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Buttermilk Sky
Jan Watson | 2014
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
From the moment I opened the pages of Buttermilk Sky I was transported to 1913, and I didn't want to leave.

We follow the story of Mazy Pelfrey and her journey of discovering not only who she is, but what is truly important in life. Mazy is from a small town in the mountains of Kentucky. We begin the book with her attending secretarial school in Lexington. She is swept off her feet by wealthy Loyal Chambers who expresses interest in her. Chanis Clay is the local sheriff back home in Skip Rock and even though they are not formally engaged, he is preparing a home for Mazy. She is unsure of the direction that she wants her life to lead. Mazy encounters many people. From high strung, snobby Eva who is jealous of Mazy and determined to always have her own way; to Cinnamon Spicer, a girl with next to nothing that works day in and day out to support her father who is ill. The choices Mazy makes will determine the rest of her life. Sometimes our path in life is not always obvious at first. Even through prayer and relying on wisdom from the Lord, there are times that we need to step out in faith even if we can't see where the road leads. Trusting that the Lord will cover and protect us, even if it means having to turn around and start again.

Jan Watson did a fabulous job of making me feel like I was experiencing life in Kentucky in the year 1913. The entire book encompasses the feel and effect of the era. The title is mentioned more than once in the book, and the description was warm and homey feeling to me. Envisioning a "buttermilk sky", breathing the clean mountain air, walking the streets of Lexington, I feel like I was there every step of the way in Mazy's journey. The book has good Biblical principals without being "overly spiritual". I am looking forward to reading more from Jan Watson.

As a part of their Blogger Review program, I received a free copy of Buttermilk Sky by Jan Watson from Tyndale House Publishers. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Hidden Figures (2016)
Hidden Figures (2016)
2016 | Biography, Drama, History
Teaching courses on history and the relevance of film capturing historical periods, people, and themes offers me a little greater perspective when watching historically based films. I think about how much I should criticize the film based on the ways that the truths are stretched in order to placate their audiences so that they don’t feel to uncomfortable with the subject matter. Hidden Figures offers up a chance to expose American audiences to a period and historical figures that helped impact American history and allow successful space flight.

Hidden Figures discusses the contributions of African-American women at NASA — Katherine Johnson (Taraji P. Henson), Dorothy Vaughan (Octavia Spencer) and Mary Jackson (Janelle Monáe). The film is enlightening and allows for audiences to gain a greater understanding of women and women of color in ensuring the success of the American Space program. The film does not exaggerate circumstances to a point where it is difficult to believe. What is difficult to believe for audiences in using this film to look at the past is that we have waited so long to recognize and honor these heroes. Without their contributions, the United States may have never made it to the moon.

The film offers adults and youth audiences an honest look into what these women faced in the forms of racism and sexism. There is no brutality of racism or violence demonstrated, but the spectre of it lingers over the film and reminds the viewer of the hardships that these women faced. They had the minds to carry out their tasks, but they did not have the right gender or color to be taken seriously, at first. The film is empowering and allows for young girls, despite race, to see that science and math are not fields that are not limited to men. Appropriate representation allows for more depth to history and the role that people of different walks, faiths, and nationalities have played in society. Hidden Figures is a timely film that allows for greater representation and may push filmmakers and audiences to discover more hidden figures in history.
The Animators
The Animators
Kayla Rae Whitaker | 2017 | Contemporary
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I hadn't actually intended this to be one of my Pride Month reads, but Mel, the main character's best friend and business partner, is lesbian, so it turns out that it counts! I read this book as part of Litsy's "Buddy Reads" program, where everyone participating reads the same section of the book and discusses it before moving on to the next section. So I've been slowly reading this one over the past month. I'm not sure I would have read this if not for the Buddy Read.

This book surprised me! I enjoyed it, and I wasn't sure I would. Mel and Sharon have been friends since college, spurring each other to greater artistry in their chosen field of adult cartooning. (Not porn, just not childish themes.) They work well together, with Mel coming up with most of the beginning ideas and Sharon hammering them into a shape that will work and keeping them on track through projects. But Mel has a drug and alcohol problem, and Sharon has a stroke, and working through all of those things are really what the book deals with.

The two go back to visit Sharon's hometown in Kentucky at one point, and the way Sharon describes the town, and how surreal it is and how she never felt like she belonged, even when she lived there - that was a really hard-hitting passage for me. I went back to my own hometown last Christmas, and I felt the same feelings Sharon has in the book. Seeing those feelings actually put into words was....strange.

