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Hunting the Broken (The Caitlin Chronicles #3)
Hunting the Broken (The Caitlin Chronicles #3)
Daniel Willcocks, Michael Anderle | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Humor & Comedy, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
61 of 250
Hunting the Broken ( Caitlin Chronicles book 3)
By Daniel Wilcocks and Michael Anderle

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

The world around the Revolutionaries is crumbling. And Caitlin's biggest test is yet to come...

The Governor is defeated, the tides appearing to turn.

But as Caitlin continues her search for the Unknown, guided only by the crudely drawn map the Governor left behind, she finds herself led vastly off-track.

A haunting encounter in the woods. A broken city of rebels. A terrible secret hidden in the sewers beneath the earth.

The gates to Caitlin's world are opened, and the Mad want in.

Set within the wonder of the Kurtherian Gambit Universe, discover the chaos and insanity of the Age of Madness - a time when the world turned on its head, and nothing is as it appears...

NOTE: This book contains cursing. Perhaps humorous cursing, but cursing nevertheless. If this offends you, we don't suggest reading this book.

I’m so enjoying this series I love finding the new people and the journey Caitlin , Ma and Kain are taking, also the little side stories of back home and Dylan’s journeys!
I love the settings and how it’s written! It’s a supernatural walking dead!
Red Dragon
Red Dragon
Thomas Harris | 1989 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Thriller
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
194 of 200

Red Dragon ( Hannibal Lecter book 1)
By Thomas Harris

RED DRAGON: the novel that introduced Hannibal Lecter
Will Graham was a brilliant profiler of criminals for the FBI - until he suffered terrible injuries in the process of capturing Dr Hannibal 'the Cannibal' Lecter.

Years later, a reluctant Will agrees to help the FBI hunt down a depraved serial killer. But he soon realises that he needs the help of the only mind better than his own at understanding madmen.

The mind of Hannibal Lecter...

I’m a huge fan of Thomas Harris and this is possibly my third reread of this book and series! This time I seemed to enjoy it that little more and I’m not sure if it’s because I have a clearer picture of the characters and feelings surrounding the books from the tv series! He has a way of writing so you get so involved with the story and the characters, that to me is what keeps me coming back to read these books over and over. For the short intervals that Hannibal is in theses books gives you a feeling he’s watching over everything you read. Poor old Will really has had it tough too! On to silence of the lambs!!!
The Nun (2018)
The Nun (2018)
2018 | Horror
Have the exact same problems with this as I do with 𝘈𝘯𝘯𝘢𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘦 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘏𝘰𝘮𝘦 but cranked up to 11. A lot of overloud, vexatious noise plastered crudely with bargain bin visuals and lifeless acting with nothing going on underneath it. I think this movie maybe has less than seven seconds total of half-decent material cumulatively, one of the very worst things ever created for the screen. At a mere 96 minutes it felt like I was growing cobwebs in my seat from the ungodly slow de-spinning of this piece of shit's collective nothingness. Some have found inspiration in its Italian horror vibe but not only do I think it looks terrible and feels more like rip-off than homage, but is the bar really so low that this bland, unmistakably modern (in the worst ways) visual dogshit passes off as nostalgic? Easily the worst entry (so far) in a franchise that has no business being a franchise with really only one notably good movie under its belt. The only pseudo-memorable thing about this is when I saw it in the theater and the old couple in front of me were complaining the entire time because they thought it was going to be a Christian movie.
The 5th Quarter (2010)
The 5th Quarter (2010)
2010 | Biography, Drama, Sport
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Based on an inspirational true story about the death of a young man and the repercussions on his family.

While the story is true and quite good, there are events in the movie that I feel were added for cinematic effect, which in and of itself isn't terrible, but in the broad scheme of the movie they were absolutely not needed.

The story is good enough when told that it didn't need some of the filler that was added and unfortunately some of the filler was never actually tied into the actual story, which I found disappointing. Also, while I understand that it was done in an effort to appeal to a larger audience, some of the language in the film was more vulgar than what I though was appropriate for a film that touted itself with religion as the underlying grace.

If you've read many of my reviews, you know that I don't necessarily have a problem with vulgarity in general, but when a movie makes a claim as one thing and then presents itself as another, that's a bit of a crux for me personally.

Beyond that, Aidan Quinn and Andie MacDowell were both brilliant in their respective roles.