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Defending Taylor
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<a href="">Full Review</a>
I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

About a year ago I discovered Miranda Kenneally. The first book I read was Breathe, Annie, Breath and I immediately fell in love with her writing style and the characters. I am a person who loves sports. I played soccer starting from the age of 7, so when I heard about this book I was very excited. While I enjoyed the book very much I did not enjoy it as much as Kenneally's other books.

Defending Taylor is about Taylor. Taylor is the daughter of a state senator. Previously she attended St. Andrews, an elite private school; however, she was kicked out when she lied about drugs that were found in her possession saying that they belonged to her when in fact they belonged to her boyfriend. Her decision to lie not only caused a lot of problems. It caused her to be kicked out of St. Andrews. It caused problems with her dad's re-election campaign. Now that Taylor no longer can attend St. Andrews she must enroll in Hundred Oaks High School for her senior year.

Taylor feels terrible about everything, and things seems to be getting worse but she is not sure how to solve it; other than telling the truth, but telling the truth now will do not good; in fact, it may make it worse. Part of Taylor's consequence is to visit a counselor several times a week. Taylor at first does not like it but as time goes on it gets better and the counselor helps Taylor sort out some of her feelings and big decisions about her future.

When Taylor was at St. Andrews she played on the soccer team and was due to become the captain her senior year; however, with being expelled she lost that position. Taylor joined Hundred Oaks team to get to mind off of all the stress. Unfortunately, the team is one of the worse in the state and Taylor learns why fast. Taylor thought soccer would help with making friends but the team is not a team and only makes her frustrated. When Ezra, Taylor's brothers friend, comes into the picture, that when things begin to turn around for Taylor. Taylor has had a crush on Ezra for many years. Ezra helps Taylor find her old self again.

This books shows that a teenagers life is not always perfect. Life has its ups and downs even if your family is in the spotlight. It does not matter if you put the pressure on yourself or you take the blame for something you did not do; life is not always perfect.
Passengers (2016)
Passengers (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Jim Preston (Chris Pratt) is a man looking for a fresh start on a new world. Along with 5000 other passengers; Jim is sleeping away the 120 year journey in stasis aboard a luxury ship. In the new film “Passengers”, Jim finds his entire world turned upside down when he is awakened 90 years before the completion of his trip. Alone with no way to return to stasis; Jim struggles to keep his wits as despite having food and recreation readily available, his only companions are server robots and an Android bartender named Arthur (Michael Sheen).

Unable to wake any of the crew to assist him with the situation or access the bridge of the ship, Jim uses his engineering skills to study the operations of the ship as well as gain access to areas normally reserved for VIP passengers.

As time goes by Jim becomes more and more despondent because he cannot even contact anyone on earth as the computer informs him that it will take 36 years for reply to any of his messages to reach the ship and he grows weary of the thought of spending the rest of his life alone.

During one of his frequent visits to his former stasis chamber, Jim discovers an attractive passenger named Aurora (Jennifer Lawrence), and using the ships database, proceeds to learn all about her and begins to fall in love with her as she sleeps blissfully unaware of his presence.

Fate eventually gets in the way and Aurora awakens and joins Jim is the only people awake on the massive ship. Having come from a privileged background as a successful author, Aurora is really upset over spending the rest of her life on the ship as her plan was to spend a year on the colony world before returning to Earth and resuming her writing career 241 years after she left with the adventure she is undertaken being the basis for some of her new work.

The two eventually have feelings for one another, but Jim is harboring a dark secret that threatens to unravel the happy life they have been able to build for one another. As if that was not enough, the ship is experiencing random and increasing malfunctions which threaten not only their survival, but the long-term survival of the fellow crew and passengers and the long journey that they have ahead of them.

What follows is a time predictable but albeit entertaining mix of romance and action. There are some very good visuals in the film and while the story moves along at a very predictable pace, the two leads make the material work. The film does have numerous plot holes in it which I cannot go into without spoiling it but suffice it to say the premise of q couple stranded is not new.

Yes we have seen this all before but the cast and the interesting locale and visuals make the film add up to more than the sum of its parts. I only wish there’d been a little more time shoring up the plot holes and perhaps adding a little bit of mystery and intrigue to the plot as it truly would’ve made this more compelling.
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Han & Chewie's first meeting (7 more)
Don Glover as Lando
Ehrenreich as Han
Suotamo as Chewbacca
Woody as Beckett
The Kessel Run
The "HOLY SH*T!" cameo
The train robbery scene
Movie is very dark. And I mean dark, like "Put on the lights!" dark (1 more)
Music not as good as other Star Wars movies
Almost perfect Star Wars movie
I think people didn't like The Last Jedi & so, they didn't even want to give this a chance. Well, they're missing out, because Solo was awesome! As you can tell from my positives, I thought the actors were perfect for their roles. We get all of Solo's back story here. The first meeting of Han & Chewbacca. The meeting of Han & Lando. The "introduction" of the Millennium Falcon. The infamous Kessel Run, as well as the spice mines. Now I know why C-3PO was scared to be sent there.

