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You Won't Know Her Name
There lives a little girl whom you will never know the name of, and for her, a terrible storm is...
bullying sexual assualt middle school junior high

momoknowsbest (14 KP) rated Horizon Zero Dawn in Video Games
Dec 20, 2017
the story! (2 more)
the characters
animal/machine design!
Bright Horizons!
okay so I wanna hit on my bad point. I'm not saying this is a terrible thing, the map being huge. but there were a few times when my next location in the story was literally on the other side of the map and no side quests to level me up on the way there. you have to spend alot of time strategizing your next choice in quests which isn't a horrible thing in itself. but sometimes I wanna just roam around and explore and you might miss something by doing that on this game.

Sarah (7799 KP) rated King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword (2017) in Movies
Jul 25, 2017
David Beckham's cameo (1 more)
Everything else
Absolutely awful
I think this is possibly the worse film of 2017 so far. Guy Ritchie's usual style just does not work in this setting. Strange, as it worked very well in the Sherlock Holmes films, but it just doesn't work here. The CGI is awful, the casting is terrible (the mage and David Beckham's cameo to name just a couple) and the story itself is just nonsense. The only thing that does work in this film is Charlie Hunnam, who is likeable and charismatic, surprising considering what he's got to work with script and story wise.

Lee (2222 KP) rated The Witch (2015) in Movies
Aug 24, 2017
Very little happens (1 more)
What does happen is anything but scary
It's not very often that I consider walking out of a movie. It's only happened on a handful of occasions and I usually try and stick it out, just in case I miss some huge U-turn which turns the movie from a 2 out of 10 to an 8 or a 9. The Witch was a movie I found myself hating early on. I stuck with it, hoping for that U-turn, but it never came. What people saw in this I'll never understand. But then I liked 'Blair Witch', so maybe it's me!

Suswatibasu (1702 KP) rated Suicide Squad (2016) in Movies
Aug 17, 2017
So bad it's not even worth watching
I wanted to switch this off after 20 minutes it was that bad. For some bizarre reason, the modern DC films apart from the new Wonder Woman, have been exceptionally awful. From the acting, to the absolutely ridiculous plot, the beginning of the film feels like the middle of the story so it makes no sense whatsoever. The characters are mismatched and the dialogue are all equally terrible. Harley Quinn as per usual is super sexualised for no apparent reason. The only good thing was some of the music. Don't bother to watch it.

graveyardgremlin (7194 KP) rated Night of the Living Rerun (Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 1, #2) in Books
Feb 15, 2019
Utterly terrible, boring, and cliche. The plot involves the Salem Witch Trials, reincarnation, and zombies, which I'm not saying can't work, it just didn't with this one. Not one thing or person in this book bore any resemblance to those in the series, other than using the same names, and the dialogue was beyond awkward. I'm not even sure the author ever saw the show. Everything was so cardboard. No, I'm wrong, it was far worse than that, more like cardboard that had been out in a torrential downpour. For a week. Gross, soggy, mushy cardboard. Filled with rat turds. Not recommended at all.

BobbiesDustyPages (1259 KP) rated Tumblr in Apps
Aug 14, 2018
Addicting but lots of problems.
I use to be on Tumblr non stop but slowly faded out of it but I still get on every once in awhile.
The apps not terrible it's just I've always found that half of the stuff doesn't load there are so many ads on it and I don't know I just don't feel like it does is good in and out but trying to load it in a web browser on your phone doesn't really help either I'm not really sure what they could do to improve it I just know that I'm not a huge fan of it in app form.
The apps not terrible it's just I've always found that half of the stuff doesn't load there are so many ads on it and I don't know I just don't feel like it does is good in and out but trying to load it in a web browser on your phone doesn't really help either I'm not really sure what they could do to improve it I just know that I'm not a huge fan of it in app form.

Sarah (7799 KP) rated Call Me by Your Name (2017) in Movies
Aug 28, 2018
Not as good as the book
The book is quite a slow burner, but it works because of the level of depth and detail given to Elio as the main character. The film sadly doesn’t have the same impact and it actually comes across quite dull. Whilst some of the performances and scenes are in keeping with the book, the whole film just seems very slow and verging on boring. And the edgy scenes from the book (the peach one for instance) are a lot more shocking to see on film. It isn’t a terrible film, it’s just completely immemorable and I don’t think deserving of all of the accolades.

David McK (3496 KP) rated Isard's Revenge (Star Wars: X-Wing, #8) in Books
Jan 30, 2019
If, by and large, books can be compared to food - the classics being haute cuisine; the terrible books being dog-food - then the X-Wing series of Star Wars books (all written pre-Episode One, and based on the popular LucasArts games) could probably be best described as fast food: enjoyable enough in small doses but you wouldn't want to live on them and not always that memorable.
With regard to this book, which picks up from the end of Timothy Zahn's "The Last Command" (with the ending of that novel shown from a different perspective), it's also more than half way through before the jacket blurb begins to make sense.
With regard to this book, which picks up from the end of Timothy Zahn's "The Last Command" (with the ending of that novel shown from a different perspective), it's also more than half way through before the jacket blurb begins to make sense.

The Mad, Bad and Dangerous: The Eccentricity of Tyrants
Apenetrating and incisive study of the fanaticism and foibles of some of history's most illustrious...