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Last Night in Soho (2021)
Last Night in Soho (2021)
2021 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
The 2 female leads (1 more)
60's soundtrack
Slow to get going (1 more)
Not quite as expected
All style but lacking substance
After seeing a trailer for this I was interested to see it. Looking very stylish with the 60's flash backs to the Soho night life. Along with a mystery to be solved about past events.
The style is great the soundtrack is cool along with 60's fashion that features prominently. The look is good as well with the lighting and and editing.
Unfortunately it was a bit slow going for the first third of the film. Some of the young supporting cast weren't great in their roles. Some of the plot developments were on the predictable side. The direction of the film meant it wasn't quite the type of thriller I was hoping for. Anna Taylor-Joy and Thomasin McKenzie are the real highlights of the film though. Could have been better but worth checking out.
The Empire's Ghost
The Empire's Ghost
Isabelle Steiger | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good worldbuilding (1 more)
Well-rounded characters
Too many points of view (0 more)
An alright debut novel
So I’ve had pretty good luck with debut novels, overall. This one was good – not what I’d called spectacular, like those three, but good. If the sequel was out now, I’d read it. Knowing my reading habits, I probably won’t, because by the time the sequel does come out, I’ll have forgotten too much of this first book. (I strongly dislike only reading the first book in a series and then having to wait.)

What I really liked was how the author painted every character. Even the would-be Emperor, who is probably the closest to evil any character is in this book, was interesting and had clear motivations that made sense. I wouldn’t even call him evil, just ambitious. His assassin shows a different side in part of the book that also removes him from the “evil” category. I’m impressed that Steiger manager to set up several factions at odds with each other without making any of them evil. Wrong, perhaps, misguided perhaps, but not evil. Which is unusual in high fantasy.

What I disliked was there was a point in the middle where I had to set aside the book for real life – and I almost never picked it up again. Three days later, I finally did, but to me, that means I wasn’t invested in the characters or the story. I could have moved on to a different book, and I almost did. I liked most of the characters – but without liking any of them enough to truly care what happened. I also wish the pacing was a little faster, but that’s a victim of too many viewpoints, I think.

So I could go either way on this book. It was well-written but a little slow and didn’t just GRAB me the way some books do.

See all my reviews at

Merissa (11961 KP) rated She Sees Ghosts (Adirondack Spirit Series) in Books

Jan 20, 2021 (Updated Aug 7, 2023)  
She Sees Ghosts (Adirondack Spirit Series)
She Sees Ghosts (Adirondack Spirit Series)
David Fitz-Gerald | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
SHE SEES GHOSTS is part of the Adirondack Spirit series that tells you about living in times gone past when life was both easier and a whole lot harder.

Mehitable has the ability to see and talk to ghosts. For a long time, she viewed this as a curse due to how it impacted her life. It is only as the story progresses, and she grows, that she can view it as something special. Mehitable is a strong character, determined to live her life the way she wants, rather than how society expects it. She is fully supported by her best friend, Polly, and her husband, Reuben. Other characters show up for their part, but the main story involves Mehitable, Polly, Reuben, and then Destiny. Although Destiny wasn't in it for long, he certainly had an impact. I would have liked to have had more of him, but he still managed to stake his claim in the book anyway.

This was a fascinating read that also gave insight into some of the living conditions that they contented within the here and now, as well as in their history.

I did feel the ending left me hanging. I am presuming the next book in the series will be about Moses, but I'm not completely sure. I would love to know more about Mehitable and her life though.

A wonderful story with lots of research shining through, making this a fantastic historical novel with paranormal elements. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jan 20, 2021
After Life - Season 2
After Life - Season 2
2020 | Comedy, Drama
It’s difficult not to enjoy or at least admire anything Ricky Gervais writes for TV. His track record now speaks for itself. What you are going to get at the very minimum is a well thought out concept, some odd characters, mostly with their hearts in the right place, and a handful of irreverent jokes that will make you howl out loud and also have a little think.

