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Black Mirror - Season 4
Black Mirror - Season 4
2017 | Sci-Fi
each episode is unique and interesting in their own right (the only slight exception to this rule is the final episode, Black Museum, which makes a few references to those that precede it) (4 more)
humour seems to play a slightly larger role in this season, although do not be fooled!! it's certainly not a lighthearted series
FEMALE LEAD IN EVERY EPISODE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this isn't something that i should have to celebrate but it was really refreshing to be able to watch a series (especially a sci fi series??) with a variety of convincing female characters
incredibly thought provoking and relevant in the modern world
dark, terrifying, heartbreaking, funny and thrilling in equal measures
still being in the honeymoon stage with this season means i'm struggling to find major flaws- some of the concepts were ones i'd considered before (am i just really paranoid???) so did not find them as unique as i could have [cont.] (1 more)
[cont. from above] HOWEVER this made some of them more interesting as i got to see these ideas brought to life and considered from a really interesting perspective!!
black mirror is my favourite show so please do excuse a certain bias here, i am trying to remain neutral!! this season was highly awaited and i watched it all of the way through twice within the first 48 of its release- you might call that dedication but this was very much influenced by being very ill and unable to move (every cloud, eh??) THAT SAID, i would highly recommend watching each episode again after you've seen the series to spot the hints and sinister details that may have slipped by unnoticed the first time round!!
Edgar Allan Poe Complete Tales and Poems
Edgar Allan Poe Complete Tales and Poems
Edgar Allan Poe, Dawn B. Sova | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
9.1 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
A genius of the horror and macabre genre (2 more)
A true inspiration (personal opinion)
Tense and horrifying writing
His lesser work, is obviously lesser (0 more)
Quoth the Raven, Nevermore
If you have read my reviews on the film 'The Raven' and the TV series 'The Following' the you have already read about how I adore Edgar Allan Poe and how he is my biggest inspiration in writing, especially of my Gothic Horror poems.

The poems he has written are chilling, enjoyable and indeed are works of a genius, that some at the time, maybe even still to this day, would call the writings of a mad man. The life of Poe is one filled with tragedy and bewilderment, and he has inspired so many writers across all mediums over the years, and is one of the most famous writers known to man. Almost everyone I have ever met knows, at the very least, the line of 'Quote the Raven, Nevermore' and this is just one of the staples that this man has left throughout history.

His short stories aren't all horror, same as his poems, but it has to be said that his Horror fiction is certainly his best. Though I have not yet read all of his short stories, or even half, the one's that I have read have given me a clear idea that whilst his work remains interesting to read, his horror is by far the most entertaining and thrilling.

Edgar Allan Poe will always remain my biggest inspiration for my writing, and I hope to one day have a collection of writings, that are just as loved as his.
Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (2007)
Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (2007)
2007 | Action, Sci-Fi
Great Action (2 more)
Beautiful Visuals
Great Humour
Doesn't quite entertain as much as the others (1 more)
Too many characters to really care for anyone other than the original cast
Probably my least favourite installment
At World's End is not a bad film, but it's not great either. It's a necessary installment to the franchise to finish of the story of Davey Jones, and to lead the franchise to the latest installment, 'Salazar's Revenge'.

I was excited to see the finale to the Davey Jones chapter of this fantasy film franchise, but was somewhat disappointed to find this film lacking something special, and not quite living up to the previous installments.

The action is thrilling, and the visuals are ever improving with each film, which still makes this film a good addition to the franchise, and I will always watch them as a franchise and leave none unwatched in a marathon of the films. However it would not be a first choice when recommending a pirate film to anyone.

The brilliant cast of the previous two films return, joined by many new faces from the pirates of Singapore to the Pirate Lords of Shipwreck Cove. Some of which are memorable but not all. This is where the film drifts from being as good as it could have been. With so many characters it is hard to care for anyone we haven't already spent two films caring for.

Overall this film will be the one you watch, only if you are having a marathon. It won't be the most memorable of the franchise, but it shouldn't be forgotten.
Blood & Thunder (THIRDS #2)
Blood & Thunder (THIRDS #2)
Charlie Cochet | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Blood & Thunder (THIRDS #2) by Charlie Cochet
Blood and Thunder takes place approximately eight months after Hell & High Water. Dex is now firmly entrenched within Destructive Delta and is continuing his relationship with Sloane, although he does want more than what Sloane is prepared to give. He is patient though, and doesn't push things, especially when he knows that Sloane has no more to give right now. On top of this, they are still hunting for Isaac and putting out the numerous fires that he is starting.

