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The Thursday Murder Club
The Thursday Murder Club
Richard Osman | 2020 | Crime, Mystery
8.2 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, that was a nice surprise! I usually stay clear of celebrity writers as, in my experience, they tend to be over rated and over hyped but I have to say that this book by Richard Osman was pretty good and had me engaged from start to finish.

The plot is multi-faceted with several murders both recent and historic but rather than this causing confusion, it all seems to flow smoothly and logically despite its complexity although you do have to keep your wits about you to keep up at times. The writing style is easy to read and flows well and although the main subject matter is murder, there are snippets of humour and more tender moments too.

The setting of a rather upscale retirement village is unique as are the main characters who are engaging, appealing and, at times, amusing. I really would like to get to know Elizabeth better - she is a very intriguing character and there are teasing morsels of her previous working life which are very interesting and I want to know more.

This book is what I would call a cosy-read that could be enjoyed by anyone and I would recommend it to those who enjoy a classic murder-mystery without the violence and graphic detail.

Thank you to Penguin General UK and NetGalley for my copy in return for an unbiased and unedited review.

Merissa (11797 KP) rated Forsaken Heart (Forsaken Destiny #3) in Books

Apr 27, 2021 (Updated Jul 27, 2023)  
Forsaken Heart (Forsaken Destiny #3)
Forsaken Heart (Forsaken Destiny #3)
Maya Daniels | 2021 | Erotica, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
FORSAKEN HEART is the third book in the Forsaken Destiny series and we continue where we left off. Echo is recovering from her father's tender ministrations, and Xzavier is currently undergoing the same treatment from his. The others? Well, they're busy trying to be the mate they think Echo wants them to be, rather than who they are.

Echo seemed a bit weaker in this book, maybe because of the aforementioned treatment, so I was incredibly happy when she realised just what she was asking of her mates. I still don't like Proto... and I know I will probably end up liking him because Ms Daniels has something special up her sleeve. But I can honestly say, for three books, I haven't liked him at all.

Another mate has had the bond claimed, which still leaves two hanging by a thread. Tyler is still my favourite by far. The overall story arc moves along and leaves you wanting the next book to continue the story. As will all Maya Daniels' books, the pace is fast and furious, so hold onto your hats.

Best read in order, this is a great addition to the series and recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 27, 2021
In a New York Minute
In a New York Minute
Felice Stevens | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
IN A NEW YORK MINUTE is a standalone with a couple of cameos but nothing that would confuse you. It is a sweet and tender story of grown-up problems and mature responses. I simply adored this story from start to finish.

Both Garrett and Remi have their own baggage but they don't just jump off the deep end when something happens they didn't expect. They pass the time until they are able to speak privately and then work it out. I'm not saying it's all easy but communication does make things easier.

Bubbe and Grandpa Sol are both outstanding characters and I would love to see more of them. Pringle was an excellent example of prejudice that is still around today, even if the bloody Pringles catchphrase leapt into my head every time I saw his name. For him, it was certainly a case of "once you pop, you just can't stop." I really hope he got his comeuppance. Jeffrey stole my heart and I honestly NEED for them to get their story. All of the other characters are fantastic though, whether you like them or not.

A fantastic addition to Felice Steven's repertoire that I have no hesitation in recommending. Absolutely brilliant!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 22, 2023

