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Perfect Remains: A Gripping Thriller That Will Leave You Breathless
Perfect Remains: A Gripping Thriller That Will Leave You Breathless
Helen Fields | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Very good, gripping crime novel based in Edinburgh. Recently arrived French detective Luc Callanach finds himself at the wheel of the force's biggest crime, while still trying to find his feet in his new city.
As the reader is made aware of the "murderer"'s identity from very early on, this feels more like an early Mark Billingham book than an Ian Rankin or Ed James. Not a true whodunit, more of a case of watching the story unfold, which is thrilling and you get to see the criminal and the detective's view of the events, but may put others off.
While the story is very well crafted, the pacing is top notch and the action exciting, a few aspects irritated me at times. Luc Callanach seems to have coped very well with his change in circumstances, and at times it is almost like he (or the author) has forgotten he is French completely! And also the attitude and conclusions of what was supposed to be a very experienced psychological profiler just didn't feel plausible. And finally, as so often happens with "detective x crime series" books - if the main character didn't see it, it didn't happen. This means that Callanach has to abandon his massive case and oddly decide to go off with another detective in order to discuss something, purely as a plot device - i.e. he has to be involved in it for it to be an important part of the story. In places this worked, and got to the point, but at other times his actions just seemed so unusual as to be ludicrous, just to meet a plot point. Why the lesser characters can't have a PoV chapter is beyond me. It works perfectly well in fantasy fiction, why not in crime?!
 However these were minor quibbles, an otherwise great book.
The Anomaly
The Anomaly
Michael Rutger | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
7.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not what I thought, but it was ok
What was enjoyable about this book was it could be a movie. Imagery in the book was pictured clearly and the plot was good enough to make you think ‘This should be a movie’

The plot was all right. It’s enjoyable and makes for quick reading. It’s not overly complicated and the action scenes provide a good thrill here and there. It flowed and kept things interesting, however around the midway mark of the book things slow down and not much happens. Things do pick up quickly in the latter half. I didn’t expect the outcome to turn out as it is. I was looking forward to more of a plot like the movie “The Descent” with more thrills and horror. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case.

The characters on the other hand, don’t have much to them. They’re pretty much flat and are just there to keep the story going. Although I admit I rather liked Ken throughout the book. He was brash and hotheaded. Everything was either a complaint or an insult which made him stand out from the others. Although Nolan was the ‘leader’ in this group there really wasn’t much to him. There was a small background story to Nolan to give him more substance but it really isn’t much.

There’s a lot of intrigue and some bits of thrilling scenes to enjoy, some mystery in the end but overall I can’t really say it’s something I would gush about. Perhaps because I was expecting this to be more of a horror than anything else. Which is too bad, it had potential to be better but it fell short. I’d say take it or leave it. There’s no regrets reading it but don’t expect it to be gripping and exciting. It’s...meh.
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019)
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy
A pretty solid sequel
Contains spoilers, click to show
The first Maleficent is a film that could quite easily be a one and done type deal. It doesn't particularly need a sequel, but diving back into this world is huge heaps of fun.

The narrative is a little faffy to begin with, as it establishes the story, introducing us to new characters, and re-introducing us to others.
But once it gets going, it easily manages to re capture everything that was good about the first film.
Angelina Jolie, Elle Fanning, and Sam Riley are Greta as they were before, and newer characters played by the likes of Warwick Davis, Ed Skrein, Robert Lindsay, and Chiwetel Ejiofor all have their place and fit alongside everyone else nicely.
Michelle Pfeiffer is also a fun villain , starting off as a thorn in the side and evolving into full mad queen by the end.

The expiration of the larger world surrounding Maleficent is a nice route to take for the most part. There are some pacing issues around the mid section, and sometimes it feels like Maleficent is sidelined in favour of other it strands.
These are minor annoyances though, as the film heads towards it's hugely entertaining finale.
The third act is fantastic. The action is thrilling, the visuals are stunning, and the stakes actually feel quite high. It plays out at times like a PG version of The Red Wedding!

The CGI throughout is top quality, and much like the first, the various settings seen throughout feel fully realised and vivid.

