This is a history never described before - the century and a half of ferment, folly and angst that...
Teenagers Explained: A Manual for Parents by Teenagers
Megan Lovegrove and Louise Bedwell
Teenagers Megan and Louise reveal what your teen's thinking! If you're a parent and can't quite...
Anna: A Teenager on the Run
Anna Podgajecki and Sandy Bloom
Part of a new Holocaust remembrance series of important testimonies and memoirs from the unique...
Teenagers - Haynes Explains
The Haynes Manual is one of publishing's most famous and enduring icons. More than 200 million...
The Teenager Who Came to Tea
Emlyn Rees, Josie Lloyd and Gillian Johnson
But the teenager didn't take just one Pringle. He took a selfie of himself pouring a whole tube of...
Teenage Writings
Kathryn Sutherland, Jane Austen and Freya Johnston
'Jane Austen practising' Virginia Woolf Three notebooks of Jane Austen's teenage writings survive....