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    Sri Lanka Trains

    Sri Lanka Trains

    Travel and Productivity

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    Search and access train timetables from Sri Lankan Railways from this app designed for your iPhone...


Maddie (37 KP) rated Dark in TV

Dec 11, 2017  
2017 | Crime, Film-Noir, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Cinematography (2 more)
Complex characters
Well acted
Confusing at times (1 more)
Dubbed is terrible, watch it subbed
German Fairytale meet Sci/Fi
This is a beautiful show. It pulls you in with characters that have understandable flaws and tangible humanity, with just the right amount of time travel and nuclear power thrown in.

It's not Stranger Things, don't compare the two. The only similarity is missing kids, and it ends there.

Watch it, but be prepared to focus. The layers of story are artfully crafted, spanning three generations and each one is vital to the story. Also, be prepared to not understand everything. That's okay, let the story peel itself apart slowly and deliciously. Very excited to see where this show goes.

Dean (6927 KP) rated Time Trap (2017) in Movies

May 23, 2019  
Time Trap (2017)
Time Trap (2017)
2017 |
Cool ideas (0 more)
A good low budget surprise
I stumbled across this on Sky cinema the other night. Never heard of it before but saw good reviews for it, so tried it out. It's quite a simple film in terms of plot. Some kids go looking down a cave for a missing professor. Things go from bad to worse once they are down there. If you like sci-fi films about time travel or the like you will like this quite a bit. The budget is low and the acting isn't great but the ideas in the film make up for it. Worth checking out if you are stuck with what to watch.
The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch
The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch
Tom Fletcher | 2019 | Children, Humor & Comedy, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Full of the Christmas magic (0 more)
Can't think of one (0 more)
I believe
The Christmasaurus was wonderful book mixing the children's magic of christmas with dinosaurs, two things kids love. This, the second book in the series doesn't let the magic go, if anything this is a better story. Tom Fletcher manages to weave a complicated story about magic and time travel and yet still make it suitable for children and the illustrations make it even more gorgeous. This series has the potential to be made into a movie and become some of the best love Christmas characters in the world. My daughter loved this book, so did i. She is 8 and I am 40.


    Erin Levi

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    A proudly independent and peaceful Buddhist kingdom, Bhutan is back on the tourist trail after...