I honestly didn't like either Mel or Sharon for the first few chapters, but as the story unfolds, they begin to open up. The book is about growing up in some ways; the two of them, though advancing in their careers, haven't had to do a lot of maturing emotionally until the events of the book. I thought they both become much more likable as that happened.

The writing was excellent in this book, the character development outstanding, and the plot heartbreaking in places. Even though it's not my typical reading fare, I really liked it.

You can find all my reviews at
The Blue Zone
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
From the outside, the Rabb family looks like the perfect family. They live in an amazing house, drive nice cars, their oldest daughter is a research assistant at the local University, their son get great grades, and the youngest is a ranked squash player. Benjamin Rabb is a gold dealer, and for the past twenty years has been doing very well for his family. When Benjamin Rabb is investigated by the FBI for money laundering, fraud, and conspiracy with known drug dealers, his family is placed in the Witness Protection Program. All, except Kate, who is old enough to do her own thing. When Kate makes some interesting discoveries and strange things start to happen, she may find that her perfect family may not be just so.

This is the first solo authored book I have read by Andrew Gross. I am pleased to say that this book had me on the edge of my seat from the very beginning to the very end. So many different surprises and twists in this book. The book centers around Kate rabb and her life after her father has testified in court against the Mercado Family and her family has been in Witness Protection for more than a year. The thing I really like about this book is that I never knew what was going to happen next or who I could trust. Everytime you turn around, another something falls in your face that makes you yell expletives at the book. Not knowing who to believe and where to turn for help, makes a person feel lost. Kate's determination to find the truth and get her family back together, has her in the fight of her life, in more ways than one.

I listened to the audio of this book and it was read by Ilyana Kadushin. She gave an excellent performance and made me feel as if I was a part of the action. I could see the action as it played out. I can't wait to read other solo authored books by Andrew Gross. Another great author to add to my every growing list of favorites.
Look to the East (The Great War, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Out of the east comes a terror that will attempt to destroy the world.

At the dawn of World War I, the village of Briecourt is nestled in relative safety. That all changes when the German Imperial Army marches in and takes over. Life will never be the same for the villagers, who have had a family dispute for generations. Will having a common enemy finally bring them together? Julitte Toussaint, the adoptive daughter of a seaman, has to withstand the scorn of the de Colvilles for the shadows of her past. When she finds an unexpected "visitor" hiding in the cellar of the church, she feels the pull of love for this man she hardly knows. Charles Lassone is a Belgian entrepreneur caught behind enemy lines. He longs for escape so that he can join the Allies cause and win the respect and love of Julitte. With a dispute running so rampant, who can be trusted? The difference between friends and foes could not become more complicated.

This is both the first book that I have read by Maureen Lang and my first book set during World War I. Unfortunately, The Great War is not always as popular of a topic as its "sequel" is. Labor camps were in full effect during this period and the Germans were just as ruthless. The difference in time period wouldn't seem so drastic, but, I learned that they didn't believe it was safe to drop soldiers from planes during 1916. The tactics and methods were much more advanced come time for World War II. I became very emotionally attached to the characters. Their fight for freedom had me cheering them on with every turn of the page. Something that Julitte learns is that God sometimes uses us in ways that we can't explain, to ourselves or to others. He will work everything out, even if it's not how we had it planned. There is still evil in the world because God gave us a free will. But He will not abandon us. We must keep our eyes on Him and our hope in His promises.

I received a free copy of Look to the East from Tyndale House Publishers through their Tyndale Rewards Program. I was not required write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.
Gunning for Trouble
Gunning for Trouble
Helenkay Dimon | 2011 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bland Characters Gun Each Other Down in Gunning For Trouble
Genre: Contemporary

Page Count: 217 Pages

Average Goodreads Rating: 3.79 out of 5 stars

My rating: 1 out of 5 stars

Caleb was in a dead sleep until his phone alerts him to a break-in to his apartment. Immediately his defensive instincts — honed by his dangerous work of tracking missing persons and protecting witnesses — surface and he springs out of bed with his gun to tell the would-be burglar they have chosen the wrong apartment. But he ends up pointing the gun at Avery Walters, his former boss and ex-lover.

