the price of one. The reader is told the actual fairy tale for the most part as well as the actual story.

The actual story is told from Oliver and Delilah's point of view which I love! That way you can get how each character is feeling.

Also, the other character is this book are very well thought out and say some amazing things! My favourite supporting character was the trusty steed Socks. He was always worrying about how he looked and would come out with some funny lines!

One other thing I enjoyed about this book was the illustrations. They are beautifully drawn, and I believe it makes this book that much more interesting.

If you are looking for something a bit different to read, don't pass up this book. It is amazing, and you won't be disappointed.

I give it a 5 out of 5.

(This review is also posted on my blog).
The Outcasts (Brotherband Chronicles, #1)
The Outcasts (Brotherband Chronicles, #1)
John Flanagan | 2012 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

<i>The Outcasts</i> is the first book in the <i>Brotherband Chronicles</i> about teenaged Hal and his small team of misfit friends. Set in times when to be a warrior and be part of a crew on a wooden ship were some of the highest honours, all boys when approaching the age of sixteen have to endure months of exhausting training. The popular boys form together Brotherbands containing the candidates with the most potential leaving Hal and seven other social outcasts to form the final group: the Herons.

Despite their severe disadvantage, Hal must encourage the Herons to use their brains to outwit the strength of the other Brotherbands in order to defeat them at the challenges the instructors set and become the ultimate winners.

Hal is instantly a likeable character. He is talented, intelligent, kind and thoughtful and makes an excellent and inspiring team leader. Although this book is set in a fictional historical period, there are many things that a young reader can relate to, for example bullying and racial discrimination.

As well as the Brotherband training there is a lot of ship and sailing references that may appeal to male readers of a certain age. The author, John Flanagan, realizes that many people today would not be familiar with the ins and outs of sailing and has included a glossary explaining numerous nautical terms that are used during the novel. These are defined in an easy to understand way, as the target audience is those of ages ten and upwards.

There are a limited amount of female characters, which suggests that these chronicles are written with male teenage readers in mind. Despite this it is still an enjoyable, exciting book regardless of your gender. The character developments are excellent and the Herons are an admirable team.

Initially it took a while to get into the story. The reader does not meet Hal until part two of four as it begins twelve years prior to the main timeline. Throughout this section the only characters are adults, which the target audience is less likely to relate to. For this reason, and due to some of the violence, I personally would recommend this book for ages thirteen and older rather than the “10+” suggested on the back cover.

Overall <i>Brotherband: The Outcasts</i> is a brilliant book and it was refreshing for a young adult novel not to revolve around a romantic relationship. The next book in the series looks as promising as the first, which has left us wanting to know more!