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A Tumble Through Time
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Tumble Through Time is a wonderful frolic in the Wild West. When everything is going wrong for Anna, she suddenly finds herself in Kansas, 1870. A slow burning love for the town Marshal, Wes, develops and before you know it, it's love, but for how long?

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book by the author in return for an honest review, and I'm pretty certain Callie Hutton is going to be pretty pleased with it! But firstly, I must thank her for offering me this book to read as it was an absolute delight from start to finish.

Let's start with the plot, time travel meets romance, meets a bit of tragedy, meets a lovely ending. Hutton is spot on with her pace, plot development, writing style and story. It ambles at a lovely easy read pace, and has the feel of a book that you can easily slip in and out of, just like a pair of old jeans! But at times, the drama in the story picks up the pace and makes for irresistible reading. However, for me, the most important point to make is how familiar it feels when you return to the book after a short reading break (and believe me when I say short!) as it feels like you never put the book down. As someone who is frequently interrupted whilst reading, that's a really important thing for me.

Next, we have the characters. Anna and Wes are a delight to read, their love isn't cheesy or over the top, and the sex scenes are incredibly well written. The characters are believable and that makes it so easy to invest your emotions and time into reading about their lives, even if Anna is a bit of a 'modern woman', it's just lovely to see the contrast of times and upbringing completely demolished by their love for each other. In fact, if anything, it made me feel 'loved up' because I was bathed in their happy glow.

One of the final things I feel needs to be pointed out is how historically accurate the book is. This area of history is one of great interest to me, and I like my books to be accurate. Whether it's 'Indian Territory' or Kansas, it's clear how much effort has gone into researching this story, especially the accents. The dialects are fantastically well written, and it was easy to find yourself actually hearing the cowboys and little familiar ditties you've all heard in the classic Wild West movies, and it all adds to how believable the tale is, developing the atmosphere to such an extent you actually think you're there in Denton.

Finally, I suppose there's nothing else to say apart from go and get yourself a copy of this book. It's a delight from cover to cover, and I cannot honestly recommend it highly enough. If you like a bit of romance, a bit of action, a bit of time travel or even just something nice and easy to read sat by the poolside on your holiday then look no further. Callie Hutton is a fantastic and very talented author and I look forward to reading more of her work.

Haley Mathiot (9 KP) rated Wildwing in Books

Apr 27, 2018  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wildwing by Emily Whitman
Genre: YA, romance, time travel, historical fiction
ISBN: 9780061724527
Published: September 21st 2010 by Greenwillow Books

Rating: 5

Addy isn't satisfied in her world, with her life, with the mean girls from school always telling her that she's worthless. She wants to be free, be respected, not have to work for her food every night. She knows she's better than what she's been given… and she's determined to find it. So when she stumbles into a time machine that brings her back to the time of castles and lords and falconers, and she is mistaken for a rich lady betrothed to marry the king, she believes she has found exactly what she wants to do.

But she didn't count on falling in love with a falconer, a nobody. If only she hadn't gone along with the lie, she'd be herself, a nobody too, and Will could be hers.

Addy must decide what she wants, and what is more important, and then fight to get home. But in the process she might lose the people she loves.

Wildwing drew me in from the first line and held me captive until the last words. A poor sweet lovable main character who isn't being treated fairly, she makes every girl understand her pain. Her insecurities are ours. She is one of the more relatable female protagonists I've read this year.

One thing I really liked about the story was Addy and Will's relationship. It wasn't based on pure physical attraction—although I'm adding Will to my list of literary crushes—they spent time together, they learned, they talked, they argued. It wasn't a shallow empty relationship, which is why it hurt so much in the end, and why the resolution was so sweet.

The plot started off so simple, and got more complex with every page. Addy's little schemes and ideas didn't always go through, and she had to improvise. It kept my heart pounding and my mind curious. The writing was very good, though nothing extraordinary. The characters were quickly developed, some became my friends and some were despicable.

This was more than a love story with a time machine; it was a beautiful enchanting story about a young girl who finds out for herself what is important, how to sacrifice, and how to truly fight for what she loves.

All in all I adored this story and recommend it to anyone ages 12+. No sex or language.

This review is copyright Haley Mathiot and Night Owl Reviews. Do not copy without permission.

Original review here:

Joe Goodhart (27 KP) rated 11.22.63 in Books

Nov 30, 2020  
Stephen King | 2012 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
8.8 (47 Ratings)
Book Rating
When this book first came in, back in 2011, I blew it off, despite a marked interest in all things JFK/Lee Harvey Oswald conspiracy related. However, when I saw who had written it, that interest was dashed bits. Jumping ahead to yesterday, when I completed the book, I find myself having to rough myself up mentally for not reading this sooner!

