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Ross (3282 KP) rated Vitalogy by Pearl Jam in Music

May 1, 2020  
Vitalogy by Pearl Jam
Vitalogy by Pearl Jam
1994 | Alternative
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Album Rating
Rolling Stone's 485th greatest album of all time
I listened to this album a lot in my teens. While not Pearl Jam's best/biggest album, it was their newest at the time so more relevant to me. I would have said I loved it then, but I am struggling to see why now. While Last Exit, Corduroy and Better Man are good songs, they don't quite shine enough to let us forget all the nonsense on there. Spin the Black Circle is a dire attempt at punk and the rest is just not great. I think maybe I loved this so much in the 90s because I couldn't stand Eddie Vedder's voice and it seems a little toned down on this album than on others. Not quite as much like the scene in Ted.
Saint Maud (2020)
Saint Maud (2020)
2020 | Drama, Horror
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Apologies in advance, because I am fuming over this movie, and it's been 4 days. No, actually, the movie didn't make me mad, the marketing did. If you haven't seen the trailer for Saint Maud yet then DON'T - because it's the most misleading thing I've ever seen. I saw taglines claiming it was the most unique horror movie ever created. It suggested Maud was possessed, but not be a demon like in most horrors of that nature, but by God himself. And to anyone expecting a possession-horror movie - you're going to be disappointed. Very much like the group of teens a few rows behind me who claimed at the end loudly "that was f*****g s**t that was".
Full Review:

Nigella Lawson recommended Tonio Kroger in Books (curated)

Tonio Kroger
Tonio Kroger
Thomas Mann | 1998 | Fiction & Poetry
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"I know that the novella "Tonio Kroger" is not Thomas Mann’s greatest work. There is some part of me that feels that I should be putting up “Buddenbrooks” or “The Magic Mountain” here. And there’s a strong case for “Death in Venice,” too. But this is the book of his that felled me completely when I read it as a German student in my teens. All Mann’s enduring themes are here: the struggle between duty and love, between the febrile pleasure and teutonic responsibility; and the lethal vulnerability of the lover, set against the wanton cruel power of the beloved. It’s an anguished worldview, which is what spoke so directly to the adolescent reader I was, but no one reads Thomas Mann for woo-woo life-enhancing sentimentality."


Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Feb 9, 2023  
Sneak a peek at the young adult Christian science fiction trilogy SANDS OF TIME by C.J. Peterson on my blog, and enter the giveaway for a chance to win all three eBooks in the trilogy - two winners!

In the game of chess, there are moves and countermoves. This sci-fi series follows a group of teens with abilities as they go through the U.S. to rescue their siblings. The challenger in this is their sadistic creator, Professor Noah Roth, who has the money and power to win at any cost. This series has been described as “Stranger Things (minus the Mind Flayer portion) meets X-Men.” Don’t miss a single installment of this explosive, action-packed series!
All the Bright Places
All the Bright Places
Jennifer Niven | 2015 | Children, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (24 Ratings)
Book Rating
Theodore is a quirky teen whose life has been troubled by sadness. His parents are divorced and Theo's recent past has been marked by dark patches, what he thinks of as a deep sleep, where he zones out from depression and sadness. He finds himself thinking often of suicide. One day, while on the ledge of their school's Bell Tower, Theo comes across Violet. Violet's life has changed drastically since the death of her older sister in a car accident. She's not so sure about life lately, either. So Theo lets everyone at school think Violet "saved" him on that Tower, when it's really him who talks her down. The two form an unlikely friendship and embark on a school project, documenting the "natural wonders" of their home state of Indiana. But do Violet and Finch realize the sadness each is dealing with?

Oh how I wanted to like this book. I'd heard so many good things about it, and it was compared to [b:Eleanor & Park|15745753|Eleanor & Park|Rainbow Rowell||17225055], which I adore. But whereas Eleanor and Park each felt so real, these characters didn't always come across as true, versus caricatures. I did find myself caring, often deeply, for Violet, and I liked Finch, but he changed his personality types so often -- it was hard to relate to his character. I'm glad the book covered the topic of mental illness, but its portrayal was odd sometimes. I almost worry that it glorified mental illness and suicidal thoughts somehow (hard to explain without too many spoilers).

