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Awix (3310 KP) rated Doomwatch (1972) in Movies

Feb 26, 2018  
Doomwatch (1972)
Doomwatch (1972)
1972 | Classics, Horror, Mystery
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Big screen adaptation of then-popular BBC TV SF-thriller show looks much more like a horror story than the telly version normally was. Scientist (Bannen) discovers something nasty afflicting the inhabitants of a remote island; can anything be done to help them?

Competently done; resembles the TV show in its tone and concerns much of the time. However, the general tone and subject matter (investigator on remote island discovers conspiracy of silence amongst locals, including disappearing corpses) would almost make you suspect a Wicker Man rip-off, except this was made first (by a matter of months). Not that it matters much these days, but the actual stars of the TV show barely appear in the movie; they may have been busy actually making it at the time the movie was in production. Worth seeing if you're familiar with the TV show, probably a bit too low-octane if you're not.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Haywire (2012) in Movies

Feb 20, 2018 (Updated Feb 20, 2018)  
Haywire (2012)
Haywire (2012)
2012 | Action, Drama, Mystery
5.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
'You should not think of her as a woman. That would be a mistake.'
Rousing action thriller looks on paper like another Besson movie, is actually typically classy Steven Soderbergh genre pastiche. Basically a vehicle for delicate flower of women's MMA Gina Carano to batter the living daylights out of an array of A-list leading men, which she does with aplomb and charisma.

The script is sympathetically structured so Carano doesn't have to do more than the minimal amount of actual acting, but the plot is competently twisty-turny and Soderbergh puts an impressive cast around his star. Some first-class fight sequences and chases, as you would expect. At the time I had my fingers crossed for a new subgenre of pro-celebrity martial arts movies with Carano proceeding to kick in Jude Law, Orlando Bloom, Ryan Reynolds, etc, in subsequent outings, but it never happened. Shame; notable careers have been built on considerably less potential than Carano showed in this film.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Commuter (2018) in Movies

Feb 11, 2018 (Updated Feb 11, 2018)  
The Commuter (2018)
The Commuter (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama, Mystery
One-way Ticket to Barking
Another of those films in which Liam Neeson plays a bus-pass bad-ass, in this case an ageing rugged ex-cop turned insurance salesman who finds himself sucked into a murderous conspiracy on the train home one night.

Well, you kind of know from the start how this is going to play out, but the script is inventive in keeping it going and Neeson is assisted by a good supporting cast. Initially it looks like this is going to be another film about middle-aged rage in the wake of the financial crisis, but this sadly proves to be a red herring - it is just another very daft transport-based thriller.

Not a film that exactly stays with you, obviously, but it's wildly implausible rather than actually stupid, and the direction is not too bad, all things considered. Obviously I'd rather Liam Neeson did more films with a little more substance, but this kind of thing isn't actually hurting anyone.
Racer and the Jailbird (2017)
Racer and the Jailbird (2017)
2017 | Crime, Drama, International
Very much game-of-two-halves coming together of French and Belgian talent. Charismatic gangster begins passionate affair with beautiful young racing driver, but can their love survive the stress placed on it by his career choices? Starts off looking like a slick and very commercial thriller with more than a splash of romance; second half turns into a rather glum, somewhat preposterous drama about how love can be the worst prison of all - either of these films would have been okay, but together it's two great tastes that just don't mix.