Alison Pink (7 KP) rated Second Nature in Books

Jan 15, 2018  
Second Nature
Jacquelyn Mitchard | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh my gosh! This is the first book I've ever read of Jacquelyn Mitchard's & all I can say is WOW!!! I adored this book from the very first chapter! It was funny & heartbreaking, weak & strong, tender & harsh all at once.
   Second Nature tells the story of Sicily Coyne. It begins by telling you about the day her life changed forever, she was 10. A fire broke out at her church trapping children inside. Who should rush in to save them but her father? She survives, kind of. But her dad isn't so lucky. I say she sort of survives because she is alive, but her face has literally been burned off of her.
   She spends 13 years basically in hiding because she is so scarred. Then a chance phone conversation dramatically changes her life again.
   The book really gets going from that point on Sicily, having faced the worst scenarios life can throw at someone, is once again faced with a life altering choice. The story centers around her choice & the way it impacts her & the lives of the people she surrounds herself with. This story was incredibly moving! It is almost too horrific to even be believable, but I still found myself rooting for her through the entire thing. You can't help but love her & yes, even envy her at times in this book.
   She is truly one of those characters that is unforgettable. A strong, determined woman even when it seems like the entire world is out to get her.
<p style="text-align: center;"><img class=" wp-image-15770 aligncenter" src=""; alt="" width="498" height="176" />It was so good to get back to a Kathleen Fuller novel. I haven't read one in a bit, and this was a refreshing jump back to her work. This is the first in a what's sure to be a wonderful series, and every minute of this book had me hooked.

From the start, I loved Ruby's character. I saw a lot of myself in her, and I really felt connected with her. Watching her, following her story, seeing how hard she tries to do good, but something always fails, it all really had me turning the pages long into the night.

When Christian enters the picture, the story just gets that much better! The quirks of the story really shine through him, making this a story that had me laughing out loud, cheering for him and Ruby and praying that they get what they want.

This book is definitely a 4 star book. If you want a quick, fast paced read and one that will instantly hook you, look no further. Ms. Fuller's books are filled with hope, laughter, beautifully chiseled characters and a tender message that will leave you wanting more. I can't wait to see the next book in the series! Well done, Ms. Fuller! Well done!</p>

I received a complimentary copy of this book from The Fiction Guild and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.

Rob P (30 KP) rated Legend in Books

May 6, 2019 (Updated May 6, 2019)  
David Gemmell | 1984 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Classic Good vs. Evil narrative (2 more)
basically one big battle scene
epic in scope
Fairly short (IMO) (0 more)
I think this may have been the very first fantasy book I read, at the tender age of maybe 11-12.

As such, I'm always going to view this title with rose-tinted glasses as it was my warm welcome to the world of heroic fantasy.

Here's the plot outline - Druss is a badass with a big axe, who's known throughout the world as such.

He believes he is to die in his 60th year after seeing a vision in his younger days, which he now is. Living in isolation after the death of his wife, he has sworn never to fight again.

Meanwhile, a warlord named Ulric, leader of a warring, tribal people known as the Nadir has united the feuding clans and amassed an army bigger than any that exist in the south, and he is coming to stamp his rule on the Drenai empire.

In order to get from north to south, he must pass the ancient fortress of Dros Delnoch. This is the battle ground.

Druss, having heard of the army one million strong heading to crush his people, Druss decides it's once more unto the breach, and travels to the doomed fortress to make his last stand with the forces there.

Lots of engaging characters, moral qualms, and of course visceral battle scenes full of heroics, this is a classic tale of underdog army vs army.

I just bloody love it.

- Rob
What Unbreakable Looks Like
What Unbreakable Looks Like
Kate McLaughlin | 2020 | Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This amazing, heartbreaking and powerful book blew my mind. It tugged at my heartstrings and will stay with me for quite some time. This is a must-read, everyone.

Lex is human trafficked and becomes Poppy, kept in a hotel with other girls with flower names. But then the girls are rescued, and Poppy must try to become Lex again. She moves in with her aunt and uncle—a place where’s she’s truly safe for the first time in a long time. But she’s been so hurt and broken and has a hard time trusting or believing she deserves anything good in her life. When she’s sexually assaulted by her boyfriend, Lex has to reckon with the fact that this isn’t something she deserves because of her past.

