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Tyondai Braxton recommended Beautiful Rewind by Four Tet in Music (curated)

Beautiful Rewind by Four Tet
Beautiful Rewind by Four Tet
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"So much nuance but he always has clarity in all of his music. Kieran's at the top of his game. He's such an interesting producer. Everything he does has this clarity and it seems very simple. But it's not, he has such a highly sophisticated sense of what should go where. You feel like he really understands the world that he's created for himself and works in. So you just hear him having fun and placing things around and you inherently trust him with whatever he does. It's like a new journey every time. Honestly, what I say about Beautiful Rewind could probably be applied to a bunch of his records. That's the kind of thrilling thing with him. He's the master of his domain and it's exciting to hear him play inside of that sandbox. Such a fun record. Fun can mean a lot of different things and it hits you in a lot of different ways. But it's enjoyable to get into something steady, that's the pulse of his tracks that are dance orientated. The production of it and just the way that he thinks keeps your mind spinning. So it's always fun unpacking what he's presented."

S.W.A.T. (2003)
S.W.A.T. (2003)
2003 | Action, Mystery
Surprisingly Thrilling
I'm honestly surprised at how much I liked this film. I think the cast is phenomenal - I'm partial to anything Michelle Rodriguez is in - and I love Samual L. Jackson, Jeremy Renner, L.L Cool J, Colin Farrell, they were all great.

I think what surprised me the most was the dynamic between all the characters. It felt very effortless and natural, I don't think it was hard for them to get along, at least it didn't seem like it. And I think that they played friends to enemies to disappointed counterparts really well - specifically Renner and Farrell. They're both really strong actors and the subtleties they provided both their characters was really phenomenal.

I also loved seeing Jeremy in a different kind of role. I feel like we're partial to seeing him as Hawkeye, the Avenger, the hero, and this movie allowed him to be seen as something different. Granted it came out before the Avengers was ever probably a concept, but the point still stands. Also, the earrings. Loved those on him. But that's a minor detail.

Anyways! I really liked this film. Definitely worth the watch and not just a generic action film.
Peaky Blinders  - Season 1
Peaky Blinders - Season 1
2013 | Drama
Brutally brilliant
I've so far managed to avoid the hype around Peaky Blinders over the past few years, but now the 5th series has just started, I've finally decided to give in to curiosity and give it a go. And I'm really glad I did.

This is such a wonderful show, and is mainly thanks to the brilliant performances from a rather impressive cast. Most notably of course is Cillian Murphy, who puts in a truly stellar performance as Tommy Shelby. He's charming and threatening all in one go and it works well that the series focuses mainly on him.

The plot itself is thrilling, brutal, in parts funny and paced very well - it switches from action to dialogue to tense or heartwarming moments very deftly, and the episodes and entire series are just the right length. I was never bored, and the cliffhanger ending made me want to watch more straight away. My only issue is that I struggled with some of the accents, and I'm still not a fan of Annabelle Wallis. And the passage of time throughout the series seems a little inconsistent.