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Cori June (3033 KP) created a post in The Raven Quoth

Jan 25, 2019  
"Have a taco." Captain Cully, The Last Unicorn.
Red Unicorn (Unicorn, #3)
Tanith Lee | 1998
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The final book. If you have read my other reviews of this series I have suggested that you read the gold unicorn first and then the black unicorn, because that was what I did. However this one you need to save for last. Tanaquil broken hearted has to heal and of course isn’t getting that from her mom (thanks Warabex said with dripping sarcasm). And even though she is angry throughout The series Tanaquil wasn’t bitter. This amazing book about Tanaquil’s continuing journey of self discovery is the perfect ending. Peeve gets more self aware and how can you not love this little pet peeve! It is a journey that is needed no matter how much your perspective changes with a message that you should never forget.

Cori June (3033 KP) rated Black Unicorn in Books

Dec 3, 2018 (Updated Dec 4, 2018)  
Black Unicorn
Tanith Lee | 1993
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read this book last, of the three unicorn books this one (for me) was the hardest to find. I actually started with the second book purchased at a school's book fair at about age 12 and found the third book somewhere in high school then after a decade found this one in a used books store. My first thought was this is a children’s book? This chaotic crazy story, that called the main character a slut when something goes bad that is put in situations that could go extremely wrong. An anger that has occasionally levity of the peeve (one of the best characters ever). This is a book for preteens? But it just shows that with age perspective changes. Because rereading it the story changed.
Tanith Lee is a great story teller and the ending of the book it worth the trouble of the beginning. How Tanaquil grows and how less self centered and selfish she becomes is subtle. I don’t know if I would recommend reading the second unicorn book first or this one. Either way, it is a journey of discovery.

Cori June (3033 KP) rated Overneath in Books

Nov 30, 2018  
Peter S. Beagle | 2017 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have always enjoyed Peter S. Beagle's short fiction books and these definitely are worth it. Even his attempt at the steampunk genre is pretty good. Some of these stories are a little on the dark side and slightly horror, however, you also get some action and adventure. It is a great way to visit some of his established worlds like The Last Unicorn and Inn Keeper's Song as well as find something new. Worlds that treat dragon's like guard dogs for drugs and the police that find them or a world that has humans communicating with aliens via a computer. It is a great travel from High Fantasy to futuristic Sci-Fi.
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019)
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Tenet teaser attached to movie (0 more)
One of the main draws for me to see this movie was that Nolan's @Tenet (2020) teaser trailer was attached. The other was that I haven't seen any movies and wanted to recoup my $20 for my AMC A-List.
This was a standard big, dumb, fun(ish) action film. The stunts were interesting to watch, though unbelievable. In fact, most of them were very similar to M:I6 Fallout's stunts. Hell, this film also had Vanessa Kirby in it.
The story line was predictable, and only slightly amusing. Ryan Reynolds appeared like a wild unicorn and did his Ryan Reynolds thing. Kevin Hart also appeared, and again, was slightly humorous. It was overly long, they should have cut at least half an hour out. The last part was a big ol' ode to the Rock (I will NEVER cease calling him the Rock).
Fables: Volume 1: Legends in Exile
Fables: Volume 1: Legends in Exile
Bill Willingham | 2002 | Comics & Graphic Novels
7.3 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>Ed. Note: this review was based on a re-reading, some years after the first reading.</i>

So, prior to writing this review, I wanted to peruse the reviews on here, to see what others said, reducing the risk of writing something already said. What I found were a number of 1-Star reviews, something I found to be quite surprising!

Not every comic (or book, for that matter) will necessarily start with an amazing first arc. It may be good, yes, but it could also be polished in spots. However, despite little things that could be better, the overall content should be seen as good enough to warrant reading the second story arc.

That is how I felt at the conclusion of this first volume, a mystery of sorts that also served to introduce us to a number of characters who go on to appear as series regulars. Sure, the dialogue was not perfect (really? Comparing it to Gaiman's SANDMAN? Like trying to compare RICK & MORTY to THE LAST UNICORN!), but I can safely say that the series matures, like a well-aged wine, and later issues are much, much better.

