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Picture Perfect
Picture Perfect
Jodi Picoult | 1995 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beautiful. That's it.

A sad story so beautifully told is the key to break my heart. It did exactly that. I say it's sad because it really is but it does have some incredibly romantic scenes too which not only melt your heart but make you fall in love with the book its characters.

The tender theme of abuse was used with the utmost sensitivity, the only way I can describe it, is that it's told in such a sickly sweet way that it just hits you. Hard. I struggled to read the novel just because it genuinely broke my heart to see this perfectly capable beautiful and smart lady, Cassie, just break in half.

I love Cassie's character! So bright, sweet, smart and elegant. She is so very lovable which makes her story so utterly moving. I liked that she was quite quirky and wouldn't usually fall for the Alex Rivers type which made her falling in love wonderfully romantic and charming. I feel bad for saying it but I even liked Alex Rivers, underneath he is just a damaged man with a shattered heart. I liked that he was charming and obviously attractive even if he knew it. While he wasn't necessarily a nice man he was more than appealing and incredibly romantic. He just got it wrong, very wrong and on this occasion it wasn't okay and couldn't be fixed.

I loved the kind of twist to the story and how you remember along with Cassie, it's like a journey. I also really like the unusual nature of the how the story is told, the fact that she can't remember is definitely the hook to find out more. I loved all of the characters as each seemed to have direct impact on Cassie herself, making it just that little bit more compelling.

I know this review kind of skips around the point but I don't want to spoil anything.

Like I said... Beautiful.
Sidney’s Triple Shot (Apache Crossing #1)
Sidney’s Triple Shot (Apache Crossing #1)
Lori King | 2018 | Contemporary, Erotica, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sidney’s Triple Shot (Apache Crossing #1) by Lori King
Sidney's Triple Shot is the first book in the Apache Crossing series, and I honestly can't wait to read more in what I am sure will be an amazing series.

Sidney escapes from an abusive relationship and zig-zags across America, trying to leave her ex-fiance behind. The trigger for her leaving may come as a surprise, as she suffered through something even worse and stayed. I guess it was the straw that broke the camel's back. She makes her way to Apache Crossing, and finds work as a bartender at the Triple Shot. She is understandably nervous, especially around the brothers who own the bar.

Xavier, Tyce, and Noah, are all very different, but they all agree to go after Sidney. They see something in her that intrigues them, and brings out their protective instincts. Which is a good thing, as she is going to need them.

This was a well-paced story that is both heart-breaking in places, and also full of love and hope. I did find Sidney to be annoying at times, even as I tried to make allowances for her. For someone so scared of being caught by Robert, she has no problem doing stupid things, even after she thinks she is being watched. The three guys had more patience with her than I would have!

With no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It has a wonderful cast of characters, and I hope to read their stories too. Steamy in places, tender in others, this book has a bit of something for everyone. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Connilyn Cossette has a true gift, weaving the history and truth of the Bible with imagination. Enhancing the stories to the point that I feel like I can TASTE the manna, I can SEE the cloud, I can HEAR the shofar blow, and I can FEEL the agony of the Canaanites. A people who have been led to live life a certain way, and they know nothing else.

Allanah and Tobiah have found a place in my heart. A "Culture Clash" of massive proportions and a romance that is so sweet and tender. A Canaanite by birth, will Allanah be able to open her heart to the people who have embraced her as their own? Tobiah is full of compassion and love for his family, but when his path leads him to Allanah, his life ends up going in a direction he didn't expect.

Although Allanah and Tobiah are fictional, there are plenty of REAL people, places, and events in this story. And the truth of God's love, forgiveness, salvation, is very real. There are many challenging issues that come up, but you know what? They really happened, and are still happening today. We can not just brush these uncomfortable things under the rug. I commend Connilyn for bringing these issues to light in a heart wrenching yet very real way.

From beginning to end, Wings of the Wind had me utterly captivated. It is a rare thing for me to read a book this fast. And if it wasn't for sleep and feeding my family, I would have completed this in one sitting. Now I can't wait to go back and read the first two books in the series. I think it is safe to say that all of Connilyn's books, both past and future, will make it to my reading list. Brava Connilyn! I am officially hooked!

I received a complimentary copy of Wings of the Wind from Bethany House Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Perfect Husband
The Perfect Husband
Buffy Andrews | 2018 | Contemporary
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Plenty of romance (2 more)
Well written
Very dark and pyschologically suspenseful
Fantastic And Addictive!
When Shelly's marriage ends in divorce, she's left completely devastated and feeling like she's never going to find love again. Then she meets Eric after joining an online dating agency, and he's handsome, caring, and everything she has ever wanted. From romantic dates to expensive gifts, it's as if she's in a dream.

