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Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Dilemma in Books

Jul 2, 2020  
The Dilemma
The Dilemma
B. A. Paris | 2020 | Thriller
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Livia became pregnant when she was seventeen and her wealthy but distant parents basically disowned her. As such, she's always dreamed of having a giant party of her own. Now she's turning forty and finally having the lavish party she's always longed for. Her husband Adam and eldest child, Josh, will be there, but her younger daughter Marnie, who is studying in Hong Kong, will miss the celebration. And, secretly, Livia is relieved--something she hasn't even told Adam. Adam, meanwhile, just wants it all to go well for Livia. He has his own surprise planned, until he learns something terrible that will change everything.

"What I hate most is that my need for this party came from my parents. If I'd been able to have the wedding they promised me, I wouldn't have become obsessed with having my own special day."

Well, I can say one thing about this book: it's really readable. I flew through it in one day. Now, did I enjoy it? That's something entirely different. The plot is based on a preposterous web of lies and secrets that I don't think any couple would actually keep from one another. Not to mention that Livia is just ridiculous in her desire for this elaborate party, which we learn she has truly been dreaming about and planning for twenty freaking years. Seriously, lady?

Both Livia and Adam make insane decisions in the name of their secrets, but Livia's "secret"--which is actually just her being crazy yet again and overreacting to life--pales in comparison to Adam's, so it's impossible to take her seriously about anything. Meanwhile, you just want to shake Adam, tell him it's a stupid party, and get it together. Man up, tell your wife, and let's go. None--none of this--is necessary!

Honestly, while I kept turning the pages because a) I hoped someone would grow up and make a smart decision and b) I was wishing things would turn out differently, this book was stressful. It was hard to read, emotional, and tense (and not in a good, thrilling way). The whole story has an "ick" factor to it. While it was a quick read, it's not one I really recommend. 2 stars.
S.T.A.G.S (S.T.A.G.S, #1)
S.T.A.G.S (S.T.A.G.S, #1)
M.A. Bennett | 2017 | Mystery, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’ve heard a lot of good things about this book, and it really didn’t disappoint.
It starts off with us finding out that the narrator, Greer, is just starting at a new and extremely prestigious school called St Aidan the Great School or S.T.A.G.S. for short. We find out that Greer was lucky enough to win a scholarship for the school and took it so that her dad (a wildlife cameraman) could go to Chile to film in bat caves instead of turning the job down as he had been doing previously. Things aren’t plain sailing for Greer though, as she finds that the other students (including her roommate) aren’t the most welcoming or friendly, and as a result of this spends the first term quite lonely and keeping herself to herself. That is until she gets an invitation pushed under her door, and it’s an invitation that will change her life forever. The invitation comes from the most popular group in the school, who also happen to be the prefects or the “Medievals”. Pleased to finally have a chance at friendship, and with her roommates persuasion that it means she will become a Medieval next year, Greer takes up the invitation to spend three days at the country house of one of the most popular boys at school.
When Greer arrives, she is surprised to find two other people have also been invited and is surprised since she thought the Medievals disliked them as much as she’d thought they disliked her. What then follows is three days of hunting, shooting and fishing. And also three days of “accidents” and the three “unpopular” students teaming up against the six Medievals.
This book was thrilling from start to finish, and one of those books that you really don’t want to end because you are enjoying it so much. I enjoyed that Greer referenced movies so much, as the two main passions in my own life are books and films. With each film she referenced, it solidified the picture in my mind of the scene that was going on around her.
A definite 5 stars from me! And I cannot wait to read the sequels!

Rob Halford recommended Paranoid by Black Sabbath in Music (curated)

Paranoid by Black Sabbath
Paranoid by Black Sabbath
1970 | Metal, Rock
9.0 (7 Ratings)
Album Favorite

""I chose this one because it has 'War Pigs'. It's quintessentially Sabbath even now. They have to play those songs because they are the ones that say everything about that band. Tony [Iommi, guitarist] has said that they were in and out in a few hours when they were making those first records, and this was a pretty quick follow-up. He's a riff master. It's just riffs. It's the essence and the purity of Sabbath that I love, and on this record they really nail it. If somebody were to ask me about Sabbath, what they represent and what they've done, I'd tell them to just go and listen to this record because it encapsulates them so well. They were a Birmingham band too and I think it just shows that a lot of bands from that Midlands region were very prolific. There was a lot of activity going on in and around the Birmingham area. I've always said that the Beatles were responsible for breaking the wall around London down, because before them there was this idea that you had to be from London to be successful. But them being from Liverpool and then later bands like Sabbath from Birmingham sent a message that it wasn't the case and I think that's great. The way that the scene was in Birmingham at that time, we had a fabulous club called Mothers where everybody played. I saw everyone play there: Cream, Sabbath, Pink Floyd. It made Birmingham a real hotbed outside of London for that style of music. We were friends with Sabbath, and I've always considered them to be the inventors of the heavy metal sound. We knew each other and for them to suddenly have this massive impact with this record and be on the radio and in the NME was thrilling. It was before the internet so it took time to get the word out but that made it more exciting to watch for me. When they went to America we were in awe of them because everyone wanted to go to America. Of course we did a few years later, but that was only because of this heavy metal sound that they were responsible for."
