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How to Survive Your Freshman Year
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rating: 3.75

How To Survive Your Freshman Year contains a truckload of information: at nearly 400 pages and contributions from tons of college students all over the world, it’s not exactly a fast read. How To Survive Your Freshman Year is like an encyclopedia of tips and tricks for Freshman on every topic you can think of, and probably some you didn’t think of.

Twenty chapters and an appendix full of useful information, This book is a great tool for upper class High-schoolers and college Freshman—and even parents—who have questions and concerns, or are just curious and looking for information, or just don’t know what to expect.

I would, however, use with caution. How To Survive Your Freshman Year gathers advice from everyone—Jews, Christians, Atheists, Homosexuals, etc. so there are contradictory pieces of advice, sometimes right next to each other. The thing about this book is you have to know yourself pretty well in order to use it. You have to decide which pieces of advice are suitable for you, which follow your beliefs, and which you should pretend you never heard. The book does post this disclaimer inside it:

Warning: This Guide contains differing opinions. Hundreds of Heads will not always agree. Advice taken in combinations may cause unwanted side effects. Use your Head when selecting advice.

I think this is a reasonable disclaimer, as it’s very true that there are some very opposite viewpoints in here.

Also, some of the information in here is common sense—then again, it may be common to me but not to someone else because of the way I was raised—and those pieces of advice are just taking up space on a page.

And then there was, in my opinion, also a lot of really dumb advice: like sleep with people, it’s ok to goof off your first term, college is about having fun, bring a fake ID. (note these are not direct quotes, they are summaries of various reoccurring pieces of advice.)

All in all, however, the book is beneficial and worth the buy, especially to brand new college students. I don’t attend a university yet, I attend a community college. I’ve found that a lot of the information and advice I have already gone through and experienced, but there were some other helpful things on topics I’ve yet to encounter, such as large lectures and dorms and vacations/study abroad and a few other things.

Content/Recommendation: There is some colorful language used to prove points in some quotes. There is a chapter on dating and sex. But, the age recommendation is to highschool and Freshman college students and parents, so it’s age appropriate. There is also some mention of religions and beliefs, and the word God is changed to G-d, probably to keep from offending some people.

Louise (64 KP) rated Relativity in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
Antonia Hayes | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I was asked to join the blog tour for Relativity I jumped at the chance. The blurb really intrigued me and also there is stunning praise on the front cover from three authors that I have read before: Graeme Simsion, S J Watson and Christos Tsiolkas. With such high praise from these authors I knew I had to read it.

Relativity follows Ethan Forsythe, twelve years old and a very clever young man who has a particular obsession with physics and astronomy. Ethan lives with his single mother Claire in Sydney, as he is getting older he is asking more and more questions about his fathers whereabouts which Claire is particularly hesitant about answering and very mysterious much to Ethans annoyance.

When Ethan gets taken ill, secrets start to unfold and the reasons for his current illness are revealed and how it's connected to his past and father.

I had never heard of Relativity until I was asked to do this Blog Tour, I like to go into books knowing as little as possible so I can form my own opinions and not waiting for twists and turns. Relativity took me by surprise,this is what you would classify as family drama/literary fiction and I devoured this book, needing to know what happened, why Ethan was ill? Why his father wasn't around?

I thought the writing style and prose of this book are beautifully written. I also liked the science parts even sometimes when I couldn't get my head around (I am not great at science). You don't have to be great at physics to follow this book but I think Antonia Hayes must have put a lot of research into the topics that were explored within.

The story is told from third person past tense narrative from the perspectives of Ethan, Claire and Mark. The characters are well-developed,complex and three dimensional. Ethan's character was written really well and believable for a twelve-year-old boy, he would say some profound things and had me laughing out loud.

    Mum,want to know something crazy? Statistically, the probability that I exist is basically zero. Did you know you were born with two million eggs?

I could really empathise with Claire, being a parent myself you will do anything to protect your child and what you feel is best for them. Her anxiety that she was experiencing was palpable, what with introducing Mark back into Ethan's life but there were points where I felt she made some bad decisions and should have discussed it more with Ethan.

I liked reading from Marks perspective, especially towards the end when you get more of a back story, though there is parts sprinkled throughout the book about their relationship and extended family.