To Caleb’s irritation, Avery is on an assignment from Caleb’s boss about a string of murders in the witness protection program. Now dangerous people are after her and the only person she could turn to was Caleb. Despite Caleb’s resentment and anger toward Avery, he still feels the need to protect her. While they work together to stop the murders, old anger and mistrust rises between them, but so does the lust they feel for each other. Can they move forward and learn to love each other, or will the past always hold them back?

This book was awful. Caleb and Avery have the chemistry of fifth graders in their Drama Club rendition of Romeo and Juliet.

Caleb is a complete jackass. He protects Avery but it’s clear he doesn’t want to do it out of anything other than a sense of duty. Not only is he angry about her waking him up in the middle of the night– you know, just because her life is in danger. She should stop whining, right?– but he constantly makes her feel stupid and makes it clear he resents the shit out of her. He says she fired him so she could get a promotion, when in reality he was a loose cannon who deserved to be fired.

Even his friends and coworkers think he needs to tone down the anger.

“Haven’t heard you apologize to her,” (Zach, Caleb’s friend and coworker said).

“For what?”

“You tell me.”

“I was blindsided by what she did back then.”

“Any chance you had tunnel vision?”

Caleb is also so hot-headed I wouldn’t be surprised if he took steroids on a regular basis. Even someone like Avery, who has little more character than a stock photo, deserves better than that.

Caleb does eventually realize he’s been acting like a PMSing Neanderthal and “forgives her”, still thinking he did nothing wrong but wanting to put it behind him.

Avery isn’t as bad as Caleb, but Avery isn’t much of anything at all. She probably goes down in history as one of the least interesting protagonists ever created.

I might have cared more about the characters if I understood and liked the plot. But even that was a hot mess. While I get the gist of the situation– someone is selling names of people in the Witness Protection Program– I can’t make sense of the finer details. A hailstorm of minor characters were dumped on me at once and I couldn’t even keep them straight, let alone focus on what they were saying.

On top of that, there are a couple of times Avery seems to just “get” stuff and the reader is supposed to just “get” it too. But these aren’t obvious things, nor are they minor.

These things are like why Avery is too dangerous to be around Caleb’s coworkers’ wives. Avery just accepts that it’s reasonable she would put the wives in danger, but it’s not.

Even after reading the entire book and going back to skim parts of it for this review, I still don’t understand the plot that well.

If you are looking for a good Harlequin Intrigue book, you would be better off reading Scene of the Crime: Black Creek by Carla Cassidy. But don’t waste your time reading a half-assed story like Gunning for Trouble
The Testing (The Testing, #1)
8.5 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>The Testing</i> was an interesting read, or should I say... reread?

The first time I read this (I was bored at the mall. I beelined to Barnes &amp; Noble, plucked up a book, hid in a corner, and skimmed), I skimmed it, but I had a general idea of what was going on, what was happening – nothing very detailed. My second read though, was much more thorough and detailed – it was also a refresher of sorts.

<i>The Testing</i> is the first in a trilogy set in a futuristic United States called the United Commonwealth. Every year, the best and brightest of each graduating class in each colony are sent to The Testing, a program designed to pick out potential leaders of the future. When Cia Vale, along with four others from her colony, is chosen to participate in The Testing, her father tells her about his own experience – an experience filled with potential horrors that Cia may come across herself in her Testing.

I love Cia as a character: she's brave, she's intelligent – and oh, do I love the way she handles Will and Tomas when the tension is high between the two later on in the book. If there's ever a potential love triangle in the future, I might not be annoyed if Cia continues to handle them in the next two books the way she handled them in this book (read: I like Cia. I never said I liked Will or Tomas).

That, however, depends. Perhaps my brain will start crying in protest instead.

There doesn't, however, seem to be a major plot or storyline that appear until around the end: <i>The Testing</i> seems to be focused more on how The Testing operates from an inside look and setting up for the second book. Basically, for literally 90% of the book or more, Cia and the other testers are focused on surviving The Testing and making it to the new class of University students.

From early on in the book, similarities to <i>The Hunger Games</i> could be spotted easily: the colonies, the penalty of death, Michal, Cia's relationship with Tomas and Will, etc. Despite all of that though, I highly enjoyed reading through <i>The Testing</i>. The sequel is something that I'll probably enjoy reading (or listening) to as well.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Wreck and Order
Hannah Tennant-Moore | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Elsie is a wreck just as the title of the book suggests. She is living mostly off of her father's money with some little jobs to hold her over. She's seeing a guy who barely respects her and she doesn't really seem to have found her direction in life. Taking trips overseas to Paris and Sri Lanka improves on her recklessness, but once she's back in the states, it's hard to control old habits. Will Elsie find her place in this world before she destroys her life?

