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BookInspector (124 KP) rated Zero in Books

Sep 24, 2020  
Marc Elsberg | 2014 | Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Living with a complete geek, I learned to love technology. It is kind of mesmerizing how technology is taking over our lives, that is why I was very intrigued by the blurb of this book. After reading the book, I am kind of petrified of how much of our personal data is actually collected without our knowledge… Or maybe because of our ignorance?

The protagonist in this novel is Cynthia, a single mother and investigative journalist, who lives in London. I really liked, how realistic the main character was, she is kind of old-fashioned when it comes to technology, and all the new findings really leave her confused. Also, I liked Cynthia’s personality, I think she was really curious, brave and adventurous. The Author offers a huge variety of characters in this book, representing different sectors and different perspectives, and in some places, I found it difficult to identify who belongs where, but to my luck, there was a handy list of characters at the back of the novel, which helped me.

The narrative was really thought-provoking. Elsberg highlights many aspects of data collection and usage, which really got me thinking. The story is told from multiple perspectives, and that kind of kept my interest going. To enjoy this book, you have to like technology, there is a ton of terms and IT processes being discussed, so if you not into computers, this book will not make sense to you. 🙂 I loved that author chose different settings in this book, incorporating his native town – Vienna. Also, I think, that the author used his knowledge of advertising and influencing people very smartly, and I bet, that the search for smart glasses will increase after reading this book. 😀 (Because I am definitely going to search 😀 )

I enjoyed author’s writing style, for me, it was understandable, action-filled and constantly changing. The whole book was fitted into eight chapters, and for me, they were really long. Even though every chapter shared multiple events, it still kind of dragged to me a sometimes… 😦 (I love my short chapters!) The ending rounded up the story very nicely, but there are so many unanswered questions, that it is kind of bugging me. 😀 I really liked The Circle, and I think with a good director, this book could be a superb movie.

So, to conclude, It is a very well crafted story, which feels kind of futuristic, but when you think about it, most of the things are already happening in one form or another. It is filled with smart characters, plenty of action, and I think it is kind of a wake-up call for all of the people, who are glued to their gadgets and the internet. So, “Hey, parents – do you know what your child is up to? “ Do read this book to find out why, and I hope you will enjoy it. 🙂
No Way Home (A Science Fiction Anthology)
Lucas Bale | 2015
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received [No Way Home] from author [Harry Manners] in exchange for a honest review. This collection of short stories with the theme of being stranded, in one way or another, was a thought provoking read.

[To Sing of Chaos and Eternal Night] by [Lucas Bale] took me a few days to get past the beginning. The concept of a soldier who has lost all being and is just thought sent to robotic bodies and told to fight the enemy was interesting. As I stated, unfortunately, it was a slow start but the ending was worth the read.

[XE, or People Are Strange] by [S. Elliot Brandis]gave a new meaning to getting away from it all. The main character, Bradley, volunteers to be put in a shuttle to find a new habitable plant. His mission is one way and he is to send a signal back to Earth if it is a safe place. Apparently, though, he is not the first, or only, person on the new planet. I really liked the twist in this story.

[Grist] by [J.S. Collyer] is a futuristic view where one entity has taken control and all others are forced to work for them, often underground. Wyatt was not born into this so he remembers fresh air and sun. He wants to escape and be free again. Just daring to think this way can be deadly and he must know who to trust. The question this story had me asking was what is life worth?

[Merely A Madness] by [S.W. Fairbrother] was one I was really excited to see in this collection because I had read [The Secret Dead] and loved it. [Merely A Madness] did not disappoint in anyway. Earth has become a hostile place but most people have escaped off planet. Hannah loves old earth and Mullen sets up a holiday because he aims to please. This would be like current day people going to a wild west ranch, real but not too real. Things go horribly wrong and Mullen must make a hard choice. This story was one of my favorites by far.

[Revolver] by [Michael Patrick Hicks] was the most overtly political and also one of the most enjoyable. The concept of reality TV and politics preying on the unfortunates is so scary because it is not far from our current reality. I really loved the statement made in this one.

[The Happy Place] by [Harry Manners] was a story of a dream gone horribly wrong. Michael has always dreamed of going to the stars and with his wife this dream becomes a reality as he is chosen to colonize Mars. Years later he realizes his dream may be a nightmare as he begins to lose everything he loves. The only thing that keeps him going is 'the Happy Place', a virtual reality of his memories from Earth, but keeping this secret from those he loves may cost him even more. This is the third work I have read from [Harry Manners] and I love how he handles loneliness and making hard decisions. His characters are always deeper than they first appear.