I loved season one of this show about a man constantly on the edge of wondering whether to bother carrying on with life after the tragically early death of the wife he loved more than life itself. If you want to remind yourself what I said about it, please check the archives. Much of what I had to say then still applies – it is the same show, just six new episodes.

Which is both good and bad, I think. Good because it is good. It makes you think and care and respond humanely, but with lots of chuckles. Bad because it doesn’t do a lot to move things on. Tony, played pitch perfectly by Gervais is still depressed, of course he is, his wife is still dead. He is starting to try a bit more with people around him, and taking more risks with his own life. But the pills are still down the side of the sofa, the red wine is still flowing, and so are the snarky comments.

People like the dog. I can see why. Dog lovers know that bond all too well. The reason to get up in the morning is your best canine pal, and that is sometimes enough. Slowly, Tony is starting to find new reasons to get out of bed though; helping others be happy is given him reason to be. And that is the genius of it really – because he can be a bit of a prick, but you always forgive him when you see the kindness behind the wall of pain.

For me, this season isn’t better than the first one, it is about the same, which is no bad thing. To be at all critical, it seems to be relying too much on the same point being made over and over. Which may be why it wasn’t recently nominated for any Emmys, when it was touted to do quite well. Or is it because of Gervais’ last go at the Golden Globe elite in January?

Watch it. Enjoy it. Recommend it to friends who haven’t seen it. Just don’t get too carried away with it until season 3 proves it goes somewhere new and interesting that it didn’t already go to.
A Monster Calls (2016)
A Monster Calls (2016)
2016 | Drama, Fantasy
The acting (2 more)
The tree was like a giant Groot
No closer with Dad and bully (0 more)
Imaginative, fun and emotional
This was a fantastic film. I did not know much going into this movie other then there being a giant tree monster. This movie took my breath away. From the acting to the CGI. The animation sequences made to look like water colors was just brilliant.

You just never new what to expect out of the movie which is always a good thing. You don't know if the tree is good or if it is evil. Something you think the tree is just a big jerk trying to pull one over on Conner. I like how they made it seem that the monster was growing inside of Conner, showing that Conner was the monster, even though I never thought that during the movie. I thought he was just a kid in trouble. Bully's at school, dad not there, mom sick and a Grandma that treated him like a baby. Eventually you new he was just going to act out. When he did there was no punishment. They just told him why bother. I thought this was either because he could learn from his mistakes or that everyone felt sorry that his mom was dying. I think he just wanted to be punished for acting out. But no punishment did seem like his punishment.

The water color stories in the movie were done really well, it felt like you were falling into the story. It showed there is many ways to take life or how to interpret life experiences. What you do is what matters most. In the end Conner just had to learn the truth.

There is a monster tree lurking in all of us, we just have to listen for it. See the movie and you will know why.
This Little Piggy
This Little Piggy
Bea Davenport | 2014 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is another book that has been on my "to be read" pile since 2015!! I really have no excuse!

Set in the North East of England in 1984 at the height of the miners' strike, this is a story that captivated me from the start.

A baby is dead under suspicious circumstances and Clare is tasked with reporting the story but as she does so, she becomes embroiled in the life of a young girl (Amy) who seems to have seen what happened but can what she is saying be trusted or is she just making things up? Clare has her own baggage both in her personal and working life and this is well depicted and explored making her believable but some of her choices questionable. The development of the relationship between Clare and Amy felt authentic for the time the book was set it ... I don't think you would have got away with this had this been set in a later time period.

The book is told from Clare's perspective and this was a refreshing change as it gave a different insight into a murder "investigation" from someone other than a Police Officer. The backdrop of the miners' strike and the run-down estate created additional tension and unease throughout. The pace of the book was good if a little slow in places and I did work out quite early on who the murderer was but found it interesting to see how the story developed and was surprised how long it took for others to work it out!

Overall, a pretty good read and I want to thank Legend Press and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest review but also apologise to them for taking so long to get round to it.