But just when Shelly thinks she's finally found her perfect match, she begins to realize that all is not as it seems. As the cracks start to develop, perhaps Eric isn't everything she thought he was. Will her dream become a nightmare?

Shelly is very much in love and is blissfully unaware of and ignores all the warning signs that Eric is unwittingly giving out.

"He was making me feel things I'd never felt before. And there, at that moment, blanketed by his warm kisses and tender love, I felt like I was in heaven and I knew I would never be the same."

Her best friend, Jackie and her work colleagues are also equally charmed by him.

"He's incredible, .....I can certainly see why you're falling in love with him. He's so generous......."

Then the warning triggers come, that all is not right with Eric.

"You should download a GPS tracker app on your cell phone so I can keep tabs on you."

"You're joking, right?"

"Not really........"

After Shelly and Eric marry, outgoing, attractive, confident Shelly is frequently accused of flirtatious behaviour with other men and is forced into sex acts and acting out her husband's fantasies. She becomes a shadow of herself, whilst keeping up the pretence of a perfect marriage.

This novel is a fantastic and addictive read and I was very impressed with the author's writing style. Although there is plenty of romance, it is also a very dark, psychologically suspenseful novel and certainly not all hearts and flowers.
Hearts on Air (Hearts, #6)
Hearts on Air (Hearts, #6)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review and more can be found at my blog

This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited library.

Well, first things first. You DO NOT have to read book #5.5, One Epic Night, to understand this as it is included at the beginning of this book.

Then the story continues where that one left off. Trevor is now a TV star in a free-running show that follows him and a handful of other free runners as they do stunts around London and other big cities. One difference now is that Reya is not in his life. Chapters go back and forth a few times so we see what happened in the months following their "one epic night" and how things didn't end so well with them.

It's been about 2 years since then and Trevor suddenly turns up in Reya's life again wanting to be friends again and asking if she'll fill in for one of their pregnant PA's while she's off on maternity. Reya is wary of letting Trev back into her life but eventually agrees and they travel to several cities around Europe with the group doing stunts and free running in pretty parks and some well known places. As they spend time together, they grow closer once more and before long those feelings from two years ago are creeping back in.

One thing that was driving me a little mad was the Leanne and Callum thing. I know they get their own book in a different series but seeing their love/hate relationship and the arguments and tender moments and NOT KNOWING what was happening was driving me a little mad. I will definitely be getting their book at some point.

I also liked how we saw pretty much every other character from the series in this one towards the end. I had honestly forgot how they all connected but seeing them in those last few chapters was really nice.

Definitely should be read if you've enjoyed previous books in the series.
Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating
Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating
Christina Lauren | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've read a variety of Christina Lauren novels by now, and this was one of my favorites. For a short minute, I thought Hazel was going to be too zany and over the top for me, and then I got to know her. I then fell in love with her, and I was immediately rooting for our caring, funny, and yes, sometimes, crazy heroine. The best part was that Josh was great in his own reliable, sweet way, too. There's nothing better than a romance where you care for both partners. They were an excellent couple, and I wanted nothing more than to see Josh and Hazel get together. The two had wonderful chemistry and the whole book just had me grinning goofily.

Josh and Hazel are both damaged and wary, but not in that annoying way that has you rolling your eyes and wishing they'd just get over it all. Josh's girlfriend has hurt him and Hazel is constantly passed over by guys who think she's too over the top. Neither deserve this pain, and you quickly want them to get together and be healed. Of course it isn't that easy. When they come up with the double date angle (but not dating each other), laughter ensues, as well as some heartbreak.

There aren't too many side characters in this one: the focus is on Hazel and Josh, but I really enjoyed Hazel's mom, as well as Josh's sister, Emily. And there's plenty of fun to be had with some of the folks we encounter on the blind dates. Josh and Hazel seem so real; our writing duo capture them quite well. Hazel's zest for life coupled with her vulnerability, for instance, shine brightly. And Josh, well, I just wanted to hug him sometimes.

In the end this a really fun, sweet book. It's humorous yet realistic and tender. I adored Hazel and Josh-they were one of my favorite couples in a while. 4+ stars.
Ravage (Ravaged World Trilogy #2)
Ravage (Ravaged World Trilogy #2)
Iain Rob Wright | 2015 | Horror
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I just love a good horror book every now and then as it enables me to put all believability aside and just go along for the ride ... this one did the job and is another great story from Iain Rob Wright. Despite it being the second in the series ("Sea Sick" being the first), it can easily be read as a standalone.

I don't read an awful lot of zombie apocalypse books so don't have anything to compare this one with which, I think, is probably a good thing as I had no expectations but I was a lover of The Walking Dead and I do think this is similar in it's plot, i.e. a band of survivors coming up against hordes of the living dead and various miscreants in society where no one is safe and anyone can meet their end at any time regardless of their importance.

