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A Deep Dark Secret
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's a terrible thing when children are abused. It's more terrible when they are abused by a family member. The worst is when that family member is a parent. The person you are supposed to trust the most with your life.
Jillian Mitchell was 7 years old when her step-father started to molest her. It was one of the happiest and saddest days of her life. The day her baby sister, Layla, was born.
The abuse continued for 5 years. Starting with touching and escalating to oral sex and naked pictures. Byron, her step-father told her that if she told anyone, they wouldn't believe her and that they would blame her. And that if she wasn't going to do it, then he would get her little sister(who is now 5) to do it.
Jillian lived with this secret and never told anyone, not even her closest friend. When an incident at school, leads Jillian to find out she is not the only one in this situation, she finds the courage to stand up to her step-father (who she thought of as her real father from the beginning) and get him out of her life for good!
This is a great book and helps us understand that effects that abuse can have on children and their life as adults. Everyone handles it differently and more need to know that it is alright to speak out about it. I believe that if more children were not afraid to tell the secret, then we would have a lot less abuse out there and the cycles of teenage pregnancy and suicide would decrease.
The Country of Others
The Country of Others
Leila Slimani | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a fascinating look at Leïla Slimani’s own family history.

Mathilde falls in love with, and marries, Amine Belhaj, a Moroccan stationed in Alsace. After the war, she sails to Morocco to live with Amine on his family farm. Life is so different to that in France, and Mathilde struggles to adapt. The French there shun her because of her husband, and Moroccans are suspicious of her because she’s French.

It’s a time of great upheaval in the 1950’s, as the Moroccans fight for independence from France, and life becomes increasingly dangerous for the Belhaj’s.

It’s a challenging life for Mathilde: she has to work hard, and Amine has a very fixed idea of a wife’s role. When she doesn’t stick to his rules, voices her opinions or disagrees, Amine beats her - he’s a violent man, scarred by the things that he saw and experienced in the war.

Mathilde does manage to insist that their daughter, Aicha, goes to a good French speaking school, and Aicha proves to be a good, diligent student - but the other girls at school are poisoned by their parents views: they’re very unkind and bully her.

There is a real feel for the heat and dust of Morocco. The contrasting cultures and religions of Christianity and Islam are shown, as well as the roles of women and how they are restricted in the light of their religions and it’s traditions. It looks at what it is to be a foreigner in a strange land; belonging, both in a country and a family; and the Moroccan struggle for independence from France.

This is going to be a trilogy, and I’m already fully invested in it - I can’t wait for the next book. Sam Taylor’s translation is perfect, and I hope that they’ll be translating the subsequent books as well.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for helping me (yet again!) with my NetGalley reading, and to Faber for my ebook copy through NetGalley.

"People have been trying to get me to read this book my entire life. My mom, various friends and partners, but I hate when people think I will like something. Especially when that thing is about trauma and mental illness. But I finally read it at the beginning of this year, and I can’t believe I made it this far without it. It is sort of traumatizing in itself, but it inspired me to finally set up a session with a good therapist."

Orange: The Complete Collection #5
Orange: The Complete Collection #5
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hmm...I feel a little cheated that we didn't get to see a future with a happy Naho and Kakeru but at the same time I did still enjoy this ending. <spoiler>They changed his life enough that he didn't end up committing suicide, though it was very heart-stopping for a page or so wondering if he had done it</spoiler>. Not good for my emotions I must point out!

This is definitely up there with my favourite mangas!
RBG (2018)
RBG (2018)
2018 | Biography, Documentary
I thought this film was very good. It was a little slow at times, but I love Ruth and I'd watch anything with her in it so obviously a documentary about her is a must-see. I love that they talk about her whole life and you get to see many more pictures of her and hear more of her story. She's a fabulous woman who has been fighting longer than most. She deserves all the recognition she's getting and even more.
Godblind (The Godblind Trilogy #1)
Godblind (The Godblind Trilogy #1)
Anna Stephens | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stick with it!! It gets good!
Contains spoilers, click to show
The Mireces worship the bloodthirsty Red Gods. Exiled from Rilpor a thousand years ago, and left to suffer a harsh life in the cold mountains, a new Mireces king now plots an invasion of Rilpor’s thriving cities and fertile earth.

