Funky Hairstyle - Teens Hair Salon Girls games
Lifestyle and Games
Funky Hair Style Salon Teen Hair salon game for girls, kids, toddler. In this kids game there are...
Children's Rooms: Special Spaces for Newborns to Teens
Tina Skinner and Melissa Cardona
This inspirational book is the perfect resource for parents who want to decorate their child's...

All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories of Queer Teens Throughout the Ages
Malinda Lo, Robin Talley and Anna-Marie McLemore
Take a journey through time and genres and discover a past where queer figures live, love and shape...

The Oberon Book of Modern Monologues for Women: Teens to Thirties
Monologues are an essential part of every actor's toolkit. Actors need them for drama school entry,...

Teens: What We're Really Thinking (When We're Not Saying Anything)
Paul Buhre and David Shaw
A Top Five bestseller in Germany. Teenagers are people too! But what kind? Slaves to consumerism,...

Easy for You to Say: Q&As for Teens Living with Chronic Illness or Disabilities
The teenage years are some of the most demanding. Even the most well-adjusted youth struggles with...