The action scenes in this film are some of the best I've seen in a Star Wars movie. somewhat Maybe my favorite was the train robbery scene. It was intense! And the Falcon really takes a pounding in this one.

Like all prequels, there is the problem where we know nothing is going to happen to the main characters, since we know they live long enough to have been in the later films. But somehow, it doesn't matter with this film. I still felt suspense as Chewbacca hung on for dear life. If I have one problem, it's that the movie was very dark & I found it hard to see what was going on in some scenes. The focus was somewhat soft too. Not sure if that was the theater's problem though. I will definitely have to buy this when it comes out on Blu-ray.

If you haven't seen it yet, give yourselves a treat and see it when you can. Very fun!
High Moor
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
123 of 220
High Moor ( book 1)
By Graeme Reynolds

When John Simpson hears of a bizarre animal attack in his old home town of High Moor, it stirs memories of a long forgotten horror. John knows the truth. A werewolf stalks the town once more, and on the night of the next full moon, the killing will begin again. He should know. He survived a werewolf attack in 1986, during the worst year of his life.

It's 1986 and the town is gripped in terror after the mutilated corpse of a young boy is found in the woods. When Sergeant Steven Wilkinson begins an investigation, with the help of a specialist hunter, he soon realises that this is no ordinary animal attack. Werewolves are real, and the trail of bodies is just beginning, with young John and his friends smack in the middle of it.

Twenty years later, John returns to High Moor. The latest attack involved one of his childhood enemies, but there's more going on than meets the eye. The consequences of his past actions, the reappearance of an old flame and a dying man who will either save or damn him are the least of his problems. The night of the full moon is approaching and time is running out.

But how can he hope to stop a werewolf, when every full moon he transforms into a bloodthirsty monster himself?

I absolutely loved this book! It was good old hammer horror vibe werewolf fun with a little twist of some modern tales. So interesting and gory the characters were brilliant from the “goodies” to the “baddies”. I didn’t want to put it down best werewolf book I’ve read for a long time. Highly recommend!
See You Yesterday (2019)
See You Yesterday (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A Fresh New Take On Classic Time Travel Film
See You Yesterday is a sci-fi movie directed by Stefon Bristol and written by Stefon Bristol and Fredrica Bailey. It was produced by Spike Lee and production company 40 Acres & A Mule Filmworks and distributed by Netflix. The film stars Eden Duncan-Smith, Dante Crichlow, Brian "Stro" Bradley, and Jonathan Nieves.

Two teenage prodigies, C.J. Walker (Eden Duncan-Smith) and her best friend, Sebastian Thomas (Dante Crichlow) spend every spare minute working on their latest homemade invention: backpacks that enable time travel. When one of their older brothers is killed, they put their unfinished project to the test to save him and face the perilous consequences of time travel.

This movie was very emotional. It didn't always make sense but it had a good narrative that sustained the entire film. This movie was equal parts very realistic and fantastically unreal. At its core, it's a story about grief and second chances. Who wouldn't want to go back in time and prevent a tragic event if they could. I mean that's what one of my favorite movies The Time Machine is all about. It also had a lot of social commentary. I believe the writer/director did an awesome job in this their directorial debut. Eden Duncan-Smith's acting was also top notch and really made you feel for her through her struggles and really brought to life a very relatable character. What I didn't like was that as smart as the kids were in the movie, and as good as the time travel logic was in making sense, to me it still wasn't believable that they would have been able to create time travel devices. Also the special effects weren't always the best but seemed to work well. But if you can get past that hiccup it is an emotional roller coaster and a surprising fresh take on a classic sci-fi trope. I give it a 7/10.
Fallout (Crank, #3)
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can also be found on my blog at <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty Something Year Old Girl</a>).

Fallout by Ellen Hopkins is the final book in the Crank trilogy. I so wanted and expected this book to be just as great as the first two. However, this wasn't the case. It was alright, but no where near as good as Crank and Glass. Perhaps it was just because I wanted more Kristina, and she wasn't mentioned too much in this book.

Fallout follows the lives of three of Kristina's children. Hunter is the oldest at 19. He is extremely angry at his mother and can't understand why his mother abandoned him. Next is Autumn who lives with her aunt and grandfather. When the stability of her home life falls out beneath her, Autumn turns to drinking and becomes a bit of a wild child. Summer doesn't even know she has any biological siblings. She's been living in and out of foster homes her whole life for the most part. When she meets the boy who seems to love her, things start to go wrong. However, each one of them wants Kristina to acknowledge them.