Relativity is beautiful, realistic and a well researched novel and definitely recommend picking it up. This is a great debut novel and I am excited to see what Hayes does next.
Pale Blue Scratch
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Full review can be found on:

I was lucky enough to be approached by Jay DiNitto himself, and he sent me a copy of his first novel - Pale Blue Scratch in exchange for an honest review. This is a book unlike anything else I have ever read, and it left me impressed. I dearly enjoyed it, and maybe you will too.

As mentioned above, this is a book unlike any other that I have read. It is a great mix of fiction / action / fast-paced scenes / philosophy / psychology and a little bit of time-travelling.
Even though we have two main characters - Elizabeth and Vincent, this book focused more on Elizabeth, for various reasons.

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There were times when the scenes were slow, and somewhat a bit dull, but there were also times when there were fast-paced scenes that make me bite my nails. Though, as a whole, I found the story to not quite fit my taste. It felt like Elizabeth didn’t have a great or a strong enough reason to do this adventure.

Elizabeth’s character - now this is something quite amusing! I have never met a character like this - so twisted in a cute hippocrytical way. A nun with an adorable sense of humor, that goes around on a mission to make a time-travel machine, and happens to hurt people on her way… I loved her character in a very weird way (don’t judge!)

Now Vincent didn’t quite hit the mark. He seemed more of a plain character, like a little copy of someone else, somewhere, once upon a time. He gave the impression of a person that, unlike Elizabeth, didn’t quite knew where he belonged and what he’s doing. It felt like it didn’t bother him at all. And that’s alright. The moment when this started to hurt me was at the end - when he didn’t change a bit.
Even though a bit disappointed that I didn’t get to read much about time-travelling as I would want to, this book was quite amusing and it covered various random topics that I quite liked. I loved that variety when one moment you talk about religion, the other moment a great action scene happens, and then here we are again, discussing life philosophy.

All in all, to sum it all up - I greatly enjoyed this book! It was definitely unusual read, and unique in every single way. And if you love fiction / action / a bit of time-travelling / humor and philosophy, this might be easily your new favourite book!

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Hazel (1853 KP) rated The Paris Secret in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
The Paris Secret
The Paris Secret
Karen Swan | 2016 | Contemporary, Crime
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

The Paris Secret</i> is Karen Swan’s latest contemporary novel of light mystery, surprises and a hint of romance. A rich family man in France has recently learnt of an abandoned apartment belonging to his long-deceased father. What was even more astonishing was the discovery that the place is stacked top to bottom with famous artwork. Flora Sykes, a British Fine Art Agent, is hired to tell the family more about their newfound possessions.

Although Flora comes from a wealthy family, the opulence of the Vermeil family is overwhelming. Despite the initial welcoming, Flora is disconcerted by the behaviour of their rotten daughter, Natascha, and terse yet handsome son, Xavier. Feeling like she is already unwanted, things get worse after her research exposes a devastating secret about the family’s history. Fearing she is to blame for the Vermeil’s downfall, Flora tries to focus on her work, but her confusing feelings towards Xavier are driving her to distraction.

For art lovers, <i>The Paris Secret</i> will hold great appeal. A vast amount of research has gone into the novel to be able to include such detail about famous painters, artwork, auctions and much more. While the story primarily focuses on said topic, there is also the added touch of romance developing in the latter stages as well as a continuous theme of brotherly sisterly bonds.

A real-life scenario in which a Paris apartment was discovered after being shut up since the Second World War inspired Karen Swan to write this enthralling story. Using this as the bare bones, Swan tried to imagine what the discovery would have been like for the family, how it would alter their futures, and most importantly what it would change about the knowledge of their history. What emerges is a gripping book that emphasizes the importance of family, prejudices and the continued effects of past war.

In a way,<i> The Paris Secret</i> can be viewed as a piece of Chick Lit – it is about a twenty something woman who has never been in love. On the other hand, is there enough romance for it to sit comfortable under this heading? Perhaps not, but that helps to improve the overall storyline. The inevitable romance scenes do not detract from the Art History plot, thankfully limiting the amount of pages some readers may find uncomfortable.

In all honesty you will need to have a little interest, or enough knowledge of the fine art world to get the most out of this book. Although a leisurely read, <i>The Paris Secret</i> contains many highbrow topics and less of the unpretentious lovey-dovey stuff. Flora is an easy character to like and the narrative flows exceptionally well. Karen Swan is a worthy author to keep in mind when browsing for something to read.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Confidence in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Many university students will be able to relate to the panic and dread caused by dissertations and final exams. <i>Confidence</i>, co-written by Rowland Manthorpe and Kirstin Smith, is set at an English university where third year students are cramming in revision sessions in the lead up to their examinations. This story combines two character’s experiences which, although rarely overlap, reveal the effects of the lack of and over-confidence.

