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State of Lies
State of Lies
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let’s just start with the first chapter in this book. Can I say WOW?. Siri Mitchell gives us one of the best first chapters I have ever read before. It grabbed my attention as nothing else has in a long time. I picked it up to read when I only had a few minutes and boy was that a mistake. I could not stop thinking about the story and what was going to happen next.

In the first chapter, I got introduced to some of the intrigue, relationships, and mystery that Siri Mitchell weaves with great skill. It made me think in what-if scenarios (i.e. what if I was in Georgie’s or Sean's shoes?). As I picked it up to finish the story, the book continued to unfold much like that first chapter. I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN. It was such a thrilling ride to figure out how all the clues fit together and seeing the ending. I mean Wow. This book left me giddy smiling to the point my husband asked me what was wrong. I, of course, had to explain the plot and told him he really would only understand if he read the book.

The whole book flowed at a believable rate, not rushing, but letting you get a feel for the thoughts and emotions of the characters. After reading the first chapter I was hooked. The rest of the book kept that same momentum for me, and I highly recommend reading this book. I give this book a 5 out of 5 Stars (If I could give more I would), for the great attention-grabbing first chapter, how Siri Mitchell weaved in a military/political/mystery/romance with such easy, and for the strength of the characters in not giving up in the face of overwhelming odds. Thanks for the wonderful read.

I received this book from Celebration Lit in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.