Still, fine acting from the two leads, and the first half is really, really good - does that make the way the film falls over as it gets closer to the end more or less of a disappointment? Not sure. The first half on its own would rate about an 8, the second probably a 5; probably still worth watching, though. (Racer and the Jailbird is a terrible choice of title, by the way.)
The Last Time I Lied
The Last Time I Lied
Riley Sager | 2018 | Thriller
8.7 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not a summer camp that I'd be frequenting...
Emma Davis an artist, returns to the summer camp (Camp Nightingale) that she went to as a girl. During her last (and only) stay, the three other girls in her cabin went missing with no trace, never to be found again. Emma's artwork reflects her inability to forget what happened.
When Camp Nightingale reopens after 15 years, the owner, Frances (Franny) Harris-White, invites her along to be an art instructor. Emma goes along to try and lay her ghosts to rest.
This had a real air of menace throughout. It felt like there was a possible abductor around every corner. A great thriller, and I very much enjoyed it. I have to admit to not liking any of the characters though. I didn't even feel sorry for Emma, and believe me, she has plenty for people to feel sorry for. This story is such dark and compulsive reading though. Great stuff!
Donkey Punch (2008)
Donkey Punch (2008)
2008 | Mystery
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Severely underrated low budget English horror/thriller! Taking a very modern turn on the horror theme and tackling some very taboo ideas as a group of youngsters decide to live it up on holiday losing all their inhibitions as they drink, take drugs and have sex. During which a sex myth tried out leads to one of them dying. As the others battle their own conscience and morals as well as each other to get out of the mess they are in, only ending up in more extreme violence. A good idea for a film that dares to be different. Some may be put off by the sex scene which borders on porn and by the violence. However it does raise some good issues to make a graphic film. Another good entry in recent English horror films. The DVD has quite a few interviews with the cast, director both after and during the making of. Along with some deleted scenes and commentaries.
The Inn at Ocean's Edge (Sunset Cove, #1)
The Inn at Ocean's Edge (Sunset Cove, #1)
Colleen Coble | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I would say this book is really a good read. It sure has the mystery element to it. We learn the mysteries throughout the book. It more of a thriller and mystery combination.

There are crime and detective going on as well in this story plot. Claire returns to the Inn at the Ocean Edge and things start to happen to her. Is she the real Claire Delmore?

There seems to be a cover-up story or is Harry Delmore hiding something from his daughter? Her grandmother also is acting strange when Claire starts wondering and questing about herself.

We also meet Luke Rocco and his sister. He thinks that Claire had disappeared around the same time his mother disappeared. Is there a connection between the two?

Colleen does tell a story that will make hungry for more. The plot is written well. The characters are developed and show their personalities. This book a cannot put down the book once you get into the action.

Midge (525 KP) rated Keeping Faith in TV

Jan 3, 2019 (Updated Jan 9, 2019)  
Keeping Faith
Keeping Faith
2017 | Thriller
7.6 (7 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Actress Eve Myles (1 more)
Breathtaking Scenery
Fantastic Drama/Thriller!
Keeping Faith is a superb TV show with fantastic plots and wonderful actors. Each weeks' episode leaves you begging for the next one. Eve Myles, who plays Faith, was outstanding and you could really relate to her. I also particularly enjoyed the scenes including Hannah Daniel as Cerys Jones (junior associate at the family's law firm, Howells) who was very good. The show is set in Wales where the scenery manages to be both bleak but breathtaking, at the same time.

I loved watching Keeping Faith as it was gripping and kept me hooked all the way through. So many questions unanswered and so much more drama to come. Fantastic!

The closing song of Keeping Faith's first episode which melts me every time was written and sung by Grammy award-winning songwriter Amy Wadge.

This is a beautiful, wonderful drama and I'm ecstatic to hear that there will be a Series 2.
Ice Station Zebra
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cold-War set thriller, by an author that (for some reason) I associate more with World War 2 settings, this concerns the journey of the Atomic submarine Dolphin to the Arctic, in order to rescue the survivors of the adrift Ice Staion of the title.

I also feel that this could be split into 3 very distinct sections - the journey to the Arctic, the search and rescue of the survivors, and the journey back, with it transpiring in the middle section that the Ice Station had been sabatoged, rather than just plain unlucky, and with it furhter being revealed in the final section that the saboteour is still alive and on the sub ...

While it may be slightly dated now (in that the USSR is no longer in existence) and in some of the state-of-the-(then)-art technology, this is still an enjoyable read once you put yourself into the right mindset!
Hudson's Kill
Hudson's Kill
Paddy Hirsch | 2019 | Crime, History & Politics, Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hudson's Kill
If you have seen Gangs of New York then you know the period this novel is set. This book is completely immersive, Hirsch has done an incredible amount of research, to the language used, the the style of buildings. I often felt myself drawn into the period, even dreaming about the city in my sleep, his descriptions become so vivid. Hudson's Kill has pretty much got a bit of everything for everyone. It's a thriller, it's a murder mystery, it's a political and corruption rollercoaster, it's full of action, it has heroes , villains and enough in every page to keep you turning. All this and written in a way that is very easy and absorbing. Hirsch is a master and it is very hard to believe this is only his second novel. Hudson's Kill deserves to be celebrated and loved, a rare book that will delight so many and deserves to be read. 4/5