Whilst Ellie struggles with her dissertation, Charlie believes that he will successfully complete his degree without the need to revise, giving him more time to focus on his social (and sex) life. Both students are distracted by their less-than-perfect social lives, jeopardizing their exam results and discover that life is not at all what they predicted it to be.

<i>Confidence</i> is a book of multiple stories. Firstly (and secondly) there are Ellie’s and Charlie’s predicaments, but the remainder of the novel contains an autobiography of sorts about the nineteenth-century philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche – whom Ellie is penning her philosophy dissertation on. Whether these sections are an example of a student essay – are the authors aware that they are all written in the third person these days? – Nietzsche’s theories regarding confidence are highly relevant to the theme of the book.

The academically well-written sections about Nietzsche, his life and his spiral into insanity are very interesting to read. Composed in an essay-like format, the information is presented in an easy-to-understand, clear manner, making what in reality is a difficult concept to fathom, simple to comprehend. The fictional narrative, however, is much less pleasing in comparison. Filled with expletives, Manthorpe and Smith paint a stereotypical view of student life. Instead of the hard-working and dedicated people that many students are, they are depicted as alcoholic sex-maniacs.

Whilst negatively categorizing students, other issues are also raised such as feminism and mental health. Whereas these concerns are important topics in the twenty first century, the stigma and inaccurate knowledge about illnesses such as Anorexia is almost unforgivable – “[She] would grow out of it…” Seriously?!

As a story,<i> Confidence</i> falls well below my expectations. Although the stresses of university life are relatable, the characters go to extremes, making their scenarios all the more unrealistic. The essay on Nietzsche on the other hand is an enjoyable, informative piece of writing, which saves <i>Confidence</i> from the fate of a completely negative review. Perhaps my interest in philosophy helped me appreciate the depth of detail and knowledge written about Nietzsche, however I still maintain that it has been composed in such a way as to make it entertaining. Perhaps created with a student audience in mind, <i>Confidence</i> will most likely appeal to readers with the ability to think about the world from a philosophical perspective.
Welcome to Marwen (2018)
Welcome to Marwen (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama
Cap’t Hogie (Steve Carell) is saved from of Nazi’s, after his plane crashed in a swamp in Belgium, by a squad women. They are able to take the beaten and battered Hogie back to their town of Marwen. Or at least that the story Mark Hogancamp (also Steve Carell) has conjured in his art installation outside his trailer home. Mark himself was found by a bartender, Wendy (Stefanie von Pfetten), after he was beaten with an inch of his life by a group of white supremacist. Hogancamp was a successful sketch artist and now can hardly write his own name. He also has little to no memory of the life before the beating. But he is still and artist and now his art lives in the dolls he uses to create a fantasy story that mirrors his real life.

The group of women dolls that seem to always save his Hogie character are all based on the women his life. There is G.I. Julie, aka Julie (Janelle Monae), his rehab partner after his accident and Roberta (Merritt Wever), the friendly neighborhood hobby story clerk. Plus there is Anna (Gwendoline Christie) nurse who brings Hogie his mail and supplies in real life and Carlala (Eiza Gonzalez) his coworker in real life. These make up the majority of his bad ass Nazi killing crew in Marwen. The newest addition is his neighbor Nicole (Leslie Mann) who he think might help him defeat the Nazi’s in Marwen for good and be a special new friend in real life. He will need both his Marwen crew and his real life friends as the sentencing for his real life attackers gets closer and his fragile mental health is pushed to a stressful breaking point.

This unique story is based on the real life of world famous photographic artist Mark Hogancamp. Mark was brutally beaten because he made a smart comment about liking to wear women’s shoes. It’s also a story of overcoming addiction and mental health issues. He turned the disaster into a passion for creating art and using fantasy to cope with tragedy.