Also, Theo and Violet seem to fall for each other awfully quickly. Why does this happen so often in YA novels? Am I just a jaded adult now (entirely possible)? Also a huge issue - where are the freaking adults in this book, and why don't they help Violet and Finch? Kids and teens shouldn't feel that mental illness is something they need to deal with alone. I also think truly portraying Finch's "deep sleep" and how that affected him could have done wonders for showing the effects and ills of mental illness on teens.

Overall, this book certainly had its lovely moments. Violet and Finch are touching characters in many ways. As I said, I really liked Violet - her character really grows on you. Niven's writing is beautiful at times, and the teens' school project is an interesting touch. This was also hard for me to read, having experienced mental illness and suicide in my family. I think it was worth reading, but it didn't completely live up to my expectations.
Defending Taylor
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Taylor has always grown up expecting the most of herself. After all, her father is a State Senator, and he and her mother have high expectations for their youngest daughter. At her private school, Taylor excels at school and is now captain of her soccer team. She has a close group of friends and a boyfriend, Ben. But all of that changes when Taylor makes a mistake--and gets kicked out of school. Now she's forced to start over at the local public school, which puts her dreams of Ivy League college in jeopardy. She joins the school's soccer team and tries to make things right with her family, but she can't deal with the secrets she's keeping, or the crushing disappointment of her entire family.

I can't help it: Kenneally's books are just enjoyable. This one leaves you in the dark in the beginning as to exactly what happened to Taylor--while frustrating, it builds suspense effectively and keeps you turning pages. Taylor's under so much pressure, but Kenneally easily captures the teen experience and the dramatic "life and death" sensation of being a teenager. Sometimes you roll your eyes at Taylor's actions, but you have to remember what it's like to be a teenager: you really do feel bad for the kid. Her parents put a crazy amount of pressure on Taylor, as do her perfect older twin siblings, and the book offers a good commentary about the burden and anxiety teens face these days regarding school and the college process. Plus, Taylor has the extra stress of her behavior being under the microscope of her father's senate campaign.

I was a little frustrated about how Taylor couldn't handle talking to her parents about her life, but could fall quickly and easily into a mature romantic relationship, but that seems to be par for the course for many YA novels these days. Besides, you can't help rooting for her relationship (and the cute guy). I enjoyed the message in this novel about taking a step back, finding yourself, and doing things your own way. I think it's a message that could benefit many teens. I also couldn't help but fall for Taylor, even if she was frustrating at times, and overall, I enjoyed this one. Kenneally has a way with words and writing teens--her books are worth the read.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher and Netgalley (thank you!); it is available everywhere as of 7/5.

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A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)
2010 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
5.7 (22 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Back in the 80’s, razor-fingered Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund) became an iconic figure of horror and mainstream pop culture with the film “A Nightmare on Elm Street”. Thanks to great special effects, macabre humor, and the charismatic Freddy, audience flocked to theaters and launched a highly successful series that spanned several films. Eventually the series ran its course, but the title character remained a mainstay of horror fans everywhere. Last seen in “Freddy Vs. Jason”, the terror of teenagers’ dreams has returned in a new take on the film from the Platinum Dunes production team, the same team behind the successful relaunch of the “Friday the 13th Series”.

The new film stars Jackie Earl Haley as the title character, and once again he is dispatching the teens of Elm Street in all manner of bizzare and grisly fashions in their dreams. Soon the town is full of dead teens and their insomniac peers anxious for an answer to the madman. Their parents are no help as they are quick to downplay any questions about Freddy and quickly disregard any concerns raised by their kids, even when the body count continues to rise. As their numbers dwindle, a group of friends starts to uncover the reason behind the unresloved deaths and band together to solve the mystery of Freddy Krueger and survive.

Freddy is only able to menace the teens in their sleep, so they take all manner of precautions in an attempt to stay awake and plot a defense, but sleep is something one can only postpone, never fully avoid, which means Freddy is always lurking, just waiting for his chance to strike.

