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Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Child in Books

May 30, 2018  
The Child
The Child
Fiona Barton | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
An interesting thriller
As thrillers go, this is a pretty good one. It's very well written and has you hooked and interested right from the start. The characters are well developed and all flawed in their own way, some to the point where you actually don't like them (but I get the feeling that's intended). There is a lot fitted into a fairly short book, but this isn't necessarily a negative. There are some benefits to books not dragging on for hundreds of pages more than necessary.

My only negatives are that sadly I saw the twist coming. Not straight away, but I cottoned on around 2/3 of the way through and I'm afraid I turned out to be right. I've probably read far too many books but it's a shame when you figure out the ending in advance. Also, the story goes at quite a pace but the ending seems ridiculously rushed.a massive build up and then a bit of a lacklustre ending, despite the twist.
A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
John Krasinski directing. (1 more)
Something new to be worried about when aliens invade.
Some parts felt drug out too much. (1 more)
That baby crib though!
Silence is not golden.
I wanted to see this in the theaters when it came out but who really has that kind of money these days? Redbox is the best option for seeing all the new movies as soon as you can afford to in my opinion. This movie is a classic sci fi thriller. You kind of know what's going to happen just from the premise but it does manage to throw you a few curve balls and jump scares along the way. I can't say that I've ever seen an alien movie quite like this one so I enjoyed it's originality. The use of ASL was much appreciated as it is very rarely utilized in films. Some moments made me want to scream in annoyance but then ... I'd be dead if it was real, wouldn't I? I fully recommend watching this film if sci fi thrillers are your thing and even if they aren't.
The Seven Deaths Of Evelyn Hardcastle
The Seven Deaths Of Evelyn Hardcastle
Stuart Turton | 2018 | Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.9 (24 Ratings)
Book Rating
A mindbending mystery thriller
I'll be honest this books is completely bonkers, but bonkers in a good way. The central murder mystery time travelling plot is a tad convoluted, but it's still ridiculously enjoyable and I really struggled to put this down. It is a little difficult to keep up with at some parts and you do have to pause to collect your thoughts, however the writing style does help as it's fairly straight forward and doesn't try and overcomplicate things with over the top prose.

All of the 8 hosts are well rounded and well developed, and you care about the main character inhabiting them. The ending was truly a surprise, I hadn't been able to figure out the main murderer (plus all of the other sub plots too), and was pleasantly surprised with the explanation behind why the main character was in Blackheath in the first place.

This is a great entertaining read and one I'd love to see made into a 8-10 part tv series.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Hunter Killer (2018) in Movies

Oct 23, 2018 (Updated Oct 23, 2018)  
Hunter Killer (2018)
Hunter Killer (2018)
2018 | Action, Thriller
Oh-lord-must-we submarine thriller with GERARD! BUTLER! toning it down for once as maverick navy commander Joe Glass, sent to investigate the loss of a US vessel off the Russian coast. Quite how detached from reality this film is is perhaps suggested by the fact that the female President of the USA ends up ordering Butler to save the Russian President (nothing like you-know-who, by the way) from an attempted coup. The film attempts to offset how absurdly silly the plot is by taking itself very seriously indeed; this just results in making it dull.

Special effects are competent, some rather good actors (Oldman, Stephens) phone in reasonable performances - there is very little that is flat-out bad about Hunter Killer, yet it never generates any real tension or excitement. Anything that would actually make it interesting or original seems to have been machine-tooled away. Butler's attempts to avoid going over-the-top are not necessarily for the best. Really just a very tedious, derivative, and formulaic movie.
The Girl in the Spider's Web (2018)
The Girl in the Spider's Web (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
For starters, I haven't bothered to read this book, or the next book that weren't written by Stieg Larsson... If this film is any indication of how the book was... I'm glad I didn't waste the time.
There's nothing really wrong with the film, per say, it's an interesting thriller. It really wasn't the Lisbeth Salander I remember, she's been changed into just a bland, strong female character with an edgy look.
It was a strange move for Sony to skip the rest of the original trilogy. I thought Rooney Mara was a fantastic Salander, and I thought Daniel Craig did alright.
Claire Foy did alright, I guess, if that was the script she was given. Still, I couldn't help but compare her, and I don't think I'm the only one that will do that. I did really like Sverrir Gudnason as Blomkvist.
The opening credits tried so hard to be like GWTDT, but failed, and it kind of annoyed me that they even attempted it. Sorry but, you can't compete with a Trent Reznor and KO cover of the Immigrant Song.