What can I say about this? It's been over a month since I read Hell & High Water but I was immediately immersed back into their world. So much going on, and I loved every thrilling, fast-paced moment of it. Not only do we see more of Sloane and Dex, but we get a couple more hints into Calvin and Hobbs, plus Ash and Cael. It's not all plain sailing for Sloane and Dash though, and my heart broke for both of them, although I did still want to wump Sloane upside the head with his 'official reprimand'. There way many, MANY laugh out loud moments, surprisingly enough involving Dex. I honestly don't think I could cope with him in real life, but as a character, he is brilliant!

This was an exceptionally well written addition to the series, deepening and developing all the characters and their relationships with each other. There were no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed, and the story itself was compelling reading. Absolutely recommended by me.

* Verified Purchase ~ April 2017 *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Poppy War (The Poppy War #1)
The Poppy War (The Poppy War #1)
R.F. Kuang | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fantasy novel that hits close to home
The beauty of this novel is in the way it tonally shifts from one arena to another, leaving you never quite sure where you are and certainly rendering the tale very unpredictable. If there are fantasy tropes here, it's no matter - you won't see them coming nor where they'll crop up.

The opening chapters seem inspired by wuxia novels and the tale of Yim Wing Chun - kung fu practitioners will note a number of references here to their origin tales, as well as some beautiful descriptions of the biomechanics of the art - mixed with Hogwarts. We have the neglected orphan who works hard to achieve her school place and study the fields of combat, lore, medicine and so on. There is an unusual teacher occupying the position of wise sage and there's the handsome rival. So far, so comforting. One can enjoy this fairly cosy ride.

But then there is a distinct undercurrent. It creeps up on you, darker and more earthy than the tone suggests. Just as the students spend their days training for a war that'll never come, we read this schoolyard tale as if the latter half of the book won't come.

It hits with a bombshell, and they just keep coming. Now fiction isn't fiction at all. History is woven through the narrative. We can see the major players and we know how it ends. And yet the deftly woven plot, excellent prose and gripping characters keep us on the edge of our seats.

A phenomenal debut and the start of a thrilling trilogy.
Vanishing Point (Nikki Boyd Files #4)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is my second Nikki Boyd novel and I loved it every bit as much as the last one I read. Ms. Harris is a talented author who knows what to bring to her readers. She blends the heart pounding suspense, the breathtaking twists and the epic chills that make up a perfect suspense novel. The characters she throws into the story really bring it to life, making it play out more like a movie on the big screen than simply a thrilling novel.

Nikki, Garrett and Jordan come together in a wonderfully researched, well thought out novel. This is the back story of Nikki's sister Sarah and what happened to her. Each page turn truly captivated me, wrapping me up in the investigation and the shivering suspense that goes on behind the lines of duty. Throw in to the mix a little romance between two characters, God's unending glory and it rounds it out beautifully.

Ms. Harris takes a topic that isn't easily handled, the disappearance of a loved one, and creates a carefully woven, intricately pieced novel. This book is beyond 5 star worthy, and is one that will be at the top of my recommendation list for many months to come. This book will take you on a highest of high roller coaster ride, twist your gut, squeeze your heart, and the sudden stop at the end.....well, just grab a copy of this book now to see what I'm talking about.
*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell Books and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*

Midge (525 KP) rated The First Cut in Books

Mar 11, 2019  
The First Cut
The First Cut
Ellery A. Kane | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nail-biting & Dark
“The First Cut” is actually the third book in a series called the ‘Doctors of Darkness’, the first book being ‘Daddy Darkest’ and the second is ‘The Hanging Tree’. I don’t think this made much difference to my immense enjoyment of the book as plenty of back-story was provided.