[Renata] by [Nadine Matheson] is a futuristic spy story wrapped in a mob hit with political intrigue. Yes, I enjoyed this one as well. Kaoru is an assassin who gets his assignments from his brother. His latest target is in the past. This is the assignment that may just kill him.

[Cold Witness] by [A.S. Sinclair] was a mental thriller. John Marshall is sent to check out an abandoned military complex that he is told little about. When he arrives there he hears rumors of strange things involving the final project at the base. Upon arrival he begins hallucinating and his memories begin to meld with others. The question of what is reality is constant throughout.

All the stories were well written and enjoyable. I also liked how each author wrote an "Afterword" that explained a little of how they came up with the concept they did. I recommend this to any fan of futuristic and science fiction.
Thumbing Through Thoreau: A Book of Quotations by Henry David Thoreau
Thumbing Through Thoreau: A Book of Quotations by Henry David Thoreau
Kenny Luck | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The cover of the book is taken from a beautiful painting of Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts where Henry David Thoreau lived and wrote. Unfortunately, the artwork on nearly every page in the text is not nearly as attractive or colorful, and seems rather repetitious after 50 pages or so. According to the cover, Jay Luke's artwork is on the even-numbered pages and Ren Adam's artwork is on the odd-numbered pages, though truthfully I could not distinguish between the two artists' styles.
The book is divided into three sections that each of the quotes could be filed under: "Society & Government", "Spirituality & Nature", and "Love." The quotes that Kenny Luck compiled were indeed thought-provoking. When examining the collection as a whole, I could imagine the kind of man that wrote these words day in and day out. As Luck states: "This book... is my attempt to bring together the best pieces of Thoreau's writings in one collection." Before reading this book, I was not overly familiar with Thoreau's work, and afterwards I realized that the man Thoreau has much in common with my own husband. But I digress.
Some quotes were familiar, such as this one:

"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation."

 Many more quotes were unfamiliar, but quite profound:

"I am convinced, that if all men were to live as simply as I then did, thieving and robbery would be unknown."

"What is it [to] be born free and equal, and not to live? What is the value of any political freedom, but as a means to moral freedom?"

"A written word is the choicest of relics."

"The day is an epitome of the year. The night is the winter, the morning and evening are the spring and fall, and the noon is the summer."

"I suspect that the child plucks its first flower awith an insight into its beauty and significance which the subsequent botanist never retains."

"To be married at least should be the one poetical act of a man's life."

"Love is a severe critic."

"The only way to speak the truth is to speak lovingly; only the lover's words are heard."

What I found especially distracting was how the words within each quote varied in font size and color, almost as if Luck did not trust the reader enough to know how to read the work and felt he had to dictate to the reader where the emphasis lay in each quote. While I can not say for sure if this was the aim, I felt like my intelligence was being belittled and undervalued as I flipped through the pages. Plus, these words are Thoreau's, not Kenny Luck's, and only Thoreau would be able to truly say where the emphasis within each sentence should be. Luck is only presuming to make intelligent guesses. While I respect Luck's obsession, which he describes in his introduction, I think he should allow for the words of Thoreau to stand alone, so that each reader can appreciate Thoreau through his or her own interpretation.

"The fact is I am a mystic, a transcendentalist, and a natural philosopher to boot."
The Lost Letters of William Woolf
The Lost Letters of William Woolf
Helen Cullen | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I would like to begin by saying, that this blurb sounds very very intriguing, and I got ready for a love story, but oh sugar, how deceiving it is. There is soooooo much more to this book, it is very complex, thought-provoking and deep.

William and Claire are married for a very long time, their relationship saw everything, from happy times to major disappointments, now they are kind of wondering whether to continue with it or to go separate ways. So while all this is happening, William experiences everything that is mentioned in the blurb as well. So yeah, this is a very complicated story…

This story is told from multiple perspectives, in this case, William’s and Claire’s, and I am very happy, that I got to know the characters better this way. The more I read, the more annoyed I got. Even though the characters are very realistic and believable, I really disliked Claire. I just didn’t like her personality, bossiness, and I just couldn’t connect with her. I liked William, he is kind and generous, but I think he was really weak and it annoyed me that he allowed being treated like a mop.

I think the plot of this book is quite unique, highlighting couples relationship and thoughts that run through so many couples in real life. This novel carries so many feelings, memories from the past, and thoughts about the future. The narrative travels between past when they had a blooming relationship to the present when the situation is tensed. I really liked that the author chose different settings for this novel. The author describes Ireland beautifully as well as London and other towns. I am really curious, how the author did her research for this book because I would love to be a lost letter’s detective. 😀 That sounds so exciting! 🙂 Another thing that I really enjoyed was William’s little adventures while looking for the owner of those mysterious “Great Love” letters, that kept my interest going, and I was curious to find out, what William is going to do.

