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Hallo Sausages: The Lyrics of Ian Dury
Hallo Sausages: The Lyrics of Ian Dury
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"When I want to cheer myself up, I think of Ian Dury – the best lyricist in English music, who fused music hall and funk, the first Cockney rapper. The music is always there and the music is very good, but it’s easy to miss the joyous flow of words when you’re listening to it. That’s where Hallo Sausages: The Lyrics of Ian Dury, edited by his daughter, is sublimely useful. Along with great photographs and a tender memoir, it collects the words for all the songs. So you can actually read “Reasons to Be Cheerful (Part Three)”, and get all the brilliant internal rhymes: “Seeing Piccadilly, Fanny Smith and Willy / Being rather silly and porridge oats.” There’s that great exercise in admiration and mockery, “There Ain’t Half Been Some Clever Bastards” – people like Einstein and Van Gogh – with its running refrain: “Probably got help from their mum who had help from her mum.” And everyone’s favourite, “Hit me With Your Rhythm Stick” (“Two fat persons, click, click, click”). Who couldn’t love a songwriter who has a song called “Plaistow Patricia”? Actually, my favourite Dury song is not cheerful, but terribly sad, “You’ll See Glimpses”, which takes the form of a letter written by someone who has been locked up because his mind doesn’t work properly. This letter is utopian: the inmate lists everything he would do to sort out “the problems of the world”. It ends: “This has been got out by a friend.” Go and listen to it – Dury doesn’t sing but reads the words, jauntily. Yet it’s profoundly sad, and seems to me as great a work of art as any novel or short story of the last 40 years."

Wishmaster 4: The Prophecy Fulfilled (2002)
Wishmaster 4: The Prophecy Fulfilled (2002)
2002 | Horror
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Honestly, watching the alarmingly sharp decline of the Wishmaster films in terms of quality, I was expecting this last entry to be nothing short of hot burning turd, but I actually found it to be pretty watchable!

Starting with the positives - Tara Spencer-Nairn is easily the most likable protagonist in the whole franchise. The dude who plays the Djinn in human form isn't Sean Connery's son. It low-key has one of the most hilariously unnecessary kills in cheap-horror history (of course it's the nice older lady being flat out beheaded by a massive sword), and not importantly, it tries to do something different plot wise! I mean, it's soooo fucking stupid (essentially revolving around the Djinn falling in love and getting laid) but it's way more entertaing than 2 and 3.

It's not all good though (surprising, I know). As mentioned, it's still cheap as hell. The movies subtitle suggests that finally were going to get to see some form of Djinn fronted apocalypse, but the closest we get is the Djinn and the aformentioned old lady decapitation dude having a Power Rangers style sword fight near some shrubbery.
Also, the gore effects are silly - there's one point where a guys nose gets cut off, but when the shot flicks back to his face, it's clear that his nose is still there, just covered in red make up. The same thing happens to someone's hand later on.

This whole series has been a chore to be quite honest, but I can safely say, that this is the best film I've ever seen that involves a bar tender becoming a zit on a strippers butt cheek (that we don't even get to see boooooo).
With one final push, Wishmaster finally ascends from bottom of the barrel tripe, to so-bad-it's-kinda-good.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Oct 21, 2020  
Sneak a peek at the Christian historical romance series AMERICAN WONDERS COLLECTION by Regina Scott on my blog. There's also a GIVEAWAY to win both books in the series, a tote bag, book swag, and a $25 Barnes & Noble gift card - three winners total!

In 1886, the U.S. government gave control of Yellowstone, the country's first national park, to the cavalry to stop predation by poachers, hunters, and vandals. Mrs. Kate Tremaine is all for the change. The young widow and her late husband held the lease to operate one of the hotels in the park. She has raised her six-year-old son among God's wonders and knows every inch of the mountainous park like the back of her hand. It is her home, and she has vowed to protect it.

Lieutenant William Prescott needs someone of Kate's caliber more than he knows. Congress has appropriated funds for only one guide, who is required elsewhere in the park, and the cavalryman is having some trouble finding his way around much less tracking down the troublemakers. As Kate and her son help him, he doesn't dare give in to the tender feelings she raises in him. A tragic mistake eight years ago nearly derailed his career and made him question his own abilities. Not even Kate's encouragement or God's forgiveness can blot out the stain on his conscience.

When Kate's son disappears, Will and Kate must work together to rescue the boy and protect the park. In doing so, they may just find that two wounded hearts can lead to one powerful love when God is in control.
More Than Maybe
More Than Maybe
Erin Hahn | 2020 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was one of the best books I've read in ages and absolutely perfect for right now. It was one of those reads that just make you smile while flipping the pages. I adored Luke and Vada. I found it completely refreshing to pick up a romance where our couple liked each other from the beginning--even if they didn't know it--versus the "hate to love" trope.

Hahn has given us such a fun book. The sweetest characters. A book packed full of musical references. (She dropped in a Guster one, and I about died.) If you love music, you will get lost in this book. If you love well-written characters who are vulnerable and realistic and just pop off the pages, you will find yourself immersed in this book. There is nothing saccharine or silly about about More Than Maybe. Luke and Vada--as they get to know each other and fall deeper in love while sharing music links--are just so tender and cute. While Vada and Luke are falling in love, they are finding their way and themselves. The story is told from both of their POVs, letting us get to know both of them.

The supporting cast in Maybe is excellent, especially Phil, who doubles as a boyfriend for Vada's mom and a father figure for Vada. He's wonderful, and also joined by Cullen (Luke's twin) and good turns by both Luke and Vada's BFFs. Family is important here and they are not shortchanged.

Overall, I needed a book to make me happy, and More Than Maybe did not disappoint. An excellent romance, lots of fun music, and a great story with surprising depth. Absolutely loved this one. 4.5 stars.