Erika (17788 KP) rated The Shining (1980) in Movies

Nov 25, 2018 (Updated Nov 25, 2018)  
The Shining (1980)
The Shining (1980)
1980 | Horror
I just watched this film for the first time yesterday. I don't typically watch horror films/scary movies because I have an overactive imagination and don't need any other nightmare fuel.
I was finally convinced after a conversation with a co-worker when we were talking about how sometimes people just snap, and he emphasized how Jack Torrance's actions were completely fitting with a psychological break. I had also seen various references to the film, such as the extended scene in Ready Player One, and a South Park Halloween episode when Randy Marsh buys a Blockbuster and the same situation happens.
I wouldn't actually deem this as a straight-up horror film, it was definitely more of a psychological thriller. It was so well done (haven't read the book, nor will I ever, not a fan of Stephen King). The music fitting with the cinematography and creating the mood and overall tension in the film. It's definitely one of the best films I've watched as of late, and I'm glad I finally got around to it.

Andy K (10821 KP) Nov 25, 2018

It is a masterpiece for sure. You should try and find documentary Room 237 which talks a lot about The Shining and how Kubrick filmed the fake moon landing.

The Blacklist  - Season 1
The Blacklist - Season 1
2013 | Action, Drama
FBI action series with a twist
This American crime thriller series focuses on criminal mastermind Raymond Reddington (James Spader) who turns FBI informant; as long as he can work with a particular agent: Elizabeth Keen (Megan Boone.)

Initially the series follows a very episodic nature with Reddington providing info on particular bad guy and the FBI team chasing them down, it’s good fun and nice to the more recent trend of series long arcs. However as the series progresses you get a more ongoing underlying story hinting at why he insists on working with relative FBI rookie Keen and it’s engaging enough to keep coming back for the full 22 episodes of this first season. Some of the CGI especially early on is laughable but I've never let that stop me having a good time.

James Spader at times is amazing and others a tad cringe worthy, while Boone is unremarkable I did like Parminder Naga as agent Malik a lot. Overall entertaining diversion, I will be carrying on with the next season.

Becs (244 KP) rated I Know You Know in Books

Jan 4, 2019  
I Know You Know
I Know You Know
Gilly MacMillan | 2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alright book
I received the audiobook version through a giveaway that Book Riot hosted.

So, anybody that knows me knows that I am not a fan of audio books. Well, I won this one from a giveaway and thought why the heck not. It's a thriller, so I should love it. I'll admit, there were good parts, there were bad parts, and there were parts that made me want to rip my face off.

The speakers were good, they helped with the different voices instead of having one person doing all of the voices. But man, the first half of the "book" was an utter bore that seemed to drag me through the dirt and into the burning pits of hell to rot away. I'm not kidding. I can't say anything on the writing style as it was told to me and not read by me. But from what I could tell, the author seemed like a good writer but just didn't deliver the punch that was needed.

Want to read more? Go to my blog:

Hazel (2934 KP) rated Sleep in Books

Jan 27, 2019  
C.L. Taylor | 2019 | Thriller
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A little gem
What a little gem this is - totally gripping, full of atmosphere, tension and general creepiness all set in the stunning but isolated Scottish island of Rum which creates a sense of trepidation all on its own.

This book can be likened to a classic who-dunnit story - a group of people trapped together in an isolated location with a possible murderer amongst them - it's your job to try and work out who it is from the drips of clues amongst the red herrings provided by the author and I have to give Ms Taylor a round of applause because I didn't figure it out until it was right in my face! and, to be honest, that doesn't happen too often.

Excellent characters - some nice, some not so nice - absolutely perfect setting, great story line and ideal pace makes this a great read and one I have little hesitation in recommending to all psychological thriller lovers out there.

A very big thank you to Avon Books UK via NetGalley for my copy in return for an unbiased review.

David McK (3194 KP) rated Congo in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Michael Crichton | 1980 | Fiction & Poetry
7.1 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
Yet another of [author:Michael Crichton|5194]'s science-thriller turned-into-a-movie novel, in which the movie bears only the slightest resemblance to the source material.

While the basic outline of the plot is the same in both - discovery of the lost city of Zinj in the Congo, expedition to said city that includes a Gorilla taught American Sign Langauge - the particulars of both are different, with the movie (form what I remember - it's been a decade or so since I last saw it) making far more of the exploration of Zinj and the fact that it is guarded by a new breed of vicious gorillas specially bred for the purpose by the original inhabitants than the novel does.

The characters in the novel are also less sympathetic than those in the movie - it's hard to take Tim Curry seriously as a hardened mercenary - while it has, also, aged somewhat due to the reliance on (then) state of the art electronics explained therein - a computer has a whole 256k of memory! Wow!!