Long and short: it's an urban fantasy with the fables we grew up with. Go in without an judgments or comparisons, and you might be pleasantly surprised. Jus' sayin'..
Dare to Dream
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>Dare to Dream</i> isn't so much as horrifying as to a novel aimed at a younger audience rather than the upper teens running amok from book to book behind Bookwyrming Thoughts (and of course, their own blogs). Simply put: Ella will butcher this, Lupe will make this sprout unicorns, Rundus will dissect this in a manner as seriously as possible, and Sophia might do a combination of blandly blunt dissection while trying to sprout at least one unicorn so no one (hopefully) will get a headache in the process.

But of course, the very last reviewer might be exaggerating a little. She may also be hitting the truth button at the exact same time she decided to press the "write a review in the third person" button.

In this ever so "blandly blunt dissection" of a mini-review, <i>Dare to Dream</i> is essentially divided into two parts: the first part is before the apocalypse, and the second part is the aftermath. It is really just a book that has a main character with a broken family, cries often (well, she is fourteen), and finding her place in the world – all while receiving dreams of the end of the world in the same way nightly and finding out it's in connection to the demise of Stonehenge. Oh, and it is also a day by day play of events that feels more proper in a sleeptastic documentary.

Basically, it's just tales of family drama from a fourteen-year-old British schoolgirl. The whole apocalypse thing? It might as well be a subplot until you get to the second part, where the primary purpose is surviving it day by day. But the point is, middle school Sophia might like this better than high school senior Sophia, who actually likes the whole Stonehenge aspect.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Ash (Hive Trilogy, #1)
Jaymin Eve | 2015
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
136 of 230
Ash ( Hive Trilogy book 1)
By Jaymin Eve and Leia Stone

Are you an Ash?
*Increased stamina
*Lack of appetite
*Anger outbursts
*Insatiable thirst
*Beauty & Strength
Call the hotline if these symptoms come on suddenly!

Turns out Charlie Bennet was all of those things except the last. Don’t let the name fool you, Charlie was all woman and she wanted nothing to do with the ash … until the day she found out she was one.
It all started when infected bats bit a small group of humans and created what are now called vampires. Then, the male vampires knocked up some female humans and the result was a gorgeous race of all male ash. Superhuman freaks that had looks to kill.
Charlie is the first female ash, aka unicorn of the Hive – the gated compound in Portland that the humans have designated to isolate vampires and ash from society.
Problem? The Hive is full and only a select few will be allowed to live there. To live at all, really. If Charlie wants to earn the right to become a citizen of the Hive, she will have to survive the culling – a series of fights to the death. And guess what? Just because she’s a girl doesn’t mean she’ll get special treatment.
Good thing there’s Ryder, the mysterious lead ash enforcer, who seems to always have her back. But when secrets bubble to the surface, it will take more than one guy to save her.

I really liked this! It was a different take on vampires and their origins and I thought it was so clever. The characters were likeable and you had that will they won’t they attraction between the main characters. If I had one thing that slightly drove me crazy was being told how hot it sexy they were every 4 or so pages yes we get that they are beautiful, sexy and hot guys please stop telling me 😂. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing where they take this storyline.

Kevin Wilson (179 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Trials Fusion in Video Games

Jul 10, 2018  
Trials Fusion
Trials Fusion
Super addictive (3 more)
A lot of fun with friends
Hundreds of tracks
You will never get bored
Almost impossible for completionests (1 more)
Would get headaches and become achy from time to time
Addicting platforming racer!
I had brought this over a year ago but never found the motivation to play it until it became free on ps plus and all my friends got it.

We played a few races together and I instantly became addicted. I was always last but I gradually got better at the game which makes it more fun and it convinced me to play the career mode which I will get more into later.

