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Disavow (Underworld Kings)
Disavow (Underworld Kings)
Bella Di Corte | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thrilling and intense!

I am loving this work of fiction with underlying nuggets of facts spread throughout. The intricacies of relationships, loyalty and duties. This on top of amnesia, with deadly punishment for those who show disobedience, is a bit of a rollercoaster that's for sure.

Written as a standalone disavow is brilliant, romantic and suspenseful. It's part of a multi-auther series that is independently written.....what a cool way to keep things fresh and interesting.

Rosalia is our strong, female lead......she's also the one with amnesia. I really like how she has been described and portrayed. I feel for her and had my fingers crossed all the way through for her. The way she's facing so many problems head on and showing inner strength is awesome.

Becs (244 KP) rated Warrior Protect in Books

Sep 24, 2018  
Warrior Protect
Warrior Protect
Brie Farmer | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cade. (5 more)
The story as a whole.
The cover.
The plot
There were a few grammatical and editing errors. (0 more)
A fun and thrilling read that will leave you wanting more.
I received a read and review copy of Warrior Protect by Brie Farmer from the author herself for my full honest opinion.

This is the second novel I have read by Brie Farmer and when I say you need to check her out, I mean you need to drop everything and check her out now. She is a great writer and I absolutely loved her debut novel. Now, I can add another great book to my loved list. So let's talk about everything I loved.

Warrior Protect was a thrilling and very engaging read that had me going through all of my emotions. Guys, I cried... I actually cried and I haven't cried over a book in a very long time. I'm not emotional, you are! That's how you know a book is good. If you cry, if you get angry, if you get overwhelmed with emotions, the books is good and worth a million rereads. I'm not kidding. Everybody needs to read this.

I loved how relatable the female MC was and man, the male MC sounds very attractive. Who needs a husband when you can have all the book boyfriends. ;) The love that was felt, the anger that caused blood to spill, the happiness that resulted in friendship. It was all amazing to read and Brie Farmer did a wonderful job portraying it in a way that brought the reader into the story. There were a few grammatical and editing errors, but this was still a four-star read!
A Certain Threat (Merriman Chronicles #1)
A Certain Threat (Merriman Chronicles #1)
Roger Burnage | 2012 | History & Politics, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Set at the end of the 18th Century just before the Napoleonic Wars, this follows the exploits of Lietenant Merriman. Injured in a battle with Barbary pirates he is given leave and returns to his family's home near Chester. He learns of a gang of smuggers who have taken a Customs ship. Before long he is summoned back to London and given command of his own ship to investigate this theft and also rumours of Irish and French involvement.

What follows is a cracking story that combines Naval adventure in the age of sail with investigation into the mystery around the loss of the Custom ship. Merriman is a strong lead character, a capable officer who looks after his men as best he can at a time when the navy was hard and brutal work, with many seamen ending up dead or injured on even the most routine missions. He is also relentless and imaginative, using the information and resources at his disposal to maximum effect to uncover the true purpose of the smugglers.

Burnage shows tremendous ability in his writing. The tone and dialogue feel very authentic, the characters well drawn and memorable. Every scene drives the plot forward or builds Merriman's character and there is a real sense of momentum and drama in the story. The descriptions of the naval encounters are a real highlight, exciting but clearly showing the danger that existed at the time, as well as the skill required by every member of the crew to ensure victory in any engagement.

Overall this was a terrific book and I would recommend it to readers of any age as a thrilling story. An easy 5 stars and an introduction to what promises to be a thrilling series.
    Hopeless 2: Cave Escape

    Hopeless 2: Cave Escape

    Games, Entertainment and Stickers

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    Welcome to the new and improved Hopeless 2: Cave Escape! The blobs are back! Do you have what it...

    Agent Alice

    Agent Alice


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    AN ALL-NEW HIDDEN OBJECT ADVENTURE GAME Join Special Agent Alice Wallace, and dive into a whole new...

Take Me With You
Take Me With You
Nina G. Jones | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Relatable characters (2 more)
Dark, intense thriller
Almost no stagnant "filler" parts
Makes you want to know what happens after the book ends (0 more)
Great serial killer novel! Gotta love The Crazies!
This was a difficult book to put down. It has a great mix of features that makes an intense story; deep character development, detailed world building (but not too detailed because, you know, imagination), interesting backstories, mysteries, horror, a little (very little) humor, psychologically thrilling and it sticks with you for a time after the last page. This is the type of novel to read when you are sick of the typical happy-go-lucky, boy-meets-girl romance and you're looking for something dark but not too dark. On a darkness scale between Christian Grey and Black Sabbath, I'd give this a solid M. Night Shyamalan. (Whatever that means)