This book broke my heart and then patched it back together. McLaughlin writes Lex in such a way that she jumps off the page—a realistic, amazing, and wonderful heroine learning to be in charge of her own story. She covers human trafficking in its stark reality and yet this story is hopeful and tender. I loved the character of Lex, as well as her aunt, Krys. Knowing that Lex has been conditioned to think she deserves to be treated badly just breaks your heart--thinking sex is her only power, all she's worth. The way McLaughlin shows how human trafficking has destroyed Lex and distorted her self-image is one of the most powerful things I've read in ages.

This book blew me away. All the stars.
I Love You Daddy
I Love You Daddy
Roger Carlson | 2019 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I found a book about a father and daughter relationship. It is a good one; It shows how father and daughter relationships change as the daughter grows up. It shows the father being patient and encouraging, and supporting the daughter.

This book hit a tender spot with me. It reminds me of what I missed from my dad growing up. However, I have a better relationship now than I did growing up. I missed that from my dad. This book shows those parenting tips; I do see the personal story behind this book. The dad and the daughter can transpire swapped out for your child or the child's father. There are some excellent tips in the back of the book for the father.

The book does teach children some life lessons and what the relationship is between father and daughter. Remember parents that daughters will look at their dad or father as their first male relationship as they grow up and look for that in a male partner when they grow up.

So dad out there, be careful what you teach your daughter as they grow up. If you are a good model or a wrong model, your daughter will see that and look for those in a partner later on in life. This book focuses on father and daughter and their relationship.

Great for fathers day and gifting it to dad and fathers to be. It is a resource for parents and fathers. It is also suitable for children. It's a book for daughter and father and building a relationship together.
Hellhounds Never Lie (Willow Lake Supernaturals #1)
Hellhounds Never Lie (Willow Lake Supernaturals #1)
Lori Ames | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
HELLHOUNDS NEVER LIE is the first book in the Willow Lake Supernaturals series and I honestly can't wait to return!

Dillon is a hellhound looking for a home, and Ash is a fire mage with wonky magic. How's that going to work? Brilliantly, that's how! Ash has been through hell and back but still has a heart big enough to want to help others when he can. Dillon has been searching for his utopia but found the opposite instead with Rob's pack. They chase him when he leaves and it is Ash who saves him. In reality, they save each other.

They are fated mates - although they don't realise it. So I expected the instant attraction. What I didn't expect was how tender Dillon was with Ash, and how fierce Ash was if he thought someone was having a go at Dillon. *chef's kiss* Loved every scene they were in, whether it was in the pub or the bedroom.

Filled with fantastic characters, there are at least half a dozen others I now want stories for! Plus, I need to know the secrets that are still hiding - yes, Dot, I'm looking at you! Jeremy is next and I'm sure that one will have me laughing if his texts are anything to go by. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 14, 2023
An Amish Christmas Love: Four Novellas
An Amish Christmas Love: Four Novellas
Beth Wiseman, Amy Clipston, Ruth Reid, Kelly Irvin | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am always in the mood for a good Christmas story, and it's always a bonus when I get to sit down and read more than one in one book! So, it never fails when I get a new book with Christmas themes, that I fall in love with them. This is no exception! 

This anthology contains four heart warming stories centered around the Amish. Each story pulled me in, hooked me and took me on a wonderful sleigh ride through God's amazing graces. These four authors know exactly what their readers like and how to keep them engrossed. Their characters are finely chiseled and real to life and their messages from God are beautifully woven into each story. 

I can't pick just one favorite though! All four stories held me captive equally, all four stories ones that I would recommend to all. But, Ruth Reid's and Amy Clipston's stories never fail to bring me so many emotions, from happiness to love. They take me on ups and downs, and ins and outs with their moving stories, and I love their writing styles. Ms. Wiseman and Ms. Irving have beautiful styles too, and their stories are vivid and tender. 

If you love Christmas, beautiful characters and wonderful writing, then this book is the one you want to read this holiday season. These authors will hook you! I highly recommend this book with the highest of 5 stars! Hats off to some very talented ladies.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson Publishers and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*