Dom Templeson is a Watcher, a civilian warrior guarding Rilpor’s border. He is also the most powerful seer in generations, plagued with visions and prophecies. His people are devoted followers of the god of light and life, but Dom harbours deep secrets, which threaten to be exposed when Rillirin, an escaped Mireces slave, stumbles broken and bleeding into his village.

Meanwhile, more and more of Rilpor’s most powerful figures are turning to the dark rituals and bloody sacrifices of the Red Gods, including the prince, who plots to wrest the throne from his dying father in the heart of the kingdom. Can Rillirin, with her inside knowledge of the Red Gods and her shocking ties to the Mireces King, help Rilpor win the coming war?

I seriously struggled with this for the first quarter of the book. It was almost expecting you to automatically know what these god's were and who these characters were. Im so glad I stuck with it. The world building got easier to recognise and you become invested in the characters. I actually shouted out a few times in anger at Galtas and the treacherous prince Rivil. A brutal battle of good Vs evil

 The last sentence in the book really says it all, Blood streaked Dom's chin as he ate himself. And he laughed and laughed at the pretty pictures.
Yea looking forward to book 2!

Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
2019 | Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Amazing visuals (0 more)
Muddled plot (1 more)
Forced ending
Alita's more mortal than angel
The basic plot of the film is: about 300 years after a large war called “The Fall” a cyborg repairer/ doctor called Dr Dyson Ido finds the dismembered but still functioning body of a young girl in the scrapheap of rubbish dumped from Zalem, the last remaining sky city from before “The Fall”. After Ido is able to connect the remains to a cyborg body he had made for his late daughter, the girl awakes with no memories of who or what she is. To help her, Ido decides to look after, treating her as if she had a new start in life, even giving her a new name, Alita, after his late daughter whose body she had. Unfortunately though whilst creating her new life in Iron City, Alita starts to remember things about her past and who she truly is, learns that some of the people who she thinks she knows aren’t quite what they seem and most worryingly starting to attract the attention of some bad people.
If I am going, to be honest, both the movie and performances are on a hit and miss scale. Rosa Salazar who is the face and performance of the leading lady is quite good. She portrays Alita’s emotional and mental journey/ life cycle throughout the film to a high standard, evolving from the naive young girl at the very start when she knows and is nothing, through her lovesick and difficult middle period (teenage years if you will) and finishing with starts to truly knowing who she is and what she must do. Christoph Waltz is like always very good as Dr Dyson Ido. The different sides he showed of his character, sometimes switching and showing multiple in a single scene, is quite impressive. These include lighter ones like the loving father figure towards Alita and the doctor who is willing to help everyone sometimes for nothing in return, to his darker side like his secret “night job” and his hatred and disdain towards Zalem and their murderous entertainment “Motorball”. I will also give an honourable mention to Ed Skrein who plays bounty hunter Zapan. Out of the multiple known names who have middle to lower importance parts he was definitely the best as his (what I would say) known style of emotionless bad guy fits perfectly to his character.
But as I said there were definite misses to these hits, biggest one being Keean Johnson who plays Alita’s first friend turned love interest Hugo. The problem with Hugo isn’t all Johnson’s performance, though that is quite flat and unengaging, but that Hugo was unfortunately terribly written and just doesn’t really have anything about him. Another miss, performance wise, was the fact that there were a few big well-known actors and actresses who they didn’t use to their potential, again due to poor writing. An example is Mahershala Ali who plays Vector, an entrepreneur linked into “Motorball”. Though he is what I would regard as a “B Level Character”, nothing is done with him to use or explore his story, which I believe could have helped a bit with the story.
Like the performances, the film itself is also hit and miss, unfortunately with the later are bigger in weight than the former. Start with the good, Visually this movie is as stunning as it is billed. Though you can tell it’s mostly CGI, Alita still looks absolutely beautiful and some of the other cyborg/ robotic characters look just as good, particularly Zapan. Also, the performances I said were good were very good.
For all the lovely visuals and good performances, the biggest problem for the movie is the script. It is incredibly muddled up, jumping from one thing to the next at such a quick rate that it is hard to follow and even sometimes see the link between scenes. The movie also, in my opinion, finishes without a true ending. It is clear it was set up for a sequel but I feel there could have been at least another 10-20 minutes more to tie it up/ tide us properly over.
Overall I was really disappointed with Alita. With the team involved, I believed it had potential to be this decade “Avatar” but instead just ended up being another mediocre futuristic action drama.