This was a really interesting way of telling a one of a kind true story. I thought that director, Robert Zemeckis (Forest Gump, Flight) used both real life and the fantasy world of Marwen to create one story. There were times when the story really didn’t flow great between the two worlds but overall was really original filmmaking. The pace and flow were a little off with the transitions. I thought the animation was exceptionally done. The story also had a bunch of topics it tackled, from mental health and memory loss to addiction but also had a good mix of humor. Carell dual performances were really well done and the supporting cast was also good. Films that are original and try new and interesting things are always worth a view in my opinion. I could see the content not really being for everyone but I thought the overall story left me feeling good.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Slingshot in Books

May 6, 2021  
Mercedes Helnwein | 2021 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An honest and emotional YA read
Grace Welles is fifteen, trapped at a third-rate boarding school in Florida, and pretty much resigned to a lonely and miserable life. Her father has another (real) family in California, sneaking away to occasionally remember that Grace and her beautiful, flighty mother exist. Grace has no friends. But one day she helps a fellow student, Wade, who is being attacked by a group of popular boys. The two form a strange friendship that eventually blossoms into more. Suddenly, life has meaning. But with this meaning, comes feelings, and the realization that there may be more to Wade than his kind and cool exterior.

I've been sitting on this review, because I honestly cannot tell if this book was amazing or terrible. I know, I know--how is that possible? Helnwein has written something very different here, in many ways: a raw, awkward story that often makes you cringe and want to look away. She spares no detail (or language) when covering Gracie's forays into friendship, drinking, and sex. You forget she's fifteen/sixteen, which is probably what makes it so hard, at times. Yes, she's alone at boarding school, but still? Is this what happens at boarding school? Perhaps that's my problem with all boarding school tales. (At least no one gets murdered.) It's a paradox. Grace falls in love with her biology teacher, which seems sweetly realistic. But when he rejects her, she curses him, destroys his property, and more--is this truly allowed, even at a third rate school? Every thing is excused as "needing the tuition money." Not so realistic.

If you're able to overlook the terrifying behavior of these young students (perhaps made all the more frightening to me, as the mother of young daughters, one of whom is actually named Grace), there are some poignant moments here. Helnwein really does capture the beauty and absolute fear of falling in love for the first time, and Grace and Wade's relationship is pretty magical. The self-centeredness of adolescence--how the world revolves around nothing else. Much of Grace's coming of age is realizing that a great big world exists beyond her. But it's tender and sweet watching her fall. There are some cute friendships too.

At many times, this is a funny and heartbreaking book. There are a lot of serious topics hidden between the craziness. Gracie and Wade are truly lovely characters, and I cared for both of them deeply. I think I was just thrown by some of the characters acting/speaking older than their age and the fact that the book truly tells it how it is, right in your face. It takes a bit of an adjustment. I'm not sure this book is for everyone, but there's a tenderness and beauty to it, and I think many teens would enjoy it. 3 stars.
Everything but the Truth
Everything but the Truth
Gillian McAllister | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really don’t know, what I was expecting from this book, but it left me absolutely confused. I still can’t decide if I liked it or not. I enjoyed the story, but why did it make me feel bored at the same time?

This is a story told by Rachel, about the secrets Jack was hiding. But the funny part is, Rachel has her own secrets, which she is hiding from Jack. So there are so many lies in this book, that I am wondering, how these two even a couple. When Rachel found out that Jake is hiding something, she went all the way into finding it out. Full homemade detective: snooping around, checking emails, ordering court material, everything to find out what Jack is hiding. Why? Because Jack is not telling the truth, but amending it, to fit his needs. What she finds out shocks her, but leaves her confused as well. Is he really guilty?

I really enjoyed the determination of this little investigation. I liked the ways Rachel was seeking the truth, it was interesting to watch, and quite relatable. Most probably we all checked our other half’s phone, or observed their actions during some situations. The book was time travelling between past and present. The way author incorporated Rachel’s story from the past, with one of her cancer patients, was very amusing. I liked the way she described her feelings towards the boy, it was beautiful.

This book is full of decisions, and really difficult ones. The ones regarding Jack were quite repetitive to be honest, just like the whole wish to find everything out. It was written in so many places, why Rachel wants to know the truth, that it made it boring. Another thing, which was not my favourite, was her decision, which she should’ve taken after finding out the truth, that confusion was so dragged, that I wanted to shout “Either you want him or not, stop beating about the bush!”.

The themes used in this book where quite interesting, and they made me question myself, what I would’ve done in Jack’s place? Or, was Rachel’s decision right regarding her cancer patient? What I would’ve done in her place? That’s why this book made me confused, because it has really deep meaning and interesting topics, but it was boring at the same time.