Starting with multiplayer, all the tracks and bikes are open to you. No need to unlock them. All the tracks from the career mode which there are so many as well as hundreds of user created which are excelllent, fun and sometimes weird. I played 1 where your bike turns into a squirrel and a fun track where everything is moving and messes with your head. There's always something new with these game. Even the extreme tracks where I can't even get past the first obstacle (I'm looking at you inferno) is frustratingly fun and to this day I have not got past that first bit.

There are 6 dlc packs with the season pass (not including the unicorn dlc) and all the tracks from these packs become available in multiplayer too. So if your with a group and only you have the packs, as long as your hosting, they will also be able to play them which is insane.

The career mode has so much to offer too. About 8 sections, each with about 7 tracks. Each track makes you want to go back again and again thanks to medals and leaderboards. I'm constantly wanting to go back to beat my friends scores which I've never been into before.

Extreme tracks are so difficult to get gold medals so if your a completionest it may be difficult but the game is a lot of fun yet frustrating. I find myself getting headaches if a track is too annoying or my body starts moving in awkward psoitions to the point I feel so achy.

Best played with friends in my opinion but as fun to play solo and try to beat those times for bragging rights. Even the costumes you can wear are fun. I have the PS4 version so Im not sure if it's the same everywhere else but you can unlock Rayman, Aiden from watchdogs and an assassin from the creed games. There's also many more from hazmat suits to rhino helmets.

I can recommend this easily for anyone wanted to just mess around.
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>Many thanks to the author Chrys Cymri for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review</i>

Original review can be found on my blog Raptureinbooks <a href="">here</a href>

I was kindly offered this book by the author in exchange for an honest review and my initial impressions were "yeah this sounds like my kinda thing. Here there be dragons" ya know? Only to get more fully immersed in the book and find that I was a touch disappointed.

<i>The Temptation of Dragons</i> follows Reverend Penny White as she becomes the Vicar General of an alternate world called Lloegyr - please note that there is a heavy Welsh influence in this book coupled with an enormous religious influence - where dragons, unicorns, gryphons and more reside and coexist in relative peace.

The book starts with Penny White coming home slightly intoxicated and thinking she's going mad when she comes across a dying dragon. In true priestly form Penny gets out of her car and performs the last rites of absolution to what turns out to be a real dragon!

From that moment on Penny's life changes in so many ways - dragons exist, unicorns are real, snail sharks get drunk and gryphons are eating her garden birds. Penny is soon tasked to become the Vicar General to the citizens of Lloegyr and that includes all manner of supernatural beasties. Though expected as the main character is a priest, I didn't expect there to be such a heavy religious influence all throughout with literal verses from the Bible quoted on a regular.

Please understand that this is <b>not</b> anything against the book or against the writer and is merely my thoughts on what I considered an overly religious-toned story set in the wrong time period and the wrong world. I honestly found that the hardest part of reading this book but there were parts that I enjoyed for example: Penny White has what amounts to an obsession with sci-fi/fantasy and occult TV and movies, a lot of which were quite obscure for me (not really a TV and movie person *gasp*) I didn't get several of the references - particularly the Doctor Who ones.

Out of all of the characters my favourite had to be Moriarty - shortened to Morey for some reason - a 47-year-old gryphon with no filter. My favourite quote was from Penny about Morey:
<blockquote>"You've sent me a blue tit murdering creationist with sarcasm management issues."

"Correction. Today he's killing a starling."</blockquote>

The sarcasm and humour was rife throughout this book which was brilliant and gave it a nice light undertone to the ultimate seriousness of the book as a whole.

There was one character I didn't like and that was her brother James- I'm not 100% sure why but something about him rubbed me the wrong way. He's a free loading, insensitive toss pot and possibly a pod person.

However, despite my dislike of the heavy religious overtone and of James, I really, really liked <i>how</i> Chrys wrote the dragons and unicorns and all the other supernatural creatures and they had enough of a description without giving away too much important information; but also, on the flip side, there were away lot of unanswered questions such as how <i>exactly</i> does a unicorn use a telephone?

In all, it was a well written book with an interesting concept and some good characters and prose, dialogue was perfectly modern for Penny and a touch Olde World for a lot of the Lloegyr residents.