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    Swisscom Roaming Guide

    Swisscom Roaming Guide

    Travel and Reference

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    With the Roaming Guide from Swisscom, you're always well-informed when you are abroad. The app...


April King (2 KP) rated Instagram in Apps

Sep 8, 2018  
Communication, Photo & Video, Social Networking
8.2 (364 Ratings)
App Rating
A place to escape
Instagram is a good place to escape for a bit with nice pictures and videos of travel and fun things to do all over the world, or just a nice place to keep up with your friends or favorite celebrities. It's got a little bit for everyone and is pretty user friendly. You can add your own pictures or 60 second videos to your timeline or you can even add to a story in real-time. If you want to interact on the spot there is also a live feature. It's a great app for everyone.
The Year of Living Dangerously (1983)
The Year of Living Dangerously (1983)
1983 | Drama
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The Year of Living Dangerously. We had that VHS. I saw it the first time, actually, when it came out in the theater. It had Mel Gibson in it, so I thought it was gonna be an action movie. I was really disappointed. But I couldn’t stop thinking about it. And I got the VHS and I started watching it. There’s something about Linda Hunt’s performance, you know? “What then must we do?” Travel and mysticism and romance is at the heart of that movie. And there are images in that movie that will stay with you your whole life."

Back to the Future (1985)
Back to the Future (1985)
1985 | Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi

"This one. A nostalgia that will never go away. I went back and forth between this, and BIG with Tom Hanks but I ultimately chose this film for sheer entertainment, and for how outlandish the story is, and just how much fun the whole thing is. I saw it recently again, and it just doesn’t date. Michael J Fox, who I loved already from Family Ties, was the coolest thing on two heels for me. I just wanted to be him. The DeLorean. Doc Brown. Time Travel. A bit of young love. All these things played out with such light. A true classic."