Mistress of Evil is a sequel that perhaps didn't need to happen, but I'm glad that it did, and the two films together stand head and shoulders above any other live action adaption that Disney have put out in recent years.
The Possession (The Anomaly Files #2)
The Possession (The Anomaly Files #2)
Michael Rutger | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Mystery, Paranormal, Thriller
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great follow on from the previous book (1 more)
Don't have to have read the previous book
For the fans of Coast to Coast AM etc
When I reviewed Michael Rutger's previous novel; The Anomaly I said that this was a novel for those of us who love the strange paranormal, supernatural woo woo of things like Fortean Times magazine, Coast to Coast AM, Astonishing Legends and Lore and I am going to say the same thing for The Possession. The title lets it down a little. This isn't some girl gets possessed by a daemon and gets exorcised run of the mill story, Rutger is far more interesting than that.
The story centres round the Berkeley Mystery Walls, strange walls in California that are ancient and don't seem to be marking territory and whom no one knows who built them and what their purpose is, and the disappearance of a girl. Nolan Moore and his Anomaly Files crew turn up to investigate and things start getting more and more strange, creepy and out of this world as they go along.
Do you have to have read the previous book to get any of this? Not at all, you can jump straight into this as a separate story although after reading the Anomaly I was really keen to get The Possession and I wasn't disappointed. It is a tense thrilling hell ride from start to finish with no simple answers and solutions, just the great characters from the first book back bumbling through as best they can to try and save the world. Its great fun, full of well researched strange events and massive adventure. Its refreshing to have a voice in horror that throws away the cliches and instead makes a modern story entirely of their own. Lets hope there are many more novels to come.
The Nightlife: New York (The Nightlife #1)
The Nightlife: New York (The Nightlife #1)
Travis Luedke | 2012 | Contemporary, Erotica, Paranormal, Romance
6.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
When Aaron sees a beautiful woman being shaken down by two corrupt cops on the streets of New York he steps in to try to help her. But Michelle does not need his help and is well able to deal with the police. However in the fracas Aaron is accidentally shot and fatally wounded. Michelle feels guilty and feels she has to save his life the only way she can - by turning him into what she is. A vampire.

Michelle teaches Aaron about his superhuman powers and how he has to live now but there is trouble brewing as Aaron comes to terms with his new life, the control Michelle has over him and letting go his old existence, the two corrupt police officers are determined to track Michelle down and make her pay.

Along the way there is plenty of sex. Vampires have always been sexy and the recent romantic resurgence of vampires has only emphasised this. Luedke takes this one step further. Vampire bites induce sexual arousal in their victims and Michelle teaches Aaron to use this with care, except when they are together when they are able to withstand each other's bites.

It would have been easy for the sex scenes to overwhelm the book but Luedke manages to keep everything as an integral part of the plot which evolves neatly throughout the course of the book as the various plot strands come together.

There are some terrific action scenes too with the vampires' hightened abilities resulting in some sequences that reminded me of The Matrix complete with 'bullet time'.

So if you want your vampires sexy and powerful and your stories thrilling and full of action this is the story for you.

Rated: Scenes of sex and violence. Frequent swearing.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated The Descent (2005) in Movies

Nov 23, 2019 (Updated Nov 23, 2019)  
The Descent (2005)
The Descent (2005)
2005 | Horror
I remember first watching The Descent not long after it came out. I was in my late teens and it was smack bang in the middle of a weird time for horror, where there was just a lot of dross being fired out every other week.

The Descent was a breath of fresh air in that respect. The set up hooks you in almost immediately, with an familiar yet effective tragedy strikes Sarah, one of our heroines. A while later, a group of friends manage convince Sarah to join them on a vacation in North Carolina, where they plan to explore an underground cave system.
You know how these things go by now - everything goes wrong and before long, the group are fighting to survive.
The thing is, it takes a while for the Descent to show it's true hand when it comes to anything other worldly. It's effectively scary before any monsters show up, using extreme claustrophobia, and low visibility to throw the viewer into the tense unknown.
The first time you see a monster made me jump out of my seat, and jump scares don't get me very often. From there in out, the movie shifts from subtle horror, to all out terror and panic. It's all pretty thrilling.
The all female cast are great. They feel real and relatable, and sell the situation perfectly.
It's Neil Marshall showing that he does know what he's doing in his otherwise mixed bag of a back catalogue.

Some of the effects used are looking pretty dated by this point, but it's not enough to detract from an otherwise positive horror experience, and of course, that ending... (I believe it was changed for US audiences). It's bleak and ballsy and adds a cherry on top. Definitely worth seeking out the unchanged version if you like horror!
Show all 4 comments.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) Nov 24, 2019

@sarah I haven't actually seen the sequel. Not sure if I want to!