The title of this book makes sense as all of Kristina's children have fallen out with her. I think it does a great job of giving you a hint about what this book will be about.

The cover of this book doesn't really do it for me. I like how the author stuck with the whole druggy looking title. However, I just didn't care for the ugly yellow background and how plain the cover looked. Perhaps that's just a personal thing as all the covers have been plain looking, but as this was told from the point of view from Kristina's children, I thought this cover would just have a different look.

The world building in Fallout is alright, but it's easy to forget which world you're in. Maybe that's just my bad memory, but I always had to remind myself which setting belonged to what character.

The pacing in this book is slower than the first two books, and is just a bit slow overall. It took me a longer time than usual to read this book because most of the time, I just had trouble getting into it. I just found myself not caring really when it came to everything in Fallout.

There's not much dialogue going on between the characters as with the first two books in the series. I thought the internal dialogue which each character was really good, and I felt like the dialogue between each individual character was appropriate for each of their age. There are a few swear words in this book so be warned if that's not your cup of tea.

I found myself not caring about the characters most of the time. I don't know if this was because I wanted more Kristina or because they weren't as well developed as Kristina. I got Autumn and Summer confused a lot of the time whilst reading since they almost seem to have the same personality. The only way I was able to tell them apart (besides it having their name printed at the top of the page when it was time for their point of view) was because of the setting, and even then it was sometimes difficult. With that said, I started off enjoying reading about Hunter as he seemed to just be a more well defined, more interesting character. About halfway through the book, I even stopped caring about him because he just became a little bit boring.

I enjoyed that Fallout was written in verse like the first two books in the series. Hopkins does a fantastic job putting words in verse and putting it into a story. I just wish this book could've been as good as the first two. Instead Fallout falls a little bit flat with the characters and the plot both leaving me feeling uncaring. Don't get me wrong, it's still an okay book, but I just think that this book didn't need to be written as not much is going on.

I'd recommend this book to those aged 15+ who are interested in learning about Kristina's children since you won't be hearing much about Kristina in this book.
Don&#039;t Breathe 2 (2021)
Don't Breathe 2 (2021)
2021 | Action, Horror, Thriller
6.3 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Nicely paced direction and non stop (bloody) action (1 more)
Madelyn Grace delivers a nice and professional performance
Not very original (1 more)
Should we be rooting for Norman at all?
That kid’ll need counselling for life!
I mean. If there was ever an opportunity to come up with a clever title for a sequel, this was it right? "Breathe Again"; "Hold it for a bit longer"; "Are You Turning Blue Yet?". But no... we just get a boring old "2" at the end!

- Five years is an awfully long time to wait for a sequel! I have to admit I needed to read through my original review for "Don't Breathe" and the synopsis on IMDB before I went to see this. But, given that it is a fairly standard schlock-horror home-invasion movie, this is a nicely pieced together movie. Debut director Sayagues, who co-wrote the first film with original director Fede Alverez, moves the action along at a non-stop pace leaving you quite exhausted by the end of the (pleasantly short) 98 minutes.
- Stephen Lang nicely retreads his monster from the first movie as a besotted but anxious parent. But particularly good I thought was Madelyn Grace who plays the 11 year old Phoenix. I never once thought "there's a child actress doing a performance". Great job!

- It doesn't get many brownie points for originality: the blindness dice was already rolled in the original. So here we get some re-tread scenes of "the blind man being king", with red insecticide spray replacing the darkness.
- It never feels quite right that you are supposed to be cheering on Nordstrom: someone with virtually no redeeming features (other than a love for dogs).
- The original film had a decidedly icky moment with the whole baster thing. Here we have an equally icky, if ridiculous, plot-twist, taking us into a very dark place indeed. But what is supposed to be a shock-horror moment actually had me in fits of laughter, since all I could think of was a particular scene in "Monty Python and the Meaning of Life"!

Summary Thoughts on "Don't Breathe 2": We've been here so many times before that it's almost a (bloody) paint by numbers. But I have to admit that I thought this one was well done, and a cut above the norm. The first movie made $158M on a budget of just $10M. This one has a (restrained) $15M budget, and has already made that back. Good for them. The gore factor makes it not one for the illustrious Mrs Movie Man (who wisely didn't come). But for horror fans out for a nice gory little romp, this has its attractions.

And by the way, there is a 'monkey' (post-credit scene in One Mann's Movies speak) in this one. Well, Alvarez and Sayagues aren't going to dead-end their options for a "Don't Breathe 3" are they?

