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Alex Trybus (79 KP) rated Pokémon GO in Apps

Jan 26, 2018  
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO
Games, Health & Fitness
It is very organized (page for Pokemon, page for items, map, etc.) (2 more)
LOVE the idea of traveling and walking around in real life and having that change what happens in the app
The new feature that makes the weather of where you live change your pokemon is amazing
I won't be fully satisfied with the app until you can start "friending" people (1 more)
There are still a lot of glitches that need to be worked out
Good app with a lot of potential
I have been using this gaming app since it first came out almost two years ago. I spent the entire summer running around the neighborhood gathering up an army of Pokemon just like everyone else was doing at the time. I adored it- it was so much fun! Eventually the glitter wore off, just like any new game, and I stopped opening it every single day like I used to. But then, upon hearing of all the new changes to it this year (like raids, battles, etc.) I decided to download it again. I love the new weather feature, and how you can create a little "group" of your favorite Pokemon. I like the app now, and I think it's very enjoyable, but I think it still has MUCH more potential. I won't be fully satisfied with it until you're able to friend people, see their stats, talk to them, and maybe even begin trading Pokemon and items. That being said, should you ever see me in a gym or in a raid battle, my user tag is @alexthegloom !!!
Slaughter and Forgetting (Josef Slonsky Investigations #2)
Slaughter and Forgetting (Josef Slonsky Investigations #2)
Graham Brack | 2018 | Crime, Mystery
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another great Slonsky book!!
In my opinion, Slonsky just seems to get better and better. He’s lazy, sarcastic and constantly drinking beer and eating anything that isn’t regarded as healthy.
This time, he’s solving a thirty year old murder, after an elderly ex-policeman asks him to reopen the case. This appears unlikely to happen, until Holoubek (the elderly policeman) is killed in a hit and run.
We’re introduced to a new character, Peiperova, a female police officer, who Navratil certainly has a soft spot for. I think she is going to feature a lot in the books that follow!
There’s a lot of humour in this book, especially the darker variety. We are given an insight in to the communist past of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and it isn’t all nice. Some is quite amusing though: a trade deal with Hungary that involved trading Hi-Fi’s for toasters!!
For all Slonsky’s apparent laziness, he is actually very good at what he does. He has a moral code - he hates to see people get hurt, and a lot of thought goes into this case (even if it is done whilst sat in a bar, beer in hand!).
I’m a big fan of Slonsky. I love his fast wit, and the way that he tries to cover up a razor sharp mind - with a camouflage of pastries, beer and sausage!
I’ll be adding the next Slonsky book to my kindle ASAP!
Many thanks to Sapere books for my copy of this great book.
Drum Spectacular by Kenny Clare & Ronnie Stephenson
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I hate saying this, but it did what it said on the sleeve! It was them two and it was a lot of drums. It was one of the first records I would listen to because a lot of jazz drumming is very difficult and complicated, if you listen to somebody like Buddy Rich you can't help but think how does he do that; what is he doing? How do you do that? It's very complex which always scared me off. Kenny Clare and Ronnie Stephenson had that same technical proficiency but they didn't use it the same way. They were much more in the mould of Gene Krupa. The parts that they'd play were very musical. I don't know if they were musical to people who weren't drummers, but to me it all made sense. Some of the stuff they did was almost melodic, like patterns on the toms and breaks, and then just trading off each other, which I thought was pretty cool because it was like hearing two people being inspired. Again that was something that really came in with The Damned, with Brian and me. It was almost like a competition sometimes: he would play something and then I would go okay, if you're going to do that then I'm going to do this. And I think that probably came to us from listening to these drum battles and taking on the mentality of that; feeding on what's going on around you, regardless of what it is."

Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (2007)
Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (2007)
2007 | Action, Sci-Fi
Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) returns in “Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End”, the third film in the series which has set box office records the world over. Picking up shortly after the events of the previous film, “Dead Man’s Chest”, it’s a new world for pirates and those who associate with pirates. Once the hunters, they’ve become the hunted, rounded up by The East India Trading Company, headed by Lord Cutler Beckett (Tom Hollander). Now under Beckett’s command, The Flying Dutchman, and its miserable, unforgiving captain, Davy Jones (Bill Nighy), sails the seven seas hunting pirate ships and giving no quarter.