365Flicks (235 KP) Nov 24, 2019

I interviewed Craig Conway who played the main cave dweller and is best mates with Neil Marshall about this flick... such an amazing guy. Just makes me love the flick even more

The Roswell Conspiracy
The Roswell Conspiracy
Boyd Morrison | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
In his previous novels Boyd Morrison has shown that he is able to take historical legends that have incredible elements - Noah's Ark, King Midas turning everything into gold - and not only spinning a thrilling plot around them but also providing explanations for these that just might be plausible. This is helped by his no-nonsense leading character of engineer Tyler Locke.

In this third Tyler Locke novel Morrison tackles something a little less mythological but no less bizarre. With his own take on events at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 and tying in the Tunguska explosion in Siberia in 1908 he manages to provide an explanation that just might be possible. Throwing in Russian rogue agents and a plot to wreck the infrastructure of the USA means that Locke must keep his wits about him to escape from plenty of attempts to stop him discovering the truth.

There are the typical aderenaline fuelled chases and technological wonders around the world as expected and the addition of two feisty female leads adds some spice. Tyler's electrical engineer friend Grant also gets to shine as he and Tyler split up to pursue different leads.

As usual the writing is very effective, the action scenes cracking along and the plot driven against the clock. Although the bones of the plot are clear early on the details must still be pieced together and Locke's opponents are ruthless in pursuit of their goals.

The pace does lag at times as there is a lot of exposition to get through at various points to explain the actions of both heroes and villians but given the sheer complexity of what Morrison acheives in joining so many global events together this is understandable.

Morrison is definitely my favourite adventure/thriller author and this book shows why that is.
Spirit Legacy (The Gateway Trilogy #1)
Spirit Legacy (The Gateway Trilogy #1)
E. E. Holmes | 2019 | Horror, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
“The Gateway is open...”

These cryptic words wake college student Jess Ballard from a terrifying dream into an even more terrifying reality. Jess' life has never been what anyone would call easy; doing damage control in the wake of your nomadic, alcoholic mother doesn't exactly make for a storybook childhood. But now her world has fallen apart just when it should be coming together: her mother gone—dead under mysterious circumstances; her life uprooted to stay with estranged relatives she’s never met; and there’s something odd about some of the people she’s been meeting at school:

They’re dead.

Aided by Tia, her neurotic roommate, and Dr. David Pierce, a ghost-hunting professor, Jess must unravel the mystery behind her hauntings. But the closer she gets to the truth, the more danger shadows her every move. An ancient secret, long-buried, is about to claw its way to the surface, and nothing can prepare Jess for one terrifying truth...

...her encounters with the world of the dead are only just beginning.

Spirit Legacy is the first of three thrilling novels in The Gateway Trilogy by E.E. Holmes.

I really enjoyed this book! It popped up on Facebook recommend by a friend. I'm glad I went with it. A touch of ghost whispering mixed with college like. Jess not only loses her mum the has to live with an aunt she doesn't know while starting a new college but she also gets landed with spirits and a twin sister she knew nothing about! This could easily have turned into one of those whiney teen books but it was far from it and Jess being a character you can get along with.

A Window Breaks
A Window Breaks
C. M. Ewan | 2020 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dripping with tension and atmosphere
Well, that certainly was a page-turner with non-stop action from the sound of breaking glass to the sickening crack of metal against bone.

Tom, his wife, Rachel, and their daughter, Holly, have been through it. First their teenage son, Michael, and his girlfriend, Fiona, die in a road traffic collision when Michael was driving and if that wasn't bad enough, Holly is viciously attacked by a mugger. What's needed is for them to getaway and take Tom's boss up on his offer of time away at his secluded and secure lodge in Scotland ... what could possibly go wrong?

Written mainly from Tom's perspective, we are taken on a thrilling journey of survival; we are lulled into a false sense of security when Tom and his family arrive at the lodge but are quickly plunged into a nightmare when they are awoken by the sound of someone walking on broken glass. When Tom goes to investigate, what he sees makes his heart drop to his toes and so it begins 😰

Tom's voice is a breath of fresh air because he is not your usual macho Bear Grylls hero, he is a "normal" husband and father ... vulnerable, fearful and afraid but determined to protect his family despite not being particularly brave, strong or fit ... this made him more real somehow and because of this, you are never quite sure how this was going to end.

With an easy to read, flowing style, this book is dripping with tension and atmosphere with many hold-your-breath moments that had me gripped and eagerly flipping my Kindle® ... I couldn't read fast enough.

Recommended reading for action/thriller/suspense lovers.

Many thanks to Pan Macmillan and NetGalley for my advance copy in return for an honest review.