‘Love Doctors’ Ian and Kate Culpepper are brutally murdered in their Carmel mansion on Valentine’s Day. To Ava, its fate because Ian left her for the perfect Kate four years ago. Then they made their home close to Ava, complete with their perfect house and their perfect daughter and their matching perfect smiles. It’s no wonder that Ava can’t stop watching or that she can’t let go…

However, Ian is far from perfect, and Ava owes a debt too, for when they were together, they did an unforgivable thing - a dark deed that severed their marriage in two. Ava’s name is found inked in blood at the crime scene and someone knows what she’s hiding…

Ellery Kane has a very unique writing style that is perfect for this psychological thriller. Many of the characters, especially Ava, were so complex that, at first, it wasn’t easy to work out exactly how they contributed to the story. Eventually, as different aspects of the story were revealed, it all started to come together. This, though, is the foundation for a fantastic psychological thriller.

Overall, “The First Cut” is a sensational and thrilling read with lots of nail-biting and alarming moments that culminate in a fulfilling conclusion.

[Thanks to Hidden Gems and the author Ellery Kane for a free ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.]
One of us is Lying
One of us is Lying
Karen M. McManus | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (41 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love it when the edges of the pages in a book are bright colours! It makes me so happy to find books that look like this, and it automatically makes me want to read the book more. It’s a lovely touch.

However, I feel like the cover could have been better. It definitely doesn’t sell the book with how simplistic it is and I feel that it doesn’t fit the novel too well. This is just my opinion, but for a whodunnit I expected a darker colour scheme for the cover.

I’ve actually never read a whodunnit within the YA genre, and I really feel like it’s a gap that wants covering more.

It did take me a short while to get into the book, but after the first hundred pages, I quickly finished the book within a few hours. It had me gripped with all of the twists and turns.

I was making theories all the way through of who killed Simon, but I wasn’t ever even close to being right. This is so cleverly written that you really have no idea at all until the final few pages.

The characters were definitely realistic. I really liked that there was a real mixture of personalities rather than sticking with just one clichéd group.

The only reason that I can’t get past three stars with this one is just the fact that I almost gave up on it. The start seems to drag a bit and get a bit boring.

Other than that, though, One Of Us Is Lying is really thrilling and mysterious, and definitely worth checking out if you’re looking for something different to read.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Red Dead Redemption 2 in Video Games

Jun 6, 2019  
Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
2018 | Action/Adventure
An incredible achievement in gaming
I must admit that Red Dead Redemption is one of my top games ever, the long awaited sequel was always going to have a lot to live up to. But RDR2 truly builds on the first game in every way.

The game world feels alive. I found myself taking forever to get through the massive story, just because I kept getting distracted by other things going on - so much so that I only finished the story in March (I bought it the previous October on day one).

It took a while to adjust to the controls - I found myself accidentally shooting people I didn't mean to, or punching my horse, which would mor often than not result in my death - but once I had the hang of it, I was hooked.

The story is quite incredible, all of the characters are well fleshed out, to the point that you care about most of them. RDR2 is a prequel story, so you know that the events unfolding are heading towards the first game, but getting there is a thrilling an emotional journey.

The game looks amazing as well, I found myself enjoying the copious amount of horse riding, just to admire the many views and vistas throughout.

The soundtrack is also great - used sparingly until it's needed, resulting in some breathtaking moments.

I can't recommend RDR2 enough, as long as you have the patience to go with it - it's slow burning at times, and it encourages you to fully sit back and take your time exploring this incredibly well crafted world, but the pay off is nothing short of spectacular.
Dunkirk (2017)
Dunkirk (2017)
2017 | Action, History, War
Acting and script work was on point (2 more)
Costume and set design were perfect
Sound design and score kept my heart racing
It’s a brilliant film but it will not lend itself to the smaller screen (0 more)
Kept my heart racing from beginning to end
Dunkirk is a thrilling film that deserves the Oscar nomination that it has. Nolan has created a masterpiece using time and music to create an intensity that I have never felt before as a movie goer. The film used similar events at different times to mirror one another elegantly.
My heart was always in my throat. I cared about the characters and had a strong connection to the story. I am not a nationalist kind of person by any means, and this film made me ever so proud to be British. With stunning performances from this amazing cast, which made it a group performance without any star or lead actor.
Dunkirk handles the topics of war, death and desperation perfectly and with no nods to Germany or to anything related to the German socialist group. By making the film all about the British characters point of view and removing the name and enemy out of view was a beautiful decision. By this point in time we know about the world wars in depthly and there are many films that talk about it. But this is the first film that doesn’t harp on about the Germans being evil. It was a gorgeous film and one I wish I could see in cinema again, as it’s sound design and cinematography deserved a larger screen.