Will Turner (Orlando Bloom), Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley) and Captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) journey to exotic Singapore and confront Chinese pirate Captain Sao Feng (Chow Yun-Fat) to gain charts, and a ship, that will take them off to world’s end, to rescue Jack from his cursed fate in Davy Jone’s Locker.

They need to gather the Nine Lords of the Brethren Court, their only hope to defeat Beckett, the Flying Dutchman, and his Armada. Sao Feng is one of the nine lords as is Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp). Their clandestine meeting does not go unnoticed, with the East India Trading Company dispatching troops to interfere, and soon a battle royale erupts in one of the films better moments, which sadly were few and far between.

British troops and treacherous waters dispensed with, Elizabeth, Captain Barbosa, and Will Turner (Orlando Bloom), are reunited with Jack, which sets into motion a very long, and at times confusing series of events. Jack is trying to avoid his debt to the squid faced Davy Jones, while Will is hoping to free his father from the Flying Dutchman as well, and at the same time restore his damaged relationship with Elizabeth.

While this covers the main three characters, the agenda for the others in the film are much more murky, especially that of Barbossa and other members of the Brethren Court who join together and seem content to risk life and limb without much in the way of compensation. There is a tacked on subplot about the Pieces of Eight that are needed to free a magical entity who may be of help in their battle with the deadly Jones and his otherworldly crew, but sadly most of the film’s nearly three hour running times seems either unnecessary and/or confusing as it works its way towards the final climax.

When the film does shift back into action mode which thankfully comes in the final 30 minutes or so of the film, with great special effects, the attractive and nimble cast really get a chance to shine. It is easily the most enjoyable and invigorating action sequence in all three of the films, and is almost worth the wait it took to get there. Almost. The film suffers mightily from the convoluted plot, dragging painfully on for long stretches of time, and only seems to come to life when Depp is on the screen. Sadly that is not nearly enough to save the film, weighed down as it is by the issues I’ve already detailed.

Although visually spectacular, I had high hopes for this film, especially after the great, but somewhat disturbing, opening sequence. Any momentum gained from that was quickly lost and the film soon became a bloated extravaganza of style over substance that was badly in need of having 45-60 minutes trimmed from its running time.
The Inn at Hidden Run (Tree of Life #1)
The Inn at Hidden Run (Tree of Life #1)
Olivia Newport | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hidden Run is a B&B in the small town of Canyon Mines, just outside of Denver, Colorado. When a stranger comes to town looking lost, Jillian and her father Nolan are determined to help her find her way. Meri comes from a family of doctors, but that is not what she wants to do. Maybe coming to Colorado, a place she last felt like herself will help her to find the future that is best for her.

Thank you to NetGalley & Barbour Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this book.

The title of this book really isn't fitting for what it contains. It's much more than the Inn. That is where Meri is situated while in Colorado, but it's really about the people in the town that help her when she is lost. Meri loves her family, but doesn't feel the calling to be a doctor like everyone else for generations has been. When she comes to Canyon Mines, Jillian, who is a genealogist, helps her to find her family roots and maybe explain while she feels the way she does.

