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Marvel Masterworks: The Uncanny X-Men, Vol. 4
Marvel Masterworks: The Uncanny X-Men, Vol. 4
Chris Claremont | 2012 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a hella good tine, re-reading issues I have not read since they first came out in the 70s! As I immersed myself, it was actually thrilling me to remember how good the team of [Chris] Claremont, [John] Byrne and [Terry] Austin were together. Each subsequent showed the art team developing it's own style, becoming more comfortable with the characters, each set of pencils and inks that much tighter!

One thing I definitely noticed, and did not think about altogether until my wife and I started rewatching FIREFLY, was how Wolverine/Logan was like the Jayne Cobb of the X-Men. Serious similarities! Even down to how both characters would have barbs toward their respective leaders (Jayne/Mal; Wolverine/Cry-clops), but when it came down to it, both were pretty good at fighting/backing up the team.

One other observation.. I did not realize how "politically incorrect" some of the early characters were. For example, a member of Alpha Force, "the Canadian X-Men, was Michael Twoyoungmen (codename: Shaman). That is probably the WORST Native American name EVER! I am surprised they have not tried to retcon his real name! Then again, now that I think about it, I can't recall the last time any of the Alpha Flight team members were mentioned in last 10 years, other than Northstar! I wonder if that had anything to do with it.

Overall. it's good run of X-Men stories. Yeah, many times the dialogue will seem corny AF, but the overall story is what really matters, and at the end, that will really be what matters! Check it out, or miss it, but I think you will be sorry if you overlook it...
The Killables. Gemma Malley
The Killables. Gemma Malley
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I first discovered Gemma Malley thanks to my close friend several years ago. I remember loving her books and was so upset when the sequel to the book I'd read had not been released. I'm planning on reading that book soon...

So, the plot. Evie thinks she's evil, doomed to be reconditioned. She has dreams that must be caused by her evilness, and even meets up secretly with her matched one's brother.

The city Evie lives in is supposed to be safe, with no evil. But when her lover, Raffy, is destined to become a K, Evie knows something is wrong. His brother, Lucas, who once seemed so harsh and cold, is now the one helping Evie and Raffy escape. What if everything she had thought about him was wrong?

Beyond the city walls, Raffy and Evie meet Linus. He reveals the truth about the New Baptism, about the effects of the operation - how removing the amygdala does not only remove evil but humanity itself. They devise a plan to overcome the System as it is and return it to its original design.

I love the plot of this, and it's fantastically written. It's exciting and unexpected and really easy to read. But the love triangle... Why... Why does every YA book have one?! Why can't Evie just be in love with one brother and leave it at that?! Meh.

I am soon to read the rest of this trilogy, and will be posting my reviews on those too. But I do really like Gemma Malley, and would certainly recommend reading some of her books.

As for this particular novel, I'm going to rate it 4 stars out of 5. Exciting and thrilling, but not perfect.
Audience/ Reading Level: 18+

Interests: Kidnapping, Sexual Assault, Heartbreak, Depression, and Murder.

Point of View: Third Person

Insights: When I first picked this eBook up, I was surprised by the style of read this was. It honestly wasn’t anything like I expected it to be. I was expecting a more romance/erotica feel of things, but this read more as a thriller. There were quite a few grammatical errors and the overall story was alright, but I wouldn’t reread it again and actually deleted it off my kindle once I finished it. It was fast-paced for me, almost too fast-paced. Causing parts of this series to be written in a very juvenile way and in turn, that made it just plain hard to read.

Will I reread? No. But that’s just because it wasn’t an appealing storyline worth a reread. Do I recommend? I mean, if you like cheesy written thriller’s that are just average. Then sure, read it.

Favorite Quotes: “He was supposed to shoot for the stars, not me…”

“Have you ever felt so carefree about something that you just forget that time affects your every action and you feel okay with losing all of it.”