The writing style of this novel is easy to read, with lovely and short chapters. This book didn’t offer any twists or turns in my opinion, and kind of just plodded along. Whatever twists or turns supposedly were in this book, were really predictable, even the ending of the book was predictable. So to conclude, I enjoyed some of the parts of this book, but I think it could’ve been better. Doctors, nurses, or people who have someone suffering from cancer would find this book close to their hearts and maybe a good read…
Was given this book by publisher and NetGalley for honest review.
Here and Gone
Here and Gone
Haylen Beck | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
All my reviews can be found on

I was enjoying it from the first pages of the book. The description above describes this book quite well. It started with Audra in the car with her children. That got my attention. Why? Where are they going? And little by little the main character Audra, unfolded it. I am not big fan of the books about children and their parents, because all you read is how much parents love their kids. But this book somehow gripped me. The main character suffered a lot in her life, so the way she was trying to fight for her kids and not to give up, really made me respect her. I think, that author of this novel, done a great job by letting all the main characters to speak in this book, even the evil ones. Another great point of this book, that author was finishing every chapter with a cliff hanger, and then just starting the next chapter with different characters story. It was so addictive, and all I wanted was to figure out, how the previous story finished. I enjoyed reading the story from children’s perspective as well. The little boy, Sean, was a real sweetheart; incredibly smart, caring and a little hero. (Reminder, I do not like children). The ability to read the story from different perspectives and told by different characters made it very enjoyable, and allowed to understand the characters way better.

The whole plot was happening in one area and was really concentrated on a small, dying town of Silver Water. I really liked the whole story; I found it really original and very interesting. The more I read this book, the catchier it got. I really liked how this story unfolded, with Audra’s difficult past, husband’s abuse, and her fight for her children at present. I really enjoyed the twists and turns in this book. When I thought that is no one there to help Audra, author nicely twisted in a help for her. I liked the topics this novel was discussing: different ways of emotional abuse against women; hard life and decisions when you don’t have money; corrupt authorities and how they can ruin people’s lives.

The writing style of this book is not difficult and language used makes this book a pleasant and easy read. As I mentioned in my previous reviews, I’m a big fan of short chapters, and this book is another winner in that category for me. On the other hand, there are some violent details in this book, so if you have weak nerves, be prepared. The ending of the book was well thought through and didn’t leave me disappointed. It was well deserved after everything. So to conclude, it is twisted, fast paced and addictive thriller filled with mother’s fight and love for her children, and surprisingly I really enjoyed it.

Was given this book by publisher and NetGalley for honest review.
The Whisper Man
The Whisper Man
Alex North | 2019 | Crime, Thriller
7.6 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel was told from multiple perspectives, but the main characters in this book were Jake and his dad Tom. They move to a new town after Tom’s wife dies. The town is quite ordinary, except for the fact that they moved to a house locally called “the scary house”, and that a child disappeared and was found murdered, and then Jake starts to hear the whispers just outside his window… &#x1f62e;

I really enjoyed this book and the story. The characters chosen for this novel are quite ordinary, but at the same time incredibly mysterious. I really enjoy reading multiple perspectives, and especially when the murderer’s thoughts are incorporated as well, and this book didn’t disappoint me with that. I really liked how the author delivered the characters, he concentrated on the important ones, and I was able to find out more about them. My favourite character has to be Jake, he is smart, sweet, interesting, and he truly shines in this book. I really enjoyed the variety of characters as well.

The narrative of this novel is very creatively crafted, it has plenty of twists and surprises, and I really liked the way Alex North was building up the suspense throughout this novel. This book had not only chills and thrills, but also some very deep and insightful monologues as well. The characters discussed such topics as loss and how they are dealing with it, how fathers influence their sons, alcoholism and it’s consequences, single parent struggles, and many more. Even though there are female characters in this novel, the author concentrates more on Father-Son bond and relationships, and it feels quite masculine at times, and I really liked reading about it.

I enjoyed the writing style of this book, the book was very well composed and delivered. The chapters are short, so it was very hard to put it down. There are some very disturbing scenes in this book related to dead seven-year-old children, so it is not for faint-hearted readers. Even though this story is very gripping, I was expecting something more from the culmination, it was good, but it could’ve been even better. I liked how this book ended, I think it rounded the story very nicely. There is not much information about the author himself, but I believe it was his debut novel, and I truly hope that there will be more coming in the near future. &#x1f642;

So, to conclude, it was a true page turner for me, that left me scared at night. I loved the complex characters, unexpected discoveries, and always lingering fear and creepiness. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and I strongly recommend it to all mystery and thriller fans. There are rumours that there will be a film, and I absolutely can’t wait to see, how it will be adapted to the big screen.