Helen Cullen’s prose is absolutely beautiful and it is a great debut. I found this book easy to read and it was an enjoyable journey. The chapters are a decent length, but because this novel is filled with thoughts, sometimes my mind did wander away, some of those thoughts repeated itself and in some cases, it was just too much of it for me. The ending rounded up the story nicely, but I have mixed feelings about it. I am kind of happy with the outcome but at the same time kind of disappointed.

So, to conclude, don’t be fooled by the blurb, there is way more depth in this book than it shows. It analyzes a very complex couple’s relationship, letting the reader really get into characters heads. I enjoyed this book, and if you wish to find out what happened to William, Claire and the mysterious letter sender, do give this book a try and I hope you will enjoy their story. 🙂

Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated Joker (2019) in Movies

Oct 5, 2019 (Updated Oct 5, 2019)  
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
You were never really here.
Joker buries a knife deep into your chest right from the start and just when you feel it might finally be pulled out to give you relief it twists it in a little deeper. Make no mistake about it Joker is a slow burn drama/character study so those expecting big action and Batman are in for a real shock here but then again thats also what I think is so special. Joker works hard and earns its big explosive moments with such a steady, progresive, careful character build up that ensures when vilolence hits its shocking, powrful, cold and chilling and thats whats so refreshing and brave about it especially for a mainstream film. Theres no hand holding, no sugar coating and no holding back here and its absolutely riveting and glorious to behold playing out a cross between taxi driver and you were never really here joaquin phoenix plays an already dangerously unstable man pushed over his breaking point by life and society. From the moment we first set eyes on Arthur we see his pain seeping out through his pupils and an insight into his tortured mind. Its a story about an already fragile mind being pushed to a point where it finally snaps and shows how especially without the right help and support an avoidable monster is unleashed. We have all become so uncaring and selfish because of our own problems in life we fail to care and empathise with each other but its lack of care and understanding of mental ilness (treating it esentially like a joke) that leads Arther to finally snap. When he does finaly give its like a release for him all his sadness, anxiety and lack of confidence vanishes and we see man reshaped and reborn. Then theres his uncontrolable laugh which seems to come about when he's anxious or stressed and actually feels like it physicaly pains him everytime its released. Character progression is steady and realistic this man is clearly sick, had a rough upbringing, suffering from mental illness and he longs for a father figure and just to be loved which he tries to achieve from performing. Theres so many themes explored here the big one being how society and the media are partaily responsible for glamorising and encouraging violent behavior/serial killers making them popular/trendy and swaying other fragile tried and tested minds to rise up a follow the lead. Theres just so much to say about this film and its frying my head trying to get it all down and in readable state. At the end of the day Joker is fantastic and without a doubt the best comic book movie we have had to date setting the bar for all those that follow now. Its mature, graphic, highly depresing, intricate, unnerving, relevant and iteligent leaving such a thought provoking lasting impression that you cant help but be fearful and worried about the current state of the world we live in and how its changing for the worse becoming such a terifying and unsafe place.
You Won't Know Her Name
You Won't Know Her Name
Shanti Hershenson | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I first heard of You Won't Know Her Name by Santi Hershenson, there was just something about the synopsis that was calling to me to read it. The synopsis really sucked me in, and I found myself wanting to know more about The Girl. I ended up loving this book!

You Won't Know Her Name is certainly not for the faint of heart. With heavy themes such as bullying and sexual assault, I knew the plot would be a dark read. However, Hershenson writes like a pro, and the way she incorporates these themes into her story didn't put me off reading. The plot is solid and interesting if a little sad at what The Girl had to go through. I loved that there were no chapters, only poems and that each poem started with a title of what the short poem would be about. Each poem flows well into the next. It really made my heart hurt for all the injustices done to the girl (and her sister). What angered me the most was how the school failed this child. Unfortunately, many schools fail bullied children every day. (I speak from personal experience). I would say that there is a plot twist in this story, but there are no cliff hangers. It's just sad that there are so many people (children and adults alike) that have to go through such horrible bullying.

The characters in You Won't Know Her Name felt very realistic. We are told early on by the author that names aren't important so no names are ever mentioned in this story. We have "The Girl" who I felt so bad for. She didn't deserve any of the hate and the uncaringness she got. I just wanted to protect her so much throughout the story and tell "The Person" (The Girl's bully) to just back off. The Person acted in such a vile way toward The Girl and her sister. It made me wonder about The Person's background though. Was The Person being bullied at home to act out that way in school? I am, by no means, excusing The Person's behavior though.