There is your usual set of characters in this book from the nice to the downright nasty some of which are more developed than others which I think is out of necessity as there are many of them. The various settings are perfect and "normal", the writing is set at a good pace and is easy to read. There are, as you would expect, many scenes of peril and death with a good smattering of blood and gore (not always due to the zombies) but also more tender moments that provided some relief and softness in what would otherwise be a bleak read.

I felt the addition of "The Path of Infection" at the end was excellent and provided an explanation as to how the virus spread from when it came ashore to reaching one of the main characters, Nick, and it makes you think just how easily this could happen in the real world with any virus or infection such as flu, Ebola, etc.

Overall, a thoroughly enjoyable read and now I'm off to read "Savage", the last in the series.
The Shadow Reader (The Shadow Reader, #1)
The Shadow Reader (The Shadow Reader, #1)
Sandy Williams | 2011 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This starts with McKenzie doing in a test in a lecture hall at Uni, only she's interrupted mid test by her friend and love interest, Kyol--sword-master of the current Fae King. The rebels have found her and she's in danger. They run from the room but get attacked by the rebels as they try to escape. In the end, McKenzie fall into the rebels trap and ends up their captive. McKenzie keeps attempting to escape and though half of the rebels want her dead, the leader, Aren, wants her kept alive.

What follows is a complicated twisty tale of right and wrong, of realising that what you thought was the truth for so long has been twisted and put in a new light so you'll go along with it. Truths are revealed that you agree with.

There is an element of love-triangle going on in this. She's had a "thing" with Kyol for ten years: touches and kisses that are prohibited under the King's ruling of no relationships between humans and Fae. And then there's Aren. The rebel leader who steals her away and tries to convince her that the Court is using her for their own gains and not for the good of the people.

In truth I think I was more Team Aren. We got to see more of his relationship progression with McKenzie. They go from not trusting or liking each other particularly to that tender, sweet touches, stage of falling for each other. Don't get me wrong, I like Kyol. But I think because we missed the start of their relationship growth all those years ago that I don't feel as strong of a connection between them.

By the end of this I was urging our group to win the fight. And now I'm very interested in what's going to happen next with this ragtag group.
CRUSH Box Set 1 is the first three full-length novels in the Crush series. Crush itself is a bar that features prominently in the first book, and then as a get-together place in the following two. All three stories are different and stand on their own, but I would recommend you read them as a series.

FIRST KISS tells the story of Charlie and Josh. Charlie works at Crush and hopes to become manager one day. INSTANT DESIRE is about Asher and Sean. Asher has loved and lost and is ready to find a relationship. Sean has also loved and lost and yet has closed himself off to the possibility of ever being with someone. And PRIMARY SEDUCTION is about Max and Trent. Max is gay and likes Trent who, as far as everyone knows, is straight. Trent's ex-wife, Trish, has a big role to play in this story and not for good reasons.

Each story was well-written and flowed from beginning to end. I loved the different timeline epilogues we got, and how the stories sometimes overlapped. This happened in books 1 and 2 more than 3. There are steamy scenes as well as ones that are tender and loving -- whichever is being used, it works for the story at that moment.

I would have loved to have heard more about Charlie and Josh as the stories progressed as they really wormed their way into my heart because - although you're not supposed to have favourites - that's what they were!! This was a great box set that I thoroughly enjoyed and have no hesitation in recommending.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jan 18, 2022
Sweat Connection (Hot Under the Collar #1)
Sweat Connection (Hot Under the Collar #1)
Katherine McIntyre | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
SWEAT CONNECTION is the first book in the Hot Under the Collar series, and I am already loving this series! Nope, there are no billionaires, no shifters, no vampires. What you have is low-angst 'normal' people with found families joining their lives together.

Katherine McIntyre is simply exceptional at character-led stories featuring found families. There's just no two ways about it! And in this one, there are so many characters that need stories! But for now, I'll stick with Rhys and Cole because, man oh man, are they worth talking about!

Rhys is one of those that has a nervous energy about it, all the time. Cole is one of those that puts people at ease, all the time. Together, when opposites attract, sparks fly! Cole provides the stability and grounding that Rhys needs, whilst Rhys gives Cole the enthusiasm and energy he might otherwise be lacking. I loved how their relationship was so loving and tender in ways an outsider might miss. That's the good part of having a story from the first perspective! We get to see both Cole and Rhys' worries and apprehensions and also see what the other person is thinking.

The connections are not just between Rhys and Cole though. Oh, no! Those tendrils spin out and connect Rhys' friends to Cole's dad and best friend. And let's not forget Sammy who made me laugh so many times. Luckily for me, my two have outgrown those years but I can look back now and laugh.

This was is 5-stars all the way. It simply couldn't be anything less. And from just two sentences in the epilogue, I am looking forward to Lex and Theo's story! Absolutely brilliant and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 21, 2023