○ interested in its physical book
○/● a continuous read / page-turner
○ diverse in any way
● something’s lacking
○ took me a long time to finish
○ an LMAO read
○ I laughed more than a few times
● it’s j u s t awkward
○ gave me goosebumps
○ one of the best books I’ve read
○ painful & sad
○ tear-jerker
○ a roller-coaster of emotions
○ thrilling
● confusing
○ sooo relatable
● it is kind of annoying
○ it has a lot of flashbacks
○ it moved me
○ would recommend!
○ great even for a reread
○ definitely a YAY
○ I’m sorry it’s a NAY
● it’s between YAY and NAY
Audience/ Reading Level: 18+

Interests: Erotica, Romance, BDSM, Virginity, High School, Internet Dating, Money for Sex.

Point of View: Third Person

Insights: Okay, I’m going to be a little salty about this series. But, there were grammatical errors littered throughout the entirety of the novels. THIS MAKES IT SO HARD TO READ. The characters were developed very poorly and the ending just came abruptly. Like it was legit the stupidest and most horrific ending you could ever think of. As a reader, it almost seemed like the author (no offense Jacey) just got too busy to really put any care into the ending. It. Literally. Ended. Like. This. Not the greatest and nothing really special that’s different from other writers.

Will I reread? I think not satan. Honestly, the story seems either like it shouldn’t have been written or that it should have had an entirely different plotline. Do I recommend? This is a hard one because I want too. To help an author out. But I just can’t.

Favorite Quotes: “She was the hundred thousand dollar girl, and she was untouchable.”

“Because I don’t want to be one of those sorts of girls.”

○ interested in its physical book
○ a continuous read / page-turner
○ diverse in any way
● something’s lacking
○ took me a long time to finish
○ an LMAO read
○ I laughed more than a few times
● it’s j u s t awkward
○ gave me goosebumps
○ one of the best books I’ve read
○ painful & sad
○ tear-jerker
○ a roller-coaster of emotions
○ thrilling
● confusing
○ sooo relatable
● it is kind of annoying
○ it has a lot of flashbacks
○ it moved me
○ would recommend!
○ great even for a reread
○ definitely a YAY
● I’m sorry it’s a NAY
○ it’s between YAY and NAY
    Tales of Thorn

    Tales of Thorn


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    An action-packed role-playing mobile game powered by Unity 3D, Tales of Thorn takes handheld gaming...

    Ultimate Tennis

    Ultimate Tennis

    Games and Sports

    (0 Ratings) Rate It


    Ultimate Tennis is the most complete mobile tennis game ever! Enjoy thrilling gameplay, beautiful...

Thor: The Dark World (2013)
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
2013 | Action, Sci-Fi
The second Thor movie is a visual representation of the word "meh". It has all the right ingredients, but somehow manages to fall flat.

The general plot is an issue. It's not a terrible narrative, but it's the kind of bloated fantasy stuff you would find in an early 2000s superhero movie, not a franchise that is eight films in and includes The Avengers.
The only purpose it serves in the grand scheme of things is the introduction of another Infinity Stone. Other than that it's just stuffed with exposition and kind of bland.
Another issue is, you guess it, the villain. Malekith isn't necessarily a bad choice for the movies antagonist, but his execution feels inconsequential and boring. Christopher Eccleston does the best with what he has but the stakes never feel high with this guy, although I do enjoy his comic- accurate appearance from the halfway mark.

Visually, The Dark World looks great. The CGI is pretty decent, the locations such as Asgard are just as well realised as the first film. Returning cast members include Tom Hiddleston, Anthony Hopkins, Stellan Skarsgård, Rene Russo, Kat Dennings, Idris Elba and Natalie Portman, as well as the always awesome Chris Hemsworth. Nothing wrong here, although I do feel that Lady Sif and The Warriors Three are wasted this time around.

The final set piece is pretty damn entertaining to be fair, and borders on suitable comic-book absurdity at points. The attack on Asgard by the Dark Elves is also pretty thrilling, but everything else is a little so so.

I still like Thor: The Dark World for what it's worth, it's just a little by the numbers and uninspired, and is probably my least favourite of the MCU movies to date.