Trigger warnings for You Won't Know Her Name include sexual assault (not graphic), profanity, talks of suicide, and violence. The author has included trigger warning notices at the start of each poem that could possibly trigger some readers though.

You Won't Know Her Name is a sad but a good read. There is some good to come out of it though. You Won't Know Her Name is a thought provoking read about a subject that, sadly, many children (and adults) have to deal with although they shouldn't.

Overall, You Won't Know Her Name is a well written piece of poetic literature that everyone should read. I would highly suggest that parents read it with their child and discuss it. If you are a librarian, buy this book for your library. It's not a long book either, so even the most hesitant reader could get a lot from it. I would definitely recommend You Won't Know Her Name by Shanti Hershenson to those aged 14+. Trust me, this is a book that needs to be read.
Alone in Berlin (2017)
Alone in Berlin (2017)
2017 | Drama
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Small Rebellions.
Once again, World War II turns up another true story of quiet valour to turn into a motion picture. At a time when Trump is pontificating about so called “fake news”, here is a timely tale from history which centres on the battle against genuinely fake news: the Nazi propaganda machine.
After losing their only son in the French campaign, Berliners Otto (Brendan Gleeson,”Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”) and Anna (Emma Thompson, “Saving Mr Banks“) turn against the regime and in repeated acts of rebellion Otto laboriously hand writes subversive postcards to leave in office blocks around Berlin.

Resistance is futile. Otto (Brendan Gleeson) and Anna (Emma Thompson) out on a new mission.
Out to catch him is local police investigator Escherich (Daniel Brühl) but in an age before CCTV that’s no easy task and with increasing SS pressure the stakes for Escherich steadily increase. For Otto and Anna, the stress is there but both are resigned to their fate: with their son stolen from them for an unjust cause they are an island of indifference in an unholy land. Both are ‘alone in Berlin’.

Daniel Brühl as police detective Escherich getting more than he bargained for from the SS.
After 70 years it still chills the blood to see German locations decked out in Nazi regalia, but one of the joys of this film is this rendering of life in wartime Berlin: starting with jubilation at German progress prior to D-Day and turning to despair and genuine danger as the tide turns towards 1945. In a pretty bleak film there are touches of black comedy now and then: Otto’s carpentry company is being encouraged “by the Fuhrer” to double and triple their output… of coffins.

A (very clean) Berlin, decked out with Nazi regalia.
More joy comes from the star turns of Gleeson and Thompson, both of who deliver on their emotionally challenging roles. Gleeson in particular makes a very believable German with a sour demeanor and a steely determination. But the star acting turn for me goes to the wonderful Daniel Brühl (“Rush“) as the tormented police detective, bullied into an ethical corner by the SS. The finale of the film – whilst not seeming quite believable – makes for a nicely unexpected twist.

The Nazi Womens’ League out on another fund-raising sweep, providing Thompson with one of her best scenes in the film with an Oberführer’s wife.
Based on a novel by Hans Fallada, the lead writing credits for the piece are shared between Achim von Borries and the director Vincent Perez – in a rare directorial outing for the Swiss actor. The script exudes a melancholic gloom and at times expresses beautifully both the grief and love shared by this older couple. But some of the dialogue needs more work and we don’t see enough of Thompson in the early part of the film where her motivations should be being developed. This rather comes down to a lack of focus by the director. While the primary story of the card distribution is slight, it is compelling and a detour into a sub-story about an old Jewish lodger living upstairs is unnecessary and detracts from the overall story arc. I would have far preferred if the running time had been a tight 90 minutes just focused on Otto’s mission. One final comment on the script: did I mishear that Anna claimed to have a 6 year old child during an air raid scene? I know Emma Thompson looks great for her age, but….

Otto and Elise Hampel – the real life characters on which the film’s Otto and Anna Quangel were based.
I can’t finish this without commending the beautiful piano score of Alexandre Desplat. From the first note I knew it was him – he has such a characteristic style – and his clever use of the score complements the film exquisitely. “Small” films like this tend to rather disappear into the woodwork for Oscar consideration, but here’s a soundtrack that I think should be considered: (but what do I know… when “Nocturnal Animals” wasn’t even nominated in one of the Oscar crimes of the century!).
In summary, I found this a thoughtful and thought-provoking film, that – despite some of the mean reviews I’ve seen – I thought was well crafted and with excellent production design by Jean-Vincent Puzos (“Amour”). It will be particularly appreciated by older audiences looking for an untold story from the war, and by all lovers of fine acting performances by the three leads.