(For the full graphical review, please check out onemannsmovies on the web, Facebook and Tiktok. Thanks.)
Fast Five (2011)
Fast Five (2011)
2011 | Action, Drama, Mystery
The 2011 summer movie season kicks off in high gear with the release of Fast Five the latest installment in the phenomenally popular Fast and Furious series. The movie picks up exactly where the previous film ended with Brian O’ Conner (Paul Walker), orchestrating a daring escape for Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel).

The film quickly moves forward in time where Brian and Dominic’s sister Mia (Jordana Brewster), overall fugitives from the law, have taken refuge in Rio. Unsure of exactly where Dominic is, an old family friend offers Brian and Mia roles in a job which will surely score them some very easy and much-needed money. Although reluctant, Brian agrees to the job which involves the theft of three high-value cars from a train. Things go horribly wrong when they’re doublecrossed, the aftermath of which leads to the death of three federal agents. Only Dominic’s arrival, quick thinking, and a daring escape allows Brian and Mia to survive.

Although it is not their fault, the deaths of the agents is blamed solely on the trio, and an elite fugitive hunter named Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) arrives with his team with the sole mission of stopping Brian, Mia and Dominic, no matter the cost.

As if this wasn’t enough trouble for the fugities, it is learned that they have also fallen on the radar of the local drug kingpin named Reyes (Joaquim de Almeida), who will stop at nothing to retrieve an item now in the trio’s possession. Caught in the crossfire between Hobbs and Reyes, Dominic plots an epic caper that will allow them not only the money to flee Hobbs and disappear into a life of luxury, but allow them to settle the score with Reyes.

What follows is a nonstop action thrill ride that sprinkles in a nice mix of comedy and romance to keep things interesting. The film downplays the racing aspect of the series and instead saves the spectacular driving for key action sequences. While street racing scenes are alluded to they are not shown as director Justin Chin focuses squarely on his cast and allows them ample time to develop their characters. In doing so it strengthens the bond between them and allows the climactic sequence to have an even greater impact than your standard over-the-top summer film action scenes.
There are some really funny moments in the film as Dominic assembles his team to pull off the ultimate job. The new characters work very well with the established cast from the previous films and introduce characters which I hope will be a part of any future films in the series. Johnson was a very pleasant surprise, as his character could easily have been one-dimensional. He was given a few wrinkles which allowed him to walk the fine line between good guy and bad guy, which is an essential quality to many of the film’s characters. Johnson’s action sequences were solid and highly effective and once again underscores that he needs to be focusing more on action films and less on the family-friendly genre that
has dominated the bulk of his recent work.

Walker and Diesel complement each other perfectly and appear to be having a great time working with one another again. They have a very easy-going and natural chemistry with one another that works even when they’re not behind the wheel of a car or caught up in a frantic action scene.

While the plot of the film is fairly straightforward it provides ample framework for the characters to grow and propel the story forward. While the audience is asked to take some great leaps in logic it doesn’t derail from the finished product. The stuntwork in the film was absolutely amazing and the spectacular finale of the movie alone must be seen to be believed.

Many times during my press screening the audience was completely silent for a brief second following an action sequence before erupting into thunderous applause and cheers after they’ve fully processed what just unfolded on the screen. Larger-than-life characters combined with larger-than-life action, plus some very sexy cars and very sexy people make an extremely winning formula. If the rumors are true, Chin may be handed the reins to the Terminator franchise as well as the next film in the Fast and Furious series, then audiences are in for one hell of a ride.

I think my wife summed it up best when she said that movie was “Ridiculous…ridiculously good.” Reality is thrown out the window for pure adrenaline and testosterone fueled action.
We Must Be Brave
We Must Be Brave
Frances Liardet | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
We Must Be Brave was a rather delightful surprise of a book for me. I don’t often read books set in World War 2 - and I’m not sure why - but I thought I’d give it a go, because I knew that it was something that my mum would probably enjoy (it’s a pretty poor reason, but it’s worked out well for me!).

The main character, Ellen Parr, and her husband Selwyn, find themselves responsible for a young girl after her mother is killed during bombing in Southampton. Pamela is a charming, independent child, who is packed to the brim with personality, and Ellen falls for her. We learn a lot about Ellen’s childhood - one of relative wealth reduced to extreme poverty when her father loses the family fortune and abandons them. This gives us some inkling as to why Pamela manages to fill a hole in Ellen’s life: a whole that Ellen wasn’t even aware of.

I loved the supporting characters in this story. They were all such good, caring people, who all helped Ellen when she needs it most. It’s not a love story, but it is a story about love: that of a husband and wife, a woman and child, and the love of good friends. And I have to admit to crying quite a bit in the last half of this book, so a warning that you’ll need tissues!

This book is well worth a read - and not just because I cried! It’s a really lovely story.
Many thanks to NetGalley and HarperCollins/ Fourth Estate for my copy of this book.