At the beginning of the book, I could relate to Elsie on some level. During my early 20's I was pretty reckless with my own life doing things that now I can look back and see weren't the best decisions. Those things have made me into the person I am today, but who would I of been without those experiences. Who is Elsie without her crazy alcohol induced, drug addicted boyfriend, Jared? Who is she without Suriya, her Sri Lankan "sister" and without her parents who continue to support her financially even if it's not the best thing for her

I was so looking forward to this book. I first discovered it through Penguin's First To Read Program, but at the time I had some difficulty downloading it to my Kindle I had the opportunity to borrow it from the library, but I was not as thrilled with the overall story as I was hoping to be from the description. To me Elsie seemed like she was going in circles instead of moving forward in her life. Continuing to make the same choices sh know are not good for her, not learning from her mistakes, or maybe she does learn from them but doesn't implement these changes into her life. I rated it three stars, but it's more of 2.5 for me. It started off strong, but the ending left something to be desired.
The Outcast Dead (Ruth Galloway, #6)
Elly Griffiths | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ruth Galloway is busy on yet another dig - this time digging up bones of what may be the famous murderess "Mother Hook," known for caring for children and then perhaps killing them. (And oh yes, for the hook she had on her hand.) Meanwhile, Nelson is busy on a case of a woman who has lost her third child, a young baby, to what looks like SIDS, or is it? And in the shadows, lurks someone who is taking children from their parents - a sinister force calling themselves "The Childminder."

If it sounds like there's a lot going on, there is. And yet, the plot in this one is a little thinner than in a typical Ruth Galloway book, hence the 3 (3.5) star rating. Still, it's pretty much impossible not to enjoy a Ruth Galloway novel. She's a dear friend by now - I love her slightly sarcastic personality and way of presenting her life. There are always moments when I laugh out loud. In this novel, we find Ruth asked to appear on a TV program about murder and archaeology (they are doing a show on "Mother Hook"), which certainly takes Ruth out of her comfort zone, and also introduces us to some new characters, including the American actor, Frank, who seems keen on Ruth.

Some of the zig zagging cases are a little crazy, and "The Childminder" line ties itself up very quickly and neatly by the end, but it's still an interesting read from a mystery perspective. The introduction of Frank adds some tension to Ruth and Nelson's drama, as well. Further, the book has some good insights on childcare in the modern day - working motherhood and the like. I find myself identifying with Ruth in a multitude of ways, and she just remains a likable character who can carry a book, no matter the plot. To date, any Ruth Galloway book is worth a read.

MelanieTheresa (997 KP) rated Baby Teeth in Books

Sep 19, 2018 (Updated Sep 19, 2018)  
Baby Teeth
Baby Teeth
Zoje Stage | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
Couldn't put it down!
Contains spoilers, click to show
** spoiler alert ** I could NOT put this book down. And when I was done with it, I couldn't stop talking about it. My husband's exact words: "that sounds like a f*cked up book you're reading." 100% true.

I'm not going to rehash the plot you've read about 10,000 times. You get it: evil kid, scared mother, oblivious dad-in-denial. It sounds like it could be a bad horror movie; instead it's a truly disturbing book. That's the thing about uncomfortable topics: if you're reading it, you create an image in your mind of what you perceive - rather than having the image given to you on a screen - and more often than not the image in my mind is far scarier.

The author has fleshed out the story in such a way that the reader is forced to really digest the terrible things. It's not one horrifying event on top of another; it's spaced out so that you truly think about what just happened and what it means...and what might be coming.

I was fascinated by the peek into the mind of a budding serial killer (because let's be real, that's what she'll be, with Mommy as first victim when she gets out of Marshes) and how she manipulates the world around her. There are a few moments here and there where for just a second, you feel bad for seven-year-old Hanna. But then she does something horrifying and the feeling passes, and you're #TeamSuzette once again.

I will say that Alex's willful ignorance of the situation and absolute indulgence of Hanna pissed me off - why would your wife lie to you about this, you idiot? - and I was SO HAPPY when he finally got with the program and they presented a united parental front against their evil little minion.

May I suggest you avoid this book if you have a precocious 7-year-old child? :)

Thank you to St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read & review this ARE.