I gave this book three stars, because it didn't grasp my attention right away. At times it felt as if the story line kept repeating the same things, like the author copy and pasted a line from one chapter to all the other chapters in the book. Overall the book is enjoyable, trading from modern day Colorado, to 1800's Memphis during the yellow fever outbreak. This is a good book for those the enjoy historical fiction. I did learn a lot about that epidemic which includes some very factual details in this story.
Jaws (1975)
Jaws (1975)
1975 | Thriller
When you think of classic blockbusters, or classic horror, or classic creature features, Jaws is surely a title that will spring to mind. A true masterpiece of cinema that manages to fit and excel in all of the above categories.
Spielberg completely changed how films were planned and released with what is widely considered to be the first summer blockbuster, and all these years later, it's still an effective rollercoaster ride.
The opening scene is utterly harrowing without a drop of blood to be seen, and sets the tone in a dramatic and iconic manner. After some efficient character introductions, we're straight into one of the most anxiety inducing scenes in cinema history, as Chief Brody sits on a packed beach, scanning the shore for danger. The constant barrage of characters interrupting his line of view and talking at him, over him, over eachother, it's almost unbearable, and is paid off with a truly horrifying moment. It's one of many scenes in Jaws that flaunts some masterful editing.
The second half of the film is essentially the three leads - Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfuss - all jostling to chew up the scenery. The chemistry between all of them is wonderful, from the thrilling chase of hunting the shark, to them kicking back, trading scar stories and singing shanties, to Quints incredible monologue, to the infamous Ahab-esque climax. It's a joy to watch unfold.
The shark itself has a tendency to look a little goofy by todays standards, but an incredible feat for the time.

Jaws is held in such high regard for a reason. It's a film that truly thrills, scares, and delights its audience in equal measure, and still stands tall almost 50 years later. One of the best of all time.
Awkward Guests
Awkward Guests
2016 | Card Game, Deduction, Humor, Murder & Mystery
One of my favorite classic mass-market games is definitely Clue. Murder, mystery, and a bit of deduction make for an engaging and entertaining game! That being said, even classic games can use a little updating from time to time. Allow me to introduce to you a Clue-on-steroids kind of game named Awkward Guests. How does it hold up to the OG staple? Keep reading to find out!

Mr. Walton has been murdered! You have been called in to investigate and get to the bottom of this gruesome mystery. By interrogating the suspects and the household staff, searching for clues, and examining the crime scene, you must decide WHO the killer is, WHY did they commit the murder, and HOW it was done. There may or may not even be an accomplice that needs to be caught too. Put your deduction skills to the test as you work to be the first investigator to solve the case!

Disclaimer: I do not intend to rehash the entire rulebook in this review, but rather give a general overview of the rules and gameplay. To read the entire rulebook, check out the game at your FLGS or directly from the publisher! -L

Awkward Guests is a card game of hand management, trading, and deduction in which the players are trying to be the first player to solve the murder of Mr. Walton. The game is actually pretty simple to play. To start, each player receives a hand of 6 cards and a case tracking sheet. The cards will have one or more references (case information) on them, as well as a value of 1-3 points, depending on the reliability of the information presented on the card. On your turn, you will ask for information about two different references in which you are interested. The other players will then look through their cards, and offer some or all that pertain to the chosen references in trade to the active player. The active player may then choose a player with whom to trade, giving that player any number of cards, as long as their value equals or exceeds the value of the cards received in trade. Look at your new cards, make notes on your case tracking sheet, and play continues to the next player. After all players have inquired and traded cards, players have the opportunity to solve the mystery. You must know WHO, HOW, and WHY, and possibly the identity of the ACCOMPLICE depending on case difficulty, in order to solve the mystery. If nobody is ready to solve, everyone discards their hand down to 3, and draws new cards to a hand size of 6. A new round then begins, and play continues until one player successfully solves the mystery.

When you get down to it, Awkward Guests is easy to learn and play. It mostly consists of trading cards to learn information. That’s it. And that’s what makes it a great game, in my opinion. Although it feels more involved than regular Clue, the gameplay itself is very similar and that familiarity is reassuring. One thing that elevates Awkward Guests above Clue is the fact that it requires so much more strategy than original Clue. In Clue, when asking for information, you are asking 1 specific opponent for information, and they have to provide it if they have it. In Awkward Guests, you are able to ask all opponents for information, and they can offer as much or as little information as they want. It increases the amount of strategy required to play, and takes it from a simple grid movement memory game, to one that encourages deduction and compromise. Since players are trading cards, you never know who is holding what cards at any given time, and that makes it harder to pinpoint the information you may need. You can’t just memorize another player’s hand of cards, because on any given turn that hand has completely changed. Along those lines as well, you have to decide what information you are willing to trade, in hopes of receiving useful information in return. You don’t want to just trade back the same cards to the same players in an effort to stunt their investigation, because that could deter them from trading with you in the future. You have to decide when is the right time to trade, and what information you are willing to hand to your opponents, because you need to be receiving new information as well.

Another brilliant thing about Awkward Guests is the amount of replayability. Each case uses a different combination of cards, and with so many cards, that means that thousands of different game decks could be generated and played as individual cases. The game design and card system boasts a possible total of 3,600 case solutions, each reached through these different card deck combinations. No matter how many times you play, it is almost guaranteed that you will never play the same case twice. That being said, the biggest downside of Awkward Guests for me is the actual game setup and teardown. Each case deck requires certain cards, so that means to set up, you have to search through all 243 cards and pull out only those required for the selected case. And then after the game, you must sort them all back into their correct order. That just takes a bit of time, and makes it a game that can’t just be played on the fly.

One other downside for me when playing Awkward Guests are the player screens. Each player receives a screen to block their case tracking sheet from opponents. As you learn information, you write it on your sheet to help keep track of your notes and accusations throughout the game. The player screens are also reference sheets, providing much gameplay information to alleviate the need to reference the rulebook at every turn. The downside is that there is just SO MUCH information in the player screens. It is quite overwhelming, and honestly, makes the game seem more complicated and confusing than it really is. I appreciate the effort to provide that cheat-sheet, but it needs to be majorly edited and redacted to be truly useful.

Let’s talk components. The game comes with some high quality double-sided case tracking sheets, and nice sturdy cards and cardboard components. It’s pretty simple, but really gets the job done effectively. The artwork is pretty basic and the color scheme is mostly monochromatic. It may not be the most exciting game to look at, but the lack of colors makes it feel appropriately thematic.

Overall, Awkward Guests is a good step-up game from Clue. It requires strategy, deduction, and even though the game is ultimately competitive, selective cooperation is a key to success. As a huge fan of Clue as a child, I can definitely say that I am a fan of Awkward Guests as an adult. Originally printed in a different language, this game was brought to Kickstarter with an English version in 2018, and I am certainly thankful that the decision was made to reprint it in English! If you like deduction games with a twist, I would absolutely recommend giving this one a shot. Purple Phoenix Games gives Awkward Guests a mysterious 17 / 24.
2009 | Animals, Card Game
Finding a time when the entire group can get together to game can be rare – there always seems to be at least one person who cannot come. But fear not! Low attendance at any given game night does not automatically make it a dud! There are many excellent games for only two players, and that brings us to Jaipur!

Congratulations! You have become one of the most powerful traders in the Indian city of Jaipur – nobody can strike a deal quite like you! Only the best merchant will have the privilege of trading directly with the Maharajah (the city leader), and that is definitely you! Or at least, it was until a new competitor showed up and started swiping your customers… Will you give up your position willingly? Of course not! Through cunning strategy, you can prove that you are still the best trader the city has to offer – so let the competition begin!

In Jaipur, you and your opponent take turns buying, trading, and selling goods and camels for money. Out-sell your opponent in two out of three rounds to become the greatest tradesperson! Collect sets of the same goods to maximize your earnings, and use your camels wisely in trades as you try to anticipate the market trends. On your turn, you can take one of four actions: 1. Take a single good from the market, 2. Take all of the camels from the market, 3. Exchange goods/camels from your hand for multiple goods in the market, or 4. Sell goods. What will your strategy be? Monopolize the market in a specific good, or dabble in all goods? Try to anticipate your opponent’s strategy and throw a wrench in their plans, or mind your own business? No matter what you choose, strategy is the key to success in Jaipur, so make it count!

Jaipur is probably my favorite two-player game to date. The rules are simple enough, the mechanics (card drafting and set collection) are straight-forward, and it requires enough strategy to make it a fun challenge! Since it is a specifically two-player game, everything you do directly impacts your opponent. On your turn, not only are you trying to think of the best move for you to make, but you must also be thinking of what your opponent is trying to accomplish. If a couple of rounds pass and I see my opponent picking up silver goods, I can probably guess they’re hoping to make bank by selling a complete set. So do I pick up the next silver I see on my turn? Or do I cash in the set of diamonds that I’ve been secretly picking up each round? My strategy is constantly changing based on what cards appear in the market at any given time, and that is what elevates this technically simple game for me!

The only grievance for me with Jaipur has to do with the market distribution. The market cards are re-shuffled at the end of each round, and sometimes the shuffling is not balanced. I have lost many rounds because I am forced to take low-scoring goods or camels from a saturated market, only to reveal high-scoring goods for my opponent to take on their turn. Ultimately, that is not an issue with the game, but an issue with my poor card-shuffling ability. If anything, I try to see it as a strategic challenge – how can I best use these lowly goods to balance out the better cards my opponent has picked up? Nothing is a given in this game, and the market can completely change in a single turn!

If you want a quick but engaging game, look no further than Jaipur. It’s a solid two-player game that deserves more love! Purple Phoenix Games gives it a 16 / 18 (Bryan hasn’t played it yet).

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Havana Sleeping in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
Havana Sleeping
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

<i>Havana Sleeping</i> is a historical mystery novel by British author Martin Davies, which is based on real events that occurred in Cuba during the 1850s. Although the Slave Trade had been abolished in England, there were still people in America and Cuba who would be happy for slavery to remain legal. George Backhouse was posted to Havana, Cuba as a British Judge to take a stand against the illegal slave trading.

Backhouse ends up getting involved in a lot of complicated situations that could potentially spark a devastating war. His path also becomes tied up with the other main character, Leandra Leigh. Whilst most of the characters are real historical figures, Leandra appears to be fictional. A dear friend of hers, a watchman, was murdered during a supposed robbery and although the matter has been closed for a couple of years Leandra is determined to find out the truth – something of limited value in Havana. To begin with Backhouse and Leandra’s investigations seem unrelated, but a connection begins to build up as the story goes on.

In all honesty, the novel was very difficult to get into. There is nothing wrong with the actual writing as such, it is in fact written well and grammatically correct, however there was a lack of excitement in the narrative. It was also difficult to keep track of the characters – admittedly that may have been the point in the case of a couple of people, but as a result it was impossible to connect story. There were a few attempts of showing emotion, mostly surrounding Leandra’s character, yet this failed to arouse much interest.

From a historical point of view, those interested in Cuban and British history of this time period may be interested in reading <i>Havana Sleeping</i> and the author also includes some factual notes at the end of the book, but anyone hoping to get a story of some kind is bound to be disappointed.
Trading Places (1983)
Trading Places (1983)
1983 | Comedy
Laugh out loud (4 more)
Gorilla based hijinx
The good Eddie Murphy
The classic bet goes wrong
Drunken, gun toting Santa
Xmas never looked so good
One of my favourite Xmas films and it goes beyond the season with some great performances from a on form Eddie Murphy and a wacky and deranged Dan Aykroyd. The interplay between them and there descent and rise through the class system allows them to show some different character traits that make this film interesting and thoughtful. The classic bet between 2 unscrupulous and Rick characters pits nature against nurture and is the key plot for the film. Murphy is a product of the mean streets and lives a fast changing life to hustle money and Dan Aykroyd is an elite and upper class snob with everything going right in his life. A complete reversal of their fortunes is arranged due to the bet and this is where the comedic journey really begins with drugs, hookers, thefts, dodgy deals and the scene stealing bi curious goriila who I believe is and unshaven James Belushi

In another world it would have been that duo of Wilder and Pryor who were considered to play the lead roles with the working title of Black and White. I think it may have had a different edge if that was the case.

There was a law made called the Eddie Murphy Rule in America that banned insider trading so this film had a lasting effect but I think there are more better uses of the term Eddie Murphy Rule for some of his shenanigans he has been involved in since this film.

Overall this film takes pride of place at Xmas time but I have often enjoyed it outside of this period, one of the 80s funniest and eccentric films and it just gets me on that basic level that makes me love it dearly like only a gorrila based love triangle can