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The Platform (2019)
The Platform (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
To be quite honest, this movie was nothing special. It follows a story where our main protagonist is in a prison, where the cells are vertically positioned, one above the other. The way this "society" works is that a platform full of food starts descending every day, starting from floor one, and moving to the lower floors. By the time the first 50 floors have eaten, the rest of the prisoners don't have anything to eat. But if the first 50 floors ate only what they needed, there would be food for all.

Every month, the prisoners wake up on a different floor, and try to survive this scheme. That is, until our hero, who voluntarily comes to the prison, tries to break the system.

The movie just shows the true colours of society, and how even though everyone knows what is happening below them, when they get to be at the top floors, they stop caring. An interesting message, and definitely a topic that will open up discussions, but it was very poorly executed.

The ending was terrible. There should've been closure. Any kind of closure. Wondering about what happens after a movie ends can be a really annoying experience for me personally.
The Running Man (1987)
The Running Man (1987)
1987 | Action, Sci-Fi
Great Arnie one-liners (0 more)
Cheesy but great
Quite possibly the cheesiest Arnie film of all time, but that's what makes it so good. Arnie plays an ex-cop who refuses to fire upon unarmed civilians, but he gets overwhelmed by his team mates and the video afterwards gets edited to make it look like he was the one doing it and he gets thrown into a labour camp style prison. Eventually he and some others escape, he goes back to his old flat (which is now rented by a female journalist). Things happen, he eventually gets recaptured but again the footage is doctored but this time the journalist realises things aren't what they seem. All of the characters end up on a TV show called The Running Man, which seems to be contenders Vs characters in terrible costumes. This is where the fun begins. So many brilliant one-liners throughout the film (mostly from Arnie, but a few others) and just pure 'good guy wins, bad guy gets what's coming to him' cheese. Brilliant for an easy-watching film to laugh and cheer at! And for those that have seen it, all I need to add is "Hello Christmas Tree!"
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998)
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998)
1998 | Horror
A pretty meh reboot.
H20 finds Jamie Lee Curtis returning to the role of Laurie Strode. For 20 years she's been in hiding from Michael Myers, she's been staying at a college campus with her son John (Josh Hartnett), but Michael is hunting them down.

H20's plot is less weird than the last couple of outings in the franchise, but it still feels a bit silly. The movie opens up showing Michael Myers doing some investigation to find out where Laurie disappeared to, which it just so happens that the nurse from the original movie had in her house. It was kind of a dumb start, and it never fully recovers from it.
There were 3 different masks used, resulting in obvious differences from shot to shot. One mask was particularly terrible, it looked like a clown mask.
The movie does benefit from a decent supporting cast including the likes of Michelle Williams, LL Cool J, Adam Arkin, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and even Janet Leigh.
Tonally, H20 is somewhat cheesy, it shouldn't be taken too seriously, though who would at this point in the series?

Halloween H20: 20 Years Later will entertain fans of the series and horror fans alike. But don't expect it to be anything especially good.
Power in the Darkness by Tom Robinson Band
Power in the Darkness by Tom Robinson Band
1978 | Pop, Rock
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"""This one is like the mystery house on Escape to the Country, it’s a curveball. The point I wanted to make with ‘2-4-6-8 Motorway’ is that it’s not one of my favourite songs, the point is it’s always been there but I only really discovered it and fell in love with it in the last couple of weeks. That’s one of the most exciting and inspiring things about making music, discovering songs that have existed your whole life, even though you may have only been semi-aware of them. “I’ve always found it much easier to place my faith in songs that have existed my whole life than a new band or a new artist, you know what they are, you know they’re not going to let you down, they’re not going to do anything sexist or say anything racist or make a terrible second EP. “It’s also so exciting discovering things, I love all those reissue labels like Light in the Attic and finding these treasure troves of records and artists that have been there your whole life, like ‘How has this existed my entire time on earth and I’ve never stumbled upon it?’ ‘2-4-6-8 Motorway’ is a stone cold classic, it’s very British, it’s a big song."""

Odessey & Oracle 40th An by The Zombies
Odessey & Oracle 40th An by The Zombies
2011 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Butcher's Tale by The Zombies

(0 Ratings)


"People kept saying that Odessey and Oracle was a forgotten classic and that The Zombies never got the attention they deserve, that’s when I checked them out and this song really stood out to me. It’s just on the right side of being over the top, because he’s picked this unsettling line - 'My hands won’t stop shaking,' - and he’s just repeating it again and again and the repetition alone is so powerful. “It’s not judging, it’s not saying what was so terrible, just that his hands won’t stop shaking. The more times you hear that the more you think, 'Why? What the hell’s going on?' I think that’s much more powerful than some big description about what happened, or even how he’s feeling about it. “It’s definitely something I’ve used lots of times in our songs, repeating something that might not seem that big, but once you’ve heard it a few times it starts to play with your mind a bit. Meaning becomes doubled and tripled and you begin to wonder why they’re repeating it. It’s a weird thing to do, repeating yourself; if you’re talking to someone, it’s kind of insane. I like the insanity that comes across in that."