The novel is unlike anything I've read by King. The prose was just right, not too much. Even the use of profanity was toned down = not sure if this was because of the era it was set (unlikely, I apt to believe, as life was not "The Donna Reed Show", contrary to what we would like to believe) or attributable to the fact that Mr. King has, in fact, grown up as a writer. In any case, I liked a whole heckuva lot!

The book had so many good plot elements: time-travel, romance, epic dilemmas, and characters that you genuinely cared about! All of the aforementioned elements added up to a novel worthy of praise and adulatation - many times over!

The story within was so engaging that I finished it within a week after starting it - something I haven't been able to do with a Stephen King novel in a loooong time! Throughout the tale, I found myself smiling, laughing, gripped with tension and suspense, and the hardest emotion to pull: tears of sadness and delight!

Look, I will not mislead or try to "lure" you into reading this. What I do is tell it like this: there more books on the NY Times bestseller list that are just filler for writers' contractual obligations, lacking the real substance or feeling needed for a proper tale.! '11/21/63' has plenty of feeling and substance, enough to offer to some of the other bestsellers on the list now, and then.

And conclusion, I will leave like this: Seriously? You do a lot worse that giving this book the shot it deserves.
A Paradox of Fates (Prevent the Past #1)
A Paradox of Fates (Prevent the Past #1)
Rebecca Hefner | 2020 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A PARADOX OF FATES is the first book in the Prevent the Past series and if you're looking for a science fiction/time travel with hot romance, then you've definitely got the right book.

Now, I'll be honest here, I love science and respect the hell out of anyone who can understand it. Me? Not so much. It's too much for my head to get around and when we start talking about paradoxes and how many times this has looped before? My eyes start glazing over. This is in no way caused by the author's writing. That was gripping stuff, full of humour, betrayal, loss, you name it.

This is absolutely character-led and I am invested in each and every one of them. I'd only read about a quarter of the book and I was looking to see who came next and how the trilogy finished. I was already that invested!

Did anyone mention plot twists? Cause there's more than a couple here! Honestly, I loved how it kept me on my toes. And can I just say - I've never cried so hard over a cat!

This isn't a genre I normally read but after reading Etherya's Earth series and loving Ms Hefner's style of writing, I thought I'd give it a go. And I'm so very glad I did! I am hooked on this series and can definitely recommend it.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 26, 2023
The Wedding Date (2005)
The Wedding Date (2005)
2005 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
5.5 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The first romantic comedy of the year has arrived and sadly, it is likely to do about as much for romantics as the Black Plaque did for European Travel. The film stars Debra Messing stars as Kat Ellis, a successful career woman who is about to travel to England for the wedding of her younger sister.

Sadly for Kat, her ex is the best man at the wedding, and since he left Kat high and dry with only an engagement ring and no explanation. Desperate to get back at her ex, Kat hires a male escort named Nick (Dermot Mulrony), to pose as her boyfriend.

One would think that with a premise such as this, there would be amble opportunity for laughter, romance, and drama; sadly there is precious little of any of this in the film. Messing tries her best but there is nothing in the material for her to work with. The characters are so weak and one dimensional, that you never really connect with them nor care for their plight.

Mulrony is wasted in the film as he generally seems bored and generates zero chemistry with his co star. He is forced to drift from one scene to another without the benefit of well placed transitions or build up, making the film come across as desperately in search of a direction.

Further complicating the film was an apparent overabundance of editing as scenes concluded only to be followed by scenes that took place much later without the benefit of any transition. As if this matter was not bad enough, references to the past scene and events that were not shown to the audience are constant throughout the film.

While all this could be excused, what can’t be excused is the bizarre lack of humor and romance in the film. It does not take a rocket scientist to see where the film is going, but we never get to see the how and why the characters came to this decision. Nick is a professional escort, and as such, it would stand to reason that he would have hard and fast rules about becoming involved with his clients on a serious basis. Yet, for reasons unknown, he is ready to pledge his undying love in just a couple of days to a person he has spent precious little time with, and seems to have next to zero chemistry with.

Some viewers may also take issue with the notion that a career woman feels the need to parade a man around to show her worth and value, and the fact that she had to hire one as she is seemingly incapable of getting and keeping one on her own.

Somewhere along the way, a good concept for a film went horribly wrong, as The Wedding Date is a clich filled effort that is lacking heart and warmth leaving you wanting more.