What follows is a fairly by-the-numbers horror film that is sadly is lacking much suspense and horror. I was a big fan of the series and I found myself wanting to watch the original Wes Craven classic rather than what was unfolding on the screen. Haley does a great job as Krueger, blending menace with gallows humor, but Englund left a very large Fedora and razor gloves to fill and Haley comes up lacking. I also missed the elaborate effects that defined the series, greatly underwhelmed by this film’s attempts. The gore, suspense, and thrills were restrained compared to the previous films.

This is not to say this is a bad film, but the generic cast headed by Thomas Dekker gives us very little to root for and left me wanting more. Here is hoping that the next offering gives fans more of what made the series so popular and less of the formulaic predictability that has become so common in horror.
Dragon Seed
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a new to me author and one I'll be reading again! Dragon Seed really pulled me into the heart of the story instantly. From the start I was completely engrossed and taken on a fast paced ride of what's right and wrong. That's saying something for this book as I'm not a huge fan of young adult reads. However, this book....oh, this book really hooked me!

As a mom of two teens, one of whom is troubled and angry often times, this book hit home with me in so many ways. It's so much more than a simple young adult read. It's a book filled with Bible lessons and messages of prideful ways and seeking more of Him. I loved that! These are the kinds of characters, and plot lines, that I want to see my children reading! Lessons of good versus evil, right versus wrong....all of it so gripping!

This book is definitely worthy of 5 stars. It's phenomenaly created, it's well rounded with complex characters and God's lessons. If you are looking for a laugh out loud book for your child/teenager, then this isn't quite the book for you. If you are looking for a fantabulously written book, that will leave them thinking over and over again, then yes. Definitely grab this book up. It's not only for children/teens, but any adult who seeks a better relationship with God or who struggles with pride. The book comes with devotionals at the end. I can't wait to pass this on to my kiddos to see what they think! Well done, Mr. Machowski! Well done!<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Ma (2019) in Movies

May 14, 2020  
Ma (2019)
Ma (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
Ma is a relatively predictable and a would-be run of the mill horror thriller, if it wasn't for the mostly decent cast, and well realised slow build up.

Ma revolves around a group of teens inadvertently befriending a lonely older woman whilst trying to buy alcohol. The woman's sweet nature leads to her letting the teens and their friends use the basement of her house for police-free partying, and she becomes something a mother figure to them, nicknaming her 'Ma'. Things start to go a little awry when Ma becomes possessive, and a much more sinister plot unravels.

The film doesn't go full blown horror until the final act, meaning that the main chunk of runtime is a fairly slow burning thriller. It's paced pretty well for the most part, drip feeding details and hints that Ma is quite clearly unwell. It's also features flashbacks here and there, going some way to explain why she is the way she is. It's actually quite sad at times, and definitely plays the sympathy card on occasion. This wouldn't have worked nearly as well as it did without Octavia Spencer. She's the obvious highlight of the film and her friendly demeanor makes her character all the more unsettling.
The teenage characters are actually surprisingly likable as well. They're not particular fleshed out too much, and lack substance, but usually they're exclusively hateable in these kind of films.
Add in Juliette Lewis, Missy Pyles, and Luke Evans, and the cast is pretty solid.

I guess the main problem with Ma, is that's it's nothing special. It's painfully predictable at times - there's a lot of typical people-doing-obviously-dumb-shit-in-a-horror-film going on, and it's in your face enough to impact the overall movie.
It's still worth a watch though, even if it's just for Octavia Spencer.
The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault in Our Stars
John Green | 2012 | Children
8.2 (185 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, I can see what all the hype surrounding this book was about! Holy crap! I haven't cried so hard reading a book in a LONG time. It was so sweet, but so painful all at once. All I can really say is cancer sucks, not that we didn't all know that already. This just puts it in such a different perspective. Yes, it is young adults being effected by it which makes it even harder to accept.
The story is so simple yet so well written. It seems like it could be about any 16 or 17 year old kid anywhere. Yet Hazel & Augustus are also not your typical teens & this is not your typical Y.A. romance. It chronicles their relationship, yes, but it takes you inside their battles